Laravel 8 contextual binding with private properties? - laravel-8

I'm having an issue with laravel 8 and php 8.0
consider the following class
class B {
public function __constructor(private A $a)
When I try to add contextual binding configuration
it gives me an error Illegal offset type in isset or empty
what's helping is changing ->needs(A::class) to ->needs('$a') or making constructor argument public. Is this how it's supposed to be?


dotnetcore asp understand Inconsistent accessibility

I am new to dotnetcore so please be patient...
this ASP controller method works if I give back a list of Strings.
public List<Contract> Get()
return getContracts();
meanwhile every thing is's just later where I see the error
If I return a list of very simple objects I get the warning
Inconsistent accessibility: return type 'type' is less accessible than method 'method'
the documentation for that error only shows an example for that. But how to fix it ?
Also thanks for any Link/Hint to understand the issue/rules here !
If your class is defined as:
class Contract
Then you will get the error because a class is internal by default.
A public method on a public class can't return internal types.
So we make the class public:
public class Contract

Changing IoC provider on an Caliburn Micro WPF Application

I've an existing WPF application based on caliburn micro MVVM pattern which was using Ideablade/cocktail for accessing to database. Now I've switched to servicestack and I was keeping on cocktail just for the composition pattern. Since I've noticed it takes quite a bit long to start the application I've done some test and Ninject performs better.
I find extremly usefull the MEF approach of defining the Export/ImportingConstrucor approach but and I was wondering how I can have it with Ninject... is it possible?
In my current implementation I've something as
public class MyFirstViewModel:IMyInterface
public MyFirstViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)รน
I've seend that in ninject I've to define something as
Can it be automatic?
Can I also define a funct to resolve when not found?
StackTrace :
at Caliburn.Micro.IoC.<.cctor>b__0(Type service, String key) in c:\Users\Rob\Documents \CodePlex\caliburnmicro\src\Caliburn.Micro.Silverlight\IoC.cs:line 13
at Caliburn.Micro.IoC.Get[T](String key) in c:\Users\Rob\Documents\CodePlex\caliburnmicro\src\Caliburn.Micro.Silverlight\IoC.cs:line 32
at myApp.Modules.Core.Framework.ViewModels.myAppScreenBase`1..ctor() in c:\Projects\myApp\branches\myApp-branch-20140526\myApp\Core\Framework\ViewModels\myAppScreenBase.cs:line 44
at myApp.Modules.Core.Framework.ViewModels.myAppSimpleScreen`1..ctor() in c:\Projects\myApp\branches\myApp-branch-20140526\myApp\Core\Framework\ViewModels\myAppSimpleScreen.cs:line 8
at myApp.Modules.AdE.ViewModels.CMATCLIDDelegheViewModel..ctor(IAdERepository repository, IDialogManager dialogManager, ICommonRepository commonRepository) in c:\Projects\myApp\branches\myApp-branch-20140526\myApp\Modules.AdE\ViewModels\CMATCLIDDelegheViewModel.cs:line 56
at DynamicInjector1033b54d439c44dbaa064db1c7e82f18(Object[] )
at Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider.Create(IContext context)
at Ninject.Activation.Context.ResolveInternal(Object scope)
at Ninject.Activation.Context.Resolve()
at Ninject.KernelBase.<>c__DisplayClass15.<Resolve>b__f(IBinding binding)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.<CastIterator>d__b1`1.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.SystemCore_EnumerableDebugView`1.get_Items()
RepositoryExport :
public class RepositoryBindingGenerator : IBindingGenerator
public IEnumerable<IBindingWhenInNamedWithOrOnSyntax<object>> CreateBindings(Type type, IBindingRoot bindingRoot)
foreach (var attribute in type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RepositoryAttribute), false)
yield return bindingRoot
.Bind(attribute.ContractType ?? type)
but I got this compile error
Error 19 Cannot implicitly convert type 'Ninject.Syntax.IBindingNamedWithOrOnSyntax' to 'Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenInNamedWithOrOnSyntax'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
Depending on the configuration of ninject (by default its enabled) you don't need to bind a type to itself, ninject will resolve it automatically. So mKernel.Bind<MyFirstViewModel>().To<MyFirstViewModel>(); is superfluous. Remark: Creating the binding anyway also works.
However, if you want to bind Bar to IFoo or Foo to IFoo you need to bind it.
With it you can tell ninject to look for all types with an [Export] attribute and bind these.
Here comes the ninject conventions extension to the rescue. Get the ninject.extensions.conventions nuget package.
Then create a convention binding:
kernel.Bind(x => x
public class ExportBindingGenerator : IBindingGenerator
public IEnumerable<IBindingWhenInNamedWithOrOnSyntax<object>> CreateBindings(Type type, IBindingRoot bindingRoot)
foreach (var attribute in type.GetCustomAttributes<ExportAttribute>())
yield return bindingRoot
Things get a bit more complicated when you need to also use the [ImportingConstructor] attribute to tell ninject which constructor to use. But i would suppose that you don't need it, since Ninject's auto-constructor-selection. What you can do however is replace all [ImportingConstructor] attributes with Ninject's [Inject] attribute which does exactly the same.
You may need to use another method than .FromThisAssembly() to specify all the assemblies which contain the implementation types.
If the implementation types are not public, you need to add IncludeNonePublicTypes() to the convention.

