When we use linq do we ever need to use from? - sql

I like to use keyword where, for example.
I simply do it like this
Dim orderFromThisGridTrading = _orders1.Where(Function(x) x.customIdentifier = ASimpleGridTradeSettings.name).ToArray
However, most samples would say I have to use from
Dim customersForRegion = From cust In customers Where cust.Region = region
Which is weird af and don't follow normal vb.net format. That looks a like like SQL languages and not a real programming language.
I wonder if I can always avoid using Form and just use like I am using? Are there any cases where that is not possible?
Is this even a good idea?

There is nothing bad in using query syntax in general. Especially in VB.NET it is very powerful and supports a lot of LINQ methods(more than in C#). Many prefer that because it can make your code more readable. But it seems that the opposite is true for you, you don't like it. Then use the method syntax, it supports all methods. I don't like it in VB.NET because of that ugly and verbose Function keyword, especially with GroupBy or Join i prefer query syntax.
I wonder if I can always avoid using From and just use like I am
using? Are there any cases where that is not possible?
No, method syntax is always possible. Actually query syntax gets compiled to method syntax.

The second example is called "Query Comprehension Syntax". It's optional. A lot of people find it makes their code more readable, but not everyone likes it. Personally, I find it adds another extra layer of indirection for what you need to know to get the computer to do what you want.
In the first example, the "From" is implied by the intial IEnumerable or IQueryable item in the expression.
But I do have one issue:
SQL is definitely a real programming language, and you'll likely get even better results from learning it well vs needing to rely on an ORM to construct queries. Eventually, usually sooner than later, you'll find you want to do something where you need to know advanced SQL anyway. Then you have two problems, because you need to the know the SQL and you need to know how to construct the ORM syntax to produce that SQL.


Prevent use of pre ANSI-92 old syntax

I wonder if there's a way to prevent the creation of objects that contain old ansi sintax of join, maybe server triggers, can anyone help me?
You can create a DDL trigger and mine the eventdata() XML for the content of the proc. If you can detect the old syntax using some fancy string-parsing functions (maybe looking for commas between known table names or looking for *= or =*), then you can roll back the creation of the proc or function.
First reaction - code reviews and a decent QA process!
I've had some success looking at sys.syscomments.text. A simple where text like '%*=%' should do. Be aware that long SQL strings may be split across multiple rows. I realise this won't prevent objects getting in there in the first place. But then DDL triggers won't tell you how big your current problem is.
Although I fully understand your effort, I believe that this type of actions is the wrong way of getting where you want. First of all, you might get into serious trouble with your boss and, depending of where you work, get fired.
Second, as stated before, doing code reviews, explaining why the old syntax sucks. You have to have a decent reason why one should avoid the *= stuff. 'Because you don't like it' is not a feasible argument. In fact, there are quite some articles around showing that certain problems are just not solvable using this type of syntax.
Third, you might want to point out that separating conditions into grouping (JOIN ... ON...) and filtering conditions (WHERE...) increases the readability and might therefore be an options.
Collect your arguments and convince your colleagues rather than punishing them in quite an arrogant way.

Implement a querylanguage

I would like to create my own query language for a web api I wrote. But I have no idea where to start for it.
The language should be like SQL. For that I looked up the NHibernate code, cause I know, that they have the HQL (Hibernate Query Language) but it didn't help.
Are there any instructions or sth.? If this question is wrong here please move and/or tell me where I should ask else.
The first step is a lot of design work, starting be answering the following question:
Is this new Query Language going to be converted to SQL which will be
executed by a standard database engine, or are you going to write your
own database server as well?
If it's going to be converted to SQL (just like HQL) then map out the translations from your language to SQL on paper (and make sure you know the possible SQL constructs you may have to use). Once you've got that, you can start implementing it. Yes, this sounds like BDUF, but the language should be defined in one pass, I think, as it will be more consistent and easier to use if you do it that way. You can always implement it in a more Agile way once you've got that.
If you're going to write own database server, you're on your own....

Postgresql parametrized queries

I've recently heard that parametrized queries run faster on postgresql.
In an effort to test this, I decided to construct a parametrized ...
OH I can already feel the down votes. wish I knew how to ask this better... please advise before voting down :)
Does anyone know how to create a parametrized query? I can't seem to find any docs on a raw sql string that is in fact a parametrized query. I found a heap of VB || Java || php.. but these sadly don't IMHO equal sql.
To construct a parametrized query... do I have to create a function in the DB?
A nuts simple example of a query that makes use of parameters would be awesome.
The closest thing I can do to a code example would be. It doesn't come close to working.
Parameterized queries are typically a function of the client framework. Different client frameworks have different semantics so your best option is to start with the client framework documentation. This being said, low-level details help so I will go over the libpq interface here. Many client frameworks wrap libpq's interface, so start with the PQExecParams documentation.
In that function, your query is transformed using placeholders indicating the parameters used. I believe these are actually sent to the db separately than the parameters which are then factored in during planning time (the planner of course is aware of the values of the arguments).
The placeholders follow a semantic structure of $1, $2, $3, etc. and so are identified by number. Other frameworks wrap this using other placeholder syntax.

What, if any, are the disadvantages of SQL::Interp over SQL::Abstract?

I'm currently looking at some light-weight SQL abstraction modules. My workflow is such that i usually write SELECT queries manually, and INSERT/UPDATE queries via subs which take hashes.
Both of these modules seem perfect for my needs and i have a hard time deciding. SQL::Interp claims SQL::Abstract cannot provide full expressivity in SQL, but discusses no other differences.
Does it have any disadvantages? If so, which?
I can't speak to SQL::Interp, but I use SQL::Abstract and it's pretty good. In conjunction with DBIx::Connector and plain old DBI, I was able to totally eliminate the use of an ORM in my system with very little downside.
The only limitations I have run into is that it's not possible to write GROUP BY queries directly (although it's easy to do by simply appending to the generated query, and LIMIT queries are handled by the extension SQL::Abstract::Limit.
I used SQL::Abstract for a over a year, and then switched to SQL::Interp, which I've stuck with since.
SQL::Abstract had trouble with complex clauses. For the ones it could support, you would end up with a nest of "(" "[" and {" characters, which you were mentally translate back to meaning "AND", "OR" or actually parentheses.
SQL::Interp has no such limitations and uses no middle representation. Your SQL looks like SQL with bind variables where you want them. It works for complex queries as well as simple ones. I find SQL::Interp especially pleasant to use in combination with DBIx::Simple's built-in support for it. DBIx::Simple+SQL::Interp is a friendly and intuitive replacement for using raw DBI. I use the combination in a 100,000k+ LoC mod_perl web app.

In non-procedural languages, what specifies how things are to be done?

If you compare C vs SQL, this is the argument:
In contrast to procedural languages
such as C, which describe how things
should be done, SQL is nonprocedural
and describes what should be done.
So, the how part for languages like SQL is specified by the language itself, is it? What if I want to change the way some query works. Suppose I want to change the way a SELECT is handled. Is that possible?
So, the how part for languages like
SQL is specified by the language
itself, is it?
Not strictly by the language (ie. SQL), but normally by the database and its optimiser. As such, even where the same data is being queried from tables with the same structures and the same indexes, some databases will build the resultset in a different way to others.
Suppose I want to change the way a
SELECT is handled. Is that possible?
To some degree, yes. You can either:
Rewrite the query, to achieve the same result a different way, or
Use hinting - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hint_%28SQL%29
Neither of these directly instruct the database engine which approach to use, but both of them will affect how the resultset is returned - this is likely to vary between databases.
Additionally, I understand that some databases have additional interfaces that allow more low-level interaction with the database engine, enabling greater control over how a query is built than is possible from plain SQL. (However, your question did specify SQL.)
This is actually exaggerating the difference. There is no clear-cut point at which one is telling how things are done and the other only telling what it done. Rather, one may have to specify what/how things are done at a greater level of detail than the other. A typical SQL implementation allows the user to control such things as what indexes are used (or ignored), what kind of locking to do, and so on.
If you were to do the same job in C, you would (at some point) have to specify a great deal more detail (unless you used something like ODBC). Nonetheless, you're still telling what should be done, not all the details of how it should be done (e.g., despite being about as low-level as possible short of assembly language, C will still do some type conversions automatically, so you don't have to tell it how to do something like adding an integer to a floating point number -- you just tell it to add them, and it handles the details).
Bottom line: trying to talk about one as procedural and the other as non-procedural is misleading. SQL doesn't always require as much detail, but it's a difference of degree, not really "how" versus "what".