What is difference between AbpCoreEf6Sample.Tests and AbpCoreEf6Sample.Web.Tests in test folder? - asp.net-core

I'm confused, why there are two test projects in ASP.NET Boilerplate project? Which one is more suitable for writing API integration test in an application?
ASP.NET Boilerplate 7.1
.NET Core 6.0
I read documentation of ABP and GitHub issues, but still don't understand.


ASP.NET Core Web Application with .NET Framework, I want to switch the target to .NET Core

I'm trying to change ASP.NET Core web application with .NET Framework as a target framework to use .NET Core 3.1.X
I try changing the target framework in the project file (.csproj), I encounter dependency issues, dependency conflict....
Is there any straightforward method to solve this issue?
Before you start your migration, you should know there’s several difference between .net framework and .net core, so please follow the official document to do some Pre-Migration steps.
Then you can follow this official document to migrate your application from framework to .net core 3.1.
Since your ideal .net core version is 3.1, still I suggest you can try to use .net 6. Also, you can use this upgrade tool to reach your goal. In fact, using this upgrade assistant is a batter choice than you doing it by yourself. Even if you are insisting using .net core 3.1, you can use this assistant to upgrade your version to 6 first then change it to 3.1.
Before you start your migration, please make a backup of your original project. That's because some packages in .net framework may be no longer available in .net core. So if there're some errors occur, you can go back to the original one.

How to create a ASP.NET Core Project in VB.NET language using dotnet cli command?

I have migrated the project from Dot.Net-Framework 4.7.2 to Asp.Net-Core 3.1 with VB.NET language. I have checked in Microsoft link below, there is no CLI Command for VB.NET in Asp.Net Core templates. They mentioned only C# language for ASP.NET Core
Kindly let me know if there is any way to create a ASP.NET Core Project in "VB.NET"
As far as I know, asp.net core couldn't create the MVC vb.net project. You could use dotnet new --list to see the result:
Besides, according to this github issue, ASP.NET Core Doesn't provide a razor syntax that supports VB.NET.
The workaround is using the custom library like Vazor and ZML to design MVC views and Razor Pages.
More details, you could refer to this github issue.
This question is a bit older, to be sure, but the good news is that today there IS a way to build ASP.NET Core applications in VB.NET.
For the past few days I've been working with Vazor, found here and here. I've found it to be remarkable. It's a very clever solution to a long-standing problem.
The author also has plans to enable Blazor apps in VB.NET projects.

It's very confusing.. I was creating .net core web application and can see .NetFramework with .NetCore support

I was creating .net core web application and can see .NetFramework with .NetCore support. But I didn't choose .Net Standard. I don't understand. Please see the image asp.net core web application
This is Microsoft naming at work here. 😁 There are two dotnet frameworks: the "full" framework, which you selected, and the dotnet core framework.
Before dotnet core and all it's optimized, multiplatform goodness, there was the dotnet framework (refered to as the legacy or full framework). This is the predecessor of dotnet core. This full framework runs only on Windows and the computer it runs on needs the dotnet framework runtime.
Do not worry, the "full" in full framework comes from the transition period between the old dotnet framework and dotnet core. When dotnet core was version 1.0, it did not have all the functionality of today. So some developers called it the full framework (which had everything you needed to run your application) and the newer dotnet core framework which had only the basics.
You can see if you are running the legacy framework if there is the <TargetFramework>netXXX</TargetFramework> present in your solution/project file. The lastest version of the full dotnet framework is 4.8 (net48).
After that it switched to dotnet core 1.0 - 3.1. I'm not entirely sure how that's referenced in the solution/project files.
As a last remark, Microsoft had a great naming idea: the next version of dotnet core is named dotnet 5. They want to get back to the original name with this next version. Do keep in mind that you cannot easily upgrade from dotnet 4.X to dotnet 5. The day to day code looks very much alike, but the underlying engine is completely rewritten.
As far as I know, before .net core 3.0, asp.net core is support on .net framework. This is the reason why you could create .net core 2.1 on the .net framework.
But after 3.0, asp.net core not support .net framework. You could only create it on .net core framework.
More details, you could refer to this article and this github issue.

How to run xUnit tests using Mono (.net core 3.0+ or .net standard 2.1 required)

How can we run our xUnit tests on the Mono framework?
We've got a bunch of xunit tests for our .NET Standard 2.1 and .NET Core 3.1 projects.
Our website is using client-side blazor (still an experimental framework). It uses mono in the browser.
Some financial calculations were incorrect on the website, leading us to discover this: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/19863
Since our xUnit tests in visual studio run as .net core apps instead of mono, it was not discovered through testing.
Googling around shows an approach using the xunit console runner, but it does not support .net core 3.1 apps or any framework supporting .net standard 2.1 (it seems out of date). I haven't found any other approach. Any ideas?

Could someone explain how to configure nhibernate5.1 in dotnet core 2.0 project

As nhibernate5.1 supports dotnet core2.0, we are trying to use nhibernate 5.1 in our dotnet core 2.0 api project. Don't find any documentation on how to configure nhibernate5.1 in dotnet core 2.0 project. Could someone guide me on the same.
NHibernate GitHub repository has a minimal web (not API) application example showing how to use it with .Net Core. See here.