When I add memory clear logic Bram memory turn into distributed ram - embedded

I want to create a BRAM that has a data clear logic. With saying that I mean after a reset signal all the data inside of the BRAM needs to be 0.
I coded BRAM in verilog HDL.
(* ram_style = "block" *)
reg [7:0] mem [511:0];
reg [7:0] data_read = 8'b0;
always#(posedge clk) begin
if (write_i) begin
mem[addr_i] <= write_data_i;
else begin
data_read <= mem[addr_i];
assign read_data_o = data_read;
This code block successfully generates BRAM as netlist can be shown in the following image:
But when I add reset logic to BRAM to clear the data inside of it when reset rises, BRAM memory turns into distributed RAM.
This is the data clear logic I have added:
if (rst) begin
for(i=0; i<512 ; i= i+1) begin
mem[i] <= 8'b0;
Netlist after I added clear logic:
What is the reason of this? Why BRAM becomes distributed Ram? Isn't it possible to create a BRAM with data clear logic ?

The vendor BRAM macro/primitives/hardware do not support a global clear/write 0, or write anything else using a control signal.
section 4 for supported RAM inference coding styles.
There are two ways to accomplish some sort of BRAM initialization or global write.
Use a state machine controller to loop thru all the addresses
and assign the values needed (write to the ram in a controlled way using RTL to control the address, data, and wr_en)
Use Vivado IP catalog (or ISE Coregen) generated RAM and a .mif/.coe file. The contents of the .mif/.coe get loaded one time when the FPGA is configured.
More info on using .mif files here:
The memory generator GUI provides the opportunity to load a .coe file. The .coe is used for synthesis, .mif file for simulation.
If you want to use the generated IP method see:
My preference is a state machine, so that external files and external IP are not needed.


can't edit integer with .noinit attribute on STM32L476 with custom linker file

I'm doing my first attempt working with linker files. In the end i want to have a variable that keeps it's value after reset. I'm working with an STM32L476.
To achieve this i modified the Linker files: STM32L476JGYX_FLASH.ld and STM32L476JGYX_RAM.ld to include a partition called NOINT.
RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 96K
RAM2 (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 32K
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8000000, LENGTH = 1024K -0x100
NOINIT (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x8000000 + 1024K - 0x100, LENGTH = 0x100
/* Sections */
/* Global data not cleared after reset. */
.noinit (NOLOAD): {
In the main.c i initialize the variable reset_count as a global variable.
__attribute__((section(".noinit"))) volatile uint32_t reset_count = 0;
The =0 part is just for simplification. I actually want to set reset_count to zero somewhere in a function.
When i run the program and step through the initialization i would expect to see the value of reset_count as 0. But somehow i always get 0xFFFFFFFF. It seems like i can't edit the reset_count variable. Can anybody tell me how i can make this variable editable?
It is not clear from the question whether you want to have a variable that keeps its value when power is removed, or just while power stays on but hardware reset is pulsed.
If you want something that keeps its value when power is removed, then your linker script is ok to put the block in flash memory, but you need to use the functions HAL_FLASH_Program etc. to write to it, you can't just make an assignment. In addition, you could simplify the linker script by instead of creating the NOINIT output region, just putting >FLASH.
If you want a variable that just persists across reset wile power stays up then you need to put the variable into SRAM not FLASH, for example like this:
.noinit (NOLOAD) :
> RAM2
Note that you don't need to use KEEP unless you want to link a section that is unreferenced, which will not be the case if you actually use the variables, and you don't need another * immediately before .noinit unless you section names don't start with a ., which they should.
You will not be able to write to the flash memory as simply as that. If you use ST HAL, there is a flash module that provides HAL_FLASH_Program() function.
Alternatively, if the data you are trying to store is 128 bytes or less and you have an RTC backup battery, you can use the RTC backup registers (RTC_BKPxR) to store your data.

