Geckodriver with webdriverIo giving session already started error - selenium

I am trying to run automation on firefox browser. I am passing the following set of options:
const firefoxOptions = {
capabilities: {
browserName: "firefox"
services: [
I also have geckdriver running a separate terminal tab, which is giving out the following logs on execution:
mahimakh#88665a46834a Downloads % ./geckodriver --port=4444
1667519366314 geckodriver INFO Listening on
1667519377223 mozrunner::runner INFO Running command: "/Applications/" "--marionette" "-foreground" "-no-remote" "-profile" "/var/folders/gv/yctv5ytx7yd7xbhcw5qz4v_40000gs/T/rust_mozprofilecZIetT"
2022-11-03 16:49:37.780 plugin-container[26937:1559502] nil host used in call to allowsSpecificHTTPSCertificateForHost
2022-11-03 16:49:37.781 plugin-container[26937:1559502] nil host used in call to allowsAnyHTTPSCertificateForHost:
2022-11-03 16:49:37.785 plugin-container[26937:1559502] nil host used in call to allowsSpecificHTTPSCertificateForHost
2022-11-03 16:49:37.785 plugin-container[26937:1559502] nil host used in call to allowsAnyHTTPSCertificateForHost:
2022-11-03 16:49:37.785 plugin-container[26937:1559507] nil host used in call to allowsSpecificHTTPSCertificateForHost
2022-11-03 16:49:37.785 plugin-container[26937:1559507] nil host used in call to allowsAnyHTTPSCertificateForHost:
1667519377786 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
1667519377819 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51739
Read port: 51739
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at /var/folders/gv/yctv5ytx7yd7xbhcw5qz4v_40000gs/T/rust_mozprofilecZIetT/search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
2022-11-03 23:49:44.448 plugin-container[26991:1560037] nil host used in call to allowsSpecificHTTPSCertificateForHost
2022-11-03 23:49:44.448 plugin-container[26991:1560037] nil host used in call to allowsAnyHTTPSCertificateForHost:
2022-11-03 23:49:44.472 plugin-container[26991:1560037] nil host used in call to allowsSpecificHTTPSCertificateForHost
2022-11-03 23:49:44.472 plugin-container[26991:1560037] nil host used in call to allowsAnyHTTPSCertificateForHost:
2022-11-03 23:49:44.473 plugin-container[26991:1560041] nil host used in call to allowsSpecificHTTPSCertificateForHost
2022-11-03 23:49:44.473 plugin-container[26991:1560041] nil host used in call to allowsAnyHTTPSCertificateForHost:
I have a selenium standalone server running on my local too:
16:55:35.665 INFO - Selenium build info: version: '3.5.3', revision: 'a88d25fe6b'
16:55:35.666 INFO - Launching a standalone Selenium Server
2022-11-03 16:55:35.695:INFO::main: Logging initialized #351ms to org.seleniumhq.jetty9.util.log.StdErrLog
16:55:35.756 INFO - Driver class not found:
16:55:35.797 INFO - Driver provider class registration is skipped:
registration capabilities Capabilities [{ensureCleanSession=true, browserName=internet explorer, version=, platform=WINDOWS}] does not match the current platform MAC
16:55:35.797 INFO - Driver provider class org.openqa.selenium.edge.EdgeDriver registration is skipped:
registration capabilities Capabilities [{browserName=MicrosoftEdge, version=, platform=WINDOWS}] does not match the current platform MAC
16:55:35.829 INFO - Using the passthrough mode handler
2022-11-03 16:55:35.855:INFO:osjs.Server:main: jetty-9.4.5.v20170502
2022-11-03 16:55:35.878:WARN:osjs.SecurityHandler:main: ServletContext#o.s.j.s.ServletContextHandler#6f1fba17{/,null,STARTING} has uncovered http methods for path: /
2022-11-03 16:55:35.882:INFO:osjsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.s.j.s.ServletContextHandler#6f1fba17{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2022-11-03 16:55:35.908:INFO:osjs.AbstractConnector:main: Started ServerConnector#5e853265{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
2022-11-03 16:55:35.909:INFO:osjs.Server:main: Started #564ms
16:55:35.909 INFO - Selenium Server is up and running
On starting the execution, even though firefox opens and performs a set of tasks, but initially it gives the following error:
2022-11-03T23:49:41.942Z INFO webdriver: COMMAND status()
2022-11-03T23:49:41.943Z INFO webdriver: [GET] http://localhost:4444/status
2022-11-03T23:49:41.945Z INFO webdriver: RESULT { message: 'Session already started', ready: false }
ERROR: checkStatus failed, Session Status Missing "build" Object!
1) Validate Retail Website Title
And later it fails with webdriver being null exception! Can anyone help me understand what i am doing wrong here?


