How to search only the first line of a multiline textbox in VB.NET -

Is there any way to search only the first line of a Multiline Textbox without knowing exactly at what position the text is you're looking for?
If I knew the position of the text I was looking for I could do something like:
Dim myNotes As String = "The book has a lot of text"
Dim myText As String = "text"
If Not myNotes.Substring(0,4) = myText Then
' Do Something
End If
Or if I wanted to search the entire textbox I could do something like:
Dim myNotes As String = "The book has a lot of text"
Dim myText As String = "text"
If Not myNotes.Contains(myText) Then
' Do Something
End If
But I want to search only the first line of the textbox and I'm not sure at what position the text may be. Is there anyway to do a search like that?

This is another example of why you should ALWAYS read the relevant documentation. If you had read the documentation for the TextBox class then you'd know that it has a Lines property. To get the first line of text, you simply get the first element of that array:
Dim firstLine = myTextBox.Lines(0)
If Not filrstLine.Contains(myText) Then
'Do something
End If
Note that this only applies where the user has explicitly added a line break to the text. I assume that that is what you want, given that you have accepted another answer that does the same thing. If you mean the first line based on automatic word-wrap then that requires a bit more effort.

You could take the text and extract the first line.
int pos = text.IndexOfAny('\r', '\n');
if (pos >= 0)
text = text.SubString(0, pos);
// text now contains only the first line
Then you can search the resulting string.


How to insert text into a richtext textbox using VBA code

In MS Access VBA, I have been trying to programmatically insert code into a form's richtext textbox control when the user presses a button. The idea is to put a mark where the user's cursor is at the time the user presses the button--the mark will signify the start of text where the user enters a comment about the text.
However, presumably because the richtext textbox has hidden formatting codes embedded (e.g., <div>, etc.), using .SelStart and .SelLength does not seem to get me to the correct position in the textbox when I am trying to insert the new text. It is consistently inserting the text earlier in the textbox than where the cursor was when the button is clicked, but not a consistent number of characters earlier.
Although I've done a search and found some wonderful functions for inserting text into a standard textbox (e.g., Lebans' InsertAtCursor function), I cannot get those functions to work for richtext textboxes either--that is, they have the same problem as code that I wrote myself; it inserts the new text too early in the existing textbox text.
Anyone have a solution for programmatically inserting new text into a richtext textbox at the cursor position?
Here is code (obviously, I could make the code more efficient, but I was just trying to get something working first) from one of my attempts. It inserts text, but, not at the correct location, presumably due to the richtext formatting that does not visibly appear in the textbox but apparently influences .SelStart position values:
Dim intSelStart As Integer 'this is the starting location of the selection in the note at the time the comment was initially added
Dim strAddComment as String 'this is the string comment that I want to add--it is not the comment itself, it is a flag that will indicate the comment number
strAddComment = "|1`17|" 'the | characters delimit the comment flag; the first number is the comment number so 1 is the first comment, 2 is the second, etc.; the value after the ` is the length of the text selected in the textbox to which the comment applies, e.g., `17 means the comment applies to 17 selected characters
Forms!frmAppt_individual.SetFocus 'set the focus to the main form
Forms!frmAppt_individual.sub_C.SetFocus 'set the focus to the subform so we can get the .Sel property values of the text selected in the textbox on the subform
Forms!frmAppt_individual.sub_C.Form.Controls("Note").SetFocus 'set focus on the control which is required to get the .Sel property values
intSelStart = Forms!frmAppt_individual.sub_C.Form.Controls("Note").SelStart
'now try to insert the comment
Forms!frmAppt_individual.sub_C.Form.Controls("Note") = Left(Forms!frmAppt_individual.sub_C.Form.Controls("Note"), intSelStart) & strAddComment & Mid(Forms!frmAppt_individual.sub_C.Form.Controls("Note"), intSelStart + 1)
So, I am posting code below that worked for me to insert text at the current insertion point into a richtext textbox using VBA code. The use of the PlainText function seemed helpful. Hopefully the code below will help someone else trying to do the same thing.
An explanation of the code:
The function fAddComment is contained in a standard module. fAddComment is called when the user clicks a button btnAddComment on the parent form frmAppt. A subform subNoteForm contains the richtext textbox named tbxNote. The user is expected to have the insertion point at the position in the richtext textbox where the comment reference is inserted; the user may also have a number of characters selected that indicate the range of text to which the comment reference applies. The function fAddComment will determine what comment number the new comment reference will be by counting any existing comment references already in the note. The function will also count the number of characters selected when the comment reference is inserted so that a different function can later locate the comment reference and select the relevant characters. The function adds, at the insertion point, a comment emoji (💬), followed by the comment reference number, followed by a ` character, followed by the number of characters selected when the comment reference was added, ending with a terminating comment emoji. The function returns the string of the comment reference block that was added.
Public Function fAddComment() As String
'this is used to add a new comment reference to the currently showing note
'it returns "" if there is no note
'it returns the string of the comment reference added to the note if a comment reference is successfully added
Dim strBubble As String 'the comment bubble emoji string
strBubble = ChrW(55357) & ChrW(56492) 'the comment bubble emoji
Dim strProgNote As String
Dim intMaxComment As Integer 'this is the maximum comment number found
Dim intSelStart As Integer 'this is the starting location of the selection in the note at the time the comment was initially added
Dim intSelLength As Integer 'this is the selection length in the note at the time the comment was initially added
Dim whr As Integer 'this locates the next comment emoji and the emoji after it
Dim intFoundValue As Integer 'this is the value of the found comment number
Dim strNew As String 'the new string that holds the comment number and length
Dim strSelectedText As String 'the text that is selected
Dim intPosBeforeInsert As Integer 'the position of the insertion point prior to inserting the new comment reference
'first, get the text of the progress note
strProgNote = PlainText(Forms!frmAppt.subNoteForm.Form.Controls("tbxNote"))
If Len(strProgNote) = 0 Then 'there's no note, so don't try to find comments
fAddComment = ""
Exit Function
End If
'get the selection length at the time the comment was initially added
Forms!frmAppt.SetFocus 'set the focus to the main form
Forms!frmAppt.subNoteForm.SetFocus 'set the focus to the subform so we can get the length of the text selected in the textbox on the subform
Forms!frmAppt.subNoteForm.Form.Controls("tbxNote").SetFocus 'set focus on the control which is required to get the SelLength property
intSelStart = Forms!frmAppt.subNoteForm.Form.Controls("tbxNote").SelStart
intSelLength = Forms!frmAppt.subNoteForm.Form.Controls("tbxNote").SelLength
strSelectedText = PlainText(Forms!frmAppt.subNoteForm.Form.Controls("tbxNote").SelText)
'now, find each comment emoji string and get the value
intMaxComment = 0 'default to no comments
whr = 1
Do Until whr = 0
whr = InStr(whr, strProgNote, strBubble)
If whr > 0 Then 'found a comment, check the number
intFoundValue = Val(Mid(strProgNote, whr + 2)) 'the comment emoji consists of 2 characters, not just 1 character
If intFoundValue > intMaxComment Then intMaxComment = intFoundValue 'the new value is greater so make it the highest value now
whr = InStr(whr + 2, strProgNote, strBubble) + 2
End If
'return the next comment number and the length of the selected string in the note
strNew = strBubble & Trim(str(intMaxComment + 1)) & "`" & Trim(str(intSelLength)) & strBubble
'insert the new comment reference into the note
intPosBeforeInsert = Forms!frmAppt.subNoteForm.Form.Controls("tbxNote").SelStart
Forms!frmAppt.subNoteForm.Form.Controls("tbxNote").SelLength = 0 'collapse selection
Forms!frmAppt.subNoteForm.Form.Controls("tbxNote").SelText = strNew 'insert the new comment text
'move the insertion point back to the original location and after the comment reference we just added
Forms!frmAppt.subNoteForm.Form.Controls("tbxNote").SelStart = intPosBeforeInsert + Len(strNew)
fAddComment = strNew 'return the comment string we just added to the note
End Function

