Check if a Kotlin variable is a function - kotlin

I am currently learning Kotlin and am working through the By Example Guide. In the chapter Functional/Higher-Order Functions it explained how functions themselves can return functions with this example:
fun operation(): (Int) -> Int {
return ::square
fun square(x: Int) = x * x
fun main() {
val func = operation()
Since I had previously learned to check the type of a variable in a "when" block, I tried to do the same here. Checking if a variable is of type function.
fun operation(): (Int) -> Int {
return ::square
fun square(x: Int) = x * x
fun main() {
val func = operation()
when (func){
is fun -> println(func(2))
else -> println("Not a function")
But this throws an error "Type expected", I guess because fun in itself is not a type.
I tried searching for things like "kotlin check if variable is function" but all I could find where guides on how to check for primitives or classes, nothing even mentioned functions.

Let's suppose you know nothing about func. (func is of type Any) You can easily check that it is a function by doing:
if (func is Function<*>) {
Or similarly use is Function<*> in a when branch.
However, this doesn't tell you the number or types of parameters, or the return type. Since you want to call the function with an Int here, it is important that you also check that the function has exactly one parameter of type Int. You can add a number after the word Function to check for a specific number of parameters,
if (func is Function1<*, *>) {
But that's where the simple stuff stops.
It is very hard to check for parameter types. You cannot just do this:
if (func is Function1<Int, Int>) {
Because generics are erased, the runtime is not able to distinguish between a Function1<Int, Int> and a Function1<Foo, Bar>, so you cannot check for a specific type parameter using is.
The only way I can think of is unfortunately, reflection.
// JVM only
if (func is Function1<*, *> &&
(func as? KFunction<*> ?: func.reflect())?.parameters?.singleOrNull()?.type == typeOf<Int>()) {
// this is an unchecked cast, which means the runtime won't check it
// but it is fine, because the code above checked it
println((func as Function1<Int, *>)(2))
operation can either return a KFunction, like your ::square, or a lambda. If it returns a lambda, the reflect experimental API (You'd need #OptIn(ExperimentalReflectionOnLambdas::class)) is used to turn it into a KFunction.
After we have a KFunction, we can inspect its single parameter (if it has one) and check if it is Int.
So checking for specific types of functions is quite a pain. I would recommend that you change your design to avoid doing this, if you ever find yourself needing to do this.

You can do general check is Function<*> if you just need to find out given func object is a function or not. Also you can do restricted check for more specific function signatures, e.g. check it's a function with N arguments.
In the following code checks are arranged from more specific to less specific:
fun main() {
val func = operation()
when(func) {
is Function2<*,*,*> -> println(func(4)) // function with 2 arguments
is Function1<*,*> -> println(func(3)) // function with 1 argument
is Function<*> -> println(func(2)) // function in general
else -> println("Not a function")
And the output of this code is 9 because func is both a "Function" & a "Function with 1 argument", but "Function with 1 argument" condition is matched earlier.
P.S. Function22 (f with 22 arguments) is largest built-in into Kotlin


Are Kotlin scope function blocks effectively inline?

