How to calculate rolling.agg('max') utilising a dataframe column as input to my function - pandas

I'm working with a kline dataframe. I'm adding a Swing_High and Swing_Low column to my df.
I've picked up an error where during low volatile periods my Close == Swing_Low price. This gives me a inf error in another function I have where close / Swing_Low.
To fix this I need to calculate the max/min value based on whether Close == Swing_Low or not. Default is for the rolling period to be 10 but if the above is true then increase the rolling period to 15.
Below is how I calculated the Swing_High and Swing_Low up to encountering Inf error.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('Data/bybit_BTCUSD_15m.csv')
df["Date"] = df["Date"].astype('datetime64[ns]')
# Calculate the swing high and low for a given length
df['Swing_High'] = df['High'].rolling(10).agg('max')
df['Swing_Low'] = df['Low'].rolling(10).agg('min')
I tried the below function but it gives me a ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous
def swing_high(close, high, period1, period2):
a = high.rolling(period1).agg('max')
b = high.rolling(period2).agg('max')
if a != close:
return a
return b
df['Swing_High'] = swing_high(df['Close'], df['High'], 10, 15)
How do I fix this or is there a better way to achieve my desired outcome?

A simple solution for what you're trying to achieve :
using the where function:
here’s the basic syntax using the pandas where() function:
df['col'] = (value_if_false).where(condition, value_if_true)
df['Swing_High']=(df['Swing_High_15']).where(df['Swing_High_10']!=df['Close'], df['Swing_High_15'])


How to use Pandas vector methods based on rolling custom function that involves entire row and prior data

While its easy to use pandas rolling method to apply standard formulas, but i find it hard if it involves multiple column with limited past rows. Using the following code to better elaborate: -
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#create dummy pandas
def func1(shortdf):
#dummy formula
#use last row of col1 multiply by sum of col2
return (shortdf.col1.tail(1).values[0]+shortdf.col2.sum())*3.14
for idx, i in df.iterrows():
if idx>3:
#only interested in the last 3 rows from position of dataframe
I currently use this iterrow method which needless to say is extremely slow. can anyone has better suggestion?
Option 1
So shift is the solution here. You do have to use rolling for the summation, and then shift that series after the addition and multiplication.
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1':np.arange(0,25),'col2':np.arange(100,125),'col3':np.nan})
ans = ((df['col1'] + df['col2'].rolling(3).sum()) * 3.14).shift(1)
You can check to see that ans is the same as df['col3'] by using ans.eq(df['col3']). Once you see that all but the first few are the same, just change ans to df['col3'] and you should be all set.
Option 2
Without additional information about the customized weight function, it is hard to help. However, this option may be a solution as it separates the rolling calculation at the cost of using more memory.
# df['col3'] = ((df['col1'] + df['col2'].rolling(3).sum()) * 3.14).shift(1)
s = df['col2']
stride = pd.DataFrame([s.shift(x).values[::-1][:3] for x in range(len(s))[::-1]])
res = pd.concat([df, stride], axis=1)
# here you can perform your custom weight function
res['final'] = ((res[0] + res[1] + res[2] + res['col1']) * 3.14).shift(1)
stride is adapted from this question and the calculation is concatenated row-wise to the original dataframe. In this way each column has the value needed to compute whatever it is you may need.
res['final'] is identical to option 1's ans

I have a dataframe and I want to find the standard deviation for some specific cells

I'm trying to use pandas to find the standard deviation for the entries in some specific cells
I have tried using numPy's stdev like so:
I have also tried using this:
Just pseudocode becuase my actual code is more confusing than necessary for this question:
df = loadIris()
for feat in df.columns:
i = 0
j = 0
flower = df['flower'][i]
while i < df.index.max():
if df['flower'][i] == flower:
j = i
stand = df.std(axis=0)[feat][j:i]
flower = df['flower'][i]
I ended up just appending all of the values to a list and then calculating the standard deviation using statistics.stdev which you can get by importing statistics.

Pandas: Get rolling metric with adaptive window size [duplicate]

I am not sure I understand the parameter min_periods in Pandas rolling functions : why does it have to be smaller than the window parameter?
I would like to compute (for instance) the rolling max minus rolling min with a window of ten values BUT I want to wait maybe 20 values before starting computations:
In[1]: import pandas as pd
In[2]: import numpy as np
In[3]: df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['A','B'], data=np.random.randint(low=0,high=100,size=(100,2)))
In[4]: roll = df['A'].rolling(window=10, min_periods=20)
In[5]: df['C'] = roll.max() - roll.min()
In[6]: roll
Out[6]: Rolling [window=10,min_periods=20,center=False,axis=0]
In[7]: df['C'] = roll.max()-roll.min()
I get the following error:
ValueError: Invalid min_periods size 20 greater than window 10
I thought that min_periods was there to tell how many values the function had to wait before starting computations. The documentation says:
min_periods : int, default None
Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value
(otherwise result is NA)
I had not been carefull to the "in window" detail here...
Then what would be the most efficient way to achieve what I am trying to achieve? Should I do something like:
roll = df.loc[20:,'A'].rolling(window=10)
df['C'] = roll.max() - roll.min()
Is there a more efficient way?
the min_period = n option simply means that you require at least n valid observations to compute your rolling stats.
Example, suppose min_period = 5 and you have a rolling mean over the last 10 observations. Now, what happens if 6 of the last 10 observations are actually missing values? Then, given that 4<5 (indeed, there are only 4 non-missing values here and you require at least 5 non-missing observations), the rolling mean will be missing as well.
It's a very, very important option.
From the documentation
min_periods : int, default None Minimum number of observations in
window required to have a value (otherwise result is NA).
The min period argument is just a way to apply the function to a smaller sample than the rolling window. So let say you want the rolling minimum of window of 10, passing the min period argument of 5 would allow to calculate the min of the first 5 data, then the first 6, then 7,8,9 and finally 10. Now that pandas can start rolling his 10 data point windows, because it has more than 10 data point, it will keep period window of 10.

Filtering out outliers in Pandas dataframe with rolling median

I am trying to filter out some outliers from a scatter plot of GPS elevation displacements with dates
I'm trying to use df.rolling to compute a median and standard deviation for each window and then remove the point if it is greater than 3 standard deviations.
However, I can't figure out a way to loop through the column and compare the the median value rolling calculated.
Here is the code I have so far
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def median_filter(df, window):
cnt = 0
median = df['b'].rolling(window).median()
std = df['b'].rolling(window).std()
for row in df.b:
#compare each value to its median
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(100,2)), columns = ['a', 'b'])
median_filter(df, 10)
How can I loop through and compare each point and remove it?
Just filter the dataframe
df['median']= df['b'].rolling(window).median()
df['std'] = df['b'].rolling(window).std()
#filter setup
df = df[(df.b <= df['median']+3*df['std']) & (df.b >= df['median']-3*df['std'])]
There might well be a more pandastic way to do this - this is a bit of a hack, relying on a sorta manual way of mapping the original df's index to each rolling window. (I picked size 6). The records up and until row 6 are associated with the first window; row 7 is the second window, and so on.
n = 100
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,n,size=(n,2)), columns = ['a','b'])
## set window size
std = 1 # I set it at just 1; with real data and larger windows, can be larger
## create df with rolling stats, upper and lower bounds
bounds = pd.DataFrame({'median':df['b'].rolling(window).median(),
## here, we set an identifier for each window which maps to the original df
## the first six rows are the first window; then each additional row is a new window
## then we can assign the original 'b' value back to the bounds df
## and finally, keep only rows where b falls within the desired bounds
This is my take on creating a median filter:
def median_filter(num_std=3):
def _median_filter(x):
_median = np.median(x)
_std = np.std(x)
s = x[-1]
return s if s >= _median - num_std * _std and s <= _median + num_std * _std else np.nan
return _median_filter
df.y.rolling(window).apply(median_filter(num_std=3), raw=True)

Counting Data based on Cover_Type using pandas

I have the following data in the excel sheet!
I need to count the number of times a given elevation occurs for a given cover_type. For example, elevation=1905 occurs twice for cover_type=6 and once for cover_type=3. I need to do the same Aspect, Slope, Horizontal_Distance_To_Hydrology, Vertical_Distance_To_Hydrology, Horizontal_Distance_To_Roadways, Hillshade_9am, Hillshade_Noon, Hillshade_3pm, Horizontal_Distance_To_Fire_Points, Soil, Wilderness_Area.
I will be using the count to calculate the entropy of the each column. I need to execute this formula.
You can do the following
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('train_data.csv')
grouped = df[['elevation','cover_type']].groupby(['elevation','cover_type'], as_index = False, sort = False)['cover_type'].count()