How do software updates not wipe all user data & settings [closed] -

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Closed 3 months ago.
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Please reference this link to see where I am coming from.
I understand how the *.exe files are overwritten in an update. but how is code setup so that users themes, file save locations, database connections, are saved & reloaded.
I wrote a simple ticketing software in VB code & WinForms a while back. (basically how google forms works write to gsheets/excel file. I now wish to deploy an update to that system with some project management tools integrated. (timeline / gantt charts). In my first software all of those settings & paths are just saved as variables & then set as defaults. If I overwrite that *.exe file how will the software know what settings to use?
Is it possible to have my new update scan and import those variables from my old file? Or am I just out of luck? If I am out of luck what do I need to do to prevent this from happening?
I have not made any attempts to update the program yet as it has too much data that I can't effectively back up (another problem in the works)

User settings, such as theme settings, configuration options, and the like, are stored in configuration files that are external to the application. These files are usually saved in either the user's roaming profile, or in a subfolder of the user's My Documents folder (or its corollary on Linux or Mac).
When the application is updated, these configuration files remain largely untouched. (New options usually have a reasonable default value.)


AS400 save entire System in SAVF [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to make my AS400 to save entire system (go save, option 21) in a network location instead of a physical tap device. I have not iscsi devices connected.
I have already created a virtual tap (type 63B0) with a catalog file mounted, and I can save and restore from it.
I have tried to save the catalog file in a savf file and then to move that savf via ftp in a network location.
My question is: is it possible to make a go save --> 21 option indicating as device a savf instead of a tap?
Generally this question should go to Server Fault. That is the reason for the close votes. But, there are only a few questions there about IBM i and no one there on a regular basis answers these questions.
So... No, a save file can only contain a save of objects from a single library at a time. So you cannot do go save --> 21 to a save file.
But you do not need to put a virtual tape image in a save file to move it off the system. Think of a virtual tape image like an .iso image that you could burn to a CD. It isn't really an .iso image, but it is stored in the IFS as a single file. These images can be FTP'd as is to any other system and added to an image catalog on that system. Or they can be stored on a server somewhere as a backup and then transferred again to a new system to be used in a restore operation.
You can find documentation on how to move virtual tape images to a different system in the IBM Knowledge Center.

How to decompile a access database without starting/opening it? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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In our deployment chain we compress the access-database before sending it to the user.
As there where some troubles we want to decompile it too.
But unfortunately decompiling (as described here: How does one decompile and recompile a database application? ) seems to require to start/open the database.
As we deploy very frequently, I am searching for a way to decompile the database without opening/starting it.
Don't believe that you can de-compile without launching the application. (even from command line). The only possible approach would be to create a blank database and import everything. This I suppose could be automated, and the result would be a database that not been compiled. So, a import of all objects into a new blank database is a "possible" solution, but it would involve code to transfer objects into that new blank database. Not likely worth the effort, but is a possible. And one could also consider the save-as text to export all objects into a text file, and then re-build a new solution based on those text files (this is how source code control works with access, and thus even building from a GIT repository is possible).

Safe to copy a file-based multi-user Visual FoxPro database while users are accessing it? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is it safe to make a copy (via cmd with copy or robocopy, or by copying and pasting it) for backup purposes of a file-based multiuser Visual FoxPro datbase while other users are accessing it?
Copying a DBF will fail if anyone has it open EXCLUSIVEly.
We do use robocopy here as a secondary backup, but we schedule it to run at (IIRC) 3am, when no live users are in the system and automated processes are likely to be finished. We don't entirely trust a copy made during working hours when users are writing to tables a lot - no way to know whether the resulting tables will be consistent.
Also, you'd have to worry about the .CDX and .FPT (if applicable) being out of sync with the .DBF, since they'd be copied at a different time.
So the answer to your question is "Probably not, unless you can be sure no writes are taking place (and of course the tables are not opened exclusively)."
I would say that it is not a safe operation. First of all, I am not sure if it is possible. I have not tried it but it might be that when you try to copy it the copy will fail telling you the file is in use. Even if it does allow you to copy it there is danger in it because when the database is open changes can be made to it. Visual FoxPro database is no different then any other file stored on the file system so if part of the file is copied and a change is made then the backup can be corrupt, and a corrupt database becomes unusable.

How to integrate WebWorks ePublisher with a Continuous Integration server? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Our documentation is built manually using the WebWorks ePublisher. We would like to have it built automatically on our CI server.
For that there should be a non interactive command line alternative to the ePublisher GUI.
Does anyone know anything about it?
I think you should look into the WebWorks ePublisher component called AutoMap.
From What Is ePublisher AutoMap?:
ePublisher AutoMap is the automation tool that enables you to automate the content transformation process, batch processing, and integration with content management or version control systems. This component lets you schedule ePublisher projects. For example, you can schedule the output generation to occur overnight. Then, when you arrive the next morning, your transformed content is ready for you. You can also automatically generate and deploy deliverables to meet your specific needs, such as updating Web site content based on updated source documents. You can automatically create ePublisher projects and generate output without manually opening ePublisher or your source documents.
More details here: Scheduling and Integrating Processes with AutoMap.

Looking for a skeleton application for a native macosx application (w/ installer script, notify icon, user preferences) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a relatively simple application which I need to make native Mac OSX version of. I find it's easiest to learn from examples and I have never setup/developed/packaged a product on Mac yet. So, I was hoping to start from a project which has basic packaging scripts and includes as many components listed below as possible:
Installer build script which installs the program and makes the program run on startup.
Notify Icon (or whatever the Mac equivalent of a System Tray Icon is called) w/ a context menu
User Preference Storage (.Net equivalent of Settings files)
Anyone know of a say an open source project with those characteristics?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're out of luck. In the few years I've been surfing the web for Cocoa-related stuff, I've rarely come across skeleton applications. Lots of sample projects, but not skeletons.
For your three requirements, you've happened to list them in order from most difficult to least.
Installer build script - running on login happens one of a couple ways. Either the application can be added to the user's Login Items or you can load a launchctl script to run the application as a LaunchAgent. The first option would be much simpler and the 'proper' way to do it.
That's called an NSStatusItem, and examples abound on the internet.
There's a handy class called NSUserDefaults that's used for saving application settings. You can easily set and read objects into this hash-table-like object, and it will handle saving them to disk for you.
Typical Mac applications don't use an installer. You distribute them on a DMG (disk image) or in a zip, the user (or the browser) mounts the DMG or unpacks the zip and the user copies the application to their Applications folder.