I'm using Postman 9.8.3 on a test server for GET and POST.
I check security using a key in header.
While the GET calls work fine, the POST call can't read the key from header:
I also tried to add the key using a Pre-request Script, but no use:
key: "MyKey",
value: "MyValue"
But in my Postman client on my PC it works fine, both adding the key in the Header form or using a Pre-request script, both GET and POST!
Did someone had the same problem?
I'm attempting to fetch the bearer token for OroCommerce, via POSTMAN and am encountering a 405 error, for the following request:
URL: http://<OroCommerce DNS>/oauth2-token
Header: Content-Type: application/json
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": "XXXX",
"client_secret": "XXXX"
I have generated the public and private keys and added them to the /var directory of the application. Per this issue, I have tried "Enabled Guest Access" checked and unchecked. Both result in the same 405 error w/ HTML in the response (see image below). The back-end is up, when attempting these requests. Any suggestions on where to look (configurations, etc), in order to successfully fetch the bearer token, via the REST API?
Response HTML
First of all, make sure an API is enabled: https://doc.oroinc.com/api/enabling-api-feature/.
Then, make sure you are using the POST HTTP method to submit the request.
If it wouldn't help, make sure the maintenance mode is fully disabled. It's step 13 in the upgrade guide: https://doc.oroinc.com/backend/setup/upgrade-to-new-version/#id1
Check the application log at var/logs/prod.log for errors. Usually, the error message explains what is wrong, or at least, you can use it to google the issue.
If nothing works, you can try to access the same endpoint using the dev environment. There should be a more explicit error message with the stack trace. Or enable an xdebug extension and check it step by step.
I'm trying to send a POST using Postman and CKAN API but I'm not sure what to include in the URL, headers and body. This is what I have tried. Can someone can help me out with the format? What to include in URL, headers and body?
In the image you can see that I send the URL without / as mention in another post but still it does not work.
I included the API key in the headers
You are trying to call the datastore_upsert action. The action URL should be
http://demo.ckan.org/api/action/datastore_upsert. In the headers tab, you should add Authorization key and the API key as a value e.g Authorization 2131238ac-32fs-4f19-8ac9-d4af5esadasd2. Then inside the body, you should add the datastore_upsert action required parameters.
I've just started using Postman to test an API I am integrating to.
I have the following error that keeps showing up
Invalid CORS request
Note the following:
The API uses Bearer token authentication(OAuth2). I have this
working without a problem.
I do get the bearer token successfully, assign it to an Environment variable and then attempt to use it for the RESTful operations.
The problem is in the subsequent RESTful operation that uses the token.
When I use an old token (through a POST operation), it rightfully
tells me that it is expired and not authorized.
When I then generate a new one and try to run the restful call, it gives me that Invalid CORS request error.
Using cURL, I have no issues. But I am frustrated by Postman.
What I have found so far:
Using postman with Http POST requests - I don't get the part in bold
Just in case anybody else has this same problem, here is how to solve
it. Go to https://www.getpostman.com/docs/capture in your chrome
browser. Click on interceptor extension and then choose add to
chrome. Once it is added there is a new icon top right of both the
browser and postman that looks like a traffic light. In postman click
this and it turns green. Then add a header to every request going to
third light. Every header consists of the header name and a value.
Start typing over the header name and a list of allowed http headers
comes up. Choose "Origin". In the cell for value simply type the
full URL of your server. (Do not forget the 'http://' or 'https://').
What is the expected response to an invalid CORS request? - Best explanation I have seen so far on CORS errors.
The other material speaks about Access-Control-Allow-Method header, preflight requests
... and there is an illustrative Apache Tomcat flowchart of the CORS flow.
Here's the answer you found again:
Just in case anybody else has this same problem, here is how to solve it. Go to https://www.getpostman.com/docs/capture in your chrome browser. Click on interceptor extension and then choose add to chrome. Once it is added there is a new icon top right of both the browser and postman that looks like a traffic light. In postman click this and it turns green.
... With the bit in bold translated:
Then add a header to your request. The header Key should be "Origin" and the header Value should be the full URL of your server (Do not forget the http:// or https://).
Note that Chrome/Postman won't allow you to add a Header with a Key of Origin without the Interceptor plugin.
Also note that at least on my system the Interceptor icon no longer looks like a traffic light.
If your back-end service side code checks for origin of the request (just to avoid CORS attack) you may face this issues when testing your Rest API through postman.
How to Resolve this .?
You need to install a Chrome plugin called Postman Interceptor (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/postman-interceptor/aicmkgpgakddgnaphhhpliifpcfhicfo?hl=en).
After successfully installing this plugin , in you Postman client you can see small icon called Postman Interceptor , you need to toggle it to turn it on.
Now you can add a Request header as below
RequestHeader Key "Origin"
RequestHeader Value "your application base URL"
Check this image
Now you should be able to over come CORS issues you are facing
Cheers !!
Just avoid using browser/chrome postman plugin. Use the desktop application instead!
Seems our server is seeing from a Postman manual HTTP POST that the orgin is invalid b/c its coming from Postman as "chrome-extension://fhbjgbiflinjbdggehcddcbncdddomop"
Not sure why or how to resolve on client/Postman side. Seems our server is correclty rejecting it as is though and issuing a 403.
Value of "Origin" header set in Postman request should be allowed in API backend. For example, using Spring Boot for API should have next:
public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
private String allowedOrigins;
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
where allowedOrigins is set using application.properties property cors.allowedOrigins having comma separated list of allowed origins, eg:
and set 'Origin' value in Postman to any url from cors.allowedOrigins
I was getting this error when testing my APIs on the postman. Even after meticulously configuring my cors. So I used Insomnia instead of Postman and it works fine. I guess sometimes postman is the problem as it needs some extra effort.
You can try new version of PostMan. To me it works after upgraded postman version from 5.5.5 to 7.36.5
I'm testing an implementation of JWT Token based security based off the following article. I have successfully received a token from the test server. I can't figure out how to have the Chrome POSTMAN REST Client program send the token in the header.
My questions are as follows:
1) Am I using the right header name and/or POSTMAN interface?
2) Do I need to base 64 encode the token? I thought I could just send the token back.
For the request Header name just use Authorization.
Place Bearer before the Token. I just tried it out and it works for me.
Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_STRING
Each part of the JWT is a base64url encoded value.
Here is an image if it helps :)
The postman team added "Bearer token" to the "authorization tab":
I am adding to this question a little interesting tip that may help you guys testing JWT Apis.
Its is very simple actually.
When you log in, in your Api (login endpoint), you will immediately receive your token, and as #mick-cullen said you will have to use the JWT on your header as:
Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_STRING
Now if you like to automate or just make your life easier, your tests you can save the token as a global that you can call on all other endpoints as:
Authorization: Bearer {{jwt_token}}
On Postman:
Then make a Global variable in postman as jwt_token = TOKEN_STRING.
On your login endpoint:
To make it useful, add on the beginning of the Tests Tab add:
var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setGlobalVariable("jwt_token", data.jwt_token);
I am guessing that your api is returning the token as a json on the response as:
{"jwt_token":"TOKEN_STRING"}, there may be some sort of variation.
On the first line you add the response to the data varibale.
Clean your Global
And assign the value.
So now you have your token on the global variable, what makes easy to use Authorization: Bearer {{jwt_token}} on all your endpoints.
Hope this tip helps.
Something to read
About tests on Postman: testing examples
Command Line: Newman
CI: integrating with Jenkins
Nice blog post: master api test automation
Here is how to set token this automatically
On your login/auth request
Then for authenticated page
I had the same issue in Flask and after trying the first 2 solutions which are the same (Authorization: Bearer <token>), and getting this:
"description": "Unsupported authorization type",
"error": "Invalid JWT header",
"status_code": 401
I managed to finally solve it by using:
Authorization: jwt <token>
Thought it might save some time to people who encounter the same thing.
If you wish to use postman the right way is to use the headers as such
key: Authorization
value: jwt {token}
as simple as that.
Open postman.
go to "header" field.
there one can see "key value" blanks.
in key type "Authorization".
in value type "Bearer(space)your_access_token_value".
For people who are using wordpress plugin Advanced Access Manager to open up the JWT Authentication.
The Header field should put Authentication instead of Authorization
AAM mentioned it inside their documentation,
Note! AAM does not use standard Authorization header as it is skipped
by most Apache servers. ...
Hope it helps someone! Thanks for other answers helped me alot too!!
Everything else ie. Params, Authorization, Body, Pre-request Script, Tests is empty, just open the Headers tab and add as shown in image. Its the same for GET request as well.
I did as how moplin mentioned .But in my case service send the JWT in response headers ,as a value under the key "Authorization".
Authorization →Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJpbWFsIiwiZXhwIjoxNDk4OTIwOTEyfQ.dYEbf4x5TGr_kTtwywKPI2S-xYhsp5RIIBdOa_wl9soqaFkUUKfy73kaMAv_c-6cxTAqBwtskOfr-Gm3QI0gpQ
What I did was ,make a Global variable in postman as
in login request->Tests Tab, add
postman.setGlobalVariable("jwt", postman.getResponseHeader("Authorization"));
in other requests select the Headers tab and give
Somehow postman didn't work for me.
I had to use a chrome extension called RESTED which did work.
In Postman latest version(7++) may be there is no Bearer field in Authorization
So go to Header tab
select key as Authorization and in value write JWT
x-access-token on headers works for me.
key: x-access-token
value: token
I would like to create a new Trello Card when a new User signs up for our webapplication.
To do that I requested a "read,write" Token (lets name it "myToken" ) for my user and I have my application key (lets name it "myKey").
Because I could not find any PHP-Wrapper I first used Fiddler to test the HTTP-Post request. Specifically I tried the following:
User-Agent: Fiddler
Host: api.trello.com
Content-Length: 177
Request Body:
However this doesnt work. I get back an HTML-Code, that shows a website which tells the user to login! What am I doing wrong?
Thanks #Daniel LeCheminant.
I made two mistakes:
1.) I used http instead of https
2.) I put the variables in the request body. Even though it is a post request, trello expects the variables in the url itself
This solution works for me: