How to get real time Redis key expiry notification - redis

I understand that Redis key expiry event/notification is not real time.
Is there any way to get real time Redis expiry event ?
Best Regards,

I wouldn't go about it this way. I am not sure the scale of the project, but having a queue like activeMQ that has a delayed deliver will work really well for the use case you described.
So you would send it on arrival and when the TTL expires it will send the payload to the consumer to do the processing.
I think Redis has some queuing tools that might provide similar functionality if you want to avoid adding something new to your stack.


How can I retrieve the content of a Redis channel at the time of subscribe?

When my web app subscribes to a Redis channel (mostly on Application_Start), it should automatically load the current channel content, but not wait for the next publish within this channel.
I couldn't find any way to achieve this - but as this "problem" appears to be so common and trivial I guess there must be an easy solution for this?
In the web app I'm using StackExchange.Redis (in case that's relevant). Who can help? Thx in advance!
The answer is no, there is no option to do this using Redis pub/sub functionality, Redis don't actually store messages which being published to the channel, so you can't retrieve them when you connect to channel.
Take a look at RabbitMQ with their persistent queues and message acknowledgements, which they have out of the box.
As there's obviously no comfortable option available in Redis, I'm now publishing the channel message also as a regular key-value. So the clients take it from key-value store before subscribing to the channel.

Advice - Redis or RabbitMQ PubSub - Auction service

For a new auction system I am looking for which technology is the best for me.
When there is a new bid, I want to notify the listening users on the auction page. This is something for a pubsub technique, i presume.
First I did take a look at RabbitMQ, and I think this is a good way to build this. But it means I have an extra single point of failure.
So now I am leaning towards Redis PubSub. I know it has disadvantages, because when an user is not listening it won't re-send messages. But that is not a problem. When a user sign in it has all the current bids, and then only want updates. I don't plan to create a chat with a history.
What can you advice? Are there anymore disadvantages to use Redis for this? How about the stability? When a bid occurs, and I want to send the newest price to all listening users, how certain am I everyone gets the message?
Does anyone have experience with this situation?
Pro: redis is much simpler than RabbitMQ to set up.
Cons: there is no guarantee of delivery with Redis.
I assume, that by "page" you mean standard HTML page with PHP on backend. If yes, then your main problem is not "should I use Redis or RabbitMQ", because you cannot make direct connection between your user browser and Redis or RabbitMQ.
First you have two answer to yourself, how will you provide updates for the page:
by regular ajax requests asking "is there any new for me"
by using some implementation of websocket
and after selecting answer, you will see that pub/sub mechanism has any use at all in your situation.

RabbitMQ Message Lifetime Replay Message

We are currently evaluating RabbitMQ. Trying to determine how best to implement some of our processes as Messaging apps instead of traditional DB store and grab. Here is the scenario. We have a department of users who perform similar tasks. As they submit work to the server applications we would like the server app to send messages back into a notification window saying what was done - to all the users, not just the one submitting the work. This is all easy to do.
The question is we would like these message to live for say 4 hours in the Queue. If a new user logs in or say a supervisor they would get all the messages from the last 4 hours delivered to their notification window. This gives them a quick way to review what has recently happened and what is going on without having to ask others, "have you talked to John?", "Did you email him is itinerary?", etc.
So, how do we publish messages that have a lifetime of x hours from the time they were published AND any new consumers that connect will get all of these messages delivered in chronological order? And preferably the messages just disappear after they have expired from the queue.
There is Per-Queue Message TTL and Per-Message TTL in RabbitMQ. If I am right you can utilize them for your task.
In addition to the above answer, it would be better to have the application/client publish messages to two queues. Consumer would consume from one of the queues while the other queue can be configured using per queue-message TTL or per message TTL to retain the messages.
Queuing messages you do to get a message from one point to the other reliable. So the sender can work independently from the receiver. What you propose is working with a temporary persistent store.
A sql database would fit perfectly, but also a mongodb would work nicely. You drop a document in mongo, give it a ttl and let the database handle the expiration.

How to handle long asynchronous requests with pyramid and celery?

