The debugger adapter not works after vsce package - vscode-extensions

I developed a debug extension which uses an external js debugger adapter. I put the js file to the bin directory looks like this.
And I used it like this in my development environment.
"label": "ThingIO Debugger",
"program": "./bin/adapter.js",
"runtime": "node",
"type": "thingio-debug"
The code works well in my development mode, but when I packaged it to a .vsix file and install to another machine, it failed immediately.
The webpack file is below
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
/** #typedef {import('webpack').Configuration} WebpackConfig **/
/** #type WebpackConfig */
const extensionConfig = {
target: 'node', // vscode extensions run in a Node.js-context 📖 ->
mode: 'none', // this leaves the source code as close as possible to the original (when packaging we set this to 'production')
entry: './src/extension.ts', // the entry point of this extension, 📖 ->
output: {
// the bundle is stored in the 'dist' folder (check package.json), 📖 ->
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: 'extension.js',
libraryTarget: 'commonjs2'
externals: {
vscode: 'commonjs vscode' // the vscode-module is created on-the-fly and must be excluded. Add other modules that cannot be webpack'ed, 📖 ->
// modules added here also need to be added in the .vscodeignore file
resolve: {
// support reading TypeScript and JavaScript files, 📖 ->
extensions: ['.ts', '.js']
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.ts$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: [
loader: 'ts-loader'
devtool: 'nosources-source-map',
infrastructureLogging: {
level: "log", // enables logging required for problem matchers
module.exports = [ extensionConfig ];
And the vscode:prepublish command is webpack --mode production --devtool hidden-source-map
I think it looks like the debugger adapter program is not found. So I checked the ~/.vscode/extensions, and the adapter js file exists in the right path.
Now I'm very confused about what wrong is with the extension. Maybe the path is wrong or the webpack did not compile the right file in some situation?
Can anyone give some solution or suggestion about this?


Workbox webpack plugin is not loading assets (.js) from cache after installed

I am trying to set up a PWA for an app in Laravel (5.8) with vuejs (2.5).
This is the configuration I have in mix.js:
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
// Define runtime caching rules.
runtimeCaching: [{
// Match any request that ends with .png, .jpg, .jpeg or .svg.
urlPattern: /\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|svg)$/,
// Apply a cache-first strategy.
handler: 'CacheFirst',
options: {
// Use a custom cache name.
cacheName: 'images',
// Only cache 10 images.
expiration: {
maxEntries: 10,
skipWaiting: true
.copy('node_modules/lodash/lodash.min.js', 'public/js')
.copy('./resources/manifest.json', 'public/dist/manifest.json')
.copy('./resources/icons', 'public/dist/')
output: {
filename: '[name].js',
chunkFilename: `[name].chunk.[contenthash:8].js`,
path: path.join(__dirname, 'public/dist'),
publicPath: '/dist/'
resolve: {
alias: {
'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.common.js',
'variables': path.resolve('resources/sass/_variables.scss')
plugins: [
new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(
processCssUrls: false,
The service worker was installed correctly and the first time it loads it caches my assets.
But the next calls I make (reload the page) don't use that cache and reload the assets from the network.
However, what I am looking for is a quick initial load after the PWA is installed and this is not happening.
I have done this before with Angular and the PWA module and the assets are loaded from cache, and if there are changes, they are updated later, which makes the initial load of the application very fast.
Can someone help me with this?
In the end I ended up using workbox-cli with this setup:
// workbox.config.js
module.exports = {
"globDirectory": "public/",
"globPatterns": [
// 15mb max file size
maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes: 15 * 1024 * 1024,
globIgnores: [
"swDest": "public/service-worker.js",
"swSrc": "resources/sw-offline.js"
And running this at the end of my npm run prod
workbox injectManifest workbox.config.js
All credit to this repository:

