Where are proguard mappings stored in a Jetpack Compose Desktop app? - proguard

I am trying to use Sentry.IO to keep track of crashes for my Jetpack Compose Desktop application.
In order for it to work on product I need to upload to Sentry the mapping files from proguard. I cannot seem to find them in the project files though.
Where does Jetpack Compose Desktop keep the mapping files after proguard has done obfuscating?


How to integrate an external app into IntelliJ plugin?

I want to build an Android Studio plugin (IntelliJ plugin) which can open an external app by pressing the button. The external app is developed by myself and is quite small. I hope to integrate it to the IntelliJ plugin so users only need to install the plugin instead of installing the app explicitly.
So is it possible for me to package the app into the plugin? I have tried putting the .app file under the resources folder but I don't know how to open the app programmatically. Or is there any other way to achieve my purpose?

React Native: What file is responsible for the build of an app?

I'm currently working on a project for work that will require me to play around with the way in which react-naive apps build and I'm wondering what file/files are actually responsible for the building of an app?
As far as I know, React Native using Gradle build tool for building android apps. You can find an executable file named gradlew inside of android directory. For iOS, I'm not so sure, but I think RN use xcodebuild command line tool.

Upload a prebuilt file to Crashlytics

I am trying to automate our build/release process. I am specifically concerned with the Android app at the moment, but I may also need to extend similar support for our iOs app.
Until now, all uploads to Crashlytics have been triggered with crashlyticsUploadDistributionRelease. However we are now building and testing the apk first, then looking to upload that same pre-built apk to Crashlytics. The new process means we need a way of uploading the apk to Crashlytics directly, without having any dependencies on rebuilding or being within the project's directory.
I can see that I can do this through Android Studio by dragging and dropping the apk. Is there a command line tool or script that I can use to automate something similar from our build machine?
This operation is not currently supported. See my comment above for the response from the Crashlytics team

How to avoid reverse engineering of an apk build with Appcelerator?

I am developing a schedule app using Appcelerator, and I want to prevent a hacker from accessing any resources, assets or source code from the APK file.
If someone changes the .apk extension to .zip then they can unzip it and easily access all the app's resources and assets, and using dex2jar and a Java decompiler, they can also access the source code. It's very easy to reverse engineer an Android APK file.
Is there any functionality available in titanium SDK that prevent reverse engineering? I am using Titanium SDK Version 3.4.1.GA I tried following code but nothing works
<property name="ti.deploytype">distribution</property>
<property name="ti.android.compilejs" type="bool">true</property>
You'll drive yourself crazy trying to protect your code from someone determined to get into it. Generally, Appcelerator is getting you the ability to convert your code from JavaScript into something that resembles a mix of native with JavaScript controlling logic. If the Android platform doesn't accomplish what you want, I don't believe Appcelerator is attempting to do it either. I believe the JavaScript that doesn't get turned into native code is being obfuscated. I'm pretty sure that the Appcelerator project gets turned into an Android project. Perhaps you'll want to look for protections at that level and compile your app with the Android SDK tools.

Getting sproutcore application files to use them in a native app via Appcelerator Titanium

I would like build a app using sproucore framework, but i also want to integrate it with Titanium to have some desktop capability like file system, packaging, offline working etc...
I know that with sproutcore 2 this would be pretty easy since it allows to use the framework like a normal javascript library. But the project is still in beta and the docs are patchy at most (I consider patchy even the 1.x docs, actually).
So, I want to ask, which would be the best way to go to integrate sproutcore and Titanium API?
Titanium's main mission is to use JavaScript to build native apps, not to provide a OS-access layer for web apps. It would be hard to mix native and SproutCore UI elements.
That being said, here's some information that might help you:
Titanium has reversed it's application model starting with version 1.0:
The main app doesn't run in a web view anymore, instead it runs directly in JavaScriptCore and creates only native UI elements. One of the native UI elements is a web view
and it's possible to make that full screen and run your SproutCore app inside of the web view. From there, you can call out to Titanium to call Titanium methods for file system access and the like.
Also, if you only target the desktop, you could even access the JavaScript context object of a webview and use it directly in JavaScriptCore.