I'm writing a Kotlin inline class to make Decimal4J more convenient without instantiating any objects. I'm worried that scope functions might create lambda objects, thereby making the whole thing pointless.
Consider the function compareTo in the following example.
/* imports and whatnot */
value class Quantity(val basis: Long) {
companion object {
val scale: Int = 12
val metrics: ScaleMetrics = Scales.getScaleMetrics(scale)
val arithmetic: DecimalArithmetic = metrics.defaultArithmetic
operator fun compareTo(alt: Number): Int {
with(arithmetic) {
val normal = when (alt) {
is Double -> fromDouble(alt)
is Float -> fromFloat(alt)
is Long -> fromLong(alt)
is BigDecimal -> fromBigDecimal(alt)
is BigInteger -> fromBigInteger(alt)
else -> fromLong(alt.toLong())
return compare(basis, normal)
Does the with(arithmetic) scope create a lambda in the heap? The docs on consistently refer to the scoped code as a lambda expression. Is there any way to use scope functions without creating objects?
All of the built-in scoping functions, including with, are marked inline, which means the implementation gets planted directly in the code that's calling it. Once that happens, the lambda call can be optimized away.
To be more concrete, here's the implementation of with (with the Kotlin contracts stuff removed, since that's not relevant here)
public inline fun <T, R> with(receiver: T, block: T.() -> R): R {
return receiver.block()
Extension methods are, and always have been, syntax sugar resolved at compile time, so this is effectively
public inline fun <T, R> with(receiver: T, block: (T) -> R): R {
return block(receiver) // (with `this` renamed by the compiler)
So when we call
operator fun compareTo(alt: Number): Int {
with (arithmetic) {
println("Hi :)")
println(foobar()) // Assuming foobar is a method on arithmetic
The inline will transform this into
operator fun compareTo(alt: Number): Int {
println("Hi :)")
println(it.foobar()) // Assuming foobar is a method on arithmetic
And any optimizer worth its salt can see that this is a function that's immediately evaluated, so we should go ahead and do that now. What we end up with is
operator fun compareTo(alt: Number): Int {
println("Hi :)")
println(arithmetic.foobar()) // Assuming foobar is a method on arithmetic
which is what you would have written to begin with.
So, tl;dr, the compiler is smart enough to figure it out. You don't have to worry about it. It's one of the perks of working in a high-level language.
By the way, this isn't just abstract. I just compiled the above code on my own machine and then decompiled the JVM bytecode to see what it really did. It was quite a bit noisier (since the JVM, by necessity, has a lot of noise), but there was no lambda object allocated, and the function was just one straight shot that calls println twice.
In case you're interested, Kotlin takes this example function
fun compareTo(alt: Number): Unit {
return with(arithmetic) {
println("Hi :)")
to this Java, after being decompiled,
public static final void compareTo-impl(long arg0, #NotNull Number alt) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter((Object)alt, (String)"alt");
long l = arithmetic;
boolean bl = false;
boolean bl2 = false;
long $this$compareTo_impl_u24lambda_u2d0 = l;
boolean bl3 = false;
String string = "Hi :)";
boolean bl4 = false;
int n = so_quant.foobar-impl($this$compareTo_impl_u24lambda_u2d0);
bl4 = false;
Quite a bit noisier, but the idea is exactly the same. And all of those pointless local variables will be taken care of by a good JIT engine.
Just some additional info to help clear up the terminology that led to your confusion.
The word “lambda” is defined as a syntax for writing a function. The word does not describe a function itself, so the word lambda has nothing to do with whether a function object is being allocated or not.
In Kotlin, there are multiple different syntaxes you can choose from to define or refer to a function. Lambda is only one of these.
// lambda assigned to variable
val x: (String) -> Unit = {
// anonymous function assigned to variable
val y: (String) -> Unit = fun(input: String) {
// reference to existing named function assigned to variable
val z: (String) -> Unit = ::println
// lambda passed to higher order function
“Hello World”.let { println(it) }
// anonymous function passed to higher order function
“Hello World”.let(fun(input: Any) { println(input) })
// reference to existing named function passed to higher order function
“Hello World”.let(::println)
// existing functional reference passed to higher order function
“Hello World”.let(x)
There is actually no such thing as a lambda object that can be passed around. The object is a function that could have been defined using any of the above syntaxes. Once a functional reference exists, the syntax that was used to create it is irrelevant.
With inline higher order functions, as the standard library scope functions are, the compiler optimizes away the creation of the functional object altogether. Of the four higher order calls in my example above, the first three will compile to the same thing. The last is a bit different because the function x already exists so it will be x itself that is invoked in the inlined code. Its contents don’t get hoisted out and called directly in the inlined code.
The advantage of using lambda syntax for higher order inline function calls is that it enables you to use keywords for the outer scope (non-local returns), such as return, continue, or break.