Embed react-native-web app into existing website

I want to embed a react-native-web application into an existing website and am currently looking for options how to do so.
The application should be a quite simple questionnaire which needs to be embedded into a website created with Elementor. My idea was to use the Elementor HTML widget and insert my application somehow, but unfortunately I cannot figure out how to do this.
I've got a bit of experience developing React Native(RN) apps but I am pretty new to web development and therefore thought it would be easier for me to go with RN and the react-native-web library.
So far, I've created a RN project using npx react-native init WebApp, copied the App.js, index.js and package.json files from react-native-web CodeSandbox template, deleted the node_modules folders and ran npm install. Then I was able to start and build this example web app with the scripts from the package.json.
Now my question, how can I use the output from the build directory and embed it into an html tag?
I also tried to use webpack with the configuration from the react-native-web docs to bundle the app but I always got a new error as soon as I fixed the last one. Is it possible to bundle a RN app into a single JS file which I could then insert into the website?
Looking forward to any advice!
I solved it by using the below webpack config. The created bundle.web.js' content is put into a script tag (<script>...</script>). This can be embedded into the HTML widget.
// web/webpack.config.js
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const appDirectory = path.resolve(__dirname, '');
// This is needed for webpack to compile JavaScript.
// Many OSS React Native packages are not compiled to ES5 before being
// published. If you depend on uncompiled packages they may cause webpack build
// errors. To fix this webpack can be configured to compile to the necessary
// `node_module`.
const babelLoaderConfiguration = {
test: /\.js$/,
// Add every directory that needs to be compiled by Babel during the build.
include: [
path.resolve(appDirectory, 'index.web.js'),
path.resolve(appDirectory, 'src'),
path.resolve(appDirectory, 'node_modules/react-native-uncompiled'),
use: {
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
cacheDirectory: true,
// The 'metro-react-native-babel-preset' preset is recommended to match React Native's packager
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
// Re-write paths to import only the modules needed by the app
plugins: ['react-native-web'],
// This is needed for webpack to import static images in JavaScript files.
const imageLoaderConfiguration = {
test: /\.(gif|jpe?g|png|svg)$/,
use: {
loader: 'url-loader',
options: {
name: '[name].[ext]',
module.exports = {
entry: [
// load any web API polyfills
// path.resolve(appDirectory, 'polyfills-web.js'),
// your web-specific entry file
path.resolve(appDirectory, 'src/index.js'),
// configures where the build ends up
output: {
filename: 'bundle.web.js',
path: path.resolve(appDirectory, 'dist'),
// ...the rest of your config
module: {
rules: [babelLoaderConfiguration, imageLoaderConfiguration],
resolve: {
// This will only alias the exact import "react-native"
alias: {
'react-native$': 'react-native-web',
// If you're working on a multi-platform React Native app, web-specific
// module implementations should be written in files using the extension
// `.web.js`.
extensions: ['.web.js', '.js'],

