Using Shopify API to create new product/variant - api

Hi I need to use Shopify's API in order to perform the following procedure but have no clue where to start. I have tried looking online at tutorials but find them very confusing. Does anyone know where I can start, or who I could pay to complete this task please.
Shopify is limited to 100 variants and I am trying to sell a product by the linear metre. I would like for the API to generate on request a new (temporary) variant dependnig on what size the customer enters.
1 - Customer enters size in linear metres on the product page
2 - Customer clicks ADD TO CART
3 - API creates a new variant of the selected product, calculates it's price based on the selected product multiplied by the number of metres they have entered
4 - The new variant is added to the cart
5 - After an hour, the new variant must be deleted
Does anyone know where I can start with this please? I have played around with Postman and can generate a new variant using that, but have no idea where to put the code etc.


Shopify returns value 2 pence lower than it should be

I'm trying to do some reconciliation between our APIs pulls for Refunds and what is shown within Shopify analytics.
Looking at this example (below) it show the return value of £30.83 but it should show £30.85 (37.50 - 6.65 = 30.85). The data from our pull calculates to £30.85. But why is shopify showing 2pence less.
Does anyone know why this is?
Thank you.

ebay finding api finditemsbykeywords pagination problem

I tried the following calls:
then on the ebay API explorer for the post request body,
<findItemsByKeywordsRequest xmlns="">
but I do not get 100 searchResult count per page, in Postman I get 32 searchResult and in API explorer 56; furthermore 2nd page forward I do not get any searchResult count, I am trying to understand is there something wrong that I am writing in the call or there is some another problem or any parameter I am missing.
Thanks for the help.
I am also running into this problem. I am guessing that the pagination results are for the entire store, but not for the search by keywords....Seems like they dropped the ball on this.
Sorry, I did not update on the question, I forgot about it.
The problem was not with the pagination, the problem is the variants.
Simply explained, the output of the query doesn't count for the variants listed on the Ebay search by the same seller. If you have from a same seller the same product with the different variant, the query does not show the variants from those product from the same seller just different variant, as it would if you do an ebay search.
The mechanism of the query is different as that of the product search on Ebay.

Struggling to import analyst share price to GoogleSheets

I am trying to create a column that imports the analyst price target from TipRanks website.
I uploaded two images:
Image 1: you can see the cell that I want to import.
Image 2: you can see my function that doesn't work.
What should I change in order to get this live info?
The site you are checking is actually "javascript" generated thus import functions won't properly work on them.
To check, just try to import the whole site data. If it returns a javascript function, then it is javascript generated.
Sample (
What you can do is actually try to find other sites that provide the same data.
I did find one with the same data you are looking for, 50.38 for csiq. Link is "". And since data is shown as table, it would be easier to import using importhtml.
Cell formula is:
=INDEX(IMPORTHTML("", "table", 5), 2, 2)
Sample output:
The table is the fifth one in the DOM, and INDEX(table, 2, 2) means getting the 2nd row 2nd column of the table.
If the site is no good for you, you can try finding other sites that would suit your needs. And then use either importhtml or importxml depending on the site structure.
When you inspect the network when the website is loading you will see that the prices come when calling the forecast endpoint This in turn returns an html response which is probably generated with Javascript on the client because they use React on the frontend, but you can still see the preview in the Network tab of the browser dev tools.
You can then copy the preview in VSCode and prettify it, to try and pin point the span holding the price. Of course it won't be exact science, because the html tags are generated with some media queries, but you will get close enough to some extent.
After you get the xml path but you get an empty error, you can delete some tags until you get some text. Use search in google sheets to search for highest price label, and than continue adding tags until you get the desired value.
Here is what I managed to get:
Lowest price target:
=importxml("", "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/span[2]")
Average price target:
=importxml("", "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/span[2]")
Highest price target:
=importxml("", "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/span[2]")
In time these methods might change depending on their development process, but you could use the above steps to update the script.
P.S. I wasn't satisfied with the marketwatch analyst price targets. I think the wisdom of the crowd is better on tipranks.
Try this one. Works perfectly fine on my personal Stock Portfolio on Google Sheets:
Lowest Price Target:
=importxml(CONCATENATE("", A1,"/forecast"), "//*[#class='colorpurple-dark ml3 mobile_fontSize7 laptop_ml0']")
Average Price Target:
=importxml(CONCATENATE("", A4,"/forecast"), "//*[#class='colorgray-1 ml3 mobile_fontSize7 laptop_ml0']")
Highest Price Target:
=importxml(CONCATENATE("", A4,"/forecast"), "//*[#class='colorpale ml3 mobile_fontSize7 laptop_ml0']")

Stacking Discount Codes in Shopify

I am trying to apply Two Discounts in Shopify cart. I read the documentation and I found out that you can do the same by Using Scripts App provided to Shopify Plus Accounts. So, I went ahead and created a Discount Script. The script executed perfectly after creation in the Shopify Console. But, when I tried to do a preview it did not seem to work as by default a discount was not applied to the cart.
Secondly, after creating the Script it provided me a ruby script. I also don't know where to place it. I mean i may be missing that part as a result of which i am not getting default discounts applied to the cart. Below is the auto-generated ruby script:
10_000 => 20,
1_000 => 15,
100 => 10,
10 => 5,
Input.cart.line_items.each do |line_item|
next if line_item.variant.product.gift_card?
quantity, discount = DISCOUNTS_BY_QUANTITY.find do |quantity, _|
line_item.quantity >= quantity
next unless discount
message = "#{discount}% off when buying at least #{quantity}."
line_item.line_price * ( - discount.to_d / 100),
message: message,
Output.cart = Input.cart
My Question is:
How can I implement stackable discounts in Shopify?
What is the use of the autogenerated code in the Scripts Editor and how to use it?
I asked this question quite a long time back and coming back again as i have a fair idea how shopify scripts work now. The script is executed everytime on checkout page and if a condition is satisfied then it will execute as per the code written. Below is an example where 10% OFF shipping has been provided to a user who has been tagged as a Platinum User.
customer = Input.cart.customer
if customer
customer.tags.each do |tag|
next unless tag == 'Platinum'
Input.shipping_rates.each do |shipping_rate|
shipping_rate.apply_discount(shipping_rate.price * 0.10, message: "Discounted shipping")
Output.shipping_rates = Input.shipping_rates
The Shopify Script app is a very powerful tool and can be used to provide really good customization to a Shopify Store. The documentation provided for the App also is very explanatory and should help one out if you want to code this on your own.
Documentaion Link - Link
Seems shopify scripts are now only available to Shopify Plus customers. This answer likely would not help customers who do not have Shopify Plus.

Opencart: Pass quantity variable to success.php

I have asked this question in the Opencart forums but have yet to receive any responses, so i thought i might ask the experts here #stackoverflow :)
I am trying to see exactly how i can pass the 'quantity' of the items ordered to the success.php page so i can then pass that to another php script that will generate an array based on the quantity.
This is my goal:
Customer Buys 5 items
Customer checks out and processes CC through Paypal Pro
Paypay returns a successful transaction
Now i want the success.php page to pass a variable($quantity) to
myNewScript.php page
myNewScript.php page will generate some random strings and then i
want to attach these random strings to the confirmation email that
opencart generates and sends to the customer.
Where should i start.
You will need to do this in checkout/success controller. Get the $quantity and use redirect function to redirect to your custom page: