Windows MIT Kerberos, error 1765328190, krb5_cc_set_flags - hive

I got error with MIT Kerberos, during testing ODBC connection to the HIVE
Credentils cache permissions incorrect (Kerberos error -1765328190)
krb5_cc_set_flags failed
How do you solve this issue?
I made these steps:
I reinstall kfw-4.1-amd64.msi, version 4.1 (64-bit, for windows)
I reinstall ClouderaHiveODBC64.msi, version (64-bit, for windows)
I opened ports 10000 for hive and 88 fork KDC server
I copy krb5.conf to directory c:\ProgramData\MIT\Kerberos5\krb5.ini
I setup system variables KRB5_CONFIG=c:\ProgramData\MIT\Kerberos5\krb5.ini and KRB5CCNAME=c:\test\krb5cache

I have the same issue, you have to use dynamic cache for Kerberos (path must be different for each user), not static. Use this setting for system variable KRB5CCNAME:


Fatal error issue while setting up pgadmin4 in windows 10 with PostgeSQL 14.4

I am beginning with phoenix and PostgreSQL 14.4. I have installed PostgreSQL successfully. But now when I am trying to set up pgadmin4 it shows me some fatal error.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. But I couldn't resolve the error.
2022-07-13 12:33:41,767: WARNING werkzeug: WebSocket transport not
available. Install simple-websocket for improved performance.
Serving Flask app 'pgadmin' (lazy loading)
Environment: production WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in
a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
Debug mode: off
2022-07-13 12:33:41,769: ERROR pgadmin: Error starting the app server:
(<class 'OSError'>, OSError(10013, 'An attempt was made to access a
socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions', None, 10013,
None), <traceback object at 0x000002227BBCEE80>)
It would be very helpful if you could help.
I guess the port pgadmin is trying to run is being used by another application. Or applications may be restricted by Windows to open ports. My advice is to try to run it by changing the port as described below;
Click on the pgAdmin 4 tray-icon
Click "Configure..."
Check the box labeled "Fixed Port Number?"
Enter the desired port number in the field next to it
If that also fails you may need to check port permissions in Windows (firewall etc, whoever is controlling these permissions on windows)

Configure Artifactory to work with external MSSQL server error

I try to install Artifactory 7.11 on linux instance.
Cloud: AWS
OS: amazon linux
If i start the service with the default configuration everything work properly.
But if i uncomment the database section in the system.yaml file to work with SQL server i got an error that the "system.yaml validation failed" at node .shared.database.
Note that the connection details like user,password are checked and worked.
Additionally - the sql port(1433) port is already opened.
As you can see that the connection to the DB succeeded:
Default configuration file looks like this:
Configuration file with connection to the DB
Does anyone have an idea what can be the issue?
After a long examination I finally understood the main reason...
default the IPv6 is configured, so i've disable the ip section in the system.yaml and put the IPv4 server ip
multiple sql drivers was in the folder so i've deleted all of them except the v11.jar
Thanks #Prasanna for your help!

Webseal runtime component configuration

i am working on the IBM webseal authentication. i want to implement the webseal authentication into my application.
while configuring the runtime component i am getting the following error.
Unable to verify the management domain location DN in the
LDAP server: (secAuthority=Default).
If the location does not exist on the server, create it,
otherwise specify a different location that does exist.
Error: DPWAP0003I An error occurred while executing the command: /opt/PolicyDirector/sbin/PDMgr_config -s TRUE -y no -v TRUE -d CN=jony mittal,OU=dev,DC=dgad,DC=com -w XXXX -L 389 -C fips -D Default -m XXXX -l 1460 (0x1)
anyone please help me to resolve this issue.
When you are configuring ISAM/ISVA PD runtime, PDMgr_config will deploy its registry into your LDAP directory server. This requires modifying the schema of the LDAP server. To do this, it requires administrator rights on the directory. Commonly this will be an account such as cn=root, cn=admin, cn=DM, etc. depending on your directory server.
I believe what may work better for you, if you are configuring ISAM from scratch, is likely deploy using the internal/embedded LDAP. When configuring the runtime choose the local LDAP server option. You can set the credentials on the local/embedded LDAP server on the tab where you configure the runtime. Just set a password on it, then feed that password into the runtime configuration.
Then, if you are needing to tie into another directory, which I expect is the case since you are trying to do this now, then use basic user mode with a "federated registry" so you don't have to deploy the ISAM "registry" and hence do not have to modify the existing directory. This way you can authenticate and authorize users off an existing directory without having to modify that directory specifically to support ISAM.
Additional information here:
Embedded (local) LDAP server instructions
Configuring PD runtime
Basic user mode instructions
Setup federated repository

Azure Backup Failed "VM agent is unable to communicate with the Azure Backup Service"

