SQL query to select nodes with no parent - sql

Suppose I've got a table node with two fields : id, and child_id :
id | name | child_id |
1 | node1 | NULL |
2 | node2 | 3 |
3 | node3 | NULL |
It means that "node1" has no parent and no children, "node2" has no parent and child "node2", and "node2" has parent "node2" and no children.
Now I want to select all "node" that have no parent.
In the example above I should get rows :
id | name | child_id |
1 | node1 | NULL |
2 | node2 | 3 |
How would you implement this query ?

A traditional anti-join will produce the rows you want. For example:
select c.*
from node c
left join node p on c.id = p.child_id
where p.id is null

I had to think about this, because it has the parent-child-relationships in opposite direction compared to traditional tree structures (where a node has a reference to its parent, not its child).
If you want all nodes without parents in your data structure, you want all nodes whose id is not used as a child id in other nodes. Right? (Because such other nodes would be the parents of that node.)
That could result in a query like this:
select *
from node
where id not in (select child_id
from node
where child_id is not null)
(Note that you have to be careful with three-valued logic in SQL, which could mess up a NOT IN clause. That's why I included an explicit WHERE-clause in the subquery so that that subquery only includes "valid" rows.)
By the way, the alternative query in the answer of The Impaler (which uses a join instead of a subquery) is quite fine as well. I'm not sure, but that query might even be (marginally) more efficient. However, I guess that a subquery expresses the intention of the main query more clearly, making it somewhat easier to read and to maintain. So I would personally stick with the subquery-query at first and move to the join-query only if that turns out to have a substantial and relevant performance benefit. But that's just my own humble opinion, of course. (And in such a case, I would keep the subquery-query as a comment in the code/script for documentation purposes.)


How to get all siblings in SQL, know one child id I want to get all rows that have the same parent id

I have a "parent sector" that have "children sectors". This is done in practice using a table sector that have and id_sector and id_parent columns.
I can make a self join as expected. My situation is as follow I have an object that represents a "child sector".
I want to write a query that returns all children sectors with the same parent as of that object id_sector. Is there a simple way to do this, desirably in the join. I am using an ORM and a complex query wouldn't help much because I would have to translate it to suite the ORM.
sector object
id_sector id_sector
id_parent name
The object has a sector id
We can use a sub-query to find the parent secteur of our record. We then return all secteurs having the same parent secteur.
create table t(id_secteur int, id_parent int);
insert into t values(1,1),(2,1),(3,1),(4,2);
select * from t where id_parent = (select id_parent from t where id_secteur = 1);
id_secteur | id_parent
---------: | --------:
1 | 1
2 | 1
3 | 1
db<>fiddle here

WITH RECURSIVE SELECT via secondary table

I'm having a bit of a hard time trying to piece this together. I'm not adept with databases or complex queries.
The Database
I'm using the latest MariaDB release.
I have a database table configuration like so, representing a hierarchical data structure:
| fieldsets |
| id | parent_field_id |
| 1 | NULL |
| 2 | 1 |
| fields |
| id | parent_fieldset_id |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 |
The Problem
I'm trying to piece together a recursive query. I need to select every fieldset in a given hierarchy. For example, in the above, stripped-down example, I want to select fieldset of id = 1, and every descendant fieldset.
The IDs of the next rung down in any given level in the hierarchy are obtained only via columns of a secondary table.
The table fieldsets contains no column by which I can directly get all child fieldsets. I need to get all fields that are a child of a given fieldset, and then get any fieldsets that are a child of that field.
A Better Illustration of the Problem
This query does not work because of the reported error: "Restrictions imposed on recursive definitions are violated for table all_fieldsets"
However, it really illustrates what I need to do in order to get all descendant fieldsets in the hierarchy (remember, a fieldset does not contain the column for its parent fieldset, since a fieldset cannot have a fieldset as a direct parent. Instead, a fieldset has a parent_field_id which points to a row in the fields table, and that row in the fields table correspondingly has a column named parent_fieldset_id which points to a row back in the fieldsets table, which is considered the parent fieldset to a fieldset, just an indirect parent.
WITH RECURSIVE all_fieldsets AS (
SELECT fieldsets.* FROM fieldsets WHERE id = 125
SELECT fieldsets.* FROM fieldsets
WHERE fieldsets.parent_field_id IN (
SELECT id FROM fields f
INNER JOIN all_fieldsets afs
WHERE f.parent_fieldset_id = afs.id
SELECT * FROM all_fieldsets
My Attempt
The query I have thus far (which does not work):
WITH RECURSIVE all_fieldsets AS (
SELECT fieldsets.* FROM fieldsets WHERE id = 125
SELECT fieldsets.* FROM fieldsets WHERE fieldsets.id IN (SELECT fs.id FROM fieldsets fs LEFT JOIN fields f ON f.id = fs.parent_field_id WHERE f.parent_fieldset_id = fieldsets.id)
SELECT * FROM all_fieldsets
My Research
I'm also having a hard time finding an example which fits my use-case. There's so many results for hierarchical structures that involve one table having only relations to itself, not via a secondary table, as in my case. It's difficult when you do not know the correct terms for certain concepts, and any layman explanation seems to yield too many tangential search results.
My Plea
I would be enormously grateful to all who can point out where I'm going wrong, and perhaps suggest the outline of a query that will work.
The main problem I see with your current code is that the recursive portion of the CTE (the query which appears after the union) is not selecting from the recursive CTE, when it should be. Consider this updated version:
WITH RECURSIVE all_fieldsets AS (
SELECT * FROM fieldsets WHERE id = 125
FROM fieldsets f1
INNER JOIN all_fieldsets f2
ON f1.parent_field_id = f2.id
FROM all_fieldsets;
Note that the join in the recursive portion of the CTE relates a given descendant record in fieldsets to its parent in the CTE.
I got home from work, and I just could not set this down!
But, out of that came a solution.
I highly recommend reading this answer about recursive queries to get a better idea of how they work, and what the syntax means. Quite brilliantly explained: How to select using WITH RECURSIVE clause
The Solution
WITH RECURSIVE all_fieldsets AS (
SELECT * FROM fieldsets fs
WHERE id = 59
SELECT fs.* FROM fieldsets fs
INNER JOIN all_fieldsets afs
INNER JOIN fields f
ON f.parent_fieldset_id = afs.id
AND fs.parent_field_id = f.id
SELECT * FROM all_fieldsets
I had to use joins to get the information from the fields table, in order to get the next level in the hierarchy, and then do this recursively until there is an empty result in the recursive query.

Is chaining rows in the same table a bad pattern?

I want to create a tree structure of categories and need to find a proper way to store it into the database. Think of the following animal tree, which pretty accurately describes how it should look like:
My question now is whether chaining those entries within the same table is a good idea or not. SQLite doesn't allow me to add a FOREIGN KEY constraint to a value in the same table, so I have to make sure manually that I don't create inconsistencies. This is what I currently plan to have:
id | parent | name
1 | null | Animal
2 | 1 | Reptile
3 | 2 | Lizard
4 | 1 | Mammal
5 | 4 | Equine
6 | 4 | Bovine
parent references to an id in the same table, going up all the way until null is found, which is the root. Is this a bad pattern? And if so, what are common alternatives to put a tree structure into a relational database?
If your version of SQLite supports recursive CTE, then this is one option:
SELECT id FROM yourTable WHERE parent IS NULL
SELECT t1.id
FROM yourTable t1
ON t1.parent = t2.n AND t1.name NOT LIKE '%Lizard%'
FROM yourTable
WHERE id IN cte;
This is untested, but the check on t1.name in the recursive portion of the above CTE (hopefully) should stop the recursion as soon we reach a record which matches the name in the LIKE expression. In the case of searching for Lizard, the recursion should stop one level above Lizard, meaning that every record above it in the hierarchy should be returned.

How can I group children and parents in a single query?

I have a table that represents a simple parent->child hierarchy, something like:
Table "public.transactions"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('transactions_id_seq'::regclass)
parent_id | integer | not null default 0
amount | numeric(15,4) | not null default 0.0000
I'd like to display the table with child transactions (those with a parent_id > 0) grouped below their respective parents. e.g.,
(note: nested spaces are only here to visually represent hierarchy, they're not needed for the query results)
Can I do this in a single query? I'm running Postgresql 9.3 in case it matters.
For a single level of nesting, this may seem almost trivial:
FROM transactions
ORDER BY COALESCE(parent_id, id), id

How to represent a data tree in SQL?

I'm writing a data tree structure that is combined from a Tree and a TreeNode. Tree will contain the root and the top level actions on the data.
I'm using a UI library to present the tree in a windows form where I can bind the tree to the TreeView.
I will need to save this tree and nodes in the DB.
What will be the best way to save the tree and to get the following features:
Intuitive implementation.
Easy binding. Will be easy to move from the tree to the DB structure and back (if any)
I had 2 ideas. The first is to serialize the data into a one liner in a table.
The second is to save in tables but then, when moving to data entities I will loose the row states on the table on changed nodes.
Any ideas?
I've bookmarked this slidshare about SQL-Antipatterns, which discusses several alternatives: http://www.slideshare.net/billkarwin/sql-antipatterns-strike-back?src=embed
The recommendation from there is to use a Closure Table (it's explained in the slides).
Here is the summary (slide 77):
| Query Child | Query Subtree | Modify Tree | Ref. Integrity
Adjacency List | Easy | Hard | Easy | Yes
Path Enumeration | Easy | Easy | Hard | No
Nested Sets | Hard | Easy | Hard | No
Closure Table | Easy | Easy | Easy | Yes
The easiest implementation is adjacency list structure:
id parent_id data
However, some databases, particularly MySQL, have some issues in handling this model, because it requires an ability to run recursive queries which MySQL lacks.
Another model is nested sets:
id lft rgt data
where lft and rgt are arbitrary values that define the hierarchy (any child's lft, rgt should be within any parent's lft, rgt)
This does not require recursive queries, but it slower and harder to maintain.
However, in MySQL this can be improved using SPATIAL abitilies.
See these articles in my blog:
Adjacency list vs. nested sets: PostgreSQL
Adjacency list vs. nested sets: SQL Server
Adjacency list vs. nested sets: Oracle
Adjacency list vs. nested sets: MySQL
for more detailed explanations.
I'm suprised that nobody mentioned the materialized path solution, which is probably the fastest way of working with trees in standard SQL.
In this approach, every node in the tree has a column path, where the full path from the root to the node is stored. This involves very simple and fast queries.
Have a look at the example table node:
| node_id | path |
| 0 | |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 3 | 3 |
| 4 | 1.4 |
| 5 | 2.5 |
| 6 | 2.6 |
| 7 | 2.6.7 |
| 8 | 2.6.8 |
| 9 | 2.6.9 |
In order to get the children of node x, you can write the following query:
SELECT * FROM node WHERE path LIKE CONCAT((SELECT path FROM node WHERE node_id = x), '.%')
Keep in mind, that the column path should be indexed, in order to perform fast with the LIKE clause.
If you are using PostgreSQL you can use ltree, a package in the contrib extension (comes by default) which implements the tree data structure.
From the docs:
CREATE TABLE test (path ltree);
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Science');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Science.Astronomy');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Science.Astronomy.Astrophysics');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Science.Astronomy.Cosmology');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Hobbies');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Hobbies.Amateurs_Astronomy');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections.Pictures');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections.Pictures.Astronomy');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections.Pictures.Astronomy.Stars');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections.Pictures.Astronomy.Galaxies');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections.Pictures.Astronomy.Astronauts');
CREATE INDEX path_gist_idx ON test USING GIST (path);
CREATE INDEX path_idx ON test USING BTREE (path);
You can do queries like:
ltreetest=> SELECT path FROM test WHERE path <# 'Top.Science';
(4 rows)
It depends on how you will be querying and updating the data. If you store all the data in one row, it's basically a single unit that you can't query into or partially update without rewriting all the data.
If you want to store each element as a row, you should first read Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL (MySQL specific, but the advice holds for many other databases too).
