SQL Decode format numbers only - sql

I want to format amounts to salary format, e.g. 10000 becomes 10,000, so I use to_char(amount, '99,999,99')
SELECT SUM(DECODE(e.element_name,'Basic Salary',to_char(v.screen_entry_value,'99,999,99'),0)) Salary,
SUM(DECODE(e.element_name,'Transportation Allowance',to_char(v.screen_entry_value,'99,999,99'),0)) Transportation,
SUM(DECODE(e.element_name,'GOSI Processing',to_char(v.screen_entry_value,'99,999,99'),0)) GOSI,
SUM(DECODE(e.element_name,'Housing Allowance',to_char(v.screen_entry_value,'99,999,99'),0)) Housing
FROM values v,
values_types vt,
elements e
WHERE vt.value_type = 'Amount'
this gives error invalid number because not all values are numbers until value_type is equal to Amount but I guess decode check all values anyway although what I know is that the execution begins with from then where then select, what's going wrong here?

You said you added decode(...), but it looks like you might have actually added sum(decode(...)).
You are converting your values to strings with to_char(v.screen_entry_value,'99,999,99'), so your decode() generates a string - the default 0 will be converted to '0' - giving you a value like '1,234,56'. Then you are aggregating those, so sum() has to implicitly convert those strings to numbers - and it is throwing the error when it tries to do that:
select to_number('1,234,56') from dual
will also get "ORA-01722: invalid number", unless you supply a similar format mask so it knows how to interpret it. You could do that, e.g.:
SUM(to_number(DECODE(e.element_name,'Basic Salary',to_char(v.screen_entry_value,'99,999,99'),0),'99,999,99'))
... but it's maybe more obvious that something is strange, and even if you did, you would end up with a number, not a formatted string.
So instead of doing:
SUM(DECODE(e.element_name,'Basic Salary',to_char(v.screen_entry_value,'99,999,99'),0))
you should format the result after aggregating:
to_char(SUM(DECODE(e.element_name,'Basic Salary',v.screen_entry_value,0)),'99,999,99')
fiddle with dummy tables, data and joins.


I'm unable to cast numbers as float64 using bigquery, keep getting bad double value errors

I'm trying to extract numbers as substrings from between certain characters before casting them as float64 using BigQuery, but I'm getting a Bad Double Value error for some values. I tried using safe_cast to identify which values cause the error and they return as null (as expected) but I can't seem to figure out why these values can't be casted as float64 since they are in fact numbers. The only thing in common with the anomalies is that the first number extracted in a row is 0 but there are other values which do this and are casted fine.
This is an example of the string which numbers are extracted from: AOS-1545902(NCP)*0#84‬#475 which is object_text stored in a table named tr.
So in this case, the first number that is extracted is 0 from between the '*' and '#', the second is 84 from between '#' and '#', and the last one would be 475 after the '#'.
This is the query that I am using to extract the numbers and cast them to float64:
cast(substr(tr.object_text, strpos(tr.object_text,'*')+1, (strpos(tr.object_text,'#')-(strpos(tr.object_text,'*')+1))) as float64) AS FP_Share,
safe_cast(substr(tr.object_text, strpos(tr.object_text,'#')+1, (strpos(tr.object_text,'#')-(strpos(tr.object_text,'#')+1))) as float64) AS V_Share,
cast(substr(tr.object_text, strpos(tr.object_text,'#')+1) as float64) as Cust_Price,
From these, V_Share(the number between the '#' and '#') is the one that has these anomalies and when I extract the number without casting it to float64 using this query:
substr(tr.object_text, strpos(tr.object_text,'#')+1, (strpos(tr.object_text,'#')-(strpos(tr.object_text,'#')+1))) AS noCast_V_Share,
There are a total of 8 of these anomalies as you can see in the snippet below:
Results Snippet
Hoping someone could help me out with this!
Since you seem to have unprintable characters causing problems in your extraction, you could use REGEXP_EXTRACT to extract only the numbers (and possibly period if required) which should result in a valid conversion, something like;
) AS V_Share

