react native why my svg icon is not showing? - react-native

Why my paypal icon is not showing ?
I have a SVG HTML code and I convert it into react component:
Paypal svg
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
width="100.000000pt" height="26.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 100.000000 26.000000"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<g transform="translate(0.000000,26.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M37 253 c-3 -5 -10 -42 -16 -83 -7 -41 -14 -87 -17 -103 -5 -25 -3
-27 24 -27 27 0 31 4 37 40 6 37 9 40 39 40 17 0 43 8 56 17 l25 17 -19 -22
c-11 -12 -26 -22 -35 -23 -11 0 -12 -2 -3 -6 7 -3 23 2 36 10 20 13 23 23 21
64 -2 26 -4 51 -4 54 -3 22 -133 41 -144 22z"/>
<path d="M319 198 c-1 -2 -7 -36 -13 -75 -11 -68 -11 -73 6 -73 11 0 18 7 18
20 0 21 5 24 51 34 32 7 54 49 39 77 -8 14 -21 19 -55 19 -25 0 -45 -1 -46 -2z
m64 -34 c11 -11 -5 -34 -24 -34 -21 0 -22 1 -13 24 6 16 25 21 37 10z"/>
<path d="M711 144 c0 -11 3 -14 6 -6 3 7 2 16 -1 19 -3 4 -6 -2 -5 -13z"/>
<path d="M436 131 c-19 -21 -21 -55 -3 -69 6 -5 31 -10 54 -9 39 0 42 2 48 31
4 17 9 38 11 48 7 24 -88 24 -110 -1z m64 -17 c11 -12 10 -18 -3 -32 -16 -15
-18 -15 -34 0 -13 14 -14 20 -3 32 16 20 24 20 40 0z"/>
<path d="M560 145 c0 -2 7 -23 16 -45 15 -38 15 -42 0 -59 -21 -23 -20 -31 2
-31 24 1 119 140 95 140 -9 0 -27 -12 -39 -27 l-22 -28 -7 28 c-5 17 -14 27
-26 27 -10 0 -19 -2 -19 -5z"/>
<path d="M80 90 c0 -5 7 -7 15 -4 8 4 15 8 15 10 0 2 -7 4 -15 4 -8 0 -15 -4
-15 -10z"/>
<path d="M66 33 c-6 -14 -5 -15 5 -6 7 7 10 15 7 18 -3 3 -9 -2 -12 -12z"/>
I convert it and added it
<Pressable style={s.btn}>
viewBox="0 0 100 26"
<Path d="M3.7.7c-.3.5-1 4.2-1.6 8.3C1.4 13.1.7 17.7.4 19.3-.1 21.8.1 22 2.8 22c2.7 0 3.1-.4 3.7-4 .6-3.7.9-4 3.9-4 1.7 0 4.3-.8 5.6-1.7l2.5-1.7-1.9 2.2C15.5 14 14 15 13.1 15.1c-1.1 0-1.2.2-. 2.3-.2 3.6-1 2-1.3 2.3-2.3 2.1-6.4-.2-2.6-.4-5.1-.4-5.4C17.8.7 4.8-1.2 3.7.7zM31.9 6.2c-.1.2-.7 3.6-1.3 7.5-1.1 6.8-1.1 7.3.6 7.3 1.1 0 1.8-.7 1.8-2 0-2.1.5-2.4 5.1-3.4 3.2-.7 5.4-4.9 3.9-7.7-.8-1.4-2.1-1.9-5.5-1.9-2.5 0-4.5.1-4.6.2zm6.4 3.4c1.1 1.1-.5 3.4-2.4 3.4-2.1 0-2.2-.1-1.3-2.4.6-1.6 2.5-2.1 3.7-1zM71.1 11.6c0 1.1.3 1.3zM43.6 12.9c-1.9 2.1-2.1 5.5-.3 3.1 1 5.4.9 3.9 0 4.2-.2 4.8-3.1.4-1.7.9-3.8 1.1-4.8.7-2.4-8.8-2.4-11 .1zm6.4 1.7c1.1 1.2 1 1.8-.3 3.2-1.6 1.5-1.8 1.5-3.4 0-1.3-1.4-1.4-2-.3-3.2 1.6-2 2.4-2 4 0zM56 11.5c0 .2.7 2.3 1.6 4.5 1.5 3.8 1.5 4.2 0 5.9-2.1 2.3-2 3.1.2 3.1 2.4-.1 11.9-14 9.5-14-.9 0-2.7 1.2-3.9 2.7l-2.2 2.8-.7-2.8C60 12 59.1 11 57.9 11c-1 0-1.9.2-1.9.5z" />
<Path d="M8 17c0 .5.7.7 1.5-.8 1.5-1 0-.2-.7-.4-1.5-.4S8 16.4 8 17zM6.6 22.7c-.6 1.4-.5 1-1.5.7-1.8-.3-.3-.9.2-1.2 1.2z" />
But I see nothing what I am doing wrong ?