Selenium Hub deployed on kubernetes returning 504 error while accessing Application [duplicate]

I made a container image with selenium. I used a ubi image from RedHat as base image.
I installed the following versions of the geckodriver and Mozilla Firefox
geckodriver 0.26.0 (e9783a644016 2019-10-10 13:38 +0000)
Mozilla Firefox 68.9.0esr
I can run a selenium test on firefox successfully. When I run a headless test, something goes wrong:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 58, in <module>
File "./", line 26, in check_browser
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 333, in get
self.execute(Command.GET, {'url': url})
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 321, in execute
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 208, in check_response
raise exception_class(value)
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: <html><body><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1>
The server didn't respond in time.
Logs from OpenShift where the container runs:
09:54:45.599 INFO [ActiveSessionFactory.lambda$apply$11] - Matched factory org.openqa.selenium.grid.session.remote.ServicedSession$Factory (provider: org.openqa.selenium.firefox.GeckoDriverService)
Failed to open connection to "session" message bus: Address does not contain a colon
1593770085639 mozrunner::runner INFO Running command: "/usr/bin/firefox" "-marionette" "-headless" "-foreground" "-no-remote" "-profile" "/tmp/rust_mozprofileaaKtFi"
1593770085639 geckodriver::marionette DEBUG Waiting 60s to connect to browser on
Failed to open connection to "session" message bus: Address does not contain a colon
Running without a11y support!
*** You are running in headless mode.
1593770086616 WARN Loading extension '': Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: mozillaAddons
1593770086616 WARN Loading extension '': Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: telemetry
1593770086616 WARN Loading extension '': Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: resource://pdf.js/
1593770086616 WARN Loading extension '': Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: about:reader*
1593770086749 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification profile-after-change
1593770086826 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification command-line-startup
1593770086826 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification nsPref:changed
1593770086826 Marionette DEBUG Init aborted (running=false, enabled=true, finalUIStartup=false)
1593770086938 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification toplevel-window-ready
JavaScript error: undefined, line 14: Error: An unexpected error occurred
JavaScript error: moz-extension://b2c6e410-fc73-460e-9587-3e165c5ce4ac/lib/picture_in_picture_overrides.js, line 15: Error: Incorrect argument types for pictureInPictureParent.setOverrides.
JavaScript error: resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionStore.jsm, line 1325: uncaught exception: 2147746065
1593770096320 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification marionette-startup-requested
1593770096320 Marionette TRACE Waiting until startup recorder finished recording startup scripts...
1593770096523 Marionette TRACE All scripts recorded.
1593770096524 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref apz.content_response_timeout to 60000
1593770096524 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref browser.contentblocking.introCount to 99
1593770096525 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref to true
1593770096609 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref browser.newtabpage.enabled to false
1593770096610 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref browser.pagethumbnails.capturing_disabled to true
1593770096611 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref to false
1593770096611 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref browser.tabs.disableBackgroundZombification to false
1593770096611 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref browser.tabs.remote.separatePrivilegedContentProcess to false
1593770096612 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref browser.tabs.unloadOnLowMemory to false
1593770096612 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref browser.tabs.warnOnCloseOtherTabs to false
1593770096612 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref browser.tabs.warnOnOpen to false
1593770096612 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref browser.usedOnWindows10.introURL to
1593770096612 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref browser.urlbar.suggest.searches to false
1593770096613 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionPolicyAccepted to false
1593770096613 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref dom.disable_beforeunload to true
1593770096613 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref dom.disable_open_during_load to false
1593770096613 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref dom.file.createInChild to true
1593770096613 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref dom.max_chrome_script_run_time to 0
1593770096613 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref dom.max_script_run_time to 0
1593770096614 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled to false
1593770096614 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref extensions.webservice.discoverURL to http://%(server)s/dummy/discoveryURL
1593770096614 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref network.http.prompt-temp-redirect to false
