here geocoding problem on traccar server no work? - reverse-geocoding

geocoding problem on traccar server use gecoding api from app api key
here acount appis
traccar.xml confing file
<entry key='geocoder.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.type'>here</entry>
<entry key=''>FxU0EzCKwDlxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.key'>Pd9O5-SuduCk8PFkQ7AsM7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</entr>
traccar server status
another service provider was tried and if it works but here maybe for some additional permission it doesn't work


WSO2 API Authentication for multiple users

I need to add multiple credentials for one API in wso2 MI. How to achieve this?
If you want to allow a selected set of users to access an API you may have to use role-based authorization. Where you can create a role in MI and assign this role to the users you wish to give access to, then white list this role in the API. For this, you can use this Custom Handler and engage it like shown below.
<handler class="com.ycr.auth.handlers.AuthorizationHandler">
<property name="roles" value="admin,test" />
<property name="authorize" value="true" />
You can read more on this here.

Add authentication to an existed API using WSO2 AM

I have created an API using WSO2 EI that looks like https://localhost:8243/services/ABC.
Then I want to create another API that gets above API as the endpoint in order to add authentication. So how can I pass value to URL pattern and endpoint to get that?
When URL pattern is /xyz, and the endpoint is https://localhost:8243/services/ABC. It points to https://localhost:8243/services/ABC/xyz that not my endpoint.
Thank you so much!
You can attach a custom sequence to the API.
<sequence xmlns="" name="header_sequence">
<property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>
This drops the resources and not appending to the path.
Please refer -
As per my understanding, you are trying to invoke the backend https://localhost:8243/services/ABC via the API created in APIM. You can try out the following to achieve it,
In the API created in APIM, you can simply add the URL https://localhost:8243/services as the endpoint and then create a resource path as /ABC.

Replicated API in multiple backends WSO2 API Manager

I have one API replicated in multiple backends. I don't have any condition that can differentiate between backends. I tried to use dynamic endpoints and change the message mediation flow:
However, the only difference between requests is the IP address of the backend server:
I'm thinking to create every time the API and change the endpoint address but this solution can be complex as I will have the same API replicated many times (around 100) in the wso2 api manager. There is any other solution that can fit my use case?
We can make use of Dynamic Endpoints to achieve your requirement. But, it is required that the client applications need to either send a param or a Header to filter and construct the BE server URL in the mediation sequence to route the requests in the API Manager.
If the client applications can send a header specifying a unique (server) name or any other value while invoking the API, we can use the key to filter (or perform a switch case operation) and construct the BE server URL in the mediation sequence and route them to the respective BE services. Refer to the following Docs for more information.
A sample mediation sequence will be as follows (the client application will be sending a header named as X-ServerName with a name)
<sequence xmlns="" name="dynamic-endpoint-seq">
<!-- extract the name from the header -->
<property name="server_name" expression="$trp:X-ServerName" />
<!-- switch case for all applicable names -->
<switch source="$ctx:server_name">
<case regex="server-one">
<property name="service_ep" value="http://server-one-ip/resource"/>
<case regex="server-two">
<property name="service_ep" value="http://server-two-ip/resource"/>
<property name="service_ep" value="http://server-default-ip/resource"/>
<header name="To" expression="get-property('service_ep')"/>
Dynamic Endpoints in API Manager
Switch Mediator in WSO2

Exception AADSTS50011 is thrown when using azure ad authentication

I have been developing a C# MVC application. Using azure ad to authenticate the users.
But when deployed on IIS, it can only works when accessing the website by "https://localhost". But an error is thrown when accessing the website by "https://machinename".
AADSTS50011: The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application: '4e392b7a-####-####-####-####'.
2 urls are configured on the azure ad authentication:
The configuration in the file web.config:
<add key="ClientId" value="4e392b7a-####-####-####-############" />
<add key="Tenant" value="72f988bf-####-####-####-############" />
<add key="Authority" value="{0}/v2.0" />
<add key="RedirectUri" value="https://machinename/" />
<add key="PostLogoutRedirectUri" value="https://machinename/KeepAlive/SignOut" />
According to your error message, you must ensure that the reply URL in the Azure portal is exactly the same as the reply URL configured by the application.
I have answered similar questions before, There is a general solution to the problem of not match:
When you visit the application url , you will be redirected to the login page. Decode the authorization request URL, you will find redirect_uri, copy the value of redirect_uri and paste it into the azure portal, and try again.
Thanks for the solution provided by #Tom. For this error, you also need to add the port :

External http endpoint worker role, no acces right with executionContext elevated

Yet another post on http service on worker role.
Hello everyone,
I have been looking everywhere for an answer and I can't find any.
Here is the problem :
I have a worker role with a tcp entry point. It works fine locally and on azure. So far so good.
I have a windows phone app (sdk 8.0, .net 4.5) that I want to connect to this endpoint.
First problem here, the only way to access a wcf service with a windows phone project is to Right-click project, "Add service reference" and put the service address. BUT ! it doesn't work with{address}:{port}/{service name}.
I've searched and found that I need a http service.
All right then, I'll create a http endpoint. Code is easy, can be found everywhere.
Now here's the interesting part, I have the following error :
HTTP could not register URL http://+:8080/myservice. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace.
So I've looked it up on the internet and found 2 answers :
<Runtime executionContext="elevated" />
to the ServiceDefinition.csdef file.
And setting
var binding = new BasicHttpBinding { HostNameComparisonMode = HostNameComparisonMode.Exact };
Now here's the kicker, I've done that and it still doesn't work.
Here are my Endpoints in ServiceDefinition.csdef file.
<InputEndpoint name="External" protocol="tcp" port="10100" />
<InputEndpoint name="Http" protocol="http" port="8080" />
Looking for help.