responsive-loader with nuxt.js

I want to integrate responsive-loader into my Nuxt.js project which runs in SPA mode. (Optional I want to add Vuetify Progressive Image support also).
It will be a static hosting with Netlify.
"nuxt": "^2.3.4"
"responsive-loader": "^1.2.0"
"sharp": "^0.21.1"
I found some solutions how to do it ( but this is not working for me.
When I run npm run build
I get an error message: "TypeError: Cannot set property 'exclude' of undefined"
My build section looks the following:
build: {
transpile: [/^vuetify/],
plugins: [
new VuetifyLoaderPlugin()
extractCSS: true,
** Run ESLint on save
extend(config, { isDev, isClient, isServer }) {
// Default block
if (isDev && isClient) {
enforce: 'pre',
test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
loader: 'eslint-loader',
exclude: /(node_modules)/
if (isServer) {
config.externals = [
whitelist: [/^vuetify/]
// Default block end
// here I tell webpack not to include jpgs and pngs
// as base64 as an inline image
rule => rule.loader === "url-loader"
).exclude = /\.(jpe?g|png)$/;
** Configure responsive-loader
test: /\.(jpe?g|png)$/i,
loader: "responsive-loader",
options: {
min: 350,
max: 2800,
steps: 7,
placeholder: false,
quality: 60,
adapter: require("responsive-loader/sharp")
The error is probably found in this section:
rule => rule.loader === "url-loader"
).exclude = /\.(jpe?g|png)$/;
Like said I get this error message: "TypeError: Cannot set property 'exclude' of undefined".
I run this project along with vuetify. I also would like to enable the Progressive image support together with responsive loader. Does anybody know how to setup both rules together?
The easiest way to integrate responsive-loader into a Nuxt.js project is to use this module:
Disclaimer: I created the module
The problem with your config that it relies on rule.loader property but rule can be defined in use or oneOf config sections as well.
Another one problem is that nuxt internal config has several rules with url-loader(for images, videos, fonts ...).
In your case the rule, you tried to find, has use section and url-loader is defined there, that's why your find function found nothing and threw this error:
"test": /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|webp)$/,
"use": [{
"loader": "url-loader",
"options": {
"limit": 1000,
"name": "img/[hash:7].[ext]"
About responsive-loader, you should remove extensions you want to process with responsive-loader from url-loader rule to avoid unexpected behavior and conflicts, here is extend function working example:
extend(config, ctx) {
let imgTest = '/\\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|webp)$/';
// find by reg ex string to not rely on rule structure
let urlRule = config.module.rules.find(r => r.test.toString() === imgTest);
// you can use also "oneOf" section and define both loaders there.
// removed images from url-loader test
urlRule.test = /\.(svg|webp)$/;
test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif)$/,
loader: "responsive-loader",
options: {
// place generated images to the same place as url-loader
name: "img/[hash:7]-[width].[ext]",
min: 350,
max: 2800,
steps: 7,
placeholder: false,
quality: 60,
adapter: require("responsive-loader/sharp")
Yes, it looks dirty, but I think it's only way for now to change some loader.
What about vuetify - I think both loaders will conflict with each other and probably the solution is to use single loader that will work with your images.
Hope it helps.
Update for Nuxt >= 2.4.0:
They modified the rules array please update the following line:
let imgTest = '/\\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|webp)$/i';
Then the code should work normally again.

how to prevent mini-css-extract-plugin from creating a js entrypint

I am relatively new to express + webpack, so i am unclear wether this is intended or not, and if not, how to properly configure it. the question is around the additional asset & entry point created when using the mini-css-extract-plugin.
webpack config:
Extract = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
path = require('path');
Write = require('write-file-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
mode: 'development',
entry: {
demo_scripts: path.resolve('server', 'scripts', 'demo.js'),
demo_styles: path.resolve('server', 'styles', 'demo.css')
output: {
path: path.resolve('.tmp'),
filename: '[name].js'
plugins: [new Write(), new Extract()],
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
use: [
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
presets: ['babel-preset-env']
test: /\.css/,
use: [
loader: Extract.loader
loader: 'css-loader'
webpack output
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
demo_scripts.js 3.91 KiB demo_scripts [emitted] demo_scripts
demo_styles.css 36 bytes demo_styles [emitted] demo_styles
demo_styles.js 3.89 KiB demo_styles [emitted] demo_styles
Entrypoint demo_scripts = demo_scripts.js
Entrypoint demo_styles = demo_styles.css demo_styles.js
my question is, why is demo_styles.js being created? although the css is being extracted, it almost seems like webpack is still creating a bundled js with css, but when i view that file, the only line in it is
eval("// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack:///./server/styles/demo.css?");
can anyone help explain what is going on here?
if i remove the demo_styles entry point, and configure it via the plugin init, no css asset is built.
plugins: [
new Write(),
new Extract({
filename: 'demo_styles.css'
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
demo_scripts.js 3.91 KiB demo_scripts [emitted] demo_scripts
Entrypoint demo_scripts = demo_scripts.js
the repo for this is here (note the express branch)
There are two workarounds for your problem. For both of them, you need to change the entry point of the Webpack configuration file. I, personally, prefer the first option.
Option 1:
Change the entry to the following:
entry: {
demo: [
path.resolve('server', 'scripts', 'demo.js'),
path.resolve('server', 'styles', 'demo.css'),
This will generate the following outputs (based on the filename you provided for Extract class and output section:
Option 2:
For this option, you need to remove the CSS file from the entry point and import it inside the JS file:
entry: path.resolve('server', 'scripts', 'demo.js'),
import './../styles.demo.css'
//rest of your JS codes
This solution will generate the same output as Option1
Webpack pulls everything into a js file, then MiniCssExtractPlugin takes it out of that file, leaving a blank js file with // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin.
My solution is to group your css and js in the entry section of webpack.config.js
entry: {
demo: {
import: [ path.join("server", "scripts", "demo.js"), path.join("server", "styles", "demo.css") ],
filename: "demo.js", // outputs demo.js, demo.css to your output directory
main: {
import: [ path.join("server", "scripts", "main.js"), path.join("server", "styles", "main.css") ],
filename: "main.js", // outputs main.js, main.css to your output directory
Also, so naming works well, use this for your plugins section:
plugins: [
new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
filename: "[name].css"
Adjust the bundles "demo" and "main", as well as paths accordingly.
Please remove demo_styles from your entry point this is creating demo_styles.js.
instead you can inject css file like this:
plugins: [
new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
filename: 'demo_styles.css',
Let me know if the issue still persists, Happy to help