If you're only ever accessing an entire tree, the adjacency list model makes it difficult to retrieve all nodes under the root without using a recursive query. If you add an extra column that links back to the head then you can do SELECT * WHERE head_id = #id and get the whole tree in one non-recursive query, but it denormalizes the database.
Some databases have custom extensions that make storing and retrieving heirarchical data easier, for example Oracle has CONNECT BY.
As this is the top answer when asking "sql trees" in a google search, I will try to update this from the perspective of today (december 2018).
Most answers imply that using an adjacency list is both simple and slow and therefore recommend other methods.
Since version 8 (published april 2018) MySQL supports recursive common table expressions (CTE). MySQL is a bit late to the show but this opens up a new option.
There is a tutorial here that explains the use of recursive queries to manage an adjacency list.
As the recursion now runs completely within the database engine, it is way much faster than in the past (when it had to run in the script engine).
The blog here gives some measurements (which are both biased and for postgres instead of MySQL) but nevertheless it shows that adjacency lists do not have to be slow.
So my conclusion today is:
The simple adjacency list may be fast enough if the database engine supports recursion.
Do a benchmark with your own data and your own engine.
Do not trust outdated recommendations to point out the "best" method.
PGSQL Tree relations
Hello, I just got a handle on this for a project I'm working on and figured I'd share my write-up
Hope this helps. Let's get started with some prereqs
This is essentially the closure table solution mentioned above Using recursive calls. Thanks for those slides they are very useful I wish i saw them before this write up :)
Recursive Functions
these are functions that call themselves ie
function factorial(n) {
if (n = 0) return 1; //base case
return n * factorial(n - 1); // recursive call
This is pretty cool luckily pgsql has recursive functions too but it can be a bit much. I prefer functional stuff
cte with pgsql
VALUES (1) -- nonrecusive term
SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100 -- recusive term
--continues until union adds nothing
SELECT sum(n) FROM t;
The general form of a recursive WITH query is always a non-recursive term, then UNION (or UNION ALL), then a recursive term, where only the recursive term can contain a reference to the query's own output. Such a query is executed as follows:
Recursive Query Evaluation
Evaluate the non-recursive term. For UNION (but not UNION ALL), discard duplicate rows. Include all remaining rows in the result of the recursive query, and also place them in a temporary working table.
So long as the working table is not empty, repeat these steps:
a. Evaluate the recursive term, substituting the current contents of the working table for the recursive self-reference. For UNION (but not UNION ALL), discard duplicate rows and rows that duplicate any previous result row. Include all remaining rows in the result of the recursive query, and also place them in a temporary intermediate table.
b. Replace the contents of the working table with the contents of the intermediate table, then empty the intermediate table.
to do something like factorial in sql you need to do something more like this so post
ALTER FUNCTION dbo.fnGetFactorial (#num int)
DECLARE #n int
IF #num <= 1 SET #n = 1
ELSE SET #n = #num * dbo.fnGetFactorial(#num - 1)
Tree data structures (more of a forest :)
The import thing to note is that a tree is a subset of a graph, This can be simply enforced by
the relationship each node has only one parent.
Representing the Tree in PGSQL
I think it will be easiest to work it out a little more theoretically before we move on to the sql
The simple way of represent a graph relation without data duplication is by separating the nodes(id, data) from the edges.
We can then restrict the edges(parent_id, child_id) table to enforce our constraint. be mandating that parent_id,child_id
as well as just child id be unique
create table nodes (
id uuid default uuid_generate_v4() not null unique ,
name varchar(255) not null,
json json default '{}'::json not null,
remarks varchar(255),
create table edges (
id uuid default uuid_generate_v4() not null,
parent_id uuid not null,
