Cypress, not able to intercept a call - testing

I am trying to intercept following call, that gets executed after click on SAVE operation.
Its a POST 201 call.
Sample request URL is :
where 1234 and 9876 are dynamic changing parts of url.
But, it is not getting intercepted, and I am getting below error:
Timed out retrying after 2000ms: cy.wait() timed out waiting 2000ms for the 1st request to the route: submissionCall. No request ever occurred
My test code is as follow:
cy.get("button[class='btn save’]”).click();
cy.wait('#submissionCall').then((result) => {
I have tried cy.intercept(‘**/mno/pqr/stu*’).as('callToIntercept’) but this also didnt work.
Can someone help me by pointing, what I am doing wrong and what are the other best possible ways of intercepting same?

In intercept method; you should change the url part like this:
Also you should edit last part like this:
cy.wait("#callToIntercept").then(({ response }) => {
I hope that works!


api request problem response 500 from backend

All welcome, I ran into a problem in which at the time of passing id and body in the method it is received, it gives 500 errors. In swagger I have an infected method, it looks like this:
Accordingly, in the body of the request, I pass all the parameters of the fields it needs (I drive them in strictly, just to check for operability):
In response I get this:
If you try to do the same in the swagger, then the method works and a 200 response comes:
swagger 200 response
What am I doing wrong?
I tried to make the code asynchronous, I tried to pass fields in different ways, but nothing happens, the answer comes 500
Try to put the id field inside the obj.
const form = {
id: 790,
You are passing too much params inside the callback (id, form).

Unable to verify event hook

I am testing out the event hook feature in Okta, but when I try to verify the endpoint, the message came out to be:
Unable to verify event hook. Could not deserialize response due to error at Line 1 Column 1
My functions will detect the X-Okta-Verification-Challenge header and outputs a response something like: : { “verification”: “ks58ZrThPLf22kTDavKLhm9aukKNECTmg–3gpsw” }
What am I doing wrong here?
The authentication field, secret and header fields are empty in the settings.

Getting RapidAPI to work with GoogleSheets to extract IMDB data

Google Sheets with RapidAPI
First time trying to get APIs to work! I thought a simple project would be to get a Googlesheet to retrieve movie information based on the title.
Googling around I happened upon RapidAPI which has a Googlesheets add-on. Unfortunately I haven't found much useful documentation so have hit a dead end.
What I've learned so far
There only seems to be one example for how to implement it... by using the =GET() command like so (in this case for pulling finance info):
I couldn't get this example to work, and the IMDB Code Snippet seems a little different, so I'm not sure how that works at all. Not the curly bracers around {symbol}.
var axios = require("axios").default;
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: '',
params: {q: 'Dredd'},
headers: {
'x-rapidapi-host': '',
'x-rapidapi-key': '5840855726msh193dee7e1600046p145eddjsnc66aff778896'
axios.request(options).then(function (response) {
}).catch(function (error) {
When I run a typical search on IMDB, I get a URL that looks like this:
I notice this q parameter there, which seems important...
I'm not sure how I am meant to format this =GET() command for IMDB data. The example suggests one thing, but Googlesheets suggests another: "GET(url, selectPaths, rapidApiKey)"
I'm not sure what the curly bracers are doing in the example URL.
Whatever I try seems to give the same error message:
Request failed for returned code 400. Truncated server response: 400 - Bad Request (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response) (line 98).
Send Help
Does anyone have a better, working tutorial for using this setup? Or could you direct me to some useful reading material that a layperson could understand?
I found a good resource for you. Check out this well-written article on RapidAPI's official blog.

In meteor how do you make an API request

I am trying to get JSON data from SportsRadar using an API request. My trial url is:
When I copy this url into my google browser, the data I get back is as expected, but when I try to use/add the API request to my meteor project the API request does not return any data. As a test, in my client/main.js file I have added:'GET',Meteor.absoluteUrl(""),
The console log result come back as null. Any guidance or thoughts will be appreciated - cfp
You need to call your callback function correctly. Try this;'GET',''),
if (result) {
Edit: The parameters of The is corrected by removing Meteor.absoluteUrl()in the question upon Derrick's comment below.
You can also refer to the official documentation here.

Why can't I create a HEAD route in Hapi?

According to the documentation a route method may not be of the type 'HEAD' but I do not understand why I can not override the behavior.
HEAD routes are automatically created with every GET route you define. Therefore there's very little reason you'd need to define your own.
If you want to optimize your handling of HEAD requests, simply check your GET handler for the method, and if it is head, return an empty response with the correct headers. This is only worth doing for some very expensive GET requests, where you are expecting clients to use HEAD directly.
The main reason not to support it, is that I am expecting very few developers to use this, but it will add an extra lookup for every HEAD request.
This has been already been addressed on Github.
As to further elaborate on #Ankh's response, you can check the request method property to abbreviate the response on the GET handler:
const getHandler = (req, h) => {
// HTTP status 204 -> NO CONTENT
if (req.method as string === 'head') return h.response().code(204)
// continue the GET handler logic here