ms access query expression field not accepting IIf expression - sql

im trying to return 1 if null and 0 if not null and when i enter the expression this The error
error pops up.
heres the expression i wrote :
IIf(IsNull([_characterType]); 0; 1)
The database file (i had to empty it for legal reasons)
(the database was in another language with special characters and i changed all of it to english, that may be the problem but i still dont know how to fix it)
i tried using comma instead of semicolon and got the same result.
when i enter the same exact expression in SQL view it works but when i switch to design view it breaks again.
i tried using external software to fix the database.
i tried importing all of the data to another newly made access file.

Try this for your expression:
Abs(Not IsNull([_characterType]))


PostgreSQL: How do I sum after using a text function and cast? (ERROR SQL state: 22P02)

I am probably missing something obvious and asking a silly thing, but I am unable to do a simple sum.
My data was imported with the character '€' character so I had to import the data as text:
original data sample:
I tried to use a string function to remove the €. I was then hoping to convert to numeric and sum.
SELECT sum(coalesce(CAST(split_part(revenue_eur, '€', 2) as NUMERIC),'0'))
FROM revenue_test;
the only piece that runs is
SELECT coalesce(split_part(revenue_eur, '€', 2),'0')
FROM revenue_test;
What I need is just a sum. Could someone please kindly help me figure it out?
I tried doing a subquery but failed in misery..
Maybe there is a way to import the data without the € and into numeric?
Thank you!!!!!!
EDIT: I imported via CSV to pgAdmin4 and using postgres 12 (The file counts to 85k rows in sql)
To import the data I tried COPY with the pgAdmin4 query tool but I got error 'permission denied'. I checked all the permissions to my file but I clearly was missing something, the most likely solution I found was that I needed to connect to postgres via the terminal on my mac and use \COPY. But I didn't manage to do that.
So I ended up using the right click feature 'import' via pgAdmin.
EDIT 2: I found the problem, when importing a ',' was inserted to one value (mark thousands) so I am unable to cast without taking it away.
I found regular expression help on removing a character from a specific order but the , appears randomly.
Code works!
WITH test AS
(SELECT translate(revenue_eur, '€,', '')::float as eur
FROM revenue_test)
SELECT sum(coalesce(eur, '0'))
from test;

ADODB connection refuses to connect due to missing operator

I'm opening an excel sheet via ADODB connection. The code has been working fine, until today, when it refused to connect to a new excel file.
The SQL string I am using is:
SELECT container_key,
FROM [temp0$]
Now I get an error message from VBA when i am on the line that is supposed to open the recordset:
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '3rd_party_key'
I have verified that the field exists and is named the same in the spreadsheet. The syntax looks correct to me as well. The spreadhseet is extremly large (360+ columns) and the field that is refrenced in the error message is the very last column. Might this have somethingto do with the issue I am encountering?
Can someone point out what the problem might be?
I have tried putting all field names in parentheses. While this worked in not producing a run time error and it didn't work either. Finally I tried reducing the number of fields and went one by one. The following 3 fields cause the errors:
If i remove these fields, I can open the recordset without a problem. I suspect the name conventions of these fields causes a conflict somehow.
I'd try it column by column, with square brackets, to see which column is actually causing the problem. It might seem a bit tedious but this way you will know exactly where the problem lies.

Cannot view the SQL portion of a query in ACCESS?