TextBox writing on one line only

When ever I type something IN a textbox, than I click the button, I have a writeline. Is there a way to assign that one text box to only the first line, and the second text box to the second line on a notepad? So when you type something new in it, it will delete what you previously had on the first line, than add the new thing in the text box?
I am using.
Dim file As System.IO.StreamWriter
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter("C:/Users/Nick/Documents/Dra.txt", True)
Second argument in OpenTextFileWriter() method is append. It means that strings will be appended to the end of the file if it get True value.
Try to use False instead:
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter("C:/Users/Nick/Documents/Dra.txt", False)
Dim read As String = Console.ReadLine()
Dim num As Integer
Integer.TryParse(read, num)

Get RichTextBox Format and use it for a replace function

I just started to learn VB and try to make a little WYSIWYG-HTML Editor. For that i already made a RichTextBox in which the user is able to change colour, fontsize etc.. Now I want to add for example a <b> -Tag before and a </b> -Tag after a word which is written in bold style, save it in a string and give back the new string in a second read-only-Textbox.
What's the best way to do this?
So you want to set read-only textbox's text to the richtextbox's text and then replace certain string with other strings?
If so, here's some code I wrote up. It's probably not the best but it works.
TextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text 'Copies the text form the richtextbox to the normal textbox
If TextBox1.Text.Contains("<b>") Then 'Checks to see if Textbox1 contains the string "<b>"
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Replace("<b>", "[b]") 'Replaces <b> with [b]
End If
If RichTextBox1.Text.Contains("</b>") Then 'Same thing as above but this checks to see if it contains "</b>"
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Replace("</b>", "[/b]")
End If

Make ListView FindItemWithText match entire text

I have a ListView with two columns, and before enter a new item in the listview, I want to prevent entering a duplicate value, so I found ListView.FindItemWithText to accomplish that.
But I realized that if I enter 232323, and then enter 2323, which is different but starts with the same digits as the first entry, the function returns that item as a match.
I wonder if there is any way to match the whole text (exact text) to avoid the above.
Here is my code:
Dim ChkSIM As New ListViewItem
ChkSIM = lvItems.FindItemWithText("2323")
If Not ChkSIM Is Nothing Then
lblErrorSIM.Text = "Already in list"
End If
ListView.FindItemWithText has an overload to find only exact matches:
Dim ChkSIM As ListViewItem = lvItems.FindItemWithText("2323", True, 0, False)
For more information, see the documentation.

Why does combo-box return the wrong value?

When I run my program and get it to give me the value (Yes, I do have the items in the drop down list selected) in the combo-box all I get is this,
This is the code I am using
Dim name As String
name = cmbworld.Text
Any ideas?
P.S. The code I used to insert the values is
If File.Exists(root + "\setting\world.txt") Then
For Each line As String In File.ReadLines(root + "\setting\world.txt")
If line.Length <> 0 Then
End If
Next line
This code would reproduce the problem:
Dim name As String
name = cmbworld.Items.ToString()
You have some other code somewhere that is assigning the value of the Text property incorrectly. You need to index the Items collection. For example:
cmbworld.Text = cmbWorld.Items(0)
The code you are posting can't be what is not working in your code.
Taking your example, I get a clean message with a line of data from my text file.
The only way I get your message is when I do the following:
I would put a stop debugger on that MsgBox line and check the values.
You are using the wrong property, use SelectedText.