I believe you don't need SVG component to display SVG. You can require it and use it as your Image component source:
const paypal = require('path_to_file/paypal.svg');
Then you should add this to your return:
<Image source={paypal} style={{width: 50px, height: 50px}} />
Don't forget to set width and height, otherwise your image won't display


Pandas - cross columns reference

My data is a bit complicated, I separate into 2 sections: (A) Explain data, (B) Desire output
(A) - Explain data:
My data as follow:
comp date adj_date val
0 a 1999-12-31 NaT 50
1 a 2000-01-31 NaT 51
2 a 2000-02-29 NaT 52
3 a 2000-03-31 NaT 53
4 a 2000-04-30 NaT 54
5 a 2000-05-31 NaT 55
6 a 2000-06-30 NaT 56
7 a 2000-07-31 2000-01-31 57
8 a 2000-08-31 2000-02-29 58
9 a 2000-09-30 2000-03-31 59
10 a 2000-10-31 2000-04-30 60
11 a 2000-11-30 2000-05-31 61
12 a 2000-12-31 2000-06-30 62
13 a 2001-01-31 2000-07-31 63
14 a 2001-02-28 2000-08-31 64
15 a 2001-03-31 2000-09-30 65
16 a 2001-04-30 2000-10-31 66
17 a 2001-05-31 2000-11-30 67
18 a 2001-06-30 2000-12-31 68
19 a 2001-07-31 2001-01-31 69
20 a 2001-08-31 2001-02-28 70
21 a 2001-09-30 2001-03-31 71
22 a 2001-10-31 2001-04-30 72
23 a 2001-11-30 2001-05-31 73
24 a 2001-12-31 2001-06-30 74
25 a 2002-01-31 2001-07-31 75
26 a 2002-02-28 2001-08-31 76
27 a 2002-03-31 2001-09-30 77
28 a 2002-04-30 2001-10-31 78
29 a 2002-05-31 2001-11-30 79
30 a 2002-06-30 2001-12-31 80
31 a 2002-07-31 2002-01-31 81
32 a 2002-08-31 2002-02-28 82
33 a 2002-09-30 2002-03-31 83
34 a 2002-10-31 2002-04-30 84
35 a 2002-11-30 2002-05-31 85
36 a 2002-12-31 2002-06-30 86
37 a 2003-01-31 2002-07-31 87
38 a 2003-02-28 2002-08-31 88
39 a 2003-03-31 2002-09-30 89
40 a 2003-04-30 2002-10-31 90
41 a 2003-05-31 2002-11-30 91
42 a 2003-06-30 2002-12-31 92
date: is the actual date, as end of month.