Kotlin multiple variable let, using the previous variables in the next let

I want to be able to have multiple let and the next let is able to use the previous variable only if its not null. The reason I want this is because I want only one :? for all the lets. Is this possible?
Example on how I want it to be:
fun example() {
firstVariable?.let a -> &&
exampleFunction(a, 3)?.let { a, b ->
// Use a and b freely since they are not null and not optionals
} ?: run {
// Runs if either one of the let is failing
// a is NOT optional
fun exampleFunction(a: Int, b: Int?): Int? {
if (b == null) {
return null
return a + b
Stupid example, but its just to show what I need... I want to check if the first variable is null AND to run a function that returns an optional with a non-optional parameter which is the first variable - if either of these fail, I want to run something else.
I know how to do this without let, but I am wondering if it's possible or planned to be able to do this? (It's possible in Swift).
How to do it in Swift:
// First check a, then use a in the same expression if its validated
if let a = firstVariable,
let b = exampleFunction(a) {
// Use a and b as non-optionals
} else {
// a or b failed
You propably missunderstood how let works. I am going to explain a bit. In short the desired behaviour is not possible in kotlin or at least you can not idiomatically emulate it without any drawbacks whatsoever.
I don't know swift but it seems as if the let used there is some sort of syntax construct offered by the language itself. It allows you to define a variable with some local scope and can be chained (like the short circuiting &&).
In Kotlin however let is just a normal function.
See the documentation. It's basically nothing more than
fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R = block(this)
It allows to call a function with a normal parameter as a function with a receiver type.
The actual null check is done with the ?. operator.
It takes an optional/nullable value as left hand side operand and either short circuits returning null or call the function on the right hand side with the non-null left hand side as receiver type. let is just one possible function to call here.
The similar ?: operator takes an optional/nullable LHS operand and returns this value if it is not null or it evaluates the expression on the RHS.
One way to get those variables defined is by nesting lets:
firstVariable?.let{a -> exampleFunction(a, 3)?.let{b -> a + b}} ?: run{}
where a + b is just an example of using both values. This however becomes unhandy if it's longer than one line. If you still want to define local variables you can create a block with run and use jump statements on the right side of ?:
run {
val a = firstValue ?: return#run null
val b = exampleFunction(a, 3) ?: return#run null
return#run a + b
} ?: run{}
While the above code looks really ugly with all those return#run null repititions there might be ways to reduce the amount of repeating code e.g. by using a anonymous function (to get rid of the #run part) or return Unit and safe the last value with some side-effect operation. (to get rid of the null and the last return statement)
You could benefit on Kotlin and write sot of extension function for your case. vararg as we dont know how many variables we want to pass, then check if all of them are not null and if so, return all of them. If any of the vars will be null, then nothing happens.
fun <T: Any> multipleLetCheck(vararg variables: T?, block: (List<T>) -> Unit): Unit? {
return if (variables.all { variable -> variable != null }) {
} else {
// usage
multipleLetCheck(firstVariable, 3){ (firstVariable, secondVariable) ->
// work with firstVariable and secondVariable
} ?: run {

Kotlin "expected no parameters" when attempting to return inline lambda

I'm trying to write a Kotlin function which returns a lambda taking a parameter. I'm attempting to use code like the following to do this:
fun <T> makeFunc() : (T.() -> Unit) {
return { t: T ->
Note: In the actual program, the function is more complex and uses t.
Kotlin rejects this as invalid, giving an 'Expected no parameters' error at t: T.
However, assigning this lambda to a variable first is not rejected and works fine:
fun <T> makeFunc() : (T.() -> Unit) {
val x = { t: T ->
return x
These two snippets seem identical, so why is this the case? Are curly braces after a return statement interpreted as something other than a lambda?
Additionally, IntelliJ tells me that the variable's value can be inlined, whereas this appears to cause the error.
There is a curious moment in the design of functional types and lambda expressions in Kotlin.
In fact, the behavior can be described in these two statements:
Named values of functional types are interchangeable between the ordinary functional type like (A, B) -> C and the corresponding type of function with the first parameter turned into receiver A.(B) -> C. These types are assignable from each other.
So, when you declare a variable that is typed as (T) -> Unit, you can pass it or use it where T.() -> Unit is expected, and vice versa.
Lambda expressions, however, cannot be used in such free manner.
When a function with receiver T.() -> Unit is expected, you cannot place a lambda with a parameter of T in that position, the lambda should exactly match the signature, a receiver and the first parameter cannot be converted into each other:
Shape of a function literal argument or a function expression must exactly match the extension-ness of the corresponding parameter. You can't pass an extension function literal or an extension function expression where a function is expected and vice versa. If you really want to do that, change the shape, assign literal to a variable or use the as operator.
(from the document linked above)
This rule makes lambdas easier to read: they always match the expected type. For instance, there's no ambiguity between a lambda with receiver and a lambda with implicit it that is simply unused.
fun foo(bar: (A) -> B) = Unit
fun baz(qux: A.() -> B) = Unit
val f: (A) -> B = { TODO() }
val g: A.() -> B = { TODO() }
foo(f) // OK
foo(g) // OK
baz(f) // OK
baz(g) // OK
// But:
foo { a: A -> println(a); TODO() } // OK
foo { println(this#foo); TODO() } // Error
baz { println(this#baz); TODO() } // OK
baz { a: A -> println(a); TODO() } // Error
Basically, it's the IDE diagnostic that is wrong here. Please report it as a bug to the Kotlin issue tracker.
You are defining a function type () -> Unit on receiver T, there really isn't a parameter to that function, see "()". The error makes sense. Since you define the function type with T as its receiver, you can refer to T by this:
fun <T> makeFunc(): (T.() -> Unit) {
return {

