Telegraf call action from hears text - telegram-bot

How can I call from the capture of a text to a concrete action
bot.command('/help', ctx => {
const helpMessage = `
*Help Bot* 🦺
/start - start
/remove - delete
/help - help
bot.telegram.sendMessage(, helpMessage, {
parse_mode: 'Markdown'
bot.hears('help', (ctx) => {
//command /help
run action /help when user types help


Jasmine Spy called incorrectly

I'm running into an interesting problem. I have set up a jasmine spy on an event listener that I attach and detach during the lifecycle of the component (this is in lit element by the way). On the connected callback I attach it like this:
getPositionEvent = this.getPosition.bind(this);
connectedCallback() {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.getPositionEvent, true);
I later detach it like this:
disconnectedCallback() {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.getPositionEvent, true);
I can see during testing of the code that the attachment works here:
let getPositionEventSpy: jasmine.Spy;
beforeAll(() => {
(code setting up component)
getPositionEventSpy = spyOn(component, 'getPositionEvent');
beforeEach(async () => {
await component.updateComplete;
it('should include an event listener for "resize"', async () => {
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
await component.updateComplete;
The problem comes when I try to test that the event listener is detached. I put this test in a separate describe block where I initiate a the disconnectedCallback function which should remove the event listener and then test that the spy has not been called when I dispatch the event:
describe('disconnection', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
it('should remove the "resize" event listener', async () => {
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
await component.updateComplete;
In this case the test fails meaning the getPositionEventSpy has been called. In trying to understand what's happening I added a console.log("getting position") statement in the getPosition() function. When I run the test for removing the event listener the console log statement doesn't get run, so I believe that the removal of the eventlistener is actually successful. So why does the spy count increase? Does anybody know?
try spy.resetHistory()
beforeAll(() => {

The best practice to handle async action in redux-saga so change the screen with react-navigation based on redux reducer

I'm using redux-saga to handle async actions like fetch data from our server.
For this purpose, I dispatch action on my screen. so I want to change navigate to another screen or show errors on the screen.
We can do this in some way like:
Solution 1:
For example in the login screen I do something like this:
login.js screen:
// After touch login button:
onSubmit: (values) => {
// formik on submit method
dispatch(login({ username: values.username, password: values.password }));
useEffect(() => {
if (!loading && tokens && tokens.access_token && !error.status) {
// navigate to dashboard screen
} else if (!loading && !(tokens && tokens.access_token)
&& (error && error.code && error.code === 'some_code')) {
// user not activated yet, so go to verification screen
navigation.push('Verification', { username: values.username });
}, [loading, tokens, error]);
This method works for me but I think it's not a best practice.
Solution 2:
Another solution we can send a function in the screen and pass that to login action so when the saga action finished we can call that callback.
This solution is not proper for me because we should send new parameter with action payload and sent it to saga again and call it in the saga and I think it's not the best way.
formSubmitted = (response) => {
const {data, status} = response;
if (status === 200) {
// navigate to dashboard screen
} else if (!loading && !(tokens && tokens.access_token)
&& (data.code === 'some_code')) {
// user not activated yet, so go to verification screen
navigation.push('Verification', { username: values.username });
// After touch login button:
onSubmit: (values) => {
// formik on submit method
dispatch(login({ username: values.username, password: values.password }));
// saga.js
const response = yield, params)
// sth like this to call the callback
yield call(payload.callback, response)
Solution 3:
We can use react-navigation navigator such as this link:
But I want to hold my application concern separately and I want to navigate between screen in the screen not in the saga.
What to you think about this problem? how do you handle it?

How can i pass parameters from method to action in vuejs vuex

I have to files with this code:
methods: {
obtenerUsuarios() {
console.log('Obtener Usuarios')
.then((data) => {
console.log(data). // Console First Message
.dispatch('user/fetchUsers', data)
.then((response) => {
this.items =
.catch((error) => {
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error: ' + error)
Console Firsts Mesagge show me a json web token in console that is ok.
When i dispatch 'user/fetchUsers in
export const actions = {
fetchUsers({ jwt }) {
console.log('Action JWT:' + jwt) //Second console.log
return UserService.getUsers(jwt)
The second messaje show me: Action JWT:undefined in the console
if i change the line two to
fetchUsers(jwt) {
The second messaje show me: Action JwT:[object Object]
I need to pass a json web token from Users.vue method to fetchUsers action y user.js
I will to appreciate any help
Jose Rodriguez
Your action method currently declares the data in the first argument (and no second argument), but actions receive the Vuex context as its first argument. The data payload is in the second argument:
const actions = {
//fetchUsers(data) {} // DON'T DO THIS (1st arg is for context)
fetchUsers(context, data) {}

Writing a Testcafe test to assert a loading spinner is visible after making a fetch request

