ArcadeDB integration with LiquidBase - liquibase

Is there a any plan to be able to use Liquibase to maintain the structure and data inside ArcadeDB ?Thanks
I could not find any example on the net about this. Is it complex to do ?


How to convert SQL query to key-value command

Is it possible to use some opensource project to help parse the sql query and convert it into the custom key-value db command (CRUD on the key). I saw the architecture of the tidb, and it seems like they have an abstracted layer. I would appreciated anyone pointing to some resources to help start the process.
I did try to research other project out there, and it seems like most of them have ad-hoc and embeded the parsing layers into their db, so I cannot really decouple and use their solutions.
You can refer to this blog:
But I don't think it is easy to decouple the code from TiDB.
You could use an SQL parser like but then you would have to add something that does the actual storage operations.
If you want transactions you might want to check this:

Symfony2 API with tables without entities

I have legacy code that has DB connected.I'm trying to add new features for this app with Symfony2. I used Theodo Evolution Bundle to access the legacy session.
First thing that I want to do now, is to build an API that will use data from existing database. This database has tables that are not converted to entities. My question is which is best approach in this case. To use native queries from existing tables in database to build API or to convert tables into entities I used documentation for this part but I'm not sure will import all relations and everything) and then to build API. Can you please suggest me which is best approach in this case. Thank you.
The best approach in my opinion is to work with doctrine entities within the framework and to avoid direct SQL if possible. That is the basic philosophy behind frameworks such as Symfony: the database layer should be abstracted.
The entity-database mapping might be quite more of a hassle at first, because you can't rely on automatic tools to set it up, but once it's done it will be much easier to work out the rest of the application.

Liquibase load data in a format other than CSV

With the load data option that Liquibase provides, one can specify seed data in a CSV format. Is there a way I can provide say, a JSON or XML file with data that Liquibase would understand?
The use case is we are trying to put in some sample data which is hierarchical. E.g. Category - Subcategory relation which would require putting in parent id for all related categories. If there is a way to avoid including the ids in the seed data via say, JSON.
"MainCat1": ["SubCat11", "SubCat12"],
"MainCat2": ["SubCat21", "SubCat22"]
Very likely to have this as not supported (couldn't make Google help me) but is there a way to write a plugin or something that does this? Pointer to a guide (if any) would help.
NOTE: This is not about specifying the change log in that format.
This not currently supported and supporting it robustly would be pretty difficult. The main difficultly lies in the fact that Liquibase is designed to be database-platform agnostic, combined with the design goal of being able to generate the SQL required to do an operation without actually doing the operation live.
Inserting data like you want without knowing the keys and just generating SQL that could be run later is going to be very difficult, perhaps even impossible. I would suggest approaching Nathan, who is the main developer for Liquibase, more directly. The best way to do that might be through the JIRA bug database for Liquibase.
If you want to have a crack at implementing it, you could start by looking at the code for the LoadDataChange class (source in Github), which is where the CSV support currently lives.

ORM tool to create SQL tables

I need to create a database in SQLite, but I do not want to create the tables manually.
I already have the model of the data I need in the database, and what kind of relationship is each one (many-many, one-many, ...)
I'm wondering if there is a tool that allows me to do that?
I just need the tool to generate the SQL code. Then I will take care of the queries manually using SQL
I was thinking about placing the model in Django, and see what it generates, but there should be a tool not linked to a particular language that allows me to do that. Am I wrong?
Hibernate have the ability to create a scheme from mapped classes. There is support for SQLite.
You can go for dia (see "Tools that generates something from Dia diagrams" at
Also there is SQL::Translator and DBIx::* that allows reading an schema from YAML, Excel, and other sources, but these are Perl specific.
Good luck
You can use Symfony + Doctrine framework. It can generate SQL queries.
Try this module on CPAN: Parse::Dia::SQL

What is the best way to create mapping from SQL database to GUI?

I think its quite usual task, but still solutions I saw look not so nice.
For example in Qt used approach based on MVC pattern -- you must assign all connections manually.
Or I remember one PHP engine where pages were creating from DB schema.
Which are other approaches? Which one you are prefer? What are the best practices?
Usually, there is not a one to one mapping from the database to the GUIThere are many subtle combinations that change between how you store the data and how that stored data is visualized and edited by the user.
however, you can automate a datamodel layer in your code with tools like Hibernate. You will still need to use the model as required to present your user interface.