Check if value exists exactly like that with SQL query (regexp)? - sql

Example json in the socialMedia database column
I want to run a query to check if "value":"person1" or "value:"person2" or something else like that exists in the json field. Is that possible to do with regexp or something?

App\Models\User::whereRaw('JSON_SEARCH(, "all", "%person%")')->get();
App\Models\User::where(DB::raw('JSON_EXTRACT(`name`, "$.*")'), 'LIKE', '%person%')->get();


BigQuery IF condition then append value into Array - Standard SQL

In BQ (Standard SQL) I would like to Append a value into an existing Array IF a condition is satisfied
IF (REGEXP_CONTAINS(prodTitle, r'(?i)ecksofa'),ARRAY_CONCAT