What is the meaning of this [Ok :=] symbol in Doc. in Dynamic NAV - dynamic

can anyone explain what is meaning of this. [enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/oo1c5.png). I don't understand what's purpose of that in part of a syntax. I am a beginner with this programming lang. thanks
I tried, to search other website I cant find anything useful. Can anyone explain this for me thanks. I am newbie with this.


Using DeckGL with Vue.js

I am struggling to get Deck play nice with vue. all the examples I have found till today are either quite hacked, not really my use case or out of date.
Does anyone know a good first step Source I could look at to get started?
I'm not sure if you ever found your solution or if you found other content, but I just wanted to post some info here in case you or anyone else who finds there way here needs some help on this.
There is a open source library we are working on to help bootstrap DeckGL/Mapbox implementations in Vue while providing some and soon more helpful abstractions.
Here is a couple links you may find useful:
Repo: https://github.com/loftylabs/vue_deckgl
Tutorial and documentation: https://loftylabs.github.io/vue_deckgl/
Feel free to stop by the repo and drop questions in issues if you are looking for any more help!

is Searching possible in jTable? if yes then how? any example :)

i am working with jTable
here is demos http://www.jtable.org/Tutorials/UsingWithAspNetWebFormsPageMethods#CreatePage
but i am not able to find the search option. can you help me.
is it searching possible in jTable, if yes, can anybody provide me example with code.
i am using jTable with VB asp.net Web Forms.
I will really appreciate it by marking your suggestion as answer, i really need it. thanks in advance
I'm guessing you're looking for this: http://www.jtable.org/Demo/Filtering
You can filter the table based on a search string.

How to make a localized application?

I would like to make my app localized but I don't know where to start from. I gave a look to the msdn guide but I didn't really understood. My app would be localized for italian, french and english. Could someone help me?? Thanks!
There's lots of tutorials for this found with a quick web search. Including Step-by-Step tutorials like this one. In the future you might include what you've tried or look into some other resources before asking such a broad question. If I remember right there's also step-by-step video tutorials available at the usual places.

Sympl Example - Source Code?

I am exploring DLR runtime, and i see that there is a nice documentation on Sympl language. Does anyone know where can i find the source code for this sample project ?
I found this documentation for Sympl which has lot of examples explained in very simple and useful manner. It might be of help to you.

Webkit-sharp example applications

Could anybody suggest a good open source (as in I can see the source, license irrelevant) webkit-sharp-based application? I've been wanting to jump into development with webkit-sharp and gtk-sharp, but I haven't found much of any documentation on webkit-sharp. I thought a good application example is as good as any documentation.
For anybody else that has this issue, a good application I just found is the sample app included with the source. For anybody answering, I didn't think about checking the source for samples when I posted this. The name of the sample is called FunnyBrowser.cs.
Here's mine:
There don't seem to be many examples around of anyone using this. I've been looking through the docs at http://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk/stable to figure it out.