How to schedule job by helidon MP? - jax-rs

Im Try to create schedule job sample, buy task dont execute.
what's wrong?
public class CustomApplication extends Application {
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
return classes;
public class FileService {
public void schedulerFeature() throws InterruptedException {
.task(inv -> {
System.out.println("Running in:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
System.out.println("Every 4 seconds an action, with an initial delay");
Im Try to create schedule job sample, buy task dont execute.

I don't know which version of Helidon you're using, and hence I don't know which version of JAX-RS/Jakarta RESTful Web Services you're using. For simplicity and brevity, I will assume you are using Helidon 3.x and therefore Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.0.0.
This is not a Helidon question, but rather a basic JAX-RS/Jakarta RESTful Web Services question. You are really asking: "Why is my FileService class not instantiated by Jersey?"
Checking the documentation for Application#getClasses(), we can see that it reads: "Get a set of root resource, provider and feature classes." Your FileService class does not meet any of these requirements so it is simply ignored.
Guessing some more: I see you use the word "feature" in your example. This suggests that perhaps you want this class to actually be a true Jakarta RESTful Web Services Feature. Once again, the documentation here will tell you what you need to know to do next.

I revised my application and i had imported wrong maven lib. To schedule a job It is necessary import microprofile scheduling maven artifact:
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class CustomApplication extends Application {
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
return classes;
import io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling.Scheduled;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
* File service.
public class FileService {
#Scheduled("0/2 * * * * ? *")
public void schedulerFeature() {


Is it possible to add an instance of singleton framework to CDI context?

I'm trying to integrate StarMX framework ( into a legacy web application. This framework uses JMX techonology and is initialized using the Singleton pattern: StarMXFramework.createInstance(). The web application uses Java EE 6 technologies such as EJB and CDI (also DeltaSpike). However, the way the framework is being initialized (code below) doesn't add its instance to the CDI context.
import org.starmx.StarMXException;
import org.starmx.StarMXFramework;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import javax.ejb.Singleton;
import javax.ejb.Startup;
public class StarMXSingleton {
private StarMXFramework starMX;
public void postConstruct() {
try {
starMX = StarMXFramework.createInstance();
} catch (StarMXException e) {
public void preDestroy() {
if (starMX != null) {
try {
} catch (StarMXException e) {
I know that is possible to extend CDI, but is it possible to add an instance of singleton framework to CDI context?
There are two ways, first and easy one is a producer. Here is a link to what CDI producers are and how they work. In short, CDI will use this producer to create the instance of a bean whose types are mandated by the return type of the producer method.
The producer method has to be placed inside a CDI bean so that is it picked up by CDI. Note that the scope of the producer affects how often it will be invoked, just as it would be with standard bean. Here is how it could look like:
public class SomeCdiBeanInYourApplication {
#Produces //denotes producer method
#ApplicationScoped // scope of produced bean, use CDI scope (the singleton you have is EJB annotation)
public StarMXFramework produceMxFramework() {
return StarMXFramework.createInstance();
Second means is then CDI extension, namely a lifecycle observer for AfterBeanDiscovery event where you can addBean(). Here is a link to CDI 2.0 spec, feel free to browse older versions based on what version you are on.
I won't write code for that as it is rather complex and long, the producer should do the trick for you.
See also
Please explain the #Produces annotation in CDI

GWTP Dispatch -- Replacement for DefaultDispatchAsync (RpcDispatchAsync)

