Converting a number to duration ( days, hours minutes and seconds) - sql

Do you know how to convert this duration number 145351401 to days, hours, minutes and seconds in SQL?
I tried
SELECT CAST(STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(cast(145351401 as varchar),3,0,':'),6,0,':'),9,0,'.') AS TIME)
but it gave me the hours, minutes and seconds but no days.
The above number is the difference between the below two dates, so it should have something like 7 days and the hours, minutes and seconds in the duration.
2022-09-08 16:21:48.400
2022-09-16 07:22:31.400


Converting duration in varchar to number type and minutes

I'm struggling with this.
I have a column in Snowflake called DURATION, it is VARCHAR type.
The values include basically number in days, hours, minutes, seconds. The value could include either just the number with one unit of time (day or hour or minute or second) such as 3 hours or 14 minutes or 3 seconds or it could include the combination of either all units of time or a few such as 1 day 3 hours 35 minutes or 1 hour 9 minutes or 45 minutes 1 second.
The value could also be blank or invalid such as text or it could be indicating day, hour or minute but without a number (see the last 3 rows in the table below).
I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could help me with the following:
in SNOWFLAKE, convert all valid values to number type and normalize them to minutes (e.g. the resulted value for 7 Hours and 13 Minutes would be 433).
Thanks a lot, guys!
1 Second
10 Seconds
1 Minute
3 Minutes
20 Minutes
1 Hour
2 Hours
7 Hours 13 Minutes
1 Hour 1 Minute
1 Day
1 Day 1 Hour
1 Day 1 Hour 1 Minute
1 Day 10 Hours
2 Days 1 Hour
3 Days 9 Hours
1 Day 3 Hours 45 Minutes
Duration (invalid)
Day Minute
I tried many things using regex_substr, try_to_number, coalesce functions in CASE statements but I'm getting either 0s or NULL for all values. Very frustrating
I think you would want to use STRTOK_TO_ARRAY in a CTE subquery or put into a temp table. Then you could use ARRAY_POSITION to find the labels and the index one less than the label should be the value. Those values could be put into separate columns with a case for each label pulling the found values. The case statements could be computed columns if you insert the results of the first query into a table. From there you can concatenate colons and cast to a time type and use datediff, or do the arithmetic to calculate the minutes.

Date_diff with specific condition time start and time end

is it possible to have date_diff with specific start and end time?
let say my store are open from 8AM - 10PM, which is 14 Hours.
and I have a lot of stuff to sell during that time. One of the SKU is out of stock from 2022-11-01 06.00 PM until tomorrow 2022-11-02 11.00 AM.
Instead of calculate 24 hours, I just want to calculate only from opening store until it closed or until its restock. Meaning from 6PM to 11AM is 8 Hours
my query
select date_diff('2022-11-02 11.00 AM', '2022-11-02 06.00 PM', hour) from table
with the result 17 hours instead of 8 hours
There isn't a way to configure DATE_DIFF to do this for you, but it's possible to do what you want, with some effort.
You should convert your dates to timestamps (TIMESTAMP(yourdate) or CAST(yourdate AS TIMESTAMP)) and use TIMESTAMP_DIFF instead.
This will allow you to work with smaller intervals than days.
For your calculation, you ultimately need to find the total time difference between the two timestamps and then subtract the out-of-hours timeframe.
However, calculating the latter is not as simple as taking the difference in days and multiplying by 8 hours (10pm-6am), because your out-of-hours calculation has to account for weekends and possibly holidays etc. Hence it can get quite complex, which is where the solution in my first link might come in.

how to convert hours to days

I have an hours value that I would like to convert to days, such as 1.97 hours to days or 26.50 hours to days. How do I do this?
The easiest way would be to do a simple and standard unit conversion - just divide by 24
Select 1.94 as hour, 1.94/24 as days

Is there a way to take the output of a (HH24:MI:SS - HH24:MI:SS) and convert it to only minutes in oracle sql?

So i am putting the sql code in that i have shown below and my output that i get from the ProcessEnd minus ProcessStart is the duration time which comes out as "0 0:0:8.135". However, i need it to only show in terms of minutes, i don't want the hours or seconds, just the minutes the process runs.
"0 0:0:8.135"
If so, subtracting them results in number of days.
In order to get number of minutes, you'll have to multiply number of days by
24, as there are 24 hours in a day
60, as there are 60 minutes in an hour
so the final result would be
(rh.processend - rh.processstart) * 24 * 60 as number_of_minutes

How to convert time interval into number of years?

How can I convert a time interval in date format (i.e. "2275 days") into number of years?
When I divide it by 365 it becomes something like ("6 days 5 hours 32 minutes 44 seconds"). whereas I want to return "6.23 year" or just "6.23".