adj_date = date + MonthEnd(-6)
val: is given value
I want to create new column val_new where:
it is referencing to val of previous year December
val_new is then applied to date as from date.July to date.(year+1).June, Or equivalently in adj_date it is from adj_date.Jan to adj_date.Dec
(B) - Desire Output:
comp date adj_date val val_new
0 a 1999-12-31 NaT 50 NaN
1 a 2000-01-31 NaT 51 NaN
2 a 2000-02-29 NaT 52 NaN
3 a 2000-03-31 NaT 53 NaN
4 a 2000-04-30 NaT 54 NaN
5 a 2000-05-31 NaT 55 NaN
6 a 2000-06-30 NaT 56 NaN
7 a 2000-07-31 2000-01-31 57 50.0
8 a 2000-08-31 2000-02-29 58 50.0
9 a 2000-09-30 2000-03-31 59 50.0
10 a 2000-10-31 2000-04-30 60 50.0
11 a 2000-11-30 2000-05-31 61 50.0
12 a 2000-12-31 2000-06-30 62 50.0
13 a 2001-01-31 2000-07-31 63 50.0
14 a 2001-02-28 2000-08-31 64 50.0
15 a 2001-03-31 2000-09-30 65 50.0
16 a 2001-04-30 2000-10-31 66 50.0
17 a 2001-05-31 2000-11-30 67 50.0
18 a 2001-06-30 2000-12-31 68 50.0
19 a 2001-07-31 2001-01-31 69 62.0
20 a 2001-08-31 2001-02-28 70 62.0
21 a 2001-09-30 2001-03-31 71 62.0
22 a 2001-10-31 2001-04-30 72 62.0
23 a 2001-11-30 2001-05-31 73 62.0
24 a 2001-12-31 2001-06-30 74 62.0
25 a 2002-01-31 2001-07-31 75 62.0
26 a 2002-02-28 2001-08-31 76 62.0
27 a 2002-03-31 2001-09-30 77 62.0
28 a 2002-04-30 2001-10-31 78 62.0
29 a 2002-05-31 2001-11-30 79 62.0
30 a 2002-06-30 2001-12-31 80 62.0
31 a 2002-07-31 2002-01-31 81 74.0
32 a 2002-08-31 2002-02-28 82 74.0
33 a 2002-09-30 2002-03-31 83 74.0
34 a 2002-10-31 2002-04-30 84 74.0
35 a 2002-11-30 2002-05-31 85 74.0
36 a 2002-12-31 2002-06-30 86 74.0
37 a 2003-01-31 2002-07-31 87 74.0
38 a 2003-02-28 2002-08-31 88 74.0
39 a 2003-03-31 2002-09-30 89 74.0
40 a 2003-04-30 2002-10-31 90 74.0
41 a 2003-05-31 2002-11-30 91 74.0
42 a 2003-06-30 2002-12-31 92 74.0
I have two solutions, but both comes at a cost:
Solution 1: to create sub_dec dataframe where we take val of Dec each year. Then merge back to main data. This one works fine, but I don't like this solution because our actual data will involve a lot of merge, and it is not easy and convenient to keep track of all those merges.
Solution 2: (1) I create a lag by shift(7), (2) set other adj_date but Jan to None, (3) then use groupby with ffill. This solution works nicely, but if there is any missing rows, or the date is not continuous, then the entire output is wrong
create adj_year:
data['adj_year'] = data['adj_date'].dt.year
cross referencing by shift(7):
data['val_new'] = data.groupby('comp')['val'].shift(7)
setting other adj_date except Jan to be None:
data.loc[data['adj_date'].dt.month != 1, 'val_new'] = None
using ffill to fill in None by each group of ['comp', 'adj_year']:
data['val_new'] = data.groupby(['comp', 'adj_year'])['val_new'].ffill()
If you have any suggestion to overcome the drawback of Solution 02, or any other new solution is appreciated.
Thank you
You can use Timedelta with correct conversion from seconds to months, according to your needs ,
check these two resources for more info:
pandas: function equivalent to SQL's datediff()?