Query to ignore rows which have non hex values within field

Initial situation
I have a relatively large table (ca. 0.7 Mio records) where an nvarchar field "MediaID" contains largely media IDs in proper hexadecimal notation (as they should).
Within my "sequential" query (each query depends on the output of the query before, this is all in pure T-SQL) I have to convert these hexadecimal values into decimal bigint values in order to do further calculations and filtering on these calculated values for the subsequent queries.
--> So far, no problem. The "sequential" query works fine.
Unfortunately, some of these Media IDs do contain non-hex characters - most probably because there was some typing errors by the people which have added them or through import errors from the previous business system.
Because of these non-hex chars, the whole query fails (of course) because the conversion hits an error.
For my current purpose, such rows must be skipped/ignored as they are clearly wrong and cannot be used (there are no medias / data carriers in use with the current business system which can have non-hex character IDs).
Manual editing of the data is not an option as there are too many errors and it is not clear with what the data must be replaced.
To create a query which only returns records which have valid hex values within the media ID field.
(Unfortunately, my SQL skills are not enough to create the above query. Your help is highly appreciated.)
The relevant section of the larger query looks like this (xxxx is where your help comes in :-))
, mediaID
select concat('0x', Replace(Ltrim(Replace(mediaID, '0', ' ')), ' ', '0')) AS pureMediaID
, *
where mediaID is not null
and mediaID like '0%'
and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
) as inner1
EDIT: As per request I have added here some good and some bad data:
After I did upgrade the compatibility level of the SQL instance to SQL2016 (it was below 2012 before) I could use try_convert with same syntax as the original convert function as donPablo has pointed out. With that the query could run fully through and every MediaID which is not a correct hex value gets nicely converted into a null value - really, really nice.
Exactly what I needed.
Unfortunately, the solution of ALICE... didn't work out for me as this was also (strangely) returning records which had the "+" character within them.
Edit: The added comment of Alice... where you create a calculated field like this:
CASE WHEN "KEY" LIKE '%[^0-9A-F]%' THEN 0 ELSE 1 end as xyz
and then filter in the next query like this:
where xyz = 1
works also with SQL Instances with compatibility level < SQL 2012.
Great addition for people which still have to work with older SQL instances.
An option (although not ideal in terms of performance) is to check the characters in the MediaID through a case statement and regular expression
Hexadecimals cannot contain characters other than A-F and numbers between 0 and 9
I would recommend writing a function that can be used to evaluate MediaID first and checks if it is hexadecimal and then running the query for conversion

sql convert error on view tables

SELECT logicalTime, traceValue, unitType, entName
FROM vwSimProjAgentTrace
WHERE valueType = 10
AND agentName ='AtisMesafesi'
AND ( entName = 'Hawk-1')
AND simName IN ('TipSenaryo1_0')
AND logicalTime IN (
SELECT logicalTime
FROM vwSimProjAgentTrace
WHERE valueType = 10 AND agentName ='AtisIrtifasi'
AND ( entName = 'Hawk-1')
AND simName IN ('TipSenaryo1_0')
AND CONVERT(FLOAT , traceValue) > 123
) ORDER BY simName, logicalTime
This is my sql command and table is a view table...
each time i put "convert(float...) part " i get
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1
Error converting data type nvarchar to float.
this error...
One (or more) of the rows has data in the traceValue field that cannot be converted to a float.
Make sure you've used the right combination of dots and commas to signal floating point values, as well as making sure you don't have pure invalid data (text for instance) in that field.
You can try this SQL to find the invalid rows, but there might be cases it won't handle:
SELECT * FROM vwSimProjAgentTrace WHERE NOT ISNUMERIC(traceValue)
You can find the documentation of ISNUMERIC here.
If you look in BoL (books online) at the convert command, you see that a nvarchar conversion to float is an implicit conversion. This means that only "float"-able values can be converted into a float. So, every numeric value (that is within the float range) can be converted. A non-numeric value can not be converted, which is quite logical.
Probably you have some non numeric values in your column. You might see them when you run your query without the convert. Look for something like comma vs dot. In a test scenario a comma instead of a dot gave me some problems.
For an example of isnumeric, look at this sqlfiddle