I'm setting up a web service with pyramid. A typical request for a view will be very long, about 15 min to finish. So my idea was to queue jobs with celery and a rabbitmq broker.
I would like to know what would be the best way to ensure that bad things cannot happen.
Specifically I would like to prevent the task queue from overflow for example.
A first mesure will be defining quotas per IP, to limit the number of requests a given IP can submit per hour.
However I cannot predict the number of involved IPs, so this cannot solve everything.
I have read that it's not possible to limit the queue size with celery/rabbitmq. I was thinking of retrieving the queue size before pushing a new item into it but I'm not sure if it's a good idea.
I'm not used to good practices in messaging/job scheduling. Is there a recommended way to handle this kind of problems ?
RabbitMQ has flow control built into the QoS. If RabbitMQ cannot handle the publishing rate it will adjust the TCP window size to slow down the publishers. In the event of too many messages being sent to the server it will also overflow to disk. This will allow your consumer to be a bit more naive although if you restart the connection on error and flood the connection you can cause problems.
I've always decided to spend more time making sure the publishers/consumers could work with multiple queue servers instead of trying to make them more intelligent about a single queue server. The benefit is that if you are really overloading a single server you can just add another one (or another pair if using RabbitMQ HA. There is a useful video from Pycon about Messaging at Scale using Celery and RabbitMQ that should be of use.

Redis Pub/Sub with Reliability

I've been looking at using Redis Pub/Sub as a replacement to RabbitMQ.
From my understanding Redis's pub/sub holds a persistent connection to each of the subscribers, and if the connection is terminated, all future messages will be lost and dropped on the floor.
One possible solution is to use a list (and blocking wait) to store all the message and pub/sub as just a notification mechanism. I think this gets me most of the way there, but I still have some concerns about the failure cases.
what happens when a subscriber dies, and comes back online, how should it process all it's pending messages?
when a malformed message comes though the system, how do you handle those exceptions? DeadLetter Queue?
is there a standard practice to implementing a retry policy?
When a subscriber (consumer) dies, your list will continue to grow until the client returns. Your producer could trim the list (from either side) once it reaches a specific limit, but that is something you would need to handle at the application level. If you include a timestamp within each message, your consumer can then act on the age of a message, assuming you have application logic you want to enforce on message age.
I'm not sure how a malformed message would enter the system, as the connection to Redis is usually TCP with the its integrity assurances. But if this happens, perhaps due to a bug in message encoding at the producer layer, you could provide a general mechanism for handling errors by keeping a queue-per-producer that received consumer's exception messages.
Retry policies will depend greatly on your application needs. If you need 100% assurance that a message has been received and processed, then you should consider using Redis transactions (MULTI/EXEC) to wrap the work done by a consumer, so you can ensure that a client doesn't remove a message unless it has completed its work. If you need explicit acknowlegement, then you could use an explicit ACK message on a queue dedicated to the producer process(es).
Without knowing more about your application needs, it's hard to know how to choose wisely. Generally, if your messages require full ACID protection, then you probably also need to use redis transactions. If your messages are only meaningful when they are timely, then transactions may not be needed. It sounds as though you can't tolerate dropped messages, so your approach of using a list is good. If you need to implement a priority queue for your messages, you can use the sorted set (the Z-commands) to store your messages, using their priority as the score value, along with a polling consumer.
If you want a pub/sub system where subscribers won't lose messages when they die, consider using Redis Streams instead of Redis Pub/sub.
Redis Streams have their own architecture and pros/cons to Redis Pub/sub. With Redis Streams, a subscriber can issue the command:
the last message I received was X, now give me the next message;
if there is no new message, then wait for one to arrive.
Antirez's article linked above is a good intro to Redis streams with more info.
What I did is use a sorted set using the timestamp as the score and the key to the data as the member value. I use the score from the last item to retrieve the next few ones and then get the keys. Once the work is done I wrap both the zrem and the del in a MULTI/EXEC transaction.
Essentially what Edward said, but with the twist of storing the keys in the sorted set, as my messages can be pretty big.
Hope this helps!