We had been using GWT-Dispatch to support the RPC calls using command patterns. We now need to move to GWTP since Dispatch has been absorbed into that project. Would seem to be all well and good. The problem is that we are unable to get a DispatchAsync object anymore. In Dispatch, it was extremely simple to get the default implementation:
private final DispatchAsync dispatchAsync = GWT.create(DefaultDispatchAsync.class);
This no longer works. DefaultDispatchAsync is deprecated, and when we use the suggested replacement for it (RpcDispatchAsync) it looks like this:
private final DispatchAsync dispatchAsync = GWT.create(RpcDispatchAsync.class);
we get the following error:
Rebind result 'com.gwtplatform.dispatch.rpc.client.RpcDispatchAsync' has no default (zero argument) constructors.
Does anyone have an idea about how to do this? I know if we rewrite all the pages to use the GWTP MVP pattern that it's available in the Presenter but moving things over to use full GWTP is a long process and if we can't get the RPC calls up and working quickly that will be a problem for the project.
Thanks in advance -- hopefully it's something easy.
DispatchAsync is no longer generated via deferred binding. Thus you can’t use GWT.create to instantiate it.
GWTP Dispatch is making heavy use of GIN/Guice. So I would recommend that you use this dependency injection framework to get GWTP Dispatch work.
Here is an example, which provides easy access to the DispatchAsync (without the need of rewriting all pages to use the GWTP MVP Pattern):
[Note: This example uses gwtp dispatch 1.0.3]
Client: - configure injection-rules for DispatchAsync
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.client.DefaultExceptionHandler;
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.client.DefaultSecurityCookieAccessor;
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.client.ExceptionHandler;
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.client.RpcDispatchAsync;
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.client.actionhandler.ClientActionHandlerRegistry;
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.client.actionhandler.DefaultClientActionHandlerRegistry;
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.shared.DispatchAsync;
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.shared.SecurityCookie;
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.shared.SecurityCookieAccessor;
public class MyClientModule extends AbstractGinModule {
private static final String COOKIE_NAME = "JSESSIONID";
protected void configure() {
public static class DispatchAsyncProvider implements Provider<DispatchAsync> {
private final DispatchAsync fDispatchAsync;
public DispatchAsyncProvider(ExceptionHandler eh, SecurityCookieAccessor sca, ClientActionHandlerRegistry cahr) {
this.fDispatchAsync = new RpcDispatchAsync(eh, sca, cahr);
public DispatchAsync get() {
return fDispatchAsync;
} - injector provides access to DispatchAsync
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.shared.DispatchAsync;
public interface MyClientInjector extends Ginjector {
DispatchAsync getDispatchAsync();
Server: - create injector for the servlet, which receives the commands and the servermodule, in which the bindings between (clientside) command and (serverside) handler are defined.
public class MyGuiceServletContextListener extends GuiceServletContextListener {
protected Injector getInjector() {
return Guice.createInjector(new ServerModule(), new DispatchServletModule());
} - configures the servlet, which receives the commands
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.server.guice.DispatchServiceImpl;
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.server.guice.HttpSessionSecurityCookieFilter;
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.shared.Action;
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.shared.SecurityCookie;
public class DispatchServletModule extends ServletModule {
public void configureServlets() {
serve("/" + Action.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME + "*").with(DispatchServiceImpl.class);
} - bindings between (clientside) command and (serverside) handler
import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.server.guice.HandlerModule;
public class ServerModule extends HandlerModule {
protected void configureHandlers() {
bindHandler(YourCommand.class, YourHandler.class);
web.xml - tell the web-server to use MyGuiceServletContextListener
This Guice listener hijacks all further filters and servlets. Extra
filters and servlets have to be configured in your
ServletModule#configureServlets() by calling
serve(String).with(Class<? extends HttpServlet>) and
filter(String).through(Class<? extends Filter)
Now you can create the injector with deferred binding and get access to the DispatchAsync-instance:
MyClientInjector injector = GWT.create(MyClientInjector.class);
(AND: Don't forget to include the jars of GIN and Guice in your project and add the gin-module to the project's gwt.xml)
I hope this explanation is detailed enough. Happy coding :)

NullPointerException and #EJB

I use EJB3+JavaEE6+JBoss. I am absolutely newbie in EJB. I wrote this code:
package server.ejb;
public interface HelloUser
void sayHello( String name );
public class HelloUserBean implements HelloUser
#Override public void sayHello( String name )
System.out.println( "Hello " + name );
Having assebled this code with Maven and deployed it on JBoss, I wrote a client:
import server.ejb.HelloUserBean;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
public class Test
public static HelloUserBean bean;
public static void main( String... args )
bean.sayHello( "Alex" );
After compiling, I've got NullPointerException. It said that bean was null. Using JDNI + PersistentContext I could get a success, but I still can't use DI as well. Please, help me
I reorginized my code! Actually I wrote another server-side project with the same sence and a standalone client-app. Here is the structure of server-side app:
public interface EchoRemote{
String getMessage();
public class EchoBean implements EchoRemote{
public String getMessage(){
return "Hello From Stateless Bean";
public class InvokationClient{
private EchoRemote bean;
public String getMessage(){
return bean.getMessage();
And here is the client-side standalone app:
import com.steeplesoft.client.InvokationClient;
public class Main{
public static void main( String... args ) throws IOException{
InvokationClient client = new InvokationClient();
FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter( "D:/invokation_client_test.txt" );
fileWriter.write( client.getMessage() );
I've got empty file and NullPointerEception in console
I hope you can help me :) It's tremendously important for me!!!
So you start your Test-class standalone in a separate JVM. Where did you configure to which JBoss it should connect? Which component does the dependency injection? Since you don't have a DI container that manages the Test-class and since the connection to JBoss is not configured anywhere, this can't work.
In order to make it work, you can do the following:
1) Write a Servlet, use #EJB in the Servlet and deploy it on JBoss. Put your EJB and the Servlet in the same WAR to make it easy. The Servlet is managed by the container and DI works. As a newbie with EJB I would do this first.
2) Do a JNDI-Lookup and call your EJB from a standalone client as described in
3) Use an Application Client Container (ACC) as described in Deploy the EAR to jboss and invoke the client locally
$JBOSS_HOME/bin/ --host remote://localhost:4447 ./local/path/to/enterpriseapplication-0.1-SNAPSHOT.ear#appclient-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Remark: When I tried the example from, I had problems with the Swing classes, but it did work JBoss EAP 6.2, when I removed the Swing classes.