Example of when should we use run, let, apply, also and with on Kotlin

I wish to have a good example for each function run, let, apply, also, with
I have read this article but still lack of an example
All these functions are used for switching the scope of the current function / the variable. They are used to keep things that belong together in one place (mostly initializations).
Here are some examples:
run - returns anything you want and re-scopes the variable it's used on to this
val password: Password = PasswordGenerator().run {
seed = "someString"
hash = {s -> someHash(s)}
hashRepetitions = 1000
The password generator is now rescoped as this and we can therefore set seed, hash and hashRepetitions without using a variable.
generate() will return an instance of Password.
apply is similar, but it will return this:
val generator = PasswordGenerator().apply {
seed = "someString"
hash = {s -> someHash(s)}
hashRepetitions = 1000
val pasword = generator.generate()
That's particularly useful as a replacement for the Builder pattern, and if you want to re-use certain configurations.
let - mostly used to avoid null checks, but can also be used as a replacement for run. The difference is, that this will still be the same as before and you access the re-scoped variable using it:
val fruitBasket = ...
apple?.let {
println("adding a ${it.color} apple!")
The code above will add the apple to the basket only if it's not null. Also notice that it is now not optional anymore so you won't run into a NullPointerException here (aka. you don't need to use ?. to access its attributes)
also - use it when you want to use apply, but don't want to shadow this
class FruitBasket {
private var weight = 0
fun addFrom(appleTree: AppleTree) {
val apple = appleTree.pick().also { apple ->
this.weight += apple.weight
fun add(fruit: Fruit) = ...
Using apply here would shadow this, so that this.weight would refer to the apple, and not to the fruit basket.
Note: I shamelessly took the examples from my blog
There are a few more articles like here, and here that are worth to take a look.
I think it is down to when you need a shorter, more concise within a few lines, and to avoid branching or conditional statement checking (such as if not null, then do this).
I love this simple chart, so I linked it here. You can see it from this as written by Sebastiano Gottardo.
Please also look at the chart accompanying my explanation below.
I think it as a role playing way inside your code block when you call those functions + whether you want yourself back (to chain call functions, or set to result variable, etc).
Above is what I think.
Concept Example
Let's see examples for all of them here
1.) myComputer.apply { } means you want to act as a main actor (you want to think that you're computer), and you want yourself back (computer) so you can do
var crashedComputer = myComputer.apply {
// you're the computer, you yourself install the apps
// note: installFancyApps is one of methods of computer
Yup, you yourself just install the apps, crash yourself, and saved yourself as reference to allow others to see and do something with it.
2.) myComputer.also {} means you're completely sure you aren't computer, you're outsider that wants to do something with it, and also wants it computer as a returned result.
var crashedComputer = myComputer.also {
// now your grandpa does something with it
3.) with(myComputer) { } means you're main actor (computer), and you don't want yourself as a result back.
with(myComputer) {
// you're the computer, you yourself install the apps
4.) { } means you're main actor (computer), and you don't want yourself as a result back. {
// you're the computer, you yourself install the apps
but it's different from with { } in a very subtle sense that you can chain call run { } like the following {
}.run {
// computer object isn't passed through here. So you cannot call installFancyApps() here again.
This is due to run {} is extension function, but with { } is not. So you call run { } and this inside the code block will be reflected to the caller type of object. You can see this for an excellent explanation for the difference between run {} and with {}.
5.) myComputer.let { } means you're outsider that looks at the computer, and want to do something about it without any care for computer instance to be returned back to you again.
myComputer.let {
The Way to Look At It
I tend to look at also and let as something which is external, outside. Whenever you say these two words, it's like you try to act up on something. let install virus on this computer, and also crash it. So this nails down the part of whether you're an actor or not.
For the result part, it's clearly there. also expresses that it's also another thing, so you still retain the availability of object itself. Thus it returns it as a result.
Everything else associates with this. Additionally run/with clearly doesn't interest in return object-self back. Now you can differentiate all of them.
I think sometimes when we step away from 100% programming/logic-based of examples, then we are in better position to conceptualize things. But that depends right :)
There are 6 different scoping functions:
I prepared a visual note as the below to show the differences :
data class Citizen(var name: String, var age: Int, var residence: String)
Decision depends on your needs. The use cases of different functions overlap, so that you can choose the functions based on the specific conventions used in your project or team.
Although the scope functions are a way of making the code more concise, avoid overusing them: it can decrease your code readability and lead to errors. Avoid nesting scope functions and be careful when chaining them: it's easy to get confused about the current context object and the value of this or it.
Here is another diagram for deciding which one to use from
Some conventions are as the following :
Use also for additional actions that don't alter the object, such as logging or printing debug information.
val numbers = mutableListOf("one", "two", "three")
.also { println("The list elements before adding new one: $it") }
The common case for apply is the object configuration.
val adam = Person("Adam").apply {
age = 32
city = "London"
If you need shadowing, use run
fun test() {
var mood = "I am sad"
run {
val mood = "I am happy"
println(mood) // I am happy
println(mood) // I am sad
