I want to run Scenario Outline in loop for one of the variable configurable - karate

I have use case in which I am making server name configurable using Scenario outline for get call. But I also want to make another variable like ID configurable. I want using that id it should run for all server name mentioned in Scenario Outline. How can we achieve that?
Scenario Outline: Test one get call
Given url: 'https://' + server+ 'v1/share/12345/profit'
When method get
Then status 200
In above example server name, I made it configurable using scenario outline, but I want to make number entered in URL configurable & want that to run for all servers. How I will achieve that?

Just use another variable.
| server | id |
| foo | 1 |
| foo | 2 |
| bar | 1 |
| bar | 2 |
And if you want to dynamically generate data using a function, all that is possible. Refer: https://github.com/karatelabs/karate#json-function-data-source


Open sums in SQL / dynamic selection of tables

Much ink has been spilled on the topic of sum types in SQL. The standard solutions are called absorption, separation, and partition; see, e.g.: https://www.inf.unibz.it/~montali/teaching/1415/dpm/slides/4.relational-mapping.pdf .
I want to ask about how to encode open sums. Normal sums allow a field to be one of a fixed set of several different types; with open sums, this set is not fixed.
The basic setup in our program: There is a list of "triggers," where each trigger can be one of many different things. Plugins can be written defining new trigger types, although the set of trigger types can be assumed to be known at compile time.
We want a table of all triggers.
Our current best idea:
Dynamically create a materialized view of the following form:
id | id_in_plugin_table | thing_in_main_program_it_refs | plugin_name
1 | 27 | 8 | RegexTrigger
2 | 27 | 12 | RidiculouslyUnsafeCustomJSTrigger
This relation is automatically generated from the various plugin tables, each of which have their own ID and a thing_in_main_program_it_refs field.
For illustration, here's what the referenced tables may look like.
RegexTrigger table:
id | thing_in_main_program_it_refs | regex
27 | 8 | hel*o
id | thing_in_main_program_it_refs | custom_js
27 | 12 | (x) => isPrime(x.length())
Either use two roundtrips to lookup the plugin table and then query it, or combine them into a single SQL program which uses EXEC.
I'm happy with part 1, but not with part 2. Neither option sounds efficient, and the latter option uses EXEC.
So, we're looking for either (a) a better way to dynamically select a table in a query, or (b) a different approach to open sums.

Transpose/Pivot Excel file in Pentaho (using multiple files)

I've been having some trouble with the following situation: There's an Excel file I need to use which has the information in the following format:
ColumnA | ColumnB
Name | John
Business | Pentaho
Address | Evergreen 123
Job type | Food processing
NameBoss | Boss lv1
Phone | 555-NoPhone
Mail | thisATmail
What I need to do is get all column A as different columns, ending with 7 different columns, each one with one value, which is the data in column B. Additionally, the integration is reading the filename as an extra output field:
'${FILES_ROOT}/proyectos/BUSINESS_NAME/B_NAME_OPER/archivos_fuente/NÓMINA BAC - ' ||nombre_empresa||'.xlsx' as nombre_archivo
--, nombre_empresa
FROM "public".maestro_empresa
The transformation for the Excel file I have it as this:
As can bee seen, in the fields tab of the transformation, added manually each column, since the data in the Excel file does not has headers.
With this done, I am not sure how to proceed from here in order to get the transposed data I need. What can I do?
End result I am looking forward is something like this:
Name | Business | Address | Job type | NameBoss | Phone | Mail | excel_name
John | Pentaho | Evergreen 123 | Food processing | Boss lv1 | 555-NoPhone | thisAtMail | ExcelName.xlsx
With step 'Row demoralizer', you can do this easily. AT first you need to take input from excel file -> you need to use 'Row demoralizer' step. You can see sample from HERE.
Note: Remove ''Id'' column from my sample if you always suppose to get one line.
If you ColumnA values are dynamic /not specific . You can use THIS Metadata Injection sample ( where you need to take same excel input twice. But not require to specify column name). Please run transformation "MetaDataInjectionPV.ktr"

How to create value Buffer in Pentaho Kettle Transformation

I have some values coming in over time(stream) and over some different rows, which need to be processed as one row.
The incoming data looks kind of like this:
|timestamp |temp|otherStuff|
|... | |other |
|04:20:00.321|19.0|other |
|04:20:01.123|20.5|other |
|04:20:02.321|22.5|other |
|04:20:03.234|25.5|other |
|04:20:04.345|23.5|other |
|...(new data coming in) |
What I need could look something like this:
|val0|val1|val2|...|valN |
|----|----|----| |------|
|... create new row, |
|as new data arrives |
|23.5|25.5|23.5|...|valN |
I didn't find a good way to solve this with kettle. I'm also using a data service, (Basically a database, with a predefined amount of rows which refresh, as soon as a new dataset arrives) that holds the data in the same way as displayed in the first example.
That means I also could use SQL to flip the table around (which I don't know how to do either). It wouldn’t be as clean as using kettle but it would do the trick.
For better understanding, another example: This is what is coming in:
And something like this is what I need my data to transform to:
Is there any good way of achiving this?
Thank you #jxc,
the Analytic Query step did the trick.
Here's a screenshot of how I did it.
as #jxc stated, you have to
Add N+1 fields with Subject = temp, Type = Lag N rows BACKWARD in get Subject and N from 0 to N
(temp = Value in my case)