How can I configure a Swagger in Glassfish 4 without a web.xml?

The Swagger documentation covers a number of different ways to configure Swagger in an application. Unfortunately all of them leverage web.xml and rely on hard coding the api version and base url in the web.xml
Is there a way to configure Swagger without using a web.xml and without hardcoding the api version and base path?
I used the following approach to configure Swagger in Glassfish 4 without a resource XML.
Includes the following dependency in by gradle build file (this approach also applies to Maven):
compile ('com.wordnik:swagger-jaxrs_2.9.1:1.3.0') {
exclude group: 'org.scala-lang', module: 'scala-compiler'
Create a class that extends and configure the ApplicationPath e.g.
public class RESTConfig extends Application {}
2a. Create a class that extends com.wordnik.swagger.jaxrs.config.DefaultJaxrsConfig and annotate as follows:
#WebServlet(name = "SwaagerJaxrsConfig" initParams = {#WebInitParam(name="api.version", value="0.1.0"), #WebInitParam(name="swagger.api.basepath", value="http://localhost:8080/resources"})}, loadOnStartup = 2)
public class SwaagerJaxrsConfig extends DefaultJaxrsConfig{}
The downside of this approach is that the api version and base url of your app is hardcoded in the annotation. In order to get around this I used the following approach instead of the one above
2b. Create a class that extends HttpServlet and performs the bootstrapping done by DefaultJaxrsConfig e.g.
#WebServlet(name = "SwaggerJaxrsConfig", loadOnStartup = 2)
public class SwaggerJaxrsConfig extends HttpServlet {
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SwaggerJaxrsConfig.class);
#Inject Version version;
#Override public void init(ServletConfig servletConfig) {
try {
SwaggerConfig swaggerConfig = new SwaggerConfig();
swaggerConfig.setBasePath("http://localhost:8080/resources"); //TODO look up app path
ScannerFactory.setScanner(new DefaultJaxrsScanner());
ClassReaders.setReader(new DefaultJaxrsApiReader());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failed to configure swagger", e);

Dozer DozerBeanMapper Instantiation Startup EJB App Server Glassfish

Dozer's documentation states that you should only have one instance of DozerBeanMapper running in the app on the server. For initial development I ignored this, now I want to update the app to do this.
How can I instantiate the DozerBeanMapper class when the application starts on glassfish, and how would I access its "map" method in another class once the application has started or been newly deployed?
This is for EJBs so I can't use any servlet to do this.
OK, so I've finally had time to refactor this code. With the pointer from #Mikko Maunu, I am editing my question to provide the code that I have working for me for anyone who might find it useful in the future.
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.ejb.Singleton;
import javax.ejb.Startup;
import org.dozer.DozerBeanMapper;
public class DozerInstantiator {
private DozerBeanMapper mapper = null;
void init() {
mapper = new DozerBeanMapper();
public DozerBeanMapper getMapper() {
return mapper;
And here is a straight forward usecase:
Inject an EJB member variable to your client class:
DozerInstantiator di;
Within a method somewhere in the client class you can invoke the dozer mapper like so:
Credentials credentials = di.getMapper().map(credentialsDTO, Credentials.class);
// or
Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
di.getMapper().map(credentialsDTO, credentials);
If this is wrong or off base, someone please leave a comment. Until then, this seems to work so I'll use this solution I've developed with Mikko's input.
If you are using GlassFish 3.x, then you can use EJB 3.1 Singleton Session Bean:
#Startup //initialization in application startup
#Singleton //only one instance
public class DozerInitializer {
private String status;
#PostConstruct //executed once and only once when sole instance is created
void init {
//do steps needed to instantiate DozerBeanMapper