Removed 20 rows containing missing values (geom_segment)? - ggplot2

I don't know why it is giving the waring message of Removed 20 rows containing missing values (geom_segment). I have checked for NA's using sum( and answer is 0 and maxium data point is 72 on y-axis.
I tried coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 80)) but nothing has changed.
Would highly appriciate any suggestions.
Here is my code
plot3 <- plot2+scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,70,10))


Finding the % of missing values from the entire dataset

The shape of my dataset is (130,20) which can be found using the df.shape command of python. I also found out the total number of missing values in the data set using df.isnull().sum().sum() command.
Now I want to know the % of missing values in the dataset.
Total value 130*20 = 2600
total missing values = 850
% of missing values (850/2600)*100 = 32.69%
I am not sure my method is alright for fining % of missing values.
Any help would be appreciated.
I usually do

Discrepancy between "query_exec" and "bq_table_download" using bigrquery

So far I used bigrquery's query_exec to download timeseries data from BigQuery.
sql <- "SELECT Date, val1, val2
FROM `mydata`
WHERE DATE(_PARTITIONTIME) BETWEEN '2020-05-01' AND '2020-06-01'"
project <- "myproj"
df <- query_exec(sql, project = project, max_pages = Inf, use_legacy_sql = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()
Since the last update a warning appears indicating that query_exec is deprecated and instead bq_table_download in conjuction with bq_project_query should be used.
tb <- bq_project_query(project, sql)
df <- bq_table_download(tb, page_size = 100000)
Adjusting my code resulted in a dataframe of the same size (more than 4 million rows) as doing the request with query_exec. However, from row ~80000 onwards now only dates of format 1970-01-01 appear and the remaining columns are either empty or contain zeros. Using the old way with query_exec still works and results in the correctly formatted dataframe.
Any ideas what could be the problem here?
This is most likely related to the page_size parameter that you set to 100000. If this is increased to bigger numbers the results are not properly parsed anymore and some NAs or wrongly parsed errors appear. I assume that you dates come out as 1970-01-01 because of that.
Try setting the page_size to something closer to the default 10000 and it should work. I have not yet found the perfect value, but 20000 works fine for me.

Unable to slice year from date column using negative indexing with pandas

I have a simple data set, where we have a Dates column from which I want to extract the year.
I am using the negative index to get the year
d0['Year'] = d0['Dates'].apply(lambda x: x[-1:-5])
This normally works, however, not on this. A blank column is created.
I sampled the column for some of the data and saw no odd characters present.
I have tried the following variations
d0['Year'] = d0['Dates'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[-1:-5]) # column is created and it is blank.
d0['Year'] = d0.Dates.str.extract('\d{4}') # gives an error "ValueError: pattern contains no capture groups"
d0['Year'] = d0['Dates'].apply(lambda x: str(x).replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]','a')[-1:-5]) # same - gives a blank column
Really not sure what other options I have and where is the issue.
What possibly can be the issue?
Below is a sample dump of the data I have
2000 Southwest Georgia tornado outbreak,"February 13–14, 2000",Georgia,17,18,"Produced a series of strong and deadly tornadoes that struck areas in and around Camilla, Meigs, and Omega, Georgia. Weaker tornadoes impacted other states."
2000 Fort Worth tornado,"March 28, 2000",U.S. South,10,2,"Small outbreak produced an F3 that hit downtown Fort Worth, Texas, severely damaging skyscrapers and killing two. Another F3 caused major damage in Arlington and Grand Prairie."
2000 Easter Sunday tornado outbreak,"April 23, 2000","Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas",33,0,
"2000 Brady, Nebraska tornado","May 17, 2000",Nebraska,1,0,"Highly photographed F3 passed near Brady, Nebraska."
2000 Granite Falls tornado,"July 25, 2000","Granite Falls, Minnesota",1,1,"F4 struck Granite Falls, causing major damage and killing one person."
To extract year from "Dates" column , as object type use
da['Year'] = da['Dates'].apply(lambda x: x[-4:])
If you want to use it as int then , you could do following operations after doing the step above

Why can't I read all of the values in the matrix in scilab?

i am trying to read a csv file and my code is as follows
param=csvRead("C:\Users\USER\Dropbox\VOA-BK code\assets\Iris.csv",",","%i",'double',[],[],[1 2 3 4]); //reads number of clusters and features
data=csvRead("C:\Users\USER\Dropbox\VOA-BK code\assets\Iris.csv",",","%f",'double',[],[],[3 1 19 4]); //reads the values
numft=param(1,1);//save number of features
numcl=param(2,1);//save number of clusters
data_pts = max(size(data, "r"));//checks how many number of rows
disp(data(numft-3:data_pts,:));//print all data points (I added -3 otherwise it displays only 15 rows)
disp(numft);//print features
disp(data_pts);//print features
below is the values that i am trying to read
I do not know why the code only displays 15 rows instead of 17. The only time it displays the correct matrix is when i put -3 in numft but with that, the number of columns would be 1. I am so confused. Is there a better way to read the values?
In the csvRead call in the first line of your script the boundaries of the region to read is incorrect, it should be corrected like this:
param=csvRead("C:\Users\USER\Dropbox\VOA-BK code\assets\Iris.csv",",","%i",'double',[],[],[1 2 2 2]);

Dataframe non-null values differ from value_counts() values

There is an inconsistency with dataframes that I cant explain. In the following, I'm not looking for a workaround (already found one) but an explanation of what is going on under the hood and how it explains the output.
One of my colleagues which I talked into using python and pandas, has a dataframe "data" with 12,000 rows.
"data" has a column "length" that contains numbers from 0 to 20. she wants to divided the dateframe into groups by length range: 0 to 9 in group 1, 9 to 14 in group 2, 15 and more in group 3. her solution was to add another column, "group", and fill it with the appropriate values. she wrote the following code:
data['group'] = np.nan
mask = data['length'] < 10;
data['group'][mask] = 1;
mask2 = (data['length'] > 9) & (data['phraseLength'] < 15);
data['group'][mask2] = 2;
mask3 = data['length'] > 14;
data['group'][mask3] = 3;
This code is not good, of course. the reason it is not good is because you dont know in run time whether data['group'][mask3], for example, will be a view and thus actually change the dataframe, or it will be a copy and thus the dataframe would remain unchanged. It took me quit sometime to explain it to her, since she argued correctly that she is doing an assignment, not a selection, so the operation should always return a view.
But that was not the strange part. the part the even I couldn't understand is this:
After performing this set of operation, we verified that the assignment took place in two different ways:
By typing data in the console and examining the dataframe summary. It told us we had a few thousand of null values. The number of null values was the same as the size of mask3 so we assumed the last assignment was made on a copy and not on a view.
By typing That returned 3 values: 1,2 and 3 (surprise) we then typed and it summed up to 12,000!
So by method 2, the group column contained no null values and all the values we wanted it to have. But by method 1 - it didnt!
Can anyone explain this?
see docs here.
You dont' want to set values this way for exactly the reason you pointed; since you don't know if its a view, you don't know that you are actually changing the data. 0.13 will raise/warn that you are attempting to do this, but easiest/best to just access like:
data.loc[mask3,'group'] = 3
which will guarantee you inplace setitem