I am getting error when check my systemverilog code in quartus II

I have this simple code checked with Quartus II. First, It gives me error 5000 iterations for loop limit then I try to change verilog constant loop limit variable in settings and now it is giving me this error
Error (293007): Current module quartus_map ended unexpectedly. Verify that you have sufficient memory available to compile your design. You can view disk space and physical RAM requirements on the System and Software Requirements page of the Intel FPGA website (http://dl.altera.com/requirements/).
Is this something related to tool limitation or am I doing something wrong with my code ?
Here is my code:
module Branch_status_table #(parameter BST_length = 16383) //16383
output reg [2:1] status,
output reg [32:1] PC_predict_o,
input wire [2:1] status_update,
input wire [32:1] PC_in, PC_update,
input wire [32:1] PC_predict_update,
input wire clk,en_1,RST
wire [14:1] PC_index, PC_index_update;
//Internal memory
reg [2:1] status_bits [BST_length:0];
reg [32:1] PC_predict [BST_length:0];
reg [16:1] PC [BST_length:0];
assign PC_index = PC_in [16:3];
assign PC_index_update = PC_update [16:3];
initial begin
for ( int i=0; i <= BST_length; i=i+1) begin
status_bits[i] <= 0;
PC_predict[i] <= 0;
always_ff #(posedge clk) begin
if ( (PC[PC_index]==PC_in[32:17]) && (status_bits[PC_index]!=0) ) begin
status <= status_bits [PC_index];
PC_predict_o <= PC_predict [PC_index];
else begin
status <= 0;
PC_predict_o <= 0;
always_ff #(posedge clk) begin
if (en_1==1) begin
status_bits[PC_index_update] <= status_update;
PC [PC_index_update] <= PC_update[32:17] ;
PC_predict[PC_index_update] <= PC_predict_update;
else begin
status_bits[PC_index_update] <= status_bits[PC_index_update] ;
PC [PC_index_update] <= PC [PC_index_update] ;
PC_predict[PC_index_update] <= PC_predict[PC_index_update] ;
There a coding issue and maybe a resource utilization issue.
The coding issue:
The code infers block ram, and is attempting initialize/reset it.
In general you can't reset block rams using a single initial block.
That style of initialization of arrays can be done in a testbench, not in RTL.
Synthesis tools have physical limits.
To reset/initialize a block ram you must write 0 to each address. Use the same type of synchronous process (always #(posedge clk)) because the memory is a synchronous device. Put a mux in front of the write port and use a state machine a start up to write 0's to every address, then when the state machine finishes the state that move to an state where the BRAM behaves like you normally want it to.
This page discusses the issue.
This is a Xilinx related answer; other vendors work the same way.
Summarizing the coding issue: You probably don't need to initialize and you can't do it this way:
initial begin
for ( int i=0; i <= BST_length; i=i+1) begin
status_bits[i] <= 0;
PC_predict[i] <= 0;
Potential Utilization Issue:
FPGAs' have finite resources.
The tool seems to be indicating that the code infers more block ram than the part has. To verify this, change parameter BST_length from 16K to something small like 8 and see if the utilization issue ("insufficient memory") goes away. If it goes away then re-design using less memory.
This can also be analyzed by hand knowing how much BRAM the part has and how much you are inferring. Don't infer more than the part has.
The tool is giving different answers with simple code changes because of two issues related to the same inference of BRAM. When the code changes a little the tool switches and informs about the other issue. This is how the tools work sometimes, a first error can mask a second by erroring out so that the 2nd error is not reached.

how to remove 1 clock delay for read data from the block ROM using Coregen in verilog??

i am trying to read the data from blocked ROM using coregen by loading .coe file. But data will arrive after one clock delay when address initialized.
i want address and data in same clock cycle. module is given inline.
module pixel_read(Clk,output_pixel);
input Clk;
output [7:0] output_pixel;
reg [16:0] ADDR_IN;
initial ADDR_IN = 65535;
always # (posedge Clk)begin
if(ADDR_IN!=65536) begin
imageread MEM1(
how i remove one clock delay to read data?
You don't actually want a synchronous RAM/ROM. You want an asynchronous one - i.e. a look up table. You can force that by using LUTs instead of BRAMs. BRAMs are always synchronous.

