VB.NET Connected SAP WSDL Preventing Solution from building - vb.net

I'm trying to build a .NET Class Library that utilises a SAP generated WSDL.
In the reference.vb file that one of the WSDLs generates, I'm getting the following error in this line:
<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form:=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified, Order:=0)> _
With the error being BC30369 Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class. on System.
This only occurs within one of the generated Partial Public Classes that it generates, and not the rest.

After removing System it works:
Public Property MESSAGE_V4() As String
Return Me.mESSAGE_V4Field
End Get
Me.mESSAGE_V4Field = Value
End Set
End Property


Consuming WCF return value of List(Of String) in WinForms

I've just started to get rid of Web Services and implement WCF instead. But once I tried to add the following method with a List(Of String) return value, my WCF ServiceReference - which was added successfully - had became unreadable in my WinForms client application code. i.e. It was not defined.
The scenario is pretty simple:
I am creating an OperationContract named ServerMessages with a list of string return value.
This is the interface:
Public Interface ICommunicationHandler
Function ServerMessages() As List(Of String)
End Interface
And there is the implementation class:
Public Class CommunicationHandler
Implements ICommunicationHandler
Public Function ServerMessages() As List(Of String) _
Implements ICommunicationHandler.ServerMessages
Dim messages As New List(Of String)
messages.Add("First Message")
messages.Add("Second Message")
Return messages
End Function
End Class
There is my client application code:
Dim locServ As New LocalReference.CommunicationHandlerClient
TextBox1.Text += "First Server Messages:" & vbLf & locaServ.ServerMessages(0)
I've tried removing the service reference from the project and re-adding it, but this doesn't solved the problem. On the other hand, removing that specific method ServerMessages() makes the ServiceReference available again in my code. I've even tried to define the type List(Of String) in the Service Interface by adding this attribute:
<ServiceKnownType(GetType(List(Of String)), ServiceContract()>
but nothing had changed.
I've noticed this warning in the client application Error window:
Warning 2 Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:port Detail: There
was an error importing a wsdl:binding that the wsdl:port is dependent
on. XPath to wsdl:binding:
XPath to Error Source:
//wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='http://tempuri.org/']/wsdl:service[#name='CommunicationHandler']/wsdl:port[#name='BasicHttpBinding_ICommunicationHandler'] D:\WCTApp\Service
Thanks in advance.
My problem was solved by unchecking the [Reuse types in referenced assemblies] in the WCF ServiceReference configuration of my client application. Thanks Steve for letting me having another check on it.
The problem - in this case - was that I've added some references in the service (Google Drive references) which was not defined in my application and therefore causing the ServiceReference not to read the service appropriately. Since I decided not to use these references, I should had eliminated them both from my client application as well as the WCF Service. Now that I stopped using these references in my client application, everything worked as it is supposed to be.
This was my mistake but maybe someone else will fall into the exact same issue and find this situation helpful.

VS: Update Service Reference creates requirement for "Global" prefixes in Reference.vb

VB 2012
WCF & EF 6.1*
I have a client and a web service. When I recompile/change the WS, I go back to my client, and 'Update Service Reference'. Works like a charm-except, the resulting Reference.vb in the client complains that any classes that were defined from the server have a Global. prefix; To be precise, the error description is:
Error 9 Type 'serverNamespace.CountryName' is not defined.
...where UpdateServiceReference is the client side proxy.
Public Interface IUpdateService
<System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action:="http://...", ReplyAction:="http://.../IUpdateService/GetClientCountriesResponse")> _
Function GetClientCountries(ByVal placeHolder As Boolean) As serverNamespace.CountryName()
End Interface
This service reference/proxy on the client only imports from system stuff and the server's namespace's entities. My only settings/imports at the top of the compiler-created Reference.vb are:
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
But here is the really strange (well, confusing) part. In order to clear out the generated errors in the Error List:
Type 'serverNamespace.CountryName' is not defined. Change 'serverNamespace.CountryName' to
I need to do as the compiler suggests above, and change (in Reference.vb) any line with something like this:
Function GetClientCountries(ByVal placeHolder As Boolean) As serverNamespace.CountryName()
Function GetClientCountries(ByVal placeHolder As Boolean) As Global.serverNamespace.CountryName()
---at EVERY place in both class body & interface... And everything works!
How can I decorate my Web Service to just make it work?
I've already tried using all kinds of "Imports" in the WS code, but nothing has any effect... And just stupidly adding a Global prefix to the existing WS code won't compile...