I am currently working on a project of replacing our old access database queries, but on one of them I am not able to view the actual SQL View.
Does anyone know a way to force the view or to export it somehow?
Error causing problem:
The SQL statement could not be executed because it contains ambiguous outer joins.
Note that I can view the Design View without issue but when I right click on the tab and select SQL View is when I get the error.
I did attempt what #LeeMac mentioned below but same error occurs:
This question is not like Ambiguous Outer Joins?
The OP on that question can actually see and edit their SQL.
My issues is that I cannot see or edit the SQL as the SQL View wont open.
Try executing the following VBA code from the Immediate Window (accessible using Ctrl+G) in the VBA IDE (open the IDE using Alt+F11):
Replace YourQuery with the name of your query.
This should print the SQL code which comprises your query - you can then analyse the SQL to determine the cause of the error.
It's odd this error would arise when merely viewing the SQL content of the query definition.
It makes me think that the query is perhaps referencing a crosstab subquery which is actually the cause of the error, but which needs to be evaluated in order for MS Access to determine the columns available when viewing the design of the query in question.
Try this:
hit ctrl-g, and from immediate window type in this:
saveastext acQuery,"Name of query","c:\test\mysql.txt"
Access ordinarily doesn't allow you to save invalid queries, so it's strange you somehow got into this situation in the first place.
If you can copy the query, you can easily get to the SQL by changing the query to a passthrough query, either through the GUI or through VBA:
Dim q As DAO.QueryDef
Set q = CurrentDb.QueryDefs!Query1
q.Connect = "ODBC;"
Debug.Print q.SQL
Passthrough queries are not validated, so you can freely read and write anything you want as SQL in it.
Note that this is irreversible when done through VBA. You can only change it back to a normal query once you made the SQL valid again. If you do it through the GUI, you can just not save it, though.
I had this problem and the issue was that i had a subquery that calculated fields but did not actually have a table in it. for example it would calculate first and last day of last month which is 2 calculated fields, then it was the first query in a series of queries that were built off it and the last one wouldnt resolve sql as original poster indicated also gave the ambiguous join message as well as query needs input table (which was that first subquery). i put a table with 1 record in it but didnt use the record and it worked.... so it just a needs a table in it.

How do I edit the BigQuery Connector for Excel .iqy file to have the SQL statement already in it instead of relying on input from an Excel cell?

I'm having an issue similar to bigquery excel connector - query larger than 256 char
However, I AM referencing a cell range and get the result:
"WARNING Request failed: Error. Unable to execute query. 400 { code : 400, errors : [ { domain : global, location : query, locationType : other, message : 1.593 - 1.593: No query found., reason : invalidQuery } ], message : 1.593 - 1.593: No query found. }"
Perhaps I'm "splitting" the query incorrectly? I assumed each cell only needed to be less than 256 characters, and it would just concatenate subsequent cells in the range specified to the end of the string in the preceding cells.
Every help document I've found show simple SQL statements, and I can run simple ones, but the query I really need to work has a select statement in the where clause for a field. I've tried joining the table referenced in the where clause to see if that makes the statement simpler, more easily recognizable as a query, but no luck.
I've tried opening the .iqy file in NotePad that (BigQuery originally had me download) to see if I could just input the query there, but I cannot find any documentation for syntax on these types of files so when I load it into Excel it still shows a prompt for the query to be inputted.
The final result doesn't need to have the query read from a cell reference, in fact, if it could all just be in the .iqy file, that would be most preferable: less chance of users mucking up the data.
Make sure to URL encode the parameters (query, project and key) in .iqy file. Use an online tool like
if you had the .iqy loaded already in Excel before making above changes, you must delete the query definition. Go in Properties and uncheck Save query definition, then connect to the .iqy again
Not sure what the max size for q(query) is for but I recommend using a BigQuery VIEW instead.
it hides the SQL plumbing and hence reduces the size of the SQL passed to the API. URL encoding the query can then be as easy as replacing spaces with +
you can tune/change the view definition in BigQuery without having to rollout a new .iqy to your users
implement some sort of row-level security using CURRENT_USER()...
But that's another topic !
Finally, coming back to the .iqy, you can combine and embed parameters in the query like so:
q=select+*+from+mydataset.myview+where+FiscalYear=["Year", "Enter a year:"]&p=myproject&k=myURLencodedKey

Unable To Run Access Report With Column Name Which Has Special Character

I'm trying to run a report in Access that references a poorly named column: Vendor#. For those of you not familiar with Access: '#' is a reserved keyword with special meaning. I've been trying to run the report and every time I do a popup appears asking for a value for the column: in other words it keeps seeing it as a variable name. I've tried a number of variations on the name including: [Vendor#], 'Vendor#', ['Vendor#']. I tried an Alias but then I encountered the same issue in the where clause referencing the Alias. No I can't change the schema to rename the column to something more appropriate. Any help is appreciated.
Here is the query:
SELECT * FROM dbo_Vendors
WHERE ((dbo_Vendors.[Vendor#]) = [Forms]![frm_Report_Vendor]![VendorNumber])
I have just tested with a linked sql server table having a column called Vendor#. I can create a report and it runs correctly.
Can you save the query and test that the query runs? I suspect that you may have a misspelled form reference, because I have tested the whole scenario and it works for me. I do not think the report has anything to do with it.