I am receiving a backup failed error since 6/20/2020 within my Azure backup policy.
I also noticed within the Properties section under Settings of the Virtual Machine instance the "Agent status" is in a "Not Ready" state.
When I click the Backup section under Operations the Backup Status shows 2 entries.
Backup Pre-Check Warning
Last backup status Failed
I can click the Warning option and the link takes me to a page that reads:
Issue Description
VM agent is unable to communicate with the Azure Backup Service.
Suggested Action(s)
Ensure that VM agent is latest and running. Allow access to IP
Per the Suggested Actions, I created the Outbound Rule to the IP Address within the network interface of the Virtual Machine instance that is having the backup failed issue.
That did not solve the problem. I also performed the below troubleshooting steps as well with no solution:
I also Verified the Windows Azure Guest Agent service is running within services on the affected VM OS (ACMVI002).
Stopped the VM instance from the Azure Portal. I then turned the VM instance back on. Issue persisted.
Does anyone have a solution to this Backup Failed issue?
You probably still don't have access to or your agent is too old, this is a global Microsoft IP used to facilitate a communication channel to Azure platform resources, more details you can read this article.
Azure Backup needs Azure Agent up to date, you can have an old Agent, but depends on how old it is, you can have issue, please refer to this page for more details.
You can try to update your Azure Agent manually, here it is information about it.
From C:\WindowsAzure\Logs\WaAppAgent.txt you see some options to try to identify your issue, version of your Agent appears.
[00000006] [06/25/2020 20:31:00.34] [INFO] WindowsAzureGuestAgent starting. Version 2.7.41491.971
From C:\WindowsAzure\Logs\WaSecAgent-startPoll.txt you see logs from your VM to
[2020/06/25 20:31:02:176] Info:WaSecWireServerProxy:: Will start polling for Uri , poll time 900000 ms, running time 21600000 ms
[2020/06/25 20:31:02:176] Verbose:WaSecWireServerProxy:: - WireServerProxy::StartCACertsUpdater
[2020/06/25 20:31:02:176] Info:WaSecWireServerProxy:: Current process is the primary process for polling
[2020/06/25 20:31:02:176] Info:WaSecWireServerProxy:: CA certs polling called for, poll interval 900000
[2020/06/25 20:31:02:176] Verbose:WaSecWireServerProxy:: - WireServerProxy::StartCACertsUpdater0x0
[2020/06/25 20:31:02:176] Info:WaSecWireServerProxy:: Starting CA Cert Polling Thread
From the same file C:\WindowsAzure\Logs\WaAppAgent.txt you see logs about RecoveryServices
[00000010] [06/25/2020 20:58:15.54] [INFO] Initialize ExtensionWorkflow for 'FastTrack GS: SeqNo=3'.
[00000009] [06/25/2020 20:58:15.57] [INFO] Plugin Microsoft.Azure.RecoveryServices.VMSnapshot not found in cache.
[00000010] [06/25/2020 20:58:15.57] [INFO] Plug-in Microsoft.EnterpriseCloud.Monitoring.MicrosoftMonitoringAgent 1.0.18038.1 found in cache.
[00000009] [06/25/2020 20:58:15.59] [INFO] Starting download of plugin version manifest Microsoft.Azure.RecoveryServices.VMSnapshot from location:
[00000009] [06/25/2020 20:58:15.59] [WARN] Downloading version manifest via HostGAPlugin for plugin Microsoft.Azure.RecoveryServices.VMSnapshot from
[00000010] [06/25/2020 20:58:15.59] [INFO] Test extract the plugin zip file to the temp folder C:\windows\TEMP\b4162b75-fe14-4669-8ed5-e283671cb293
[00000009] [06/25/2020 20:58:15.62] [INFO] Download finished for plugin version manifest Microsoft.Azure.RecoveryServices.VMSnapshot.
Some logs here too
In case anything helped, consider open up a ticket to Microsoft, it could be a issue on Microsoft side that we don't have access to investigate it further.
You would need to re-install the Backup extension. Take a backup of whole registry then use following steps:
Login to the affected machine.
Open Registry Editor.
Remove VMSnapshot registry keys at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Azure\HandlerState
Remove or rename VMSnapshot Plugin Folders at C:\Packages\Plugins.
Now, open command prompt as admin and run below commands to force the extension installation:
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BcdrAgent" /v IsProviderInstalled /t REG_SZ /d False /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BcdrAgentPersistentKeys" /v IsCommonProviderInstalled /t REG_SZ /d False /f
Restart the Service "WindowsAzureGuestAgent".
Trigger a manual backup. As a part of backup, extension will be re-installed automatically.

rabbitMQ guest login failed

I have setted up rabbitMQ and its management plubin in windows,
I found rabbitmq.config file with "EXAMPLE FILE" type in the path of
" ...AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ " and " C:\Program Files (x86)\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.3.1\etc "
I add the line {loopback_users, []} into this rabbitmq.config file, and restart the windows service, but still can't login from another computer with guest/guest
Am I editing the wrong config file?
Here is some relevant discussion:
How to access RabbitMq publicly
RabbitMQ service can't read the configuration file, this is the problem. So, your configuration file is not loaded.
The path "..AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ" is valid only if you execute rabbitmq-server.bat from the command prompt and not if you execute a service.
In order to work with Windows Service you have to configure the environment variable RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE in windows.
Open Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables and then add:
Then you have to uninstall and re-install rabbitmq and it works.
Please read this discussion
I tried on windows7 with rabbitmq 3.3.1, it works corretly using guest/guest.
My configuration file is:
[{, [{loopback_users, []}]}].
A combination of the prior post and the comment from Jon Egerton was key to getting my Windows configuration working for the guest account remotely. Here are steps I took:
Set an environment variable: RABBITMQ_BASE (I set mine to
Create the directory and create the rabbitmq.config file as explained in the previous post.
Uninstall RabbitMQ (As mentioned already, don’t skip this step. Stopping and starting RabbitMQ won’t do the trick)
Reinstall RabbitMQ and verify the RabbitMQ Server service started.
Verify that the directory specified by RABBITMQ_BASE contains the db and log sub-directories.
Install the RabbitMQ_Management plug-in from the command line.
Verify that you can now logon as the guest account using the host’s IP address or host name.