MQTTS Subscription using orion-ld and ngsi-ld/v1 - api

Create an MQTTS subscriptiuon using the V1
Trying to create an MQTTS subscription using the V1. The subscription returns an "Unable to connect to MQTT server" statement.
It's possible to create an MQTTS subscription for the credentials or just plain MQTT?


Server Configuration for Interactive Broker Client Portal API

I am looking for guide who have experience with Interactive Brokers Client Portal API. The Interactive Brokers CLient Portal API provides a gateway service.
I have tested this IB Gateway in my local and locally it is working fine.
The gateway is running on https://localhost:5000
I want to put this service on the windows server and want to access by server ip.
for example: https://52.xx.xx.12:5000 like this
I also tried solution from this reference Running interactive brokers client portal API in cloud server but not got success
You need to set your server IP address in IB gateway setting as a trusted IP, and you should open 5000 port in firewall as well.

API GET Authentication

I will start by saying I'm not a developer and don't know too much about API's.
Using BambooHR (Cloud based HR service) I have an API that I can call through a browser and it returns a CSV report. I am looking to automate this but not too sure how to call this through PowerShell to return my file.
The API url looks like this:
HTTP://<API TOKEN ><COMPANY Name>/reports/<report>/?format=csv
When I try the following in Powershell:
Invoke-WebRequest -URI HTTP://<API TOKEN><COMPANY Name>/reports/<report>/?format=csv
I get the following error:
The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on
a send.
Any ideas how I can just create a simple PowerShell script to download this file?
According to bamboohr api documentation you should only use https with signed certificate:
All requests made to our APIs must be sent over HTTPS. The SSL
certificate used for the HTTPS connection is signed and all
implementations should configure their SSL layer to verify it.

Sending and Receiving Push notifications on a Progressive Webapp using Pubnub

I have a Progressive WebApp Chat application and I want to be able to be able to send or receive Push Notifications (on Mobile) and Web (Chrome) Notifications while on Desktop. Right now, I have a web client that is able to receive tickles i.e. data without payloads (payloads will then be fetched through an API call from my server)
I am using Pubnub to talk to GCM and APNS. I have working apps on Web, iOS(native) and Android(native) clients of my project. Right now, I am able to receive Push Notifications on my web app but without the payload.
No where is the server publishing anything. All publishes are done by the clients since its mainly a chat app.
From my Web/Android client, my pubnubPayload is:
var pubnubPayload = {
"text": "no payload!",
"pn_gcm": {
"data": {
"title": "shash",
"babe": "ya"
And then do a normal publish like this:
channel: myChannel,
message: pubnubPayload,
callback: someFunc
So, when I subscribe to a pubnub channel like this:
channel: selectedChannel,
message: function(m){
error: function (error) {
// Handle error here
I receive the message through Pubnub AND a push notification (but without the payload) on my webapp.
My question is:
How do I receive push notifications on web that have a payload? Is there someway pubnub lets you publish encrypted messages for webs client to be able to read the payload of the GCM push notification without using Pubnub's Access Manager?
Or is using PAM my only option and should fix the no payload issue?
PubNub Access Manager not required for Message Encryption
PubNub Access Manager and message encryption are not directly related and is not required to encrypt your messages, but all applications using PubNub should implement Access Manager to control who can do what on channels by granting permissions (read/write/delete) to auth-keys that your client apps will init PubNub with to use those channels as you intended.
Encrypt using Standard TLS (formerly known as SSL)
To encrypt messages, simply initialize PubNub with TLS enabled (ssl might be the name of the parameter but it is the latest TLS, not the old SSL that was deprecated). This will use standard TLS encryption from your server or client apps to the PubNub network.
Encrypt messages using Cipher Key for AES 256 Encryption
If you wish to have your messages encrypted from your server/client apps to PubNub and all throughout PubNub, just provide a cipher key when you initialize PubNub. The best part about this is that you hold the keys, not PubNub, so no one can read your messages except the holders of those cipher keys.
Custom Encryption using the encrypt/decrypt API
The question asked here includes mobile push notifications which means you can't encrypt the full message if you want the mobile push message to be sent by PubNub to the push services (APNS/FCM) and handled by those services properly. The realtime message will be sent as is - encrypted - to the client subscribers. But you can encrypt the important/confidential parts of the message and leave the parts that need to be ready by PubNub and the push services unencrypted using the encrypt and decrypt APIs. The article, Encryption for APNS, GCM, WMS with PubNub, is a bit old but should provide the required insights.

Can the MailCore2 framework connect to an Exchange server

Is it possible to connect to an Exchange server using the MailCore2 framework? The documentation does not discuss Exchange Server support.
I want to build my own email client which can connect to the Exchange Server and replace Outlook. Can I use the MailCore2 framework?
If your Exchange server has enabled IMAP support, you can connect to the Exchange server using IMAP with MailCore2. This does not require any licence from Microsoft.

Service broker with only domain account

I am new to MS Sql's service broker.
I've examined a couple of tutorials. But I could not find an answer.
I have distributed servers, but luckily all of them are under the same domain.
Is it possible to accomplish a structure without using any certificate?
Do no use dialog security. Make sure all your BEGIN DIALOG statements use ENCRYPTION = OFF clause:
FROM SERVICE #from_service
TO SERVICE #to_service
ON CONTRACT #contract
Grant SEND permission to [public] on each destinations service:
GRANT SEND ON SERVICE::<servicename> TO [public];
Use WINDOWS authentication on ENDPOINTs:
Grant CONNECT to ENDPOINT permission to the domain account used by your SQL Service:
GRANT CONNECT ON ENDPOINT::broker TO [domain\sqlserviceaccount];
(edited to correct GRANT SEND syntax)
Remus, could you do this with Encryption but without Master Key Encryption? I see that when I use AUTHENTICATION = WINDOWS, I can also do ENCRYPTION = SUPPORTED. Reading about SB, there's two types of encryption (transport & message).
This is all on the same internal network, but I'd rather not make the contents of the messages readable. I think that just means I need transport security - and I have no idea if that requires certificates or master key encryption.