What is the equivalent of "git update-index --chmod" in LibGit2Sharp? - libgit2

I'm using the latest version of LibGit2Sharp. I know that you can GET the permissions on a an a repo.Index entry from the .Mode property however this seems to be read-only in all scenarios. Does this functionality not exist in LibGit2(Sharp)?


Setting up and saving connection profile in SQL Workbench/j from command line/batch

Using the guide https://www.sql-workbench.eu/manual/commandline.html#commandline-connect-noprofile
to set up as profile and save the profile for future use.
This is possible manually via "7.2. Managing profile groups"
Is it possible to save a profile via the command line?
SQLWorkbench64.exe -username=user -password=pass -url=jdbc.. -driver=Redshift driverJar=filepath
There is no direct support for this.
But you can use the WbStoreProfile command to store the currently active connection as a profile.
You can do this through the -command parameter.
SQLWorkbench64.exe -command="WbStoreProfile -name=test" -username=user -password=pass -url=jdbc.. -driver=Redshift driverJar=filepath
That will connect to the database, then run the WbStoreProfile command and exit again.
The profile will be saved under the name "test" in wb-profiles.properties.
But it's probably easier to edit wb-profiles.properties manually.

How can I target a git #branch#version with npm?

I have a fork in github. I am able to install target like this in npm
"my-fork-of-a-package": "github:my-profile/my-fork-of-a-package#branch"
in package.json. However I am unable to target a tag of the branch or a version number.
I'm looking for a some kind of #version or #tag or #commitHash syntax.
Something kinda like this - except for that this doesn't work.
'"my-fork-of-a-package": "github:my-profile/my-fork-of-a-package#branch#version"
You can do this by using the #semver:<semver> notation like so:
"my-fork-of-a-package": "github:my-profile/my-fork-of-a-package#semver:v1.0.27"
see https://docs.npmjs.com/cli-commands/install
Your question is tricky for a potential answer because generally, a branch implies the version number.
As per docs:
npm install gitlab:<gitlabname>/<gitlabrepo>[#<commit-ish>]:
Install the package at https://gitlab.com/gitlabname/gitlabrepo by
attempting to clone it using git.
If # is provided, it will be used to clone exactly that
commit. If the commit-ish has the format #semver:,
can be any valid semver range or exact version
Why don't you simply consolidate on only one level (branch1-v1, branch1-v2,branch2-v1...)?
You can effectively call a #branch, so i think it would be safe for you to rename & update your data structure to be 1 big pool with specific names.
That way, you'll be able to call the specific package/git through #branch1{your-own-separator}version-X.X
Add tags in name, will look messy but that's why search/indexes exist.

Travis-CI, how to get committer_email, author_name, within after_script command

I know committer_email, author_name, and load of other variables are part of the notification event. Is it possible to get access to them in earlier events like before_script, after_script?
I would like to get access of the information and add it directly to my test results. Having build information, test result information, and github repo information in the same file would be great.
You can extract committer e-mail, author name, etc. to environment variables using git log with --pretty, e.g.
export COMMITTER_EMAIL="$(git log -1 $TRAVIS_COMMIT --pretty="%cE")"
export AUTHOR_NAME="$(git log -1 $TRAVIS_COMMIT --pretty="%aN")"
On Travis one'd put this in the before_install or before_script stage.
TRAVIS_COMMIT environment variable is provided by default.

GitHub v3 API - how do I create the initial commit in a repository?

