I m trying to handle SSE in the frontend developped using Nuxt3
I didn t find any material that explains how to do it
Any help?
I searched for tutorial, i looking for a module to handle this subject
I'm coding a website that uses VueJS 2 for frontend and Strapi for CMS and api management. What I am wondering here is that I am limited in terms of algorithms to make them work, hoping to get some help from experienced people who have done this before.
You can try out the utility libraries for vue for localization.
vue-i18n or vue-multilanguage.
Here is a list of libraries that support localization
This question might sound quite silly, but I need your help.
I have successfully implemented the agora.io live interactive streaming in flutter and is running fine. I wanted to know if I can implement this same feature in vue.js. I was trying to find any documentation but couldn't find any.
Can anyone help me find any documentation or at least a git repo which I can refer to.
Thank you in advance.
While Agora doesn't officially have any documentation for making a interactive streaming web app in Vue, it does have one for Group Video Calls at https://github.com/AgoraIO-Community/OpenAgoraWeb-Vue.
Since video calls work almost the same as broadcasts, you can use the OpenAgoraWeb repo link and tune it in a way to make it only one way streaming for audiences.
A sample interactive streaming web app for web using Vanilla JS: https://github.com/digitallysavvy/agora-web-broadcast-demo.
You can also use this Vanilla Sample link to convert it into a VueJS application or you can use a combination of both.
You can also create it from scratch using the documentation at: https://docs.agora.io/en/Interactive%20Broadcast/start_live_web?platform=Web.
Kotlin official documentation tells that it supports web development. And its replacement for java. I am trying to build a web application using Kotlin. So far I read so many blogs, courses and videos in YouTube but I did not succeed coming up with a flow. I came across this link https://medium.com/bcgdv-engineering/building-a-full-stack-web-app-in-kotlin-af8e8fe1f5dc and I could not proceed with this alone. I only need a front end and connect to my server with normal http request. Is there any right way of doing a web app in kotlin. Please help me with this. Thanks in advance!
What I use for developing web apps in Ktor:
FreeMaker - for templating (mustache and velocity are other options)
Bootstrap - for HTML - CSS - Javascript part
There is also Kotlinx.html and KotlinJS if you need to write them Kotlin Style and they are official toolset from JetBrains.
Kotlinx.HTML Github
You can add functionality to Ktor itself (they are called features):
GSON - for content negotiation (converting Kotlin to JSON and visa versa)
Locations - for type-safe routing
Exposed (Interface for easily working with PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite that works based on JDBC drivers)
Authentication (for user auth)
Ktor website has detail documentation for all of these features and adding them in your project is so easy.
Add the dependency
install(FEATURE) in Application.
For the IDE side:
IntelliJ Ultimate (Ultimate supports .ftl for FreeMarker)
Ktor plugin which is a must-have when you install IntelliJ
For webserver engine:
Netty (I use this one)
You can easily develop API and Wen Apps using Ktor amazing DSL (Domain Specific Language)
The only problem that I have is with Kotlin Coroutines which I hate, and prefer RxKotlin for developing asynchronous apps, it seems that's possible but there are not enough tutorials and samples out there to get started with it.
+ If you stuck on something new and challenging, you are on your own, as there are not enough samples and guides on the internet.
But at the end of the day, I only recommend Ktor to those android developers who don't want to learn web development language e.g. PHP, Phyton, Javascript, like myself.
Is it possible if I mix Laravel 5.7 with this vue template :
https://github.com/DivanteLtd/vue-storefront ?
Vue Storefront is not a template. It's a eCommerce framework with it's own API and database (see this architecture diagram).
If your question is about using Vue Storefront with your custom Laravel backend then it's doable. VS is meant to be backend agnostic which means it can work with any backend if you provide appropiate connector. https://github.com/DivanteLtd/vue-storefront-integration-boilerplate - here you can find integration boilerplate. There are few more resources on this topic in VS readme.
Also in case of any problems feel free to ask on community slack https://join.slack.com/t/vuestorefront/shared_invite/enQtMzA4MTM2NTE5NjM2LTI1M2RmOWIyOTk0MzFlMDU3YzJlYzcyYzNiNjUyZWJiMTZjZjc3MjRlYmE5ZWQ1YWRhNTQyM2ZjN2ZkMzZlNTg
I'm trying to integrate my already created IBM Watson chatbot into my react native mobile application. Any time I import watson-developer-cloud I get an error saying that Node.js standard libraries such as stream are not compatible with Expo. I've seen other people using watson services to create speech to text apps. I don't understand how they are using the services without the watson-developer-cloud package. I've seen some community created packages such as react-native-watson that supposedly can make this happen, but I can't get any of it to work. Is there any way I can make this work or is it impossible? Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
Just to help you with some path, for sure you can use React Native to built the UI for your app. But also you need the back-end and communicate with Watson API. (If you want you can use just the fetch from react native, but I really recommend you don't do that if your app will grow with time.
I really recommend you take a look at Watson developer Cloud, and use the Assistant Simple to understand the backend with Node.js. Also try to check the Watson Assistant API documentation.
For summary, you'll create one server with Node.js and express, and create routers in your backend, with theses routes, you gonna use fetch from React native to send HTTP requests to your routes, your backend will call Watson Assistant API and answer. Your fetch will get this response and show that to the user in your U.
Obs.: You can use any language in the backend and Watson Developer Cloud has a lot of examples using Watson Assistant with Java, Python, etc.
See the Official Watson Assistant API documentation.
See the Official use of Fetch in React Native.