unable to chain up to base constructor requiring arguments

public class Font : SDLTTF.Font {
public Font (string _filename, int _size) {
public void draw () {
That's my code. When I try to build it, I get:
Font.vala:4.5-4.15: error: unable to chain up to base constructor requiring arguments
public Font (string _filename, int _size) {
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
I thought I needed to override the constructor, so I tried to public override it, but now I get:
Font.vala:4.5-4.24: error: abstract, virtual, and override modifiers are not applicable to creation methods
public override Font (string _filename, int _size) {
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Any ideas on how to fix this? I'm trying to inherit the SDLTTF.Font class.
Have you tried putting
base(_filename, _size);
in your constructor?
This worked for me. Note however that SDLTTF.Font is defined in the vapi as a compact class, meaning that when you derive it, you're only allowed to define new functions for your subclass, but no instance data (member variables, etc.). If you require this, I'd recommend you go with apmasell's suggestion and create a wrapper class deriving from (G)Object.
SDLTTF is not managed by GObject, so Vala cannot create a derived class. Vala can only create derived classes if they make use of GObject, as is typical in GLib, GTK+, Pango, ATK, and many GNOME libraries.
Depending on what you want to do, you could create a new class that contains an instance of SDLTFF.Font and proxy the appropriate requests.

struts2: select tag doesn't like beans with "parameters" property?

I have a base class ReportElement which has type property:
public abstract class ReportElement {
private ReportElementType type;
public ReportElementType getType() {
return type;
public void setType(ReportElementType type) {
this.type = type;
ReportElementType is just an enum with specified code and i18nKey properties for each element. I have a couple of subclasses of ReportElement, each of them introducing their own properties. One of them is Plot:
public class Plot extends ReportElement {
public Plot() {
private Collection<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
public Collection<Parameter> getParameters() {
return parameters;
On some page I needed to display a collection of different ReportElement instances, so I just used struts2 select tag:
<s:select list="myElements" listKey="type.code" listValue="type.i18nKey" size="20"/>
This worked like a charm for every element except for Plot instaces. Instead of invoking getType().getCode() or getType().getI18nKey() plain toString() was invoked on every instance of Plot! After several hours of fun debugging I noticed that during tag evaluation Plot's getParameters() method is called! So it seems struts was trying to evaluate type.code and type.i18nKey using getParameters() method! Failing to do that it ignored the existence of the properties, that I have clearly specified for usage!
After renaming getParameters to a kind of odd name like getParamms the problem gone. Also the problem hasn't occured when using iterator tag together with property tag instead of select tag.
Does anyone have an idea WHY struts select tag uses parameters property of my bean, when I have clearly specified what property should be used? Is it some "cool" feature or a bug?
P.S. I use struts
The argument used in all the FreeMarker templates representing a tag's parameters is called parameters. By providing a parameters property that takes precedence, S2 was unable to get to the object on the stack containing the tag's parameters.
It's neither a cool feature nor a bug, it's just how the templates are implemented. Checking the template source may have saved the few hours of debugging.
Found corresponding issue in struts JIRA:
2.3 is specified as fix version.

Flex 3 to Flex 4 Conversion and Undefined Methods

I have an application I am attempting to convert from a flex 3 air application to a flex 4 air application.
I am running into an issue in my main class. When calling the Instance method on the class I am getting an error:
Access of possibly undefined property Instance through a reference with static type Class.
My main class is pretty complex but the problem could be broken down to a simple example.
private static var instance:MyClass = null;
public static function get Instance():MyClass {
return instance;
For some reason when calling MyClass.Instance in another file I get the above error.
The Outline window in flash builder does not show the static methods of this class, and typing MyClass into a code window the code completion does not show any of my static methods being accessible.
Is there another place I need to define static members outside of the mx:Script bock?
The simple answer is that it is no-longer mx:Script, the namespace for the Script attribute is now fx:Script.