Output skew when using clocking blocks

I am using a clocking block in my interface for signal aliasing. I want to concatenate some of the bits together to form a bus, and then drive this bus from my driver. So, for example:
interface bus_intf (clk);
input logic clk;
logic[1:0] x_lsb;
logic[1:0] x_msb;
clocking driver_bus #(posedge clk)
default input #1step output #0;
output x_bus = {x_msb, x_lsb};
Now the problem with this is, in one of my assertions, I need to read bus_intf.driver_bus.x_bus. As stated in the SV manual, an output variable from a clocking block should not be read by the testbench, and if it is, then simulator spits out an error (or warning in my case).
So I modified the interface:
interface bus_intf (clk);
input logic clk;
logic[1:0] x_lsb;
logic[1:0] x_msb;
clocking driver_bus #(posedge clk)
default input #1step output #0;
inout x_bus = {x_msb, x_lsb};
The problem now is, in my waveform I see two signals being created - x_bus and x_bus__o. I understand why Questasim did this - it is to separate the inout declaration so I can view both versions.
However, the problem now is all my clocking drive is delayed by one clock cycle! so x_bus__o which is connected to the DUT is one clock cycle later than x_bus. This is inspite of me explicitly stating that output skew is #0.
Any idea why this happens? Am I doing something wrong or have I misunderstood?
I've put your code on EDAPlayground and tried it out. It seems to be working as expected. Here's my test harness:
module top;
bit clk;
always #1 clk = ~clk;
bus_intf busif(clk);
initial begin
$display("time = ", $time);
busif.driver_bus.x_bus <= 'hf;
repeat (2)
#(negedge clk);
$display("time = ", $time);
busif.driver_bus.x_bus <= 'ha;
always #(busif.x_lsb)
$display("time = ", $time, " x_lsb = ", busif.x_lsb);
always #(busif.x_msb)
$display("time = ", $time, " x_msb = ", busif.x_msb);
The link is here if you want to try it online: http://www.edaplayground.com/x/Utf
If I drive x_bus at a posedge, then the value will be written immediately, as would be expected due to the #0 output delay. If I drive x_bus at a negedge (or at any other time aside from a posedge), then it will wait until the next posedge to drive the value. I see this behavior regardless of whether x_bus is declared as output or inout.
Check to see when you are scheduling your writes; this might be the reason you see some delays on your waves.
When you have bidirectional flow through a clocking block, the signal from the verification to the hardware and back has to go through two virtual D-FFs. So the original observation is correct. The input of 1-step is one D-FF to the design; then the return is one more D-FF back appearing 0ns (i.e., just after the clock). Clocking blocks are not useful in the situation of a signal that requires a single-cycle turn-around, and for that reason, you avoid them if that is a requirement. For most designs, it is simply not necessary. Monitors will observe the signals with a pipeline delay of one cycle, which is generally not a problem.

<<module name>> not a task or void function in verilog

I am trying to create a module for carry select adder in verilog. Everything works fine except the following portion where it is causing compilation error.
module csa(a,b,s,cout);
input[15:0] a,b;
output [15:0] s;
output cout;
wire zero_c1, zero_c2,zero_c3,zero_c4,zero_c5;
wire one_c1, one_c2,one_c3,one_c4,one_c5;
wire temp_c1,temp_c2,temp_c3,temp_c4,temp_c5;
wire [15:0] s_zero, s_one;
fa(s[0], temp_c1,a[0],b[0],0);
When I try to compile that it says -
the module "fa", "fa_one" are not a task or void function
I deleted the "initial" statement and now it says -
Syntax error near "fork", expecting "endmodule"
I just want to run the code between join and fork in parallel. I have also confirmed that the module fa, fa_one works fine.
Would appreciate if anyone can help me pointing out what I am doing wrong here. Thanks.
Verilog modules are not run or executed but instantiated, they represent physical blocks of hardware.
Everything is in parallel unless you have made effort to time share pieces of hardware. For example you might write an ALU core, which exists only once but use a program ROM to tell it which instruction to process every clockcycle.
Inside your modules you can have combinatorial code and sequential code.
Combinatorial logic will simulate in 0 time but will actually take some time for values to propagate through when placed on real devices.
If this propagation delay is not thought about and very large blocks of logic are created you will struggle to close timing on synthesis, due to the settling time through the logic being greater than the clock speed either side of the combinatorial logic.
Sequential logic implies that the results are held in flip-flops, which only update on clock edges. This means chains of sequential logic can take many clock cycles for data to propagate.
When pipelining a processor you break individual section up with flip-flops giving each section a full clock cycle for combinatorial propagation, at the expense of taking several clock cycles to calculate a single result.
To correct your example you would just have:
module csa(
input [15:0] a,
input [15:0] b,
output [15:0] s,
output cout
wire zero_c1, zero_c2,zero_c3,zero_c4,zero_c5;
wire one_c1, one_c2,one_c3,one_c4,one_c5;
wire temp_c1,temp_c2,temp_c3,temp_c4,temp_c5;
wire [15:0] s_zero, s_one;
fa ufa(s[0], temp_c1,a[0],b[0],0);
fa_one ufa_one(s_zero[1],s_one[1],zero_c1,one_c1,a[1],b[1]);
fa_two ufa_two(s_zero[3:2],s_one[3:2],zero_c2,one_c2,a[3:2],b[3:2]);
fa_three ufa_three(s_zero[6:4],s_one[6:4],zero_c3,one_c3,a[6:4],b[6:4]);
fa_four ufa_four(s_zero[10:7],s_one[10:7],zero_c4,one_c4,a[10:7],b[10:7]);
fa_five ufa_five(s_zero[15:11],s_one[15:11],zero_c5,one_c5,a[15:11],b[15:11]);
NB: it is module_name #(parameters) instance_name ( ports );
fork is used to run procedural statements within a module in parallel. Separate module instances always run in parallel.
Child modules are instantiated directly within their parent module, not within an initial, begin, or fork which are used for procedural statements. So you can remove the initial, begin, fork, join, and end, and add an endmodule at the end.