If you need to return receiver object itself, use apply or also
let, also, apply, takeIf, takeUnless are extension functions in Kotlin.
To understand these function you have to understand Extension functions and Lambda functions in Kotlin.
Extension Function:
By the use of extension function, we can create a function for a class without inheriting a class.
Kotlin, similar to C# and Gosu, provides the ability to extend a class
with new functionality without having to inherit from the class or use
any type of design pattern such as Decorator. This is done via special
declarations called extensions. Kotlin supports extension functions
and extension properties.
So, to find if only numbers in the String, you can create a method like below without inheriting String class.
fun String.isNumber(): Boolean = this.matches("[0-9]+".toRegex())
you can use the above extension function like this,
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
which is prints true.
Lambda Functions:
Lambda functions are just like Interface in Java. But in Kotlin, lambda functions can be passed as a parameter in functions.
fun String.isNumber(block: () -> Unit): Boolean {
return if (this.matches("[0-9]+".toRegex())) {
} else false
You can see, the block is a lambda function and it is passed as a parameter. You can use the above function like this,
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
println(phoneNumber.isNumber {
println("Block executed")
The above function will print like this,
Block executed
I hope, now you got an idea about Extension functions and Lambda functions. Now we can go to Extension functions one by one.
public inline fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R = block(this)
Two Types T and R used in the above function.
T could be any object like String class. so you can invoke this function with any objects.
block: (T) -> R
In parameter of let, you can see the above lambda function. Also, the invoking object is passed as a parameter of the function. So you can use the invoking class object inside the function. then it returns the R (another object).
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
val numberAndCount: Pair<Int, Int> = phoneNumber.let { it.toInt() to it.count() }
In above example let takes String as a parameter of its lambda function and it returns Pair in return.
In the same way, other extension function works.
public inline fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T { block(this); return this }
extension function also takes the invoking class as a lambda function parameter and returns nothing.
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
phoneNumber.also { number ->
public inline fun <T> T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T { block(); return this }
Same as also but the same invoking object passed as the function so you can use the functions and other properties without calling it or parameter name.
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
phoneNumber.apply {
You can see in the above example the functions of String class directly invoked inside the lambda funtion.
public inline fun <T> T.takeIf(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? = if (predicate(this)) this else null
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
val number = phoneNumber.takeIf { it.matches("[0-9]+".toRegex()) }
In above example number will have a string of phoneNumber only it matches the regex. Otherwise, it will be null.
public inline fun <T> T.takeUnless(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? = if (!predicate(this)) this else null
It is the reverse of takeIf.
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
val number = phoneNumber.takeUnless { it.matches("[0-9]+".toRegex()) }
number will have a string of phoneNumber only if not matches the regex. Otherwise, it will be null.
You can view similar answers which is usefull here difference between kotlin also, apply, let, use, takeIf and takeUnless in Kotlin
According to my experience, since such functions are inline syntactic sugar with no performance difference, you should always choose the one that requires writing the least amount of code in the lamda.
To do this, first determine whether you want the lambda to return its result (choose run/let) or the object itself (choose apply/also); then in most cases when the lambda is a single expression, choose the ones with the same block function type as that expression, because when it's a receiver expression, this can be omitted, when it's a parameter expression, it is shorter than this:
val a: Type = ...
fun Type.receiverFunction(...): ReturnType { ... }*apply*/ { receiverFunction(...) } // shorter because "this" can be omitted
a.let/*also*/ { it.receiverFunction(...) } // longer
fun parameterFunction(parameter: Type, ...): ReturnType { ... }*apply*/ { parameterFunction(this, ...) } // longer
a.let/*also*/ { parameterFunction(it, ...) } // shorter because "it" is shorter than "this"
However, when the lambda consists of a mix of them, it's up to you then to choose the one that fits better into the context or you feel more comfortable with.
Also, use the ones with parameter block function when deconstruction is needed:
val pair: Pair<TypeA, TypeB> = ...*apply*/ {
val (first, second) = this
} // longer
pair.let/*also*/ { (first, second) -> ... } // shorter
Here is a brief comparison among all these functions from JetBrains's official Kotlin course on Coursera Kotlin for Java Developers:
I must admit that the difference is not so obvious at first glance, among other things because these 5 functions are often interchangeable. Here is my understanding :
APPLY -> Initialize an object with theses properties and wait for the object
val paint = Paint().apply { = Paint.Style.FILL
this.color = Color.WHITE
LET -> Isolate a piece of code and wait for the result
val result = let {
val b = 3
val c = 2
b + c
val a = 1
val result = a.let {
val b = 3
val c = 2
it + b + c
val paint: Paint? = Paint()
paint?.let {
// here, paint is always NOT NULL
// paint is "Paint", not "Paint?"
ALSO -> Execute 2 operations at the same time and wait for the result
var a = 1
var b = 3
a = b.also { b = a }
WITH -> Do something with this variable/object and don't wait for a result (chaining NOT allowed )
with(canvas) {
RUN -> Do something with this variable/object and don't wait for a result (chaining allowed) {
or {this.draw(x)}.run {this.draw(x)}