child_id uuid not null,
meta json default '{}'::json,
constraint group_group_id_key
primary key (id),
constraint group_group_unique_combo
unique (parent_id, child_id),
constraint group_group_unique_child
unique (child_id),
foreign key (parent_id) references nodes
on update cascade on delete cascade,
foreign key (child_id) references nodes
on update cascade on delete cascade
Note that theoretical this can all be done with only one table by simply putting the parent_id in the nodes table
and then
CREATE VIEW v_edges as (SELECT id as child_id, parent_id FROM nodes)
but for the proposal of flexibility and so that we can incorporate other graph structures to this
framework I will use the common many-to-many relationship structure. This will ideally allow this research to be
expanded into other graph algorithms.
Let's start out with a sample data structure
INSERT (id, my_data) VALUES ('alpha', 'my big data') INTO nodes
INSERT (id, my_data) VALUES ('bravo', 'my big data') INTO nodes
INSERT (id, my_data) VALUES ('charly', 'my big data') INTO nodes
INSERT (id, my_data) VALUES ('berry', 'my big data') INTO nodes
INSERT (id, my_data) VALUES ('zeta', 'my big data') INTO nodes
INSERT (id, my_data) VALUES ('yank', 'my big data') INTO nodes
INSERT (parent_id, child_id) VALUES ('alpha', 'bravo') INTO edges
INSERT (parent_id, child_id) VALUES ('alpha', 'berry') INTO edges
INSERT (parent_id, child_id) VALUES ('bravo', 'charly') INTO edges
INSERT (parent_id, child_id) VALUES ('yank', 'zeta') INTO edges
-- rank0 Alpha Yank
-- rank1 Bravo Berry Zeta
-- rank2 Charly
Note the interesting properties of a tree (number of edges e) =( number of nodes n)-1
each child has exactly one parent.
We can then simplify the equations
let n = node
let p = parent
let c = child
let ns = nodes = groups
let es = edges = group_group // because this is a relationship of a group entity to another group entity
So now what sort of questions will we ask.
"Given an arbitrary set of groups 's' what is the coverage of the graph assuming nodes inherit their children?"
This is a tricky question, it requires us to traverse the graph and find all children of each node in s
This continues off of this stack overflow post
-- some DBMS (e.g. Postgres) require the word "recursive"
-- some others (Oracle, SQL-Server) require omitting the "recursive"
-- and some (e.g. SQLite) don't bother, i.e. they accept both
-- drop view v_group_descendant;
create view v_group_descendant as
with recursive descendants -- name for accumulating table
(parent_id, descendant_id, lvl) -- output columns
( select parent_id, child_id, 1
from group_group -- starting point, we start with each base group
union all
select d.parent_id, s.child_id, d.lvl + 1
from descendants d -- get the n-1 th level of descendants/ children
join group_group s -- and join it to find the nth level
on d.descendant_id = s.parent_id -- the trick is that the output of this query becomes the input
-- Im not sure when it stops but probably when there is no change
select * from descendants;
comment on view v_group_descendant is 'This aggregates the children of each group RECURSIVELY WOO ALL THE WAY DOWN THE TREE :)';
after we have this view we can join with our nodes/groups to get out data back i will not provide these samples for every single step for the most part we will just work with ids.
select d.*, g1.group_name as parent, g2.group_name as decendent --then we join it with groups to add names
from v_group_descendant d, groups g1, groups g2
WHERE g1.id = d.parent_id and g2.id = d.descendant_id
order by parent_id, lvl, descendant_id;
sample output
|parent_id |descendant_id |lvl|parent |decendent|
|3ef7050f-2f90-444a-a20d-c5cbac91c978|6c758087-a158-43ff-92d6-9f922699f319|1 |bravo |charly |
|c1529e8a-75b0-4242-a51a-ac60a0e48868|3ef7050f-2f90-444a-a20d-c5cbac91c978|1 |alpha |bravo |
|c1529e8a-75b0-4242-a51a-ac60a0e48868|7135b0c6-d59c-4c27-9617-ddcf3bc79419|1 |alpha |berry |
|c1529e8a-75b0-4242-a51a-ac60a0e48868|6c758087-a158-43ff-92d6-9f922699f319|2 |alpha |charly |
|42529e8a-75b0-4242-a51a-ac60a0e48868|44758087-a158-43ff-92d6-9f922699f319|1 |yank |zeta |
Note that this is just the minimal node descendant relationship and has actual lost all nodes with 0 children such as charly.
In order to resolve this we need to add all nodes back which don't appear in the descendants list
create view v_group_descendant_all as (
select * from v_group_descendant gd