How to interpret the log output of docplex optimisation library

I am having a problem interpreting this log that I get after trying to maximise an objective function using docplex:
Nodes Cuts/
Node Left Objective IInf Best Integer Best Bound ItCnt Gap
0 0 6.3105 0 10.2106 26
0 0 5.9960 8 Cone: 5 34
0 0 5.8464 5 Cone: 8 47
0 0 5.8030 11 Cone: 10 54
0 0 5.7670 12 Cone: 13 64
0 0 5.7441 13 Cone: 16 72
0 0 5.7044 9 Cone: 19 81
0 0 5.6844 14 5.6844 559
* 0+ 0 4.5362 5.6844 25.31%
0 0 5.5546 15 4.5362 Cuts: 322 1014 22.45%
0 0 5.4738 15 4.5362 Cuts: 38 1108 20.67%
* 0+ 0 4.6021 5.4738 18.94%
0 0 5.4296 16 4.6021 Cuts: 100 1155 17.98%
0 0 5.3779 19 4.6021 Cuts: 34 1204 16.86%
0 0 5.3462 17 4.6021 Cuts: 80 1252 16.17%
0 0 5.3396 19 4.6021 Cuts: 42 1276 16.03%
0 0 5.3364 24 4.6021 Cuts: 57 1325 15.96%
0 0 5.3269 17 4.6021 Cuts: 66 1353 15.75%
0 0 5.3188 20 4.6021 Cuts: 42 1369 15.57%
0 0 5.2975 21 4.6021 Cuts: 62 1387 15.11%
0 0 5.2838 24 4.6021 Cuts: 72 1427 14.81%
0 0 5.2796 21 4.6021 Cuts: 70 1457 14.72%
0 0 5.2762 24 4.6021 Cuts: 73 1471 14.65%
0 0 5.2655 24 4.6021 Cuts: 18 1479 14.42%
* 0+ 0 4.6061 5.2655 14.32%
* 0+ 0 4.6613 5.2655 12.96%
0 0 5.2554 26 4.6613 Cuts: 40 1492 12.75%
0 0 5.2425 27 4.6613 Cuts: 11 1511 12.47%
0 0 5.2360 23 4.6613 Cuts: 3 1518 12.33%
0 0 5.2296 19 4.6613 Cuts: 7 1521 12.19%
0 0 5.2213 18 4.6613 Cuts: 8 1543 12.01%
0 0 5.2163 24 4.6613 Cuts: 15 1552 11.91%
0 0 5.2106 21 4.6613 Cuts: 4 1558 11.78%
0 0 5.2106 21 4.6613 Cuts: 3 1559 11.78%
* 0+ 0 4.6706 5.2106 11.56%
0 2 5.2106 21 4.6706 5.2106 1559 11.56%
Elapsed time = 9.12 sec. (7822.43 ticks, tree = 0.01 MB, solutions = 5)
51 29 4.9031 3 4.6706 5.1575 1828 10.42%
260 147 4.9207 1 4.6706 5.1575 2699 10.42%
498 242 infeasible 4.6706 5.0909 3364 9.00%
712 346 4.7470 6 4.6706 5.0591 4400 8.32%
991 497 4.7338 6 4.6706 5.0480 5704 8.08%
1358 566 4.8085 11 4.6706 5.0005 7569 7.06%
1708 708 4.7638 14 4.6706 4.9579 9781 6.15%
1985 817 cutoff 4.6706 4.9265 11661 5.48%
2399 843 infeasible 4.6706 4.9058 15567 5.04%
3619 887 4.7066 4 4.6706 4.7875 23685 2.50%
Elapsed time = 17.75 sec. (10933.85 ticks, tree = 3.05 MB, solutions = 5)
4623 500 4.6863 13 4.6706 4.7274 35862 1.22%
What I don't understand is the following:
What is the difference between the third (Objective) and fifth column (Best integer )
How come that the third column (Objective) has higher values than the actual solution of the problem given by CPLEX which is (4.6706)
Does the values in the third column take into consideration the constraints given to the optimization problem?
This webpage didn't help me to understand neither, the explanation of Best Integer is really confusing.
Thank you in advance for your feedback.
The user manual includes a detailed explanation of this log in section
CPLEX->User's Manual for CPLEX->Discrete Optimization->Solving Mixed Integer Programming Problems (MIP)->Progress Reports: interpreting the node log
I suggest to have a look at

Convert all colors in pdf into one specific color

I'm working on a php project where I need to perform some pdf manipulation.
I need to "convert" all colors of a vector file(pdf) into one very specific color (a spot color in my case.)
Here is an illustrated example
The input file can vary, and it can contain any color (so I can't just convert all "red" or "green" to my target color).
I have a fair idea on how to do it on a raster image using imagemagick's composite, but I'm unsure if it's even possible with a vector image.
My first approach was to create a template pdf, with a filled rectangle in the desired color. My hope was then to use ghostscript to somehow apply the input file as a mask on said template. But I assume this wouldn't be possible as vector files are different from raster images.
My second approach was to use ghostscript to convert all colors (regardless of colorspace) into the desired color. But after extensive googling, I've only found solutions that convert from one colorspace to another (i.e. sRGB to CMYK, CMYK to gray-scale, etc.)
I'm not much of a designer, so perhaps I am simply lacking the proper "terms" for these "actions".
I am looking for a library/tool that can help me "convert" all colors of a vector file(pdf) into one very specific color.
The input file may vary (various shapes and colors), but will always be a pdf file without any fonts.