1593770096614 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref network.http.speculative-parallel-limit to 0
1593770096614 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false
1593770096614 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref security.notification_enable_delay to 0
1593770096614 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref signon.autofillForms to false
1593770096615 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref signon.rememberSignons to false
1593770096615 Marionette DEBUG Setting recommended pref toolkit.cosmeticAnimations.enabled to false
1593770096821 Marionette INFO Listening on port 34835
1593770096821 Marionette DEBUG Remote service is active
1593770096914 Marionette DEBUG Accepted connection 0 from
1593770096915 geckodriver::marionette DEBUG Connection to Marionette established on
1593770096921 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,1,"WebDriver:NewSession",{"acceptInsecureCerts":true,"browserName":"firefox"}]
1593770096922 Marionette WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
1593770097114 Marionette TRACE [4294967297] Frame script loaded
1593770097117 Marionette TRACE [4294967297] Frame script registered
1593770097210 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,1,null,{"sessionId":"f0d2e302-c592-49a6-bca6-4f597f778385","capabilities":{"browserName":"firefox","browserVersion":"68.9. ... /rust_mozprofileaaKtFi","moz:shutdownTimeout":60000,"moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin":false,"moz:webdriverClick":true}}]
1593770097214 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":{"sessionId":"f0d2e302-c592-49a6-bca6-4f597f778385","capabilities":{"acceptInsecureCerts":true,"browserName":"firefox","browserVersion":"68.9.0","moz:accessibilityChecks":false,"moz:buildID":"20200529103754","moz:geckodriverVersion":"0.26.0","moz:headless":true,"moz:processID":363,"moz:profile":"/tmp/rust_mozprofileaaKtFi","moz:shutdownTimeout":60000,"moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin":false,"moz:webdriverClick":true,"pageLoadStrategy":"normal","platformName":"linux","platformVersion":"4.18.0-147.8.1.el8_1.x86_64","rotatable":false,"setWindowRect":true,"strictFileInteractability":false,"timeouts":{"implicit":0,"pageLoad":300000,"script":30000},"unhandledPromptBehavior":"dismiss and notify"}}}
09:54:57.215 INFO [ProtocolHandshake.createSession] - Detected dialect: W3C
09:54:57.216 INFO [RemoteSession$Factory.lambda$performHandshake$0] - Started new session f0d2e302-c592-49a6-bca6-4f597f778385 (org.openqa.selenium.firefox.GeckoDriverService)
1593770102314 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/f0d2e302-c592-49a6-bca6-4f597f778385/url {"url": ""}
1593770102317 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,2,"WebDriver:Navigate",{"url":""}]
1593770103015 Marionette TRACE [4294967297] Received DOM event beforeunload for about:blank
I tried the official selenium image, which uses Mozilla version 75 and the same Geckodriver. They make use of ubuntu bionic.
Is Mozilla Firefox 68.9.0esr not supported with these gecko drivers? Or could it be because of another reason that headless mode doesn't work?
This error message...
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: <html><body><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1>
The server didn't respond in time.
...implies that the Firefox v68.9.0esr was unable to establish a connection with the application server and the following WebDriverException error was raised.
504 Gateway Timeout errors are inconclusive as they indicate what happened to your website, but they doesn't convey what exactly went wrong, making it difficult to analyze the root cause and solve the issue. However, there can be many reasons behind the error 504 Gateway Time-out and a couple of approaches to solve the issue are as follows:
Look for server connectivity issues: Check if the server is down for maintenance or any other reason, your website could serve visitors a 504 Gateway Timeout Error page. The only way to troubleshoot this issue is to wait for your server to finish maintenance or fix the problem causing the error.
Check for any DNS changes: If the application have recently changed host servers or moved the website to a different IP address website’s DNS server is changed, it could cause your website to serve its visitors a 504 Gateway Timeout Error page. Then the website won't be up and running until the DNS changes take full effect, which can take a couple of hours.
Browse through the logs: Logs will provide details about the server’s behavior and status. Analyze them to uncover any useful information.
Fix faulty firewall configurations: Firewall is a website's gatekeeper, protecting your site from malicious visitors or distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. A faulty firewall configuration will cause your firewall to deem requests from a content delivery network as an attack on your server and reject them, resulting in a 504 Gateway Timeout error. Check your firewall configuration to pinpoint and fix the issue.
This usecase
However as of this usecase, this error message...
1593770085639 geckodriver::marionette DEBUG Waiting 60s to connect to browser on
Failed to open connection to "session" message bus: Address does not contain a colon
Running without a11y support!
...indicates that there was an issue with the Firefox v68.9.0esr build.
As per the comment within the discussion (firefox:28877): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon: Address does not contain a colon the solution is to revert back to the previous version of Firefox ESR build.

Selenium Server and Chromedriver doesn't work on Linux

I have a Selenium Standalone Server on my local machine (MAC), and it works fine every time I run a test (WebdriverIO).
09:27:06.951 INFO [ActiveSessionFactory.apply] - Capabilities are: {
"browserName": "chrome",
"goog:chromeOptions": {
"args": [
09:27:06.962 INFO [ActiveSessionFactory.lambda$apply$11] - Matched factory org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.ServicedSession$Factory (provider:
Starting ChromeDriver 2.42.591059 (a3d9684d10d61aa0c45f6723b327283be1ebaad8) on port 42652
Only local connections are allowed.
09:27:08.168 INFO [ProtocolHandshake.createSession] - Detected dialect: OSS
09:27:08.314 INFO [RemoteSession$Factory.lambda$performHandshake$0] - Started new session 3a6c1206b6cd99a762007069868cad2f (
09:27:19.053 INFO [ActiveSessions$1.onStop] - Removing session 3a6c1206b6cd99a762007069868cad2f (
Now, I am trying to move the selenium server to a Linux machine. I configured and installed all the necessary packages. However, the test just hanged.
Selenium log from Linux machine
[dnguyen#test tmp]$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar
09:24:02.305 INFO [GridLauncherV3.parse] - Selenium server version: 3.141.59, revision: e82be7d358
09:24:02.373 INFO [GridLauncherV3.lambda$buildLaunchers$3] - Launching a standalone Selenium Server on port 4444
2019-05-03 09:24:02.413:INFO::main: Logging initialized #289ms to org.seleniumhq.jetty9.util.log.StdErrLog
09:24:02.604 INFO [WebDriverServlet.<init>] - Initialising WebDriverServlet
09:24:02.697 INFO [SeleniumServer.boot] - Selenium Server is up and running on port 4444
09:24:16.387 INFO [ActiveSessionFactory.apply] - Capabilities are: {
"browserName": "chrome",
"goog:chromeOptions": {
"args": [
09:24:16.388 INFO [ActiveSessionFactory.lambda$apply$11] - Matched factory org.openqa.selenium.grid.session.remote.ServicedSession$Factory (provider:
Starting ChromeDriver 72.0.3626.7 (efcef9a3ecda02b2132af215116a03852d08b9cb) on port 29488
Only local connections are allowed.
[1556889856.409][SEVERE]: CreatePlatformSocket() returned an error, errno=0: Address family not supported by protocol (97)
[1556889856.714][SEVERE]: CreatePlatformSocket() returned an error, errno=0: Address family not supported by protocol (97)
09:24:16.791 INFO [ProtocolHandshake.createSession] - Detected dialect: OSS
09:24:17.078 INFO [RemoteSession$Factory.lambda$performHandshake$0] - Started new session 86ea9b4bd11c3d2d8a994e893440087e (
Log from WebdriverIO
Timeout of 60000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (/path-to-test.js)
It doesn't have that error when I run on my local machine. Not sure what is the different between Selenium Server on MAC and Linux.
Updated: The 443 port on the Linux server doesn't open, so it cannot reach the site. That's all.
The 443 port on the Linux server doesn't open, so it cannot reach the site. That's all.
If you are in the same situation, you can try to use WGET to reach the site first.

