How to create a .txt sidecar file whenever a Windows 10 game recording is finished and populate it with data like 'app', 'date' + custom tags - automation

I'd like to automate the process of creating sidecar .txt files (.json could work too) to finished Windows 10 recordings (Windows Game Bar).
These files are usually named {app}{date}.mp4 and the sidecar file should mimic that while adding .txt or .json at the end, like so: {app}{date}.mp4.txt
I was wondering if there's a programmatical way to create some kind event listener to create such a sidecar file whenever a recording is finished, and preferably to populate it with default tags (1 per line)
So far only tried googling for an answer, but did not find anything relevant


Godot - Loading a Saved Game

I am trying to create a C# script to save and load the saved games in Godot. I have organized the information of each node (each node that will be saved) in a dictionary (one dictionary is created for each node that will saved) and all the information is saved in a txt document with a format like “gamesaved.txt”.
The system is saving the information without problem in the Project Data folder. The problem is that when I want to load the game saved, Godot appears to have problems to open the File. I use something like this in my “load method”:
saveGame.Open("user://savegame.text", File.ModeFlags.ReadWrite)
and in the next line I use
While (saveGame.GetPosition() < saveGame.GetLen())
to start to read the file and use the information of the dictionaries but system says ERROR!` And says:
“get_position: File must be opened before use”
It appears that the system doesn’t recognize that the File has been opened in the previous line with saveGame.Open()
Do you have any idea what the open method could not be working?

How can I upload a whole folder of PDF files, So that I can skim through each file without having to upload each one of them individually

I have a folder of PDF files, what I want to do is build a small app with directional arrows that when pressed should upload the next PDF file from the uploaded/Selected folder.
I have tried uploading single PDF and I was able to view it, but I'm unable to find any good resource on how to upload a whole directory inside the application for me to not upload each PDF every single time.
I should be able to change my current opened PDF to the next one inside the folder.
The way to do this in Vue is as follows:
Make a input field and attach the event "v-on:input" with the function that will be called when the input is selected.
Don't forget to add "webkitdirectory mozdirectory" for firefox and chrome browsers.
Inside the function fetch the input query via "document.querySelectorAll('input');". The information of files will be inside files object.

flexdashboard and shiny pdf report

I'm new on shiny and flexdashboard.With flexdashboard I've written a .Rmd file to make a nice shiny application (I'm just a statistician).
I want to export some calculations (by a download button)in a report with a pdf file. In shiny examples, I need again to create another Rmd file, as an example of report.Rmd. I can open my application in the browser, and i'm successful to download a pdf file. But it's not working online (with I have two files with .rmd extension, and another one with .r extensions(my functions). Can it be the problem of the two.rmd?Do you Have any idea or example working?
thanks a lot in advance
It may be that the server is expecting the function files (*.R) in a certain folder and you are uploading it to another (or in the base folder).
I believe the convention is to put source files into a sub-folder called "R": /R/
If that doesn't work then try \www\. This is where icons are normally sourced from.

multiplefile uploader select and show multiple files at once

i want a multiple file uploader (not ajax) for my form.. The features i needed are:
1) ability to select multiple files at once
2) after selection it should display all the filenames (or image) with a button to remove any pic
3) should be able to set number of files limit, file type and file size limit
4) when i submit the form, i should get an array of these files which i can save one by one to a folder and corresponding file names to a database table.
fortunately yii has got the widget 'CMultiFileUpload' which serves almost all my purposes except that when i select multiple files and click open it only shows the first file name with a remove button.. i want it to show all the selected files at once..
Eg: i select 3 files (i can select multiple files by giving 'multiple'=>'multiple' attribute) and click open then it should show
ll the ajax uploaders have all these functionalities but i cant/don't want to use an ajax uploader because, suppose someone uploads many files using ajax uploader and he then decides to cancel the actual form submission, all the files he uploaded will be there in my uploaded folder, which leads to wastage of space and i have only a limited amount of space in my server. is there any way that i can do this using 'CMultiFileUpload' or is there any other way by which i can do all this? Please help
hope this help your answer,the multi upload in yii

Is it possible to configure OpenERP or my browser to open PDFs automatically?

Every OpenERP web report ask me if I want to keep the PDF. Of course I must keep it to view it. I end up with lots of PDF files that I have to clean up. I would like to configure OpenERP or my browser to automatically create and manage the temp PDF files.
My research shows me great confusion in the industry about security flaws in PDF files causing browser plugins that profess to being "PDF Viewers" to come and go. I have yet to find any method, procedure, plugin, add-on or magic incantation that views PDFs without me managing the file.
If you are using firefox and linux , why not open firefox & go to
Edit -> preferences -> applications ->
search for 'pdf' and in Action field select 'use(default)'.
This way the pdf will be stored in '/tmp' folder & opened from there.
You won't have to bother about managing it.
It is not possible in a clean way, you need a module that modifies the behaviour of openerp reports to be inline. There are two options: - I think this
is the best option as it works all the time, the caveat is it
launches a separated window like a popup (then you require to accept
popups). - This is amazing as it
shows the pdf in the work area of openerp (no need to open a new tab
or a new window) but at the moment doesn't work at all times,some
reports are just downloaded instead of displayed (I dunno why).
Andres Calle