Output must remain as a vector file (read, no rasterisation.)
I have root access on a VPS running linux (centos7, I assume that is irrelevant.)
You could try rasterising at a high resolution and converting the colours with ImageMagick, then re-vectorising with potrace
So, if you had a PDF, you would do:
convert -density 288 document.pdf ...
As you have provided a PNG, I will do:
convert image.png -fill black -fuzz 10% +opaque white pgm:- | potrace -b svg -o result.svg -
which gives this SVG:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
width="800.000000pt" height="450.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 800.000000 450.000000"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
Created by potrace 1.13, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2015
<g transform="translate(0.000000,450.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M4800 4324 c0 -50 -2 -55 -17 -49 -84 35 -140 -17 -130 -119 7 -77
70 -120 122 -82 16 11 21 11 33 0 7 -8 18 -12 23 -9 5 4 9 76 9 161 0 147 -1
154 -20 154 -18 0 -20 -7 -20 -56z m-22 -90 c46 -32 18 -134 -38 -134 -25 0
-40 29 -40 79 0 39 19 71 43 71 7 0 23 -7 35 -16z"/>
<path d="M4926 4358 c-9 -12 -16 -35 -16 -50 0 -18 -5 -28 -15 -28 -8 0 -15
-7 -15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 12 0 15 -17 15 -89 0 -89 6 -105 38 -94 8 3 12
31 12 94 0 88 0 89 25 89 16 0 25 6 25 15 0 9 -9 15 -25 15 -21 0 -25 5 -25
30 0 30 7 34 43 30 13 -1 18 4 15 17 -5 29 -72 30 -92 1z"/>
<path d="M3347 4364 c-4 -4 -7 -16 -7 -26 0 -14 6 -19 23 -16 14 2 22 10 22
23 0 20 -25 32 -38 19z"/>
<path d="M4170 4310 c0 -23 -4 -30 -20 -30 -11 0 -20 -7 -20 -15 0 -8 9 -15
20 -15 18 0 20 -7 20 -80 0 -74 2 -81 25 -96 32 -21 75 -12 75 17 0 16 -4 19
-21 14 -30 -10 -39 9 -39 83 l0 62 30 0 c20 0 30 5 30 15 0 10 -10 15 -30 15
-27 0 -30 3 -30 30 0 23 -4 30 -20 30 -16 0 -20 -7 -20 -30z"/>
<path d="M3345 4278 c-3 -8 -4 -59 -3 -114 2 -80 6 -99 18 -99 12 0 15 19 15
109 0 79 -4 111 -12 113 -7 3 -15 -2 -18 -9z"/>
<path d="M3453 4283 c-9 -3 -13 -34 -13 -108 0 -74 4 -105 13 -108 29 -10 37
6 37 78 0 57 4 75 18 88 46 42 72 10 72 -91 0 -54 4 -71 15 -76 22 -8 26 10
23 104 -3 77 -5 84 -31 104 -24 17 -32 19 -59 8 -18 -6 -38 -8 -47 -3 -9 5
-22 6 -28 4z"/>
<path d="M3687 4283 c-4 -3 -7 -71 -7 -150 l0 -143 25 0 c23 0 25 4 25 45 0
42 2 45 19 35 33 -17 61 -11 92 19 24 25 29 37 29 81 0 95 -51 141 -119 107
-25 -13 -31 -13 -35 -1 -6 15 -19 18 -29 7z m122 -47 c19 -22 23 -78 9 -106
-29 -55 -88 -26 -88 43 0 62 48 100 79 63z"/>
<path d="M3927 4284 c-4 -4 -7 -45 -7 -91 0 -76 2 -86 25 -108 27 -28 61 -32
92 -10 18 13 22 13 27 0 3 -8 12 -12 21 -9 13 5 15 24 13 113 -3 98 -4 106
-23 106 -18 0 -20 -8 -23 -75 -4 -94 -28 -128 -72 -100 -10 6 -16 34 -20 91
-5 75 -15 101 -33 83z"/>
<path d="M4432 4282 c-9 -7 -12 -43 -10 -148 3 -136 4 -139 26 -142 20 -3 22
1 22 41 l0 45 35 -11 c31 -9 39 -8 63 10 37 27 54 83 42 136 -15 68 -64 94