I have the following scenario:
Load page
Expect spinner is hidden
Type username Click search
Expect spinner display
After a few seconds delay, expect spinner to hide
Assert the right user details are displayed
Here is the working demo
I have mocked the network request in my test spec, but I am unable to understand how to assert spinner is visible after I click the search button
Here is my test spec:
import {Selector, RequestMock} from "testcafe";
import mockUser from "../mocks/mockUser.json";
var apiMocks = RequestMock()
.respond(mockUser, 200, {
'access-control-allow-credentials': "*",
'access-control-allow-origin': "*"
fixture `When a user is searched`
test("Should fetch user details", async t => {
const spinnerEl = Selector("[data-test-id='spinner']");
await t.expect(spinnerEl.exists).notOk();
await t
.typeText("[data-test-id='txt-search']", "foo")
// This line does not work
// await t.expect(spinnerEl.exists).ok();
await t.expect(Selector("[data-test-id='username']").innerText).eql("Foo Bar");
await t.expect(Selector("[data-test-id='userid']").innerText).eql("foo");
I am new to TestCafe, could someone help me with this.
It is difficult to check whether the described spinner element is shown due to the following:
It is displayed only during a short period of time. This does not allow TestCafe to check it in time. Using mocks makes the spinner appear only for milliseconds.
TestCafe waits for all requests and does not perform any actions until XHR requests are completed. This means that assertions will not start until your request is finished.
However, it's still possible to work around the issue.
You can use MutationObserver and TestCafe ClientFunctions mechanism.
You can create your element observer using the ClientFunction. The observer will watch for the app element changes. If the spinner element appears the observer will be notified and set the window.spinnerWasShown variable to true.
After the button is clicked, you can check that the windows.spinnerWasShown variable is set to true.
Here is the full example:
import { Selector, RequestMock, ClientFunction } from "testcafe";
import mockUser from "../mocks/mockUser.json";
var apiMocks = RequestMock()
.respond(mockUser, 200, {
'access-control-allow-credentials': "*",
'access-control-allow-origin': "*"
fixture`When a user is searched`
const spinnerWasShown = ClientFunction(() => window.spinnerWasShown);
const observeSpinner = ClientFunction(() => {
var appEl = document.querySelector('.app');
const config = { attributes: true, childList: true };
const callback = function(mutationsList) {
for(let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
for (var i =0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; i++ )
window.spinnerWasShown = window.spinnerWasShown || mutation.addedNodes[i].className.indexOf('spinner') > -1;
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(appEl, config);
test("Should fetch user details", async t => {
const spinnerEl = Selector("[data-test-id='spinner']");
await t.expect(spinnerEl.exists).notOk();
await t.typeText("[data-test-id='txt-search']", "foo");
await observeSpinner();
await t.expect(spinnerWasShown()).eql(true);
await t.expect(spinnerEl.exists).notOk();
await t.expect(Selector("[data-test-id='username']").innerText).eql("Foo Bar");
await t.expect(Selector("[data-test-id='userid']").innerText).eql("foo");

Pusher Chatkit in Vue - onNewMessage hook triggered twice?

I have a Vue.js application using the Pusher Chatkit.
I have a problem I haven't been able to find an answer for some time now.
Whenever I re-visit a view/component the Chatkit onNewMessage() hook is triggered multiple times. It depends on the times I re-visit the page.
Page refresh or first-time load resolves the issue until next re-visit.
It must be that I am creating multiple listeners each time I visit the view, but I don't get what these listeners are.
Pusher states that room subscriptions "override" the old ones when done twice.
Here is my chat.vue component
import chatConnection from '../chatkit.js'
let chatManagerConnectPromise = chatConnection(this, uid)
Promise.all([..., chatManagerConnectPromise, ...])
.then(results => {
// ...
// ...
.catch(error =>{
methods: {
for(let room of currentUser.rooms){
subscribeToRoom(currentUser, roomId){
roomId: roomId,
hooks: {
onNewMessage: message => {
console.log("CHAT | onNewMessage | new: ", message.text)
messageLimit: 10
.catch(error => {
this.notifyError("Uh oh", "Something is not right")
And here is my chatkit.js content:
import { ChatManager, TokenProvider } from '#pusher/chatkit'
export const chatConnection = ({ state, actions }, uid) =>{
return new ChatManager({
instanceLocator: "##:###:###:####:####",
userId: uid,
tokenProvider: new TokenProvider({url: 'https://...' })
onAddedToRoom: room => {
// some action taken
onRemovedFromRoom: room => {
// some action taken
onRoomDeleted: room => {
// some action taken
.then(user => {
return user
.catch(error => console.log('CHATKIT | Error on connection', error))
Again, the problem is that the onNewMessage() is triggered once the first time after the page refresh/first load, but then increases by one with each new page visit (back and forth navigation).
I am creating some listeners with each visit but it cannot be the ChatManager not the User.subscribeToRoom!?
Thanks for any pointers.