Extra column looking at where OpenDate > ClosedDate prevoius records - sql

I have a hard struggle with this problem.
I have the following table:
OpenTicketDate YYYY_MM
ClosedTicketDate YYYY_MM
I would like to create an extra column which would monitor the open tickets at the given OpenTicketDate.
So the new table would look like this:
OpenTicketDate YYYY_MM
ClosedTicketDate YYYY_MM
The logic behind the 4th (extra) column is that it looks at the previous records & current record where the ClosedTicketsDate > OpenTicketDate.
For example ticketNumber 4 has '2' open tickets because there are only 2 ClosedTicketDate records where ClosedTicketDate > OpenTicketDate.
The new column only fills data based on looking at prevoius records. It is backward looking not forward.
Is there anyone who can help me out?

You could perform a self join and aggregate as the following:
Select T.TicketNumber, T.OpenTicketDate, T.ClosedTicketDate,
Count(*) as OpenTicketsLookingBackwards
From table_name T Left Join table_name D
On Cast(concat(T.OpenTicketDate,'-1') as Date) < Cast(concat(D.ClosedTicketDate,'-1') as Date)
And T.ticketnumber >= D.ticketnumber
Group By T.TicketNumber, T.OpenTicketDate, T.ClosedTicketDate
Order By T.TicketNumber
You may also try with a scalar subquery as the following:
Select T.TicketNumber, T.OpenTicketDate, T.ClosedTicketDate,
Select Count(*) From table_name D
Where Cast(concat(T.OpenTicketDate,'-1') as Date) <
Cast(concat(D.ClosedTicketDate,'-1') as Date)
And T.ticketnumber >= D.ticketnumber
) As OpenTicketsLookingBackwards
From table_name T
Order By T.TicketNumber
Mostly, joins tend to outperform subqueries.
See a demo.


SQL COUNT with condition and without - using JOIN

My goal is something like following table:
Key | Count since date X | Count total
1 | 4 | 28
With two simple selects I could gain this values: (the key of the table consists of 3 columns [t$ncmp, t$trav, t$seqn])
1. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db.table WHERE t$date >= sysdate-2 GROUP BY t$ncmp, t$trav, t$seqn
2. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db.table GROUP BY t$ncmp, t$trav, t$seqn
How can I join these statements?
What I tried:
SELECT n.t$trav, COUNT(n.t$trav), m.total FROM db.table n
LEFT JOIN (SELECT t$ncmp, t$trav, t$seqn, COUNT(*) as total FROM db.table
GROUP BY t$ncmp, t$trav, t$seqn) m
ON (n.t$ncmp = m.t$ncmp AND n.t$trav = m.t$trav AND n.t$seqn = m.t$seqn)
WHERE n.t$date >= sysdate-2
GROUP BY n.t$ncmp, n.t$trav, n.t$seqn
I tried different variantes, but always got errors like 'group by is missing' or 'unknown qualifier'.
Now this at least executes, but total is always 2.
4 2 2
29 3 2
51 1 2
62 2 2
16 1 2
If it matter, I will run this as an OPENQUERY from MSSQLSERVER to Oracle-DB.
I'd try
GROUP BY n.t$trav, m.total
You typically GROUP BY the same columns as you SELECT - except those who are arguments to set functions.
My goal is something like following table:
If so, you seem to want conditional aggregation:
select key, count(*) as total,
sum(case when datecol >= date 'xxxx-xx-xx' then 1 else 0 end) as total_since_x
from t
group by key;
I'm not sure how this relates to your sample queries. I simply don't see the relationship between that code and your question.

Create row_num column in Access SQL, order by field first

I am trying to write a simple query that will take a table, order by the date field of that table and add a column that includes a row count. This is the easiest thing in T-SQL, but Access does not support the Row_Num() function.
So, let's say my "Dates" table looks like this:
ID Date
1 02/01/2017
2 02/03/2017
3 01/27/2017
4 02/05/2017
5 02/01/2017
6 02/03/2017
And the result of my Access query should look like this:
ID Date RowNum
3 01/27/2017 1
1 02/01/2017 2
5 02/01/2017 3
2 02/03/2017 4
6 02/03/2017 5
4 02/05/2017 6
I have tried to find an answer to this question, but all the answers I have found seem to rely on the difference in the values of the ID field from one row to the next. So then I tried to apply the concepts I found (creating a column with a dcount where A.ID > ID) to the Date field, but then I get a count per date. But I need a count for every single date, even if there might be multiple dates that are the same.
Thanks in advance
One method is a correlated subquery:
select d.*,
(select count(*) from dates as d2 where d2.date <= d.date) as rownum
from dates as d
order by d.date;
This is not very efficient, but on a small table it does accomplish what you want. The simplest way, though, is probably to use a cursor over the table.
This assumes that the dates are distinct, as in the example data in the question.
On closer inspection, the dates are not unique. So you can use multiple conditions:
select d.*,
(select count(*)
from dates as d2
where d2.date < d.date or
(d2.date = d.date and d2.id <= d.id)
) as rownum
from dates as d
order by d.date;

