retrieving sparql dates in string format - sparql

I have this code:
PREFIX dbp: <>
SELECT Distinct ?bookLabel ?authorLabel ?genreLabel ?date
WHERE{{ {{?s rdf:type dbo:Book .
?s rdfs:label ?bookLabel .
?s dbo:author ?author .
?author rdfs:label ?authorLabel .
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?authorLabel), 'en'))
OPTIONAL {{ ?s dbp:country ?country .
?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel .
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?countryLabel), 'en'))
?s dbo:literaryGenre ?genre .
?genre rdfs:label ?genreLabel .
?genreLabel bif:contains "'war'"
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?genreLabel), 'en'))
OPTIONAL {{ ?s dbp:language ?language .
?language rdfs:label ?languageLabel .
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?languageLabel), 'en'))
OPTIONAL {{ ?s dbp:country ?country .
?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel .
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?countryLabel), 'en'))
OPTIONAL {{ ?s dbp:language ?language .
?language rdfs:label ?languageLabel .
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?languageLabel), 'en'))
?s dbp:releaseDate ?date.
FILTER ( ?date >= '19990210'^^xsd:date && ?date <= "20211231"^^xsd:date )
}} }}
This retrieves only part of the books for the mentioned period. There are books in dbp:releaseDate with dates written in string format not xsd:date. for example "2006 February". how can i apply the same filter above for those books?

DBPedia data is mostly just as dirty (or clean) as the Wikipedia pages from which DBpedia is derived.
Your best (if tedious) bet would be to fix the Wikipedia data (making all book publication dates conform to xsd:date), and wait a bit (may be minutes, hours, days, or longer, for this experimental public service) for DBpedia to pick up the changes.


SPARQL query for specific information

I am struggling a lot to create some SPARQL queries. I need 3 specific things, and this is what i have so far:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
select distinct ?title ?author ?country ?genre ?language
where {
?s rdf:type dbo:Book;
dbp:title ?title;
dbp:author ?author;
dbp:country ?country;
dbp:genre ?genre;
dbp:language ?language.
This query will bring me a list of all books. What i really need is the ability to add some filters to this code. There are 3 things i want to filter by:
specific title name (e.g., search for title with "harry potter")
specific author name (e.g., search for author with "J. K. Rowling")
specific genre (e.g., search for genre with "adventure")
I've been struggling with this for too long and i simply cannot define these 3 queries. I am trying to implement a function that will execute a SPARQL statement using parameters passed by an user form. I found a few examples here and in the web but i just cannot build these 3 specific queries.
As noted, not every book has every property, and some of your properties may not exist at all. For instance, I changed dbp:genre to dbo:literaryGenre, based on the description of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. See query form, and results.
{ ?s rdf:type dbo:Book .
?s rdfs:label ?bookLabel .
?s dbo:author ?author .
?author rdfs:label ?authorLabel .
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?authorLabel), 'en'))
?authorLabel bif:contains "Rowling"
OPTIONAL { ?s dbp:country ?country .
?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel .
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?countryLabel), 'en')) }
OPTIONAL { ?s dbo:literaryGenre ?genre .
?genre rdfs:label ?genreLabel .
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?genreLabel), 'en')) }
OPTIONAL { ?s dbp:language ?language .
?language rdfs:label ?languageLabel .
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?languageLabel), 'en')) }

Free text search in sparql when you have multiword and scaping character

I am wondering how I can use in sparql query when I have a word like :
Robert J. O'Neill
I am looking for the resource that have the multiword unit with quota or unicode character in the Label property.
SELECT DISTINCT ?resource ?abstract
WHERE {?resource rdfs:label ?s.
?s <bif:contains> "'Robert J. O'Neill'"
?resource dbo:abstract ?abstract
Here is the query that will return all the elements that have "Robert J. O'Neill" as label.
?s rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER(regex(?label, "Robert J. O'Neill", "i"))
If you are sure that you need a specific string matching. This is faster :
?s rdfs:label ?label .
?label bif:contains "Robert J. O'Neill"
But be aware that, Virtuoso for example doesnt support such a query because of the spaces in the string. So an alternative is to avoid it as :
?s rdfs:label ?label .
?label bif:contains "Robert" .
FILTER (CONTAINS(?label, " J. O'Neill"))
I found following code faster that the regex:
SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s rdfs:label ?o FILTER ( bif:contains ( ?o, '"Robert" AND "J." AND "Neill"' ) ) }