Variable is already declared as private

I have an entity framework model (built using database first) which I have just updated from the database. I now have a whole series of errors in the model, typical of which is;
_Addresses is already declared as Private _Addresses AS System.Data.Objects.ObjectSet(of Address) in this class. If I then double click on the error in the error list it takes me to the following block of codein the Model's designer.vb file.
''' <summary>
''' No Metadata Documentation available.
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Addresses() As ObjectSet(Of Address)
If (_Addresses Is Nothing) Then
_Addresses = MyBase.CreateObjectSet(Of Address)("Addresses")
End If
Return _Addresses
End Get
End Property
Private _Addresses As ObjectSet(Of Address)
I can see nothing different here to what was there originally, but the project will not build successfully anymore. Can anyone suggest why this may be and what it is that has happened to cause the errors to appear.
More importantly can anyone suggest how one goes about rectifying this without resorting to rebuilding the entity data model from scratch. The data model is in a separate project so it could be rebuilt but it has undergone a lot of customisation so I would prefer not to go down that route.
Thanks for any advice that you can offer.

Unity Container Type Registration Quirk

I'm trying to automatically register all reports in a unity container.
All reports implement IReport and also have a Report() attribute which defines the title, description and unique key (so I can read these without instantiating a concrete class).
I get the report types like this
Public Shared Function GetClassesWhichimplementInterface(Of T)() As IEnumerable(Of Type)
Dim InterfaceType = GetType(T)
Dim Types As IEnumerable(Of Type)
Types = Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly.GetTypes()
Return Types.Where(Function(x) InterfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(x))
End Function
And register them like this:
Public Sub RegisterReports()
Dim ReportTypes = ReflectionHelper.GetClassesWhichimplementInterface(Of IReport)()
For Each ReportType In ReportTypes
''Previously I was reading the report attribute here and using the defined unique key. I've stopped using this code to remove possible problems while debugging.
Container.RegisterType(GetType(IReport), ReportType, ReportType.Name)
End Sub
There are types being returned by the call to GetClassesWhichimplementInterface() and the Container.RegisterType() call is made without errors. If I call Container.Resolve(of Interfaces.IReport) immediately after the register call, I get the following exception:
Resolution of the dependency failed, type = "MyProject.Interfaces.IReport", name = "(none)".
Exception occurred while: while resolving.
Exception is: InvalidOperationException - The current type, MyProject.Interfaces.IReport, is an interface and cannot be constructed. Are you missing a type mapping?
At the time of the exception, the container was:
Resolving MyProject.Interfaces.IReport,(none)
Can anyone tell me why the container isn't preserving the registration?
The registration is in the container. The thing is that you are calling resolve without passing a named registration as a parameter.
As all your registrations were performed using the following code:
Container.RegisterType(GetType(IReport), ReportType, ReportType.Name)
Then all of them have a name. You must provide the name along with the type to be able to resolve the dependency from the container.
The error you are getting is because there is no type mapping registered without a name.

Code Analysis Error: Declare types in namespaces

Is VS2010, I analyzed my code and got this error:
Warning 64 CA1050 : Microsoft.Design : 'ApplicationVariables' should be declared inside a namespace. C:\My\Code\BESI\BESI\App_Code\ApplicationVariables.vb 10 C:\...\BESI\
Here is some reference info on the error. Essentially, I tried to create a class to be used to access data in the Application object in a typed way.
The warning message said unless I put my (ApplicationVariables) class in a Namespace, that I wouldn't be able to use it. But I am using it, so what gives?
Also, here is a link to another StackOverflow article that talks about how to disable this warning in VS2008, but how would you disable it for 2010? There is no GlobalSuppressions.vb file for VS2010.
Here is the code it is complaining a bout:
Public Class ApplicationVariables
'Shared Sub New()
'End Sub 'New
Public Shared Property PaymentMethods() As PaymentMethods
Return CType(HttpContext.Current.Application.Item("PaymentMethods"), PaymentMethods)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As PaymentMethods)
HttpContext.Current.Application.Item("PaymentMethods") = value
End Set
End Property
'Etc, Etc...
End Class
I suspect that the code you entered is in your App_Code fodler of your web app. This code is accessible from your web code as you have deomnstrated but is not accessible from any other assembly.
You can suppress the instance of the error by right mouse clicking on the particular error and selecting "Suppress Message In Source." That'll result in code being added to your source that says "the next time you check this error-fuggedabodit!"
When to Suppress Warnings
While it is never necessary to suppress a warning from this rule, it is safe to do this when the assembly will never be used with other assemblies.
To suppress the error on all occurences, select "Suppress in Project Suppression File"