Adding in missing dates from results in SQL

I have a database that currently looks like this
Date | valid_entry | profile
1/6/2015 1 | 1
3/6/2015 2 | 1
3/6/2015 2 | 2
5/6/2015 4 | 4
I am trying to grab the dates but i need to make a query to display also for dates that does not exist in the list, such as 2/6/2015.
This is a sample of what i need it to be:
Date | valid_entry
1/6/2015 1
2/6/2015 0
3/6/2015 2
3/6/2015 2
4/6/2015 0
5/6/2015 4
My query:
select date, count(valid_entry)
from database
where profile = 1
group by 1;
This query will only display the dates that exist in there. Is there a way in query that I can populate the results with dates that does not exist in there?
You can generate a list of all dates that are between the start and end date from your source table using generate_series(). These dates can then be used in an outer join to sum the values for all dates.
with all_dates (date) as (
select dt::date
from generate_series( (select min(date) from some_table), (select max(date) from some_table), interval '1' day) as x(dt)
select ad.date, sum(coalesce(st.valid_entry,0))
from all_dates ad
left join some_table st on ad.date = st.date
group by ad.date, st.profile
order by ad.date;
some_table is your table with the sample data you have provided.
Based on your sample output, you also seem to want group by date and profile, otherwise there can't be two rows with 2015-06-03. You also don't seem to want where profile = 1 because that as well wouldn't generate two rows with 2015-06-03 as shown in your sample output.
SQLFiddle example: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/b0b2a/2
Unrelated, but: I hope that the column names are only made up. date is a horrible name for a column. For one because it is also a keyword, but more importantly it does not document what this date is for. A start date? An end date? A due date? A modification date?
You have to use a calendar table for this purpose. In this case you can create an in-line table with the tables required, then LEFT JOIN your table to it:
select "date", count(valid_entry)
from (
SELECT '2015-06-01' AS d UNION ALL '2015-06-02' UNION ALL '2015-06-03' UNION ALL
'2015-06-04' UNION ALL '2015-06-05' UNION ALL '2015-06-06') AS t
left join database AS db on t.d = db."date" and db.profile = 1
group by t.d;
Note: Predicate profile = 1 should be applied in the ON clause of the LEFT JOIN operation. If it is placed in the WHERE clause instead then LEFT JOIN essentially becomes an INNER JOIN.

SQL Query to generate an extra field from data in the table

I have a table with 3 fields like this sample table Tbl1
Person Cost FromDate
1 10 2009-1-1
1 20 2010-1-1
2 10 2009-1-1
I want to query it and get back the 3 fields and a generated field called ToDate that defaults to 2099-1-1 unless there is an actual ToDate implied from another entry for the person in the table.
select Person,Cost,FromDate,ToDate From Tbl1
Person Cost FromDate ToDate
1 10 2009-1-1 2010-1-1
1 20 2010-1-1 2099-1-1
2 10 2009-1-1 2099-1-1
You can select the minimum date from all dates that are after the record's date. If there is none you get NULL. With COALESCE you change NULL into the default date:
coalesce((select min(FromDate) from Tbl1 later where later.FromDate > Tbl1.FromDate), '2099-01-01') as ToDate
From Tbl1
order by Person, FromDate;
Although Thorsten's answer is perfectly fine, it would be more efficient to use window-functions to match the derived end-dates.
;WITH nbrdTbl
AS ( SELECT Person, Cost, FromDate, row_nr = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Person ORDER BY FromDate ASC)
FROM Tbl1)
SELECT t.Person, t.Cost, t.FromDate, derived_end_date = COALESCE(nxt.FromDate, '9991231')
FROM nbrdTbl t
ON nxt.Person = t.Person
AND nxt.row_nr = t.row_nr + 1
ORDER BY t.Person, t.FromDate
Doing a test on a 2000-records table it's about 3 times as efficient according to the Execution plan (78% vs 22%).

Find duplicates within a specific period

I have a table with the following structure
1 1 2012-05-21 13:03:11.550
2 1 2012-05-22 13:09:37.050 <--- this is duplicate
3 1 2012-05-28 13:09:37.183
4 2 2012-05-20 15:09:37.230
5 2 2012-05-22 13:03:11.990 <--- this is duplicate
6 2 2012-05-24 04:04:13.222 <--- this is duplicate
7 2 2012-05-29 11:09:37.240
I have some application job that fills this table with data.
There is a business rule that each person should have only 1 record in every 7 days.
From the above example, records # 2,5 and 6 are considered duplicates while 1,3,4 and 7 are OK.
I want to have a SQL query that checks if there are records for the same person in less than 7 days.
;WITH cte AS
FROM dbo.Log_time
FROM cte
WHERE diff_date BETWEEN 1 AND 6
Demo on SQLFiddle
Please see my attempt on SQLFiddle here.
You can use a join based on DATEDIFF() to find records which are logged less than 7 days apart:
WITH TooClose
a.ID AS BeforeID,
b.ID AS AfterID
Log a
INNER JOIN Log b ON a.Person = b.Person
However, this will include records which you don't consider "duplicates" (for instance, ID 3, because it is too close to ID 2). From what you've said, I'm inferring that a record isn't a "duplicate" if the record it is too close to is itself a "duplicate".
So to apply this rule and get the final list of duplicates:
BeforeID NOT IN (SELECT AfterID FROM TooClose)
Please take a look at this sample.
Reference: SQLFIDDLE
select person,
datediff(max(log_time),min(log_time)) as diff,
from pers
group by person
select y.person, y.ct
from (
select person,
datediff(max(log_time),min(log_time)) as diff,
count(log_time) as ct
from pers
group by person) as y
where y.ct > 1
and y.diff <= 7
1 1 3
2 8 3
1 3
declare #Count int
set #count=(
select COUNT(*)
from timeslot
where (( (TimeFrom<#Timefrom and TimeTo >#Timefrom)
or (TimeFrom<#Timeto and TimeTo >#Timeto))
or (TimeFrom=#Timefrom or TimeTo=#Timeto)))