Run Codeception acceptance tests against a self-signed ssl site

I have a website with a letsencrypt ssl cert. When I ran codeception acceptance tests against it, the test stalls until I press ctrl+z. When I ran the same test against a non ssl site, there is no problem.
That is my setup in acceptance.suite.yml. The phantomjs.cli.args paramater is from this site:
class_name: AcceptanceTester
enabled: [WebDriver]
browser: phantomjs
My selenium log looks like this:
17:07:15.681 INFO - Executing: [new session: Capabilities [{browserName=phantomjs}]])
17:07:15.682 INFO - Creating a new session for Capabilities [{browserName=phantomjs}]
17:07:15.682 INFO - executable: /usr/bin/phantomjs
17:07:15.683 INFO - port: 27757
17:07:15.683 INFO - arguments: [--webdriver=27757, --webdriver-logfile=/phantomjsdriver.log]
17:07:15.683 INFO - environment: {}
PhantomJS is launching GhostDriver...
[INFO - 2016-02-20T17:07:15.754Z] GhostDriver - Main - running on port 27757
[INFO - 2016-02-20T17:07:15.765Z] Session [64316920-d7f4-11e5-a0c5-8954be0ea076] - CONSTRUCTOR - Desired Capabilities: {"browserName":"phantomjs"}
[INFO - 2016-02-20T17:07:15.765Z] Session [64316920-d7f4-11e5-a0c5-8954be0ea076] - CONSTRUCTOR - Negotiated Capabilities: {"browserName":"phantomjs","version":"1.9.0","driverName":"ghostdriver","driverVersion":"1.0.3","platform":"linux-unknown-64bit","javascriptEnabled":true,"takesScreenshot":true,"handlesAlerts":false,"databaseEnabled":false,"locationContextEnabled":false,"applicationCacheEnabled":false,"browserConnectionEnabled":false,"cssSelectorsEnabled":true,"webStorageEnabled":false,"rotatable":false,"acceptSslCerts":false,"nativeEvents":true,"proxy":{"proxyType":"direct"}}
[INFO - 2016-02-20T17:07:15.765Z] SessionManagerReqHand - _postNewSessionCommand - New Session Created: 64316920-d7f4-11e5-a0c5-8954be0ea076
17:07:15.771 INFO - Done: [new session: Capabilities [{browserName=phantomjs}]]
17:07:15.774 INFO - Executing: [implicitly wait: 0])
17:07:15.777 INFO - Done: [implicitly wait: 0]
17:07:15.790 INFO - Executing: [get:])
[INFO - 2016-02-20T17:07:33.916Z] SessionManagerReqHand - _cleanupWindowlessSessions - Asynchronous Sessions clean-up phase starting NOW
[INFO - 2016-02-20T17:08:55.442Z] SessionManagerReqHand - _cleanupWindowlessSessions - Asynchronous Sessions clean-up phase starting NOW
[INFO - 2016-02-20T17:09:02.008Z] SessionManagerReqHand - _cleanupWindowlessSessions - Asynchronous Sessions clean-up phase starting NOW
17:09:13.204 INFO - Session 7c5ef02c-9361-49c8-894d-234989179189 deleted due to client timeout
[INFO - 2016-02-20T17:09:13.211Z] ShutdownReqHand - _handle - About to shutdown
I found an advise on this side, but when I add that configuration I an error:
phantomjs.cli.args: ['--ignore-ssl-errors=true']
Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: The best matching driver provider org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver can't create a new driver instance for Capabilities [{phantomjs.cli.args=[--ignore-ssl-errors=true], browserName=phantom}]
Who knows how to setup codeception to ignore ssl errors? Any help appreciated!
For testing my site I use Phantoman to automatically run and close phantomJS. In codeception.yml I have:
path: 'vendor/bin/phantomjs'
port: 4444
debug: true
ignoreSslErrors: true
sslProtocol: any
delete_successful: true

Failed to run selenium with googlechrome

1.start the selenium server:
sudo java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar -trustAllSSLCertificates -port 4444 <br>
09:02:06.523 INFO - Version Jetty/5.1.x <br>
09:02:06.526 INFO - Started HttpContext[/selenium-server/driver,/selenium-server/driver] <br>
09:02:06.533 INFO - Started HttpContext[/selenium-server,/selenium-server]<br>
09:02:06.537 INFO - Started HttpContext[/,/]<br>
09:02:06.571 INFO - Started org.openqa.jetty.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler#7df17e77<br>
09:02:06.571 INFO - Started HttpContext[/wd,/wd]<br>
09:02:06.574 INFO - Started SocketListener on<br>
09:02:06.577 INFO - Started org.openqa.jetty.jetty.Server#798fd984<br> test case in perl:
my $sel = Test::WWW::Selenium->new( host => "localhost", <br>
port => 4444, <br>
browser => "*googlechrome", <br>
browser_url => "http://>fns-IP/" );<br>
3.test log:
09:09:25.146 INFO - Command request: getNewBrowserSession[*googlechrome, http://>fns-IP/] on session null<br>
09:09:25.146 INFO - creating new remote session<br>
09:09:25.147 INFO - Allocated session 553a1b30a1dd4f8a889fa4dfb7a6ae8a for http://>fns-IP/, launching...<br>
09:09:25.147 INFO - Launching Google Chrome...<br>
09:09:30.336 INFO - Got result: OK,553a1b30a1dd4f8a889fa4dfb7a6ae8a on session 553a1b30a1dd4f8a889fa4dfb7a6ae8a<br>
09:09:30.340 INFO - Command request: open[http://>fns-IP/login, ] on session 553a1b30a1dd4f8a889fa4dfb7a6ae8a<br>
09:09:30.610 INFO - Got result: OK on session 553a1b30a1dd4f8a889fa4dfb7a6ae8a<br>
09:09:30.623 INFO - Command request: isElementPresent[id=id_username, ] on session 553a1b30a1dd4f8a889fa4dfb7a6ae8a<br>
09:09:32.393 INFO - Couldn't proxy to http://>qlriakmdkm/ because host not found<br>
09:09:32.395 INFO - Couldn't proxy to http://>wkdujqsymi/ because host not found<br>
09:09:32.393 INFO - Couldn't proxy to http://>rkjzjvpsbx/ because host not found<br>
4.The URL In the googlechrome browser:
5.I tried on website '' and it worked well.
Any feedback is appreciated.
In all the urls quoted in 'http', the character '>' is added for a blockquote. Otherwise, it did not allow me to post. :(
I too have faced this problem earlier but in my case trustAllSSLCertificates was suffice.
I suggest you too move to selenium webdriver that has a good support to google chrome.

