Importing TensorFlow "async" syntax error - tensorflow

I am trying to use the module imageai for a project and ran the line "from imageai.Detection import ObjectDetection". However, when I do so, this error appears:
File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorflow/python/
def TFE_ContextOptionsSetAsync(arg1, async):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I found someone who had the same issue here: , but I'm not quite sure how to edit the last file of the trace where the error occurs. Does anyone have any tips on how to do this? Thanks!
I have tried looking at the above GitHub error but am not sure how to approach it.

ImageAI uses Pytorch as backend. So you need to install all the required libraries before installing and importing the imageai module.
Please use the code below to install imageai in your system:
pip install cython pillow>=7.0.0 numpy>=1.18.1 opencv-python>=4.1.2 torch>=1.9.0 --extra-index-url torchvision>=0.10.0 --extra-index-url pytest==7.1.3 tqdm==4.64.1 scipy>=1.7.3 matplotlib>=3.4.3 mock==4.0.3
pip install imageai --upgrade
Now, import the Object detection from imageai:
from imageai.Detection import ObjectDetection
Please refer this link for more details.
Note: You can easily install imageai in Google Colab with this code
!pip install imageai
from imageai.Detection import ObjectDetection
Hints: Please use below code to install, import and check the TensorFlow version
pip install tensorflow
import tensorflow as tf


How can I fix the error "Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch" when trying to install PyTorch using pip?

I tried importing 'PyTorch' as 'torch' as most recent, but visual studios/cmd cannot locate nor download the package.
# Import the required modules import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F
same goes with
import tensorflow as tk
I wasn't able to download the package:
not able to find the file.
I tried both:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install torch==1.0.2
I tried all types such the basic pip install [package] to connecting the wsl.file through path
Installing older torch needs --find-index flag to pip, like torch 1.5 with cuda 10.1:
pip install torch==1.5.0+cu101 torchvision==0.6.0+cu101 -f

Why can't I access the keras.initializers class?

I'm trying to use the HeUniform() method from the keras.initializers class, bu when I go to run my code, I get the following output:
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow_core.keras.initializers' has no attribute 'HeUniform'
The code that I ran is the following:
init = tf.keras.initializers.HeUniform()
My imports are:
import gym
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
from collections import deque
import time
import random
I'm using tensorflow version 2.0.0 installed from conda. I tried to upgrade the version, but I was getting further errors saying that version 2.2.0 and 2.4.1 does not exist for conda. Please advise.
Take a look at the tensorflow api documentation for version 2.0. There is no class tf.keras.initializers.HeUniform. Instead, there is a function tf.keras.initializers.he_uniform. You can find the source code for the function on GitHub.
TensorFlow recommends installing with pip. In the past, I have created a new conda environment specifically for tensorflow. It is bad practice to mix conda and pip packages, so that's why I create a new environment just for the specific version of tensorflow.
conda create -n tf2 python=3.8
conda activate tf2
python -m pip install --no-cache-dir tensorflow==2.4.1
Just keep in mind that the GPU versions depend on specific versions of CUDA and cuDNN. See for more information about the requirements.

XLNetTokenizer requires the SentencePiece library but it was not found in your environment

I am trying to implement the XLNET on Google Collaboratory. But I get the following issue.
XLNetTokenizer requires the SentencePiece library but it was not found in your environment. Checkout the instructions on the
installation page of its repo: and follow the ones
that match your environment.
I have also tried the following steps:
!pip install -U transformers
!pip install sentencepiece
from transformers import XLNetTokenizer
tokenizer = XLNetTokenizer.from_pretrained('xlnet-base-cased-spiece.model')
Thank you for your help in advance.
After the
!pip install transformers and
!pip install sentencepiece
please restart your runtime and then execute all other codes.
I got the same error in google colab. Restarting the runtime did it for me.

error message of No module named 'tensorflow' in GCP AI Platform Notebook

I launched a notebook with GCP AI Platform. Then, I tried to install tensorflow by:
import tensorflow as tf
There is an error message of
No module named 'tensorflow'
I tried to install it by:
!pip install -U --user tensorflow==1.14.0
But the same error message appeared. As it is a GCP platform, I wonder why I need to install tensorflow. During Coursera training, I can import tensorflow directly without installation. I wonder if I missed anything.
Grateful if you can help.
Thank you
You have probably selected an instance type that doesn't have tensorflow pre-installed.
After you install a Python dependency you will have to restart the Python Kernel for updates to take effect by clicking on Kernel->Restart Kernel....

ImportError: No module named ''

My tensorflow version is 1.1.0
I try to import some file:
strong textfrom import Dataset, Iterator
and got error :
ImportError: No module named ''
So, what is solution of this? has been deprecated and been removed (Check here). So, in order to import "Dataset" and "iterator", follow the following steps:
You need to upgrade the tensorflow version using:
sudo pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow.
Check the installation guide here
Open the python terminal and type
import tensorflow as tf
dataset =
Hope it will help.