How to save a function reference as the value in a Map type, and invoke it with a parameter later on in Kotlin?

val specials:Map<String, (Any)->Unit> = mapOf(
"callMe1" to {asParam1()},
"callMe2" to {asParam2()}
fun asParam1(num:Int) {
fun asParam2(text:String) {
fun caller() {
specials["callMe1"]?.invoke("print me")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
My requirement is simple, I want to save the function asParam1 and asParam2 as a value in the variable specials. And invoke it later on by fetching the value from a Map.
However, the compiler doesn't like it:
Error:(1, 40) Type inference failed. Expected type mismatch: inferred
type is Map Unit> but Map Unit> was
Error:(1, 69) No value passed for parameter num
Error:(1, 96) No value passed for parameter text
While this task is pretty simple in a weak typed language, I don't know how to do in Kotlin. Any help would be welcome. Thanks!
The correct syntax is "calllme" to ::asParam1.
But then the signatures will be wrong because the Map expects type (Any)->Unit and yours have (Int)->Unit and (String)->Unit. Here is an example that does not produce the error:
val specials:Map<String, (Any)->Unit> = mapOf(
"callMe1" to ::asParam1,
"callMe2" to ::asParam2
fun asParam1(num:Any) {
if(num is Int) println(num)
fun asParam2(text:Any) {
if(text is String) println(text)
fun caller() {
specials["callMe2"]?.invoke("print me")
Keep in mind, your code for the caller has special knowledge about how to call each of your functions (i.e., the correct parameter types), but the compiler does not have this same knowledge. You could accidentally call asParam1 passing a String instead of an Int (which is what your caller function was doing, I fixed it in my example) and that is not allowed. Which is why I changed the signatures of both asParam* to accept Any parameter, and then validated the expected type in each function (ignoring bad types).
If your intent is to pass integers in addition to strings to asParam2(), then change the body to test for both Int and String and convert the integer to a string.
When you write { asParam1() }, you create a lambda with an executable code block inside it, so you need to properly call the function asParam1(...), which requires an Int argument.
So, the first change you need to make is: { i -> asParam1(i) }.
But this code will still not pass the type checking, because, matching the type of the map, the lambda will be typed as (Any) -> Unit (the values in the map should all be able to accept Any, and a function that expects a narrower type cannot be a value in this map).
You then need to convert the Any argument to Int to be able to invoke the function: { i -> asParam1(i as Int) }
Finally, the map will look like this:
val specials: Map<String, (Any) -> Unit> = mapOf(
"callMe1" to { i -> asParam1(i as Int) },
"callMe2" to { s -> asParam2(s as String) }
The invocation stays unchanged, as in your code sample.
The function reference syntax (::asParam1) would allow you to reference a function that already accepts Any, it would not implicitly make the conversion described above. To use it, you would have to modify your functions to accept Any, as in #Les's answer.