Aggregate properties

I'm developing my own Fuseki endpoint from some DBpedia data.
I'm in doubt on how to aggregate properties related to a single resource.
SELECT ?name ?website ?abstract ?genre ?image
VALUES ?s {<!>}
?s foaf:name ?name ;
dbo:abstract ?abstract .
OPTIONAL { ?s dbo:genre ?genre } .
OPTIONAL { ?s dbp:website ?website } .
OPTIONAL { ?s dbo:image ?image } .
FILTER LANGMATCHES(LANG(?abstract ), "en")
SPARQL endpoint:
This query returns 2 matching results. They are different just for the dbo:genre value. There is a way I can query the knowledge base and retrieving a single result with a list of genres?
#chrisis's query works well on the DBpedia SPARQL Endpoint, which is based on Virtuoso.
However, if you are using Jena Fuseki, you should use more conformant syntax:
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
(SAMPLE(?website) AS ?sample_website)
(SAMPLE(?abstract) AS ?sample_abstract)
(SAMPLE(?image) AS ?sample_image)
(GROUP_CONCAT(?genre; separator=', ') AS ?genres)
VALUES (?s) {(<!>)}
?s foaf:name ?name ;
dbo:abstract ?abstract .
OPTIONAL { ?s dbo:genre ?genre } .
OPTIONAL { ?s dbp:website ?website } .
OPTIONAL { ?s dbo:image ?image} .
FILTER LANGMATCHES(LANG(?abstract ), "en")
} GROUP BY ?name
The differences from the #chrisis's query are:
Since GROUP_CONCAT is an aggregation function, it might be used with GROUP BY only;
Since GROUP BY is used, all non-grouping variables should be aggregated (e.g. via SAMPLE);
GROUP_CONCAT syntax is slightly different.
In Fuseki, these AS in the projection are in fact superfluous: see this question and comments.
Yes, the GROUP_CONCAT() function is what you want.
SELECT ?name ?website ?abstract (GROUP_CONCAT(?genre,',') AS ?genres) ?image
<!> a dbo:Band ;
foaf:name ?name;
dbo:abstract ?abstract .
OPTIONAL{ <!> dbo:genre ?genre } .
OPTIONAL{ <!> dbp:website ?website} .
OPTIONAL{ <!> dbo:image ?image} .
FILTER LANGMATCHES(LANG(?abstract ), "en")

How to use Sparql Contains to match similar String?

I'm trying to grab some definition in dbpedia inside my thesaurus.
Although can find country that have a label that match my country, i don't get all of them. So i try to match similar label with contains but it does not work.
Any idea why.
SELECT distinct ?idbcountry ?label ?labelDb ?def
?idbcountry a skos:Concept .
?idbcountry rdfs:label ?label .
?idbcountry skos:inScheme iadb:IdBCountries .
FILTER(lang(?label) = "en")
Service <> {
?s a <> .
?s rdfs:label ?labelDb .
FILTER(CONTAINS (?labelDb, ?label)).
?s rdfs:comment ?def .
FILTER(lang(?def) = "en") .
FILTER(lang(?labelDb) = "en") .
The exact matching query that works is as follows:
SELECT distinct ?idbcountry ?label ?def
?idbcountry a skos:Concept .
?idbcountry rdfs:label ?label .
?idbcountry skos:inScheme iadb:IdBCountries .
FILTER(lang(?label) = "en")
Service <> {
?s a <> .
?s rdfs:label ?label .
?s rdfs:comment ?def
FILTER(lang(?def) = "en")
Data Samples:
rdf:type skos:Concept ;
dct:created "2015-03-27T16:43:48.052-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
rdfs:label "BO"#en ;
rdfs:label "Bolivia"#en ;
rdfs:label "Bolivia"#es ;
rdfs:label "Bolivie"#fr ;
rdfs:label "Bolívia"#pt ;
skos:altLabel "BO"#en ;
skos:definition "Bolivia (/bəˈlɪviə/, Spanish: [boˈliβja], Quechua: Buliwya, Aymara: Wuliwya), officially known as the Plurinational State of Bolivia (Spanish: Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia locally: [esˈtaðo pluɾinasjoˈnal de βoˈliβja]), is a landlocked country located in western-central South America."#en ;
skos:inScheme :IdBCountries ;
skos:prefLabel "Bolivia"#en ;
skos:prefLabel "Bolivia"#es ;
skos:prefLabel "Bolivie"#fr ;
skos:prefLabel "Bolívia"#pt ;
skos:topConceptOf :IdBCountries ;
<> <> ;
Without seeing your data, we can't know why your query isn't working. However, using contains is pretty straightforward. It's just a matter of contains(string,substring). As Jeen said, we can't reproduce your problem without knowing what your data looks like, but here's an example of contains in action:
select distinct ?country ?label {
?country a dbpedia-owl:Country ; #-- select countries
rdfs:label ?label . #-- and get labels
filter langMatches(lang(?label),"en") #-- but only English labels
filter contains(?label,"land") #-- containing "land"
SPARQL results

SPARQL Query to get Movie detail

To get movie detail from linkedmdb, I used sparql query :
PREFIX mdb: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?Title ?Genre ?Actor ?Country ?Director ?Year WHERE {
?film mdb:id ?uri .
?film dc:title ?Title .
?film movie:genre ?filmgenre.
?filmgenre movie:film_genre_name ?Genre .
?film movie:actor ?cast .
?cast movie:actor_name ?Actor .
?film movie:country ?Ctr .
?Ctr movie:country_name ?Country .
?film dc:date ?Year .
?film movie:director ?Drc .
?Drc movie:director_name ?Director
FILTER regex(?Title, "Kingdom of Heaven")
But SPARQL results shown Title same as counted Actor . How to combine the query so that Title is not repeated?
I've try using GROUP_CONCAT but not working in LinkedMDB Endpoint?
Could someone guide me?