Sorting '£' (pound symbol) in sql

I am trying to sort £ along with other special characters, but its not sorting properly.
I want that string to be sorted along with other strings starting with special characters. For example I have four strings:
Now its sorting in the order: &!##, &#$%, abcd, ££$$.
I want it in the order: &!##, &#$%, ££$$, abcd.
I have used the function order by replace(column,'£','*') so that it sorts along with strings starting with *. Although this seems to work while querying the DB, when used in code and deployed the £ gets replaced by �, i.e. (replace(column,'�','*') in the query, and doesn't sort as expected.
How to resolve this issue? Is there any other solution to sort the pound symbol/£? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You seem to have two problems; performing the actual sort, and (possibly) how the £ symbol appears in the results in your code. Without knowing anything about your code or client or environment it's rather hard to guess what you might need to change, but I'd start by looking at your NLS_LANG and other NLS settings at the client end. #amccausl's link might be useful, but it depends what you're doing. I suspect you'll find different values in nls_session_parameters when queried from SQL*Plus and from your code, which may give you some pointers.
The sorting itself is slightly clearer now. Have a look at the docs for Linguistic Sorting and String Searching and NLSSORT.
You can do something like this (with a CTE to generate your data):
with tmp_tab as (
select '&!##' as value from dual
union all select '££$$' from dual
union all select 'abcd' from dual
union all select '&#$%' from dual
select * from tmp_tab
order by nlssort(value, 'NLS_SORT = WEST_EUROPEAN')
4 rows selected.
You can get sort values supported by your configuration with select value from v$nls_valid_values where parameter = 'SORT', but WESTERN_EUROPEAN seems to do what you want, for this sample data anyway.
You can see the default sorting in your current session with select value from nls_session_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_SORT'. (You can change that with an ALTER SESSION, but it's only letting me do that with some values, so that may not be helpful here).
You need to make sure your application code is all proper UTF-8 (see http://htmlpurifier.org/docs/enduser-utf8.html for more details)
Seems like your issue is with db characterset, or difference in charactersets between the app and db. For Oracle side, you can check by doing:
select value from sys.nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';
If this comes up ascii (like US7ASCII), then you may have issues storing the data properly. Even if this is the charset, you should be able to insert and retrieve sorted (binary sort) by using nvarchar2 and unistr (assuming they conform to your NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET, see above query but change parameter), like:
create table test1(val nvarchar2(100));
insert into test1(val) values (unistr('\00a3')); -- pound currency
insert into test1(val) values (unistr('\00a5')); -- yen currency
insert into test1(val) values ('$'); -- dollar currency
select * from test1
order by val asc;
-- will give symbols in order: dollar('\0024'), pound ('\00a3'), yen ('\00a5')
I will say that I would not resort to using the national characterset, I would probably change the db characterset to fit the needs of my data, as supporting 2 diff character sets isn't ideal, but its available anyway
If you have no issues storing/retrieving on the data side, then your app/client characterset is probably different than your db.
Use nchar(168). It will work.
select nchar(168)

How to find MAX() value of character column?

We have legacy table where one of the columns part of composite key was manually filled with values:
Now, we have feature request in which we must know MAX(code) in order to give user next possible value, in example case form above next value is '100'.
We tried to experiment with this but we still can't find any reasonable explanation how DB2 engine calculates that
MAX('001', '099', '576') is '576'
MAX('099', '99', 'www') is '99' and so on.
Any help or suggestion would be much appreciated!
You already have the answer to getting the maximum numeric value, but to answer the other part with regard to 'www','099','99'.
The AS/400 uses EBCDIC to store values, this is different to ASCII in several ways, the most important for your purposes is that Alpha characters come before numbers, which is the opposite of Ascii.
So on your Max() your 3 strings will be sorted and the highest EBCDIC value used so
'99 '
As you can see your '99' string is really '99 ' so it is higher that the one with the leading zero.
Cast it to int before applying max()
For the numeric maximum -- filter out the non-numeric values and cast to a numeric for aggregation:
WHERE FLD1 <> ' '
AND TRANSLATE(FLD1, '0123456789', '0123456789') = FLD1
And the reasonable explanation:
SQL Reference: MAX
This max working well in your type definition, when you want do max on integer values then convert values to integer before calling MAX, but i see you mixing max with string 'www' how you imagine this works?
Filter integer only values, cast it to int and call max. This is not good designed solution but looking at your problem i think is enough.
Sharing the solution for postgresql
which worked for me.
Suppose here temporary_id is of type character in database. Then above query will directly convert char type to int type when it gives response.
SELECT MAX(CAST (temporary_id AS Integer)) FROM temporary
WHERE temporary_id IS NOT NULL
As per my requirement I've applied MAX() aggregate function. One can remove that also and it will work the same way.