-120 63 -20 -12 -26 -12 -35 0 -6 8 -15 10 -23 6z m122 -54 c22 -31 20 -81 -3
-109 -19 -23 -21 -23 -48 -9 -24 13 -28 23 -31 62 -3 39 1 49 20 62 30 22 44
20 62 -6z"/>
<path d="M4310 4096 c0 -30 30 -43 47 -21 16 23 5 45 -23 45 -19 0 -24 -5 -24
<path d="M4046 3795 l-67 -141 -227 -12 c-418 -22 -765 -74 -1127 -167 -612
-157 -1080 -387 -1387 -684 -214 -205 -323 -393 -359 -615 -16 -101 -6 -270
20 -361 136 -461 637 -856 1409 -1111 152 -51 434 -125 583 -154 l66 -13 -30
-169 c-16 -93 -27 -171 -24 -174 2 -3 124 58 271 135 l266 140 80 -9 c44 -5
197 -14 339 -21 259 -12 617 -3 844 21 l88 9 265 -140 c146 -77 268 -138 270
-136 5 4 -41 294 -52 328 -4 13 8 19 58 28 465 89 939 260 1278 461 626 370
880 871 686 1356 -69 174 -228 375 -415 526 -517 418 -1411 697 -2402 750
l-226 12 -71 141 -70 140 -66 -140z m-202 -407 c-31 -62 -119 -241 -196 -398
-76 -156 -140 -285 -142 -287 -3 -3 -799 -120 -1156 -170 -102 -14 -188 -29
-193 -32 -4 -4 102 -113 235 -242 133 -129 353 -344 489 -479 l248 -245 -45
-260 c-25 -143 -58 -332 -73 -420 l-27 -160 -41 2 c-61 2 -333 68 -515 124
-674 209 -1153 533 -1334 905 -59 121 -77 209 -71 349 5 137 35 235 109 359
58 97 206 261 311 344 463 366 1242 627 2097 701 69 6 141 13 160 15 19 1 72
4 118 4 l82 2 -56 -112z m906 86 c760 -79 1420 -283 1875 -581 864 -566 763
-1326 -245 -1840 -266 -136 -602 -253 -942 -328 -92 -21 -173 -35 -181 -32 -9
3 -20 44 -31 114 -10 59 -42 248 -72 419 l-54 311 213 210 c116 115 337 331
489 479 153 148 274 271 270 275 -4 3 -106 20 -227 37 -452 64 -1118 162
-1120 164 -6 6 -195 387 -291 587 l-104 214 137 -7 c76 -4 203 -14 283 -22z
m-424 -2761 c137 -73 200 -111 193 -118 -14 -14 -794 -14 -809 1 -7 7 49 41
192 117 112 58 207 107 212 107 5 0 100 -48 212 -107z"/>
<path d="M1815 3669 c-46 -47 -113 -80 -221 -111 -62 -17 -106 -22 -204 -22
-137 0 -185 12 -221 58 -48 61 -211 80 -449 53 -118 -14 -400 -63 -408 -72 -3
-3 28 -145 32 -145 1 0 55 11 120 25 181 37 365 58 481 53 98 -3 105 -5 125
-30 113 -144 579 -119 806 44 50 35 109 108 97 118 -5 4 -33 21 -63 38 l-55
31 -40 -40z"/>
<path d="M7647 575 c-66 -79 -247 -137 -432 -138 -134 0 -170 10 -221 61 -18
17 -53 37 -84 46 -70 21 -238 21 -395 0 -122 -15 -364 -60 -372 -68 -5 -5 17
-119 26 -133 4 -7 47 -2 121 13 181 37 358 56 477 52 l108 -3 37 -37 c120
-117 482 -110 720 13 75 40 168 123 168 151 0 10 -110 80 -122 77 -2 0 -16
-16 -31 -34z"/>
which looks like this as a PNG (because StackOverflow doesn't allow SVG images AFAIK):
You can make all the PATHs your preferred shade of green by editing the SVG, like this:
sed 's/path /path fill="#7CBE89" /' black.svg > green.svg
You could do this with Ghostscript, but you would need some PostScript programming experience.
Essentially you want to override all the setcolor/setcolorspace operations by looking at each setcolor operation, checking the colour space and values to see if its your target colour and, if it is, set the colorspace and values to your desired target.