Can't have access to admin console in glassfish 3

I have started glassfish server in netbeans, but cant't have access to admin console through web brouser on localhost:4848
The log of start up process:
21.01.2011 18:48:34 com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain main
INFO: Launching GlassFish on Felix platform
Welcome to Felix
INFO: Perform lazy SSL initialization for the listener 'http-listener-1'
INFO: Perform lazy SSL initialization for the listener 'http-listener-2'
INFO: Perform lazy SSL initialization for the listener 'admin-listener'
INFO: Starting Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-k - Fri Jan 21 18:48:37 EET 2011
INFO: The Admin Console is already installed, but not yet loaded.
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-k started in: 219ms listening on port 8181
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-k started in: 203ms listening on port 4848
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-k started in: 235ms listening on port 8080
INFO: Starting Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-k - Fri Jan 21 18:48:37 EET 2011
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-k started in: 906ms listening on port 3700
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-k started in: 891ms listening on port 7676
INFO: GlassFish v3 (74.2) startup time : Felix(2422ms) startup services(1890ms) total(4312ms)
INFO: javassist.util.proxy.ProxyFactory.classLoaderProvider = org.glassfish.weld.WeldActivator$GlassFishClassLoaderProvider#1fa2b3e
INFO: Hibernate Validator bean-validator-3.0-JBoss-4.0.2
INFO: Instantiated an instance of org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.JPATraversableResolver.
INFO: Binding RMI port to *:8686
INFO: JMXStartupService: Started JMXConnector, JMXService URL = service:jmx:rmi://localhost:8686/jndi/rmi://localhost:8686/jmxrmi
INFO: Using com.sun.enterprise.transaction.jts.JavaEETransactionManagerJTSDelegate as the delegate
INFO: Perform lazy SSL initialization for the listener 'http-listener-1'
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-k started in: 0ms listening on port 8080
INFO: [Thread[GlassFish Kernel Main Thread,5,main]] started
INFO: {felix.fileinstall.poll (ms) = 5000, felix.fileinstall.dir = C:\Program Files\sges-v3\glassfish\modules\autostart, felix.fileinstall.debug = 1, = true, felix.fileinstall.tmpdir = C:\DOCUME~1\Admin\LOCALS~1\Temp\fileinstall-6018388012782185995, felix.fileinstall.filter = null}
INFO: Perform lazy SSL initialization for the listener 'http-listener-2'
INFO: {felix.fileinstall.poll (ms) = 5000, felix.fileinstall.dir = C:\Program Files\sges-v3\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy\bundles, felix.fileinstall.debug = 1, = true, felix.fileinstall.tmpdir = C:\DOCUME~1\Admin\LOCALS~1\Temp\fileinstall-570365091622749624, felix.fileinstall.filter = null}
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-k started in: 16ms listening on port 8181
INFO: Updating configuration from org.apache.felix.fileinstall-autodeploy-bundles.cfg
INFO: Installed C:\Program Files\sges-v3\glassfish\modules\autostart\org.apache.felix.fileinstall-autodeploy-bundles.cfg
INFO: {felix.fileinstall.poll (ms) = 5000, felix.fileinstall.dir = C:\Program Files\sges-v3\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy\bundles, felix.fileinstall.debug = 1, = true, felix.fileinstall.tmpdir = C:\DOCUME~1\Admin\LOCALS~1\Temp\fileinstall--7403987252271825379, felix.fileinstall.filter = null}
How can i have access to console?
It is available on https://localhost:4848
How i can change it to http://localhost:4848
Here is a thousand words... and then some...
I got same issue. It worked/browsed earlier.
I felt that there is some goof up in internet explorer in Windows 7.
I just changed to the latest version of Google Chrome, and it just worked.