Add dynamic multiple dropdown with values on Add button click in Vue.Js - vue.js

Requirement :
1.I have one add button while clicking that button I need to show one dropdown with three options like (A,B,C) beside that one input text field and delete icon need to show. Consider I have choosen option 'A'.
Note :- Clicking this delete icon will delete the entire row.
2.When I click again Add button then I need to show one more dropdown below the previous one with two options like (B,C) beside that one input text field and delete icon need to show.
Note :- Option selected in previous dropdown won't show in here. Consider I have choosen option 'B'. Clicking this delete icon will delete the entire row.
3.When I click again Add button then I need to show one more dropdown below the previous one with only one option like (C) beside that one input text field and delete icon need to show.
Note :- Option selected in previous two dropdown won't show in here.
Clicking this delete icon will delete the entire row.
4.If user click again Add button then one error message will show only three items can add.
I'm absolute beginner in Vue.Js. I've got stock in this feature in Vue.Js and I would really appreciate your efforts. Thank you!


Unhide row in Database tool window

I am currently experimenting with the database tool window in PhpStorm.
When right clicking a row header and selecting "hide", the column disappears. But I cannot find a way to unhide it.
At the top right corner click on settings icon and choose Reset View from dropdown menu
The problem is that the options to hide and show the columns are in different places in the PhpStorm UI. But looking through several flaps I could finally find the option to show the columns.
After clicking on Hide column, we can reestablish this operation with Show column
Right click on some hidden/visible column
Click on hide/show column
We can also select the column and, type the space key to show it or hide it
On the configure button, select the Reset View option.

How to get summary validation from multiple tabs in ASP.Net MVC?

I have a multiple tabs in a page and each tab (lets say Menu, Edit, Tools) has a couple of text field. Each field have Required Data Annotation. I have one Save Button to save all the fields from multiple tabs. Now my problem is when I am in Menu tab and without entering anything in the text box and click Save Button I got validation summary. If I move to other tab (Edit tab) without entering anything in the textbox in the File tab and I did the same thing in the Edit tab I got validation summary of the current tab (Edit tab) only but not the other one.
How can I get validation summary from all the tabs? OR
Can we validate while moving from one tab to other?
FYI, Each tab is <a href = "#tab-Menu">
Elements on your non-active tabs are most probably hidden. Bu default after version 1.9 jquery validation does not validate hidden elements (ignore: ":hidden"). You can see discussion here:
To enable validating even hidden elements, use this code:
// This will validate all tabs at once, not just current tab.
ignore: ""
More info on what you can specify is here

Customize action sheet of QLPreviewController

I want to add another menu item to the action sheet, other than the print item. I have written a custom QLPreviewController. So looking to add email button below to the print button of the action sheet.
please help....
I want to do that as well but I assume that instead of adding to that menu, we'll have to create a new buttom with a new menu with our own items in it instead. The trick will be finding out how those default items (ie print) get generated.

Searching through DataGridView

I have a datagridview with three columns (ID, Name, Address). It's bound to a database that contains around 500 items.
I want to be able to search the gridview for data given in a text box, and then highlight it.
If possible, pressing the Next button should find the next match, and the Reset button should clear all selections (nothing highlighted).
Please advise how to do it.
Thank you very much.
Add a search box and search button in the page. OnClick of the search button, search the datatable for the results and keep the result in the session. then on the bound event of grid, highlight the first row of from the search result set (which can be done by matching the primary/unique key of the table).
You have to handle most of code the manually for this. OnClick of next button, highlight the next row from the search result. again traversing of the search result has to handled manually like keeping the track of current result, moving to next result or moving backward etc.
then on click of reset button clear the search result session and bind the grid again without any highlighted rows.
I don't have code to post for you right now. but i hope if you implement this approach surely your problems will be resolved.

Visual Basic & Context Menu

Is there a way to add a Header to the popup menu? I don't find a property for this.
You could also simulate a header on the context menu by putting the information you want to display in the header as the first item in the context menu. Put a separator (or perhaps two) underneath it and put no code behind it.
That visually separates the item and users will learn pretty quick that clicking the first item doesn't do anything.
This may not work in your situation, but whenever I needed to show a context menu off of a grid row that wasn't the current/highlighted row, I made that row the current row first, then showed the menu. That would eliminate the need for a header on the menu. I assume you're showing the context menu if the user right clicks on the row. Well before showing the context menu, make sure that row is current and highlighted.
Do as Corin says, but disable the first item as well. If you disable it, that should remove confusion entirely.