select null::uuid as parent_id,id as descendant_id, 0 as lvl from groups g
where not exists (select * from v_group_descendant gd where gd.descendant_id = g.id )
comment on view v_group_descendant is 'complete list of descendants including rank 0 root nodes descendant - parent relationship is duplicated for all levels / ranks';
|parent_id |descendant_id |lvl|parent |decendent|
|3ef7050f-2f90-444a-a20d-c5cbac91c978|6c758087-a158-43ff-92d6-9f922699f319|1 |bravo |charly |
|c1529e8a-75b0-4242-a51a-ac60a0e48868|3ef7050f-2f90-444a-a20d-c5cbac91c978|1 |alpha |bravo |
|c1529e8a-75b0-4242-a51a-ac60a0e48868|7135b0c6-d59c-4c27-9617-ddcf3bc79419|1 |alpha |berry |
|c1529e8a-75b0-4242-a51a-ac60a0e48868|6c758087-a158-43ff-92d6-9f922699f319|2 |alpha |charly |
|42529e8a-75b0-4242-a51a-ac60a0e48868|44758087-a158-43ff-92d6-9f922699f319|1 |yank |zeta |
|null |c1529e8a-75b0-4242-a51a-ac60a0e48868|0 |null |alpha |
|null |42529e8a-75b0-4242-a51a-ac60a0e48868|0 |null |yank |
Lets say for example we are getting our set s of groups bases on a users(id , data) table with a user_group(user_id, group_id) relation
We can then join this to another table removing duplicates because our set s of user_group relations may cause
duplicates if a users is say assigned to both alpha assigned charly
| user | group |
| jane | alpha |
| jane | charly |
| kier | yank |
| kier | bravo |
--drop view v_user_group_recursive;
CREATE VIEW v_user_group_recursive AS (
SELECT DISTINCT dd.descendant_id AS group_id, ug.user_id
FROM v_group_descendant_all dd , user_group ug
WHERE (ug.group_id = dd.descendant_id
OR ug.group_id = dd.parent_id) -- should gic
SELECT * FROM v_user_group_recursive;
| user | group |
| jane | alpha |
| jane | bravo |
| jane | berry |
| jane | charly |
-- | jane | charly | Removed by DISTINCT
| kier | yank |
| kier | zeta |
| kier | bravo |
| kier | charly |
If we want we can now group by node and join we can do somthing k like the fallowing
CREATE VIEW v_user_groups_recursive AS (
SELECT user_id, json_agg(json_build_object('id', id,'parent_id',parent_id, 'group_name', group_name, 'org_id', org_id, 'json', json, 'remarks', remarks)) as groups
FROM v_user_group_recursive ug, v_groups_parent g
WHERE ug.group_id = g.id GROUP BY user_id
comment on view v_user_group_recursive is 'This aggregates the groups for each user recursively ';
| user | groups |
| jane | [alpha, bravo, berry, charly] |
| kier | [yank, zeta, bravo, charly] |
This is awesome we have answered the question. We now can simply ask which groups this use inherits
SELECT * from v_user_groups_recursive where user_id = 'kier
Displaying our hard work in the front end
And further we could use somthing like jstree.com to display
our structure
async function getProjectTree(user_id) {
let res = await table.query(format('SELECT * from v_user_groups_recursive ug WHERE ug.user_id = %L', user_id));
if (res.success) {
let rows = res.data[0].groups.map(r => {
return {
id: r.id, // required
parent: r.parent_id==null?'#':r.parent_id,// required
text: r.group_name,// node text
icon: 'P', // string for custom
state: {
opened: true, // is the node open
disabled: false, // is the node disabled
selected: false, // is the node selected
li_attr: {}, // attributes for the generated LI node
a_attr: {} // attributes for the generated A node
return {success: true, data: rows, msg: 'Got all projects'}
} else return res;
<div id="v_project_tree" class="row col-10 mx-auto" style="height: 25vh"></div>
function buildTree() {
bs.sendJson('get', "/api/projects/getProjectTree").then(res => {
if (!res.success) {
'core': {
'data': res.data
window.addEventListener('load', buildTree);
jstree preview
The best way, I think indeed is to give each node an id and a parent_id, where the parent id is the id of the parent node. This has a couple of benefits
When you want to update a node, you only have to rewrite the data of that node.
When you want to query only a certain node, you can get exactly the information you want, thus having less overhead on the database connection
A lot of programming languages have functionality to transform mysql data into XML or json, which will make it easier to open up your application using an api.
Something like table "nodes" where each node row contains parent id (in addition to the ordinary node data). For root, the parent is NULL.
Of course, this makes finding children a bit more time consuming, but this way the actual database will be quite simple.