I'm using the v3 API and managed to list repos/trees/branches, access file contents, and create blobs/trees/commits. I'm now trying to create a new repo, and managed to do it with "POST user/repos"
But when I try to create blobs/trees/commits/references in this new repo I get the same error message. (409) "Git Repository is empty.". Obviously I can go and init the repository myself through the git command line, but would rather like if my application did it for me.
Is there a way to do that? What's the first thing I need to do through the API after I create an empty repository?
Since 2012, it is now possible to auto initialize a repository after creation, according to this blog post published on the GitHub blog:
Today we’ve made it easier to add commits to a repository via the GitHub API. Until now, you could create a repository, but you would need to initialize it locally via your Git client before adding any commits via the API.
Now you can optionally init a repository when it’s created by sending true for the auto_init parameter:
curl -i -u pengwynn \
-d '{"name": "create-repo-test", "auto_init": true}' \
The resulting repository will have a README stub and an initial commit.
Update May 2013: Note that the repository content API now authorize adding files.
See "File CRUD and repository statistics now available in the API".
Original answer (May 2012)
Since it doesn't seems to be supported yet ("GitHub v3 API: How to create initial commit for my shiny new repository?", as aclark comments), you can start by pushing an initial empty commit
git commit --allow-empty -m 'Initial commit'
git push origin master
That can be a good practice to initialize one's repository anyway.
And it is illustrated in "git's semi-secret empty tree".
If you want to create an empty initial commit (i.e. one without any file) you can do the following:
Create the repository using the auto_init option as in Jai Pandya's answer; or, if the repository already exists, use the create file endpoint to create a dummy file - this will create the branch:
PUT https://api.github.com/repos/USER/REPO/contents/dummy
"branch": "master",
"message": "Create a dummy file for the sake of creating a branch",
"content": "ZHVtbXk="
This will give you a bunch of data including a commit SHA, but you can discard all of it since we are about to obliterate that commit.
Use the create commit endpoint to create a commit that points to the empty tree:
POST https://api.github.com/repos/USER/REPO/git/commits
"message": "Initial commit",
"tree": "4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904"
This time you need to take note of the returned commit SHA.
Use the update reference endpoint to make the branch point to the commit you just created (notice the Use Of The ForceTM):
PATCH https://api.github.com/repos/USER/REPO/git/refs/heads/master
"sha": "<the SHA of the commit>",
"force": true
Done! Your repository has now one branch, one commit and zero files.
2023 January: The 2. step of Konamiman's solution did not work for me, unless I deleted the dummy file with the contents api:
DELETE https://api.github.com/repos/USER/REPO/contents/dummy
"branch": "master",
"message": "Delete dummy file",
"sha": "e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391"
(This sha is for the empty content "".)
After deleting the dummy file somehow 4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 becomes assignable to a new commit.
It looks like over time this changed. It feels bad to rely on undocumented API behavior. :(

How can I create trac tickets from an svn commit?

I'm looking for a way to create (not update) a trac ticket in response to a commit message like "Hack code to not kill your dog (TODO: fix this properly to avoid chasing kittens instead)".
I want the trac system to react on the "TODO" keyword and create a ticket with the content of the commit message, the owner set to the committer and the opening commit already referenced.
While searching on SO I found Open and close trac tickets with a single commit which basically says how I could roll my own solution. Which I'd do if there isn't a pre-made one available. So - is there?
I would suggest looking at the official Trac package for python: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Trac/0.11.4 and docs http://www.edgewall.org/docs/tags-trac-0.11.7/epydoc/trac-module.html
This is what we use to create tickets in Trac from a python script and I think it's fairly simple to use. You could run this python script as a post commit hook for your VCS.
You can start up a trac environment using your project settings and then new up tickets and save them. There's probably a little more to it for you, but this should give you a good idea:
from trac.env import Environment
from trac.ticket import Ticket
env = Environment(projectSettings, create=0)
tkt = Ticket(env)
tkt['summary'] = 'first line of commit message'
tkt['description'] = 'full commit message'
tkt.save_changes(commitAuthor, '')
Needless to say, current Trac stable is 0.12.3, but of course development needs to go with your current version. (You didn't tell us in you question.)
On you question, there is a hint on how to implement different functionality on-top of the CommitTicketUpdater from Trac core. It has update and close as built-in actions, so you'll need to do some change like so (based on current Trac trunk):
create an additional option commands_create for commands, that create a new ticket with reference to the changeset, as a space-separated list
add a class-wide variable self.comment in both of changeset_added and changeset_modified right after comment assignment
add a module cmd_create like (untested)
def cmd_create(self, ticket, changeset, perm):
if not self.check_perms or 'TICKET_CREATE' in perm:
# Commit messages in general is used for a ticket comment.
# New tickets require summary and we'll want description too,
# because comment is ignored on ticket creation.
# So we need to do message processing here beforehand.
ticket['comment'] = None
ticket['description'] = self.comment
ticket['owner'] = changeset.author
ticket['status'] = 'new'
ticket['summary'] = ' '.join(['TODO from', str(changeset.rev)])
alter ticket_command so the regexp matches not only the default function-ticket(s) pairs but the unary 'TODO:' as well (sorry, can't make this working right-away now)
extend the private module _parse_message to include another case before if func:
if cmd.startswith('TODO'):
tickets.update({None : ['create']})
change _update_tickets to make the comment saving conditional, because you won't need/want an additional comment on new tickets)
if ticket['comment']:
ticket.save_changes(changeset.author, comment, date, db)
Ok, ask back as required, if you like to try this approach.