Getting error while using "extract-text-webpack-plugin" with webpack : "Module build failed: Error: Parameter 'dependency' must be a Dependency"

Error while running webpack-dev-server
ERROR in ./css/app.scss
Module build failed: Error: Parameter 'dependency' must be a Dependency
at Compilation.process [as _addModuleChain] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/webpack-dev-server/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compilation.js:347:9)
at Compilation.process [as addEntry] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/webpack-dev-server/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compilation.js:423:7)
at SingleEntryPlugin.<anonymous> (/Users/roshankarki/Desktop/del_del/wp_tst/node_modules/webpack/lib/SingleEntryPlugin.js:22:15)
at Compiler.applyPluginsParallel (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/webpack-dev-server/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/tapable/lib/Tapable.js:107:14)
at Compiler.compile (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/webpack-dev-server/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:394:7)
at Compiler.runAsChild (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/webpack-dev-server/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:203:7)
at Object.module.exports.pitch (/Users/roshankarki/Desktop/del_del/wp_tst/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/loader.js:81:18)
webpack: bundle is now VALID.
My webpack.config.js looks like this:
var path = require('path');
var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
/* this defins path where entry files are to be found */
context: path.resolve('js'),
entry: ["./utils","./app"],
output: {
/* this is output directory of bundle.js */
path: path.resolve('build/'),
/* this is path of directory where bundle will be served in server */
publicPath: '/public/assets/',
filename: "bundle.js"
/* this plugin helps to generate seperate styles.css file rather in once single bundle.js file */
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin("styles.css")
/* when server is loaded it tells where to look for index file accessed from root */
devServer: {
contentBase: 'public'
module: {
preLoaders: [
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: "jshint-loader"
loaders: [
test: /\.es6$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: "babel-loader"
test: /\.css$/,
exclude: /node_modules/ ,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader")
test: /\.scss$/,
exclude: /node_modules/ ,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader!sass-loader")
/* this will resolve file in common js style require without extension */
resolve: {
extensions: ['', '.js', '.es6']
watch: true
Before using this plugin everything was working fine. As i intend to output different bundle for css, i need to fix this issue.
Found issue in github but it did not help:
well updating node worked for me. I did this by running "brew update" and "brew upgrade" command, as i am using homebrew as a package manage in mac.
Following instruction in the git link provide in my question resulted in error as i was installing webpack and webpack-dev-server globally. I removed it and only had local copy which did the trick at the end.
command to list global copy of node modules installed:
npm list -g --depth=0
I use this command to remove global copy:
npm uninstall -g {replace_with_package_name}
command to check local copy:
npm list --depth=0