The various PDF operations to set colour space and values are all defined in ghostpdl/Resource/Init/ You'll need to modify the definitions of:
/G and /g (stroke and fill colours in DeviceGray)
/RG and /rg (stroke and fill colours in DeviceRGB)
/K and /k (stroke and fill colours in DeviceCMYK)
/SC and /sc (stroke and fill colours in Indexed, CalGray, CalRGB or Lab)
/SCN and /scn (stroke and fill colours in Pattern, Separation, DeviceN or ICCBased)
There are quite a few wrinkles in there;
You can probably ignore Pattern spaces and just deal with any colours that are set by the pattern itself.
For SC/sc and /SCN/scn you need to figure out whether the colour specified is the target colour, assuming your target can be specified in these spaces. Note that /Indexed is particularly interesting as it can have a base space of any of the other spaces, so you need to look and see.
Finally note that images (bitmaps) are specified differently, and altering those would be much harder.
Depending on the exact nature of the requirement (ie what space/colours constitute valid targets) this could be quite a lengthy task, and it will require someone with PostScript programming ability to write it.
Oh, and on a final note, have you considered transparency ? That can specify the blending colour space too, which might mean that after you had substituted the colour, it would be blended in a different colour space, resulting in your careful substitution disappearing.
Lest you think this unlikely I should mention that a number of PDF producers create files with transparency groups in them, even when no actual transparency operations take place.

How to use pd.cut in pandas

Can anyone help me figure out why this isn't working:
ages = ['15-19','20-24','25-29','30-34','35-39','40-44','45-49','50-54','55-59','60-64','65-69','70-74','75-79','80-84']
race['age_group'] = pd.cut(race.Age,range(13,84,5),right=False, labels=ages)
This is the result I get:
Age age_group
0 31 30-34
1 38 40-44
2 45 45-49
3 30 30-34
4 45 45-49
5 35 35-39
6 32 30-34
7 33 35-39
8 29 30-34
9 42 40-44
10 34 35-39
11 48 50-54
12 35 35-39
13 51 50-54
14 38 40-44
Your "range" is not correct, try:
ages = ['15-19','20-24','25-29','30-34','35-39','40-44','45-49','50-54','55-59','60-64','65-69','70-74','75-79','80-84']
race['age_group'] = pd.cut(race.Age,range(15,86,5),right=False, labels=ages)

Pandas, getting mean and sum with groupby

I have a data frame, df, which looks like this:
index New Old Map Limit count
1 93 35 54 > 18 1
2 163 93 116 > 18 1
3 134 78 96 > 18 1
4 117 81 93 > 18 1
5 194 108 136 > 18 1
6 125 57 79 <= 18 1
7 66 39 48 > 18 1
8 120 83 95 > 18 1
9 150 98 115 > 18 1
10 149 99 115 > 18 1
11 148 85 106 > 18 1
12 92 55 67 <= 18 1
13 64 24 37 > 18 1
14 84 53 63 > 18 1
15 99 70 79 > 18 1
I need to produce a data frame that looks like this:
Limit <=18 >18
total mean total mean
New xx1 yy1 aa1 bb1
Old xx2 yy2 aa2 bb2
MAP xx3 yy3 aa3 bb3
I tried this without success:
df.groupby('Limit')['New', 'Old', 'MAP'].[sum(), mean()].T without success.
How can I achieve this in pandas?
You can use groupby with agg, then transpose by T and unstack:
print (df[['New', 'Old', 'Map', 'Limit']].groupby('Limit').agg([sum, 'mean']).T.unstack())
Limit <= 18 > 18
sum mean sum mean
New 217.0 108.5 1581.0 121.615385
Old 112.0 56.0 946.0 72.769231
Map 146.0 73.0 1153.0 88.692308
I edit by comment, it looks nicer:
print (df.groupby('Limit')['New', 'Old', 'Map', 'Limit'].agg([sum, 'mean']).T.unstack())
And if need total columns:
print (df.groupby('Limit')['New', 'Old', 'Map', 'Limit']
.agg({'total':sum, 'mean': 'mean'})
Limit <= 18 > 18
total mean total mean
New 217.0 108.5 1581.0 121.615385
Old 112.0 56.0 946.0 72.769231
Map 146.0 73.0 1153.0 88.692308