Use random var in behat tests to produce unique usernames

Right now I am creating users using something like the following
Given users:
| name | status | roles |
| kyle | 1 | authenticated user |
| cartman | 1 | admin |
Is there a possibility to add random strings in these names?
If I didn't misunderstand, you can do this instead.
Scenario: Create random users
Given I create "3" users
var $str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
var $status = [0, 1];
var $roles = ['authenticated user', 'admin', 'superman'];
* #Given /^I create "([^"]*)" users$/
public function createDummyUsers($count)
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$name = substr(str_shuffle($this->str), 0, 8);
$status = $this->status[array_rand($this->status, 1)];
$role = $this->roles[array_rand($this->roles, 1)];
echo "You've just created $name - $status -$role" . PHP_EOL;
You've just created mqBWAQJK - 1 - superman
You've just created WYuAZSco - 0 - admin
You've just created HCNWvVth - 1 - admin
You've just created EmLkVRpO - 1 -superman
You've just created pxWcsuPl - 1 -authenticated user
You've just created mLYrlKdz - 0 -superman
The RandomContext functionality from drupal/drupal-extension allows for usage like this:
Given I fill in "E-mail address" with "<?username>#example.org"
Given users:
| name | email | status | roles |
| <?standard> | <?standard>#example.org | 1 | authenticated |
| <?admin> | <?admin>#example.org | 1 | admin |
Each token (eg <?username>, <?firstname>) used in a feature will be randomly transformed with a (random string) value for that feature execution. This is implemented with the use of Behat's #Transform functionality, meaning that your tokens will be substituted before execution of that step - so it works to generate random inputs anywhere you might need to use random input as part of your feature.
You can reference the same token later in your feature, eg to verify that the random value input earlier has been returned correctly, and the randomly generated value will be recalled. So, the first and second usages of <?admin> in the example above will both be replaced by the same generated value.
If you are using drupal/drupal-extension then this can be enabled by adding Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\RandomContext to the enabled contexts in your behat.yml.
If you aren't using Drupal, then the source linked above will demonstrate how you could implement the same for your own usage.
I've created a solution on that you can try.
MinkFieldRandomizer is a random (with sense) information generator for filling browser form fields in Behat Mink Selenium tests. It brings the option to run your tests in a more realistic way changing the information you use to fill in the forms in every test you run.
You can easily add it to your project by Composer.
One example:
Then Fills in form fields with provided table
| "f_outbound_accommodation_name" | "{RandomName(10)}" |
| "f_outbound_accommodation_phone_number" | "{RandomPhone(9)}" |
| "f_outbound_accommodation_address_1" | "{RandomText(10)}" |
I hope you try it!
And you're welcome to add new functionalities or fork it or do wathever you want.

How to flatten a one-to-many relationship

While trying to build a data warehousing application using Talend, we are faced with the following scenario.
We have two tables tables that look like
Table master
Events Table
1 | 1 | ACC_APPLIED | 2014-01-01
2 | 1 | ACC_OPENED | 2014-01-02
3 | 1 | ACC_CLOSED | 2014-01-02
There is a one-to-many relationship between master and the events table.Since, given a limited number of event names I proposing that we denormalize this structure into something that looks like
1 | FOO | FOO_BAR#EXAMPLE.COM | 20140101 | 20140102 | 20140103
THE DATE_ID columns refer to entries inside the time dimension table.
First question : Is this a good idea ? What are the other alternatives to this scheme ?
Second question : How do I implement this using Talend Open Studio ? I figured out a way in which I moved the data for each event name into it's own temporary table along with cust_id using the tMap component and later linked them together using another tMap. Is there another way to do this in talend ?
To do this in Talend you'll need to first sort your data so that it is reliably in the order of applied, opened and closed for each account and then denormalize it to a single row with a single delimited field for the dates using the tDenormalizeRows component.
After this you'll want to use tExtractDelimitedFields to split the single dates field.
Yeah, this is a good idea, this is called a cumulative snapshot fact. http://www.kimballgroup.com/2012/05/design-tip-145-time-stamping-accumulating-snapshot-fact-tables/
Not sure how to do this in Talend (dont know the tool) but it would be quite easy to implement in SQL using a Case or Pivot statement
Regarding only your first question, it's certainly a good idea -- unless there is any possibility of the same persons applying-opening-closing their account more than once AND you want to keep all this information in their history (so UPDATE wouldn't help).
Snowflaking is definitely not a good option if you are going to design a data warehouse. So, denormalizing will certainly be a good choice in this case. Following article almost fits perfectly to clear the air over such scenarios,