I would like the events to fill the entire horizontal space. These events have no overlap, but strangely they are offset. Any ideas what might be causing this, and how I can make the events take up the entire horizontal space?
I tried moving events around, but the weird offsetting occurs whenever events are back-to-back (not overlapping though). Also, this happened after completing the tutorial with no additional edits.
Try setting eventGap property to a non-zero value, e.g. as mentioned here:
Let's say you have an image such as this...
... and you want to quickly and easily scatter it around to create foliage. How would you achieve this aside from using a pattern fill or pattern stamp tool? (Both of which have the problem of abrupt edges.)
This is the sort of result I'm looking for, where none of the instances have cut-off edges, but in a way that doesn't involve me manually copying, scaling, and rotating each and every one.
If there is a way to either paint this with a brush, or even simply click to stamp these where each click results in a single instance of the image randomly scaled and rotated, that would be amazing.
After having used PS my whole life, this is the first time I've needed to do this, and I am baffled that it doesn't seem to exist.
Now I could be wrong about this but after testing it all day, I have discovered...
When adding a widget and setting the z-index, the value "0" seems to be the magic depth.
If a widget's Z is at 0, it will be drawn on top of everything that's not at 0, Z wise.
It doesn't matter if a widget has a z-index of 99, -999, 10, -2 or what ever... It will not appear on top of a widget who's z-index is set to 0.
It gets more strange though...
Any index less than -2 or greater than 2 seems to create an "index out of range" error. Funny thing is...when I was working with a background and sprite widget, the background's Z was set to 999 and no errors. When I added another sprite widget, that's when the -2 to 2 z-index limitation appeared.
Yeah I know...sounds whacked!
My question is, am I right about "0" being the magic Z value?
If so, creating a simple 23D effect like making a sprite move being a big rock will take some unwanted code.
Since you can only set Z when adding,a widget, one must remove and immediately add back, with the new Z value...a widget.
You'll have to do this with the moving sprite and the overlapping object in question. Hell, I already have that code practically written but I want to find out from Kivy pros, is there a way to set z-index without removing and adding a widget.
If not, I'll have to settle for the painful way.
My version of Kivy is 1.9.0
What do you mean by z-order? Drawing order is determined entirely by order of widgets being added to the parent, and the index argument to add_widget is just a list index at which the widget will be inserted. The correct way to change drawing order amongs widgets is to remove and add them (actually you can mess with the canvases manually but this is the same thing just lower level, and not a better idea).
I found a working solution using basic logic based on the fact widgets have to be removed and added again in order to control depth/draw order.
I knew the Main Character widget had to be removed along with the object in question...so I created a Main Character Parent widget, which defines and control the Main Character, apart from its Graphic widget.
My test involves the Main Character walking in front of a large rock, then behind it...creating a 23D effect.
I simply used the "y-" theory along with widget attach and detach code to create the desired effect.
The only thing that caught me off guard was the fact my Graphic widget for my Actor was loading textures. That was a big no no because the fps died.
Simple fix, moved the texture loading to the Main Character Parent widget and the loading is done once for all-time.
PS, if anyone knows how to hide the scrollbars and wish to share that knowledge, it'll be much appreciated. I haven't looked for an API solution for it yet but I will soon.
Right now I'm just trying to make sure I can do the basic operations necessary for creating a commercial 23D game (handhelds).
I'm a graphic artist and web developer so coming up with lovely visuals won't be an issue. I'm more concerned with what'll be "under the hood" so to say. Hopefully enough, lol.
I want to display data into a chart control. Like so:
Current Problem
My issue is the data (blue line) goes out of the chart. As seen above, it seems as if my data exceeds the viewing pane... I'd like to be able to view the whole thing.
Is it possible to create some sort of padding? Keep in mind, not all values will be in percentage...
The solution I used is multiplying the YAxis maximum by 5%.
This creates a small padding over my maximum values which enables me to view it correctly. Not very elegant but it does the job for now.
Perhaps there are better answers but this worked great.
First of all, I know there are a few other StackOverflow questions about this subject, but I have read them all and I still am confused about what to do for my situation. I'm probably missing something obvious here, if you could help clarify that would be much appreciated!
I have a app which is doing a lot of work to animate images within a view - mainly comprised of a number of images moving in straight lines for a second or two at a time. I considered at first making them all simple, once off animations using UIView animateWithDuration for the whole duration of the movement. But I found that didn't give me a lot of power to intercept the movement or stop it or check where it was up to, so I scrapped that. My new approach is to use an NSTimer, firing 20 times per second, doing incremental movements. This way I also can intervene (almost) instantly to change the animation or stop it or update a status label based on how far through it is, etc, etc.
First of all...there probably is a better way than this. Feel free to suggest something better!
Assuming this is acceptable though, my issue now is that while these animations are happening, I can't click any of the other controls on the UI. I get no response. It's not like it's just slow or delayed either - the click never comes through. It seems that the NSTimer processing totally locks the UI - but only from new interactions. Changes I make to the UI within the timer processing method happen just fine, and are very snappy.
From what I've read this shouldn't happen. However I also saw a comment on this question saying that if the timer processing is intensive then it could lock the UI thread. I don't see my processing to be that intensive here - certainly no resource requests, just a bit of data manipulating and animating some objects - but I could be underplaying it.
What are my options here? At first I thought I might create a new thread to kick off the timer. But I remember reading that the UI updates have to happen on the main thread anyway. Why is this? And plus, would that really solve the issue? Am I just asking too much of the device to process this timer as well as UI interactions? Is there something else I'm missing?
Any and all advice would be appreciated.
I've just found the cause of my UI blocking problem. I was using the animateWithDuration with blocks, but was not setting the options. Therefore UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction was not set. I changed it to set this option and my UI is happily responding now.
That said, I'll still leave this question open for specific suggestions regarding my overall approach. Thanks.
I would consider using CADisplayLink. From the documentation:
A CADisplayLink object is a timer object that allows your application to synchronize its drawing to the refresh rate of the display.
Your application creates a new display link, providing a target object and a selector to be called when the screen is updated. Next, your application adds the display link to a run loop.
Once the display link is associated with a run loop, the selector on the target is called when the screen’s contents need to be updated. The target can read the display link’s timestamp property to retrieve the time that the previous frame was displayed. For example, an application that displays movies might use the timestamp to calculate which video frame will be displayed next. An application that performs its own animations might use the timestamp to determine where and how displayed objects appear in the upcoming frame. The duration property provides the amount of time between frames. You can use this value in your application to calculate the frame rate of the display, the approximate time that the next frame will be displayed, and to adjust the drawing behavior so that the next frame is prepared in time to be displayed.
Your application can disable notifications by setting the paused property to YES. Also, if your application cannot provide frames in the time provided, you may want to choose a slower frame rate. An application with a slower but consistent frame rate appears smoother to the user than an application that skips frames. You can increase the time between frames (and decrease the apparent frame rate) by changing the frameInterval property.
When your application finishes with a display link, it should call invalidate to remove it from all run loops and to disassociate it from the target.
CADisplayLink should not be subclassed.
I'm not totally sure how everything is handled in your program, but you might want to just consider having one thread/timer that controls all of the objects and their movements. There's really no need to create a separate thread/timer for every single object, as that will easily cause problems.
You can just create a class for your moving items with some variables that contain information about their direction, speed, duration, etc, and then have a controlling thread/timer calculate and move the objects. You can then intervene onto the one main controller object instead of having to deal with many other objects.
I think you'll find that even if you optimize this, timer based animation like this is not going to perform well.
You might want to ask about the specific things that you think you couldn't do with CoreAnimation. If you solve those issues, you'll end up with a much better result than trying to roll your own.
I am implementing a view similar to a Table View which contains rows of data. What I am trying to do is that after scrolling, each row snaps to a set of correct positions so the boundaries of the top and bottom row are completely visible - and not trimmed as it normally happens. Is there a way to get the scroll destination before the scrolling starts? This way I will be able to correct the final y-position, for example, in multiples of row height.
I asked the same question a couple of weeks ago.
There is definitely no public API to determine the final resting Y offset of a scroll deceleration. After researching it further, I wasn't able to figure out Apple's formula for how they manage deceleration. I gathered a bunch of data from scrolling events, recording the beginning velocity and how far the deceleration traveled, and from that made some rough estimates of where it was likely to stop.
My goal was to predict well in advance where it would stop, and to convert the deceleration into a specific move to an offset. The problem with this technique is that scrollRectToVisible:animated: always occurs over a set period of time, so instead of the velocity the user expects from a flick gesture, it's either much faster or much slower, depending on the strength of the flick.
Another choice is to observe the deceleration and wait until it slows down to some threshold, then call scrollRectToVisible:animated:, but even this is difficult to get "just right."
A third choice is to wait until the deceleration completes on its own, check to see if it happened to stop at your desired offset multiple, and then adjust if not. I don't care for this personally, as you either coast to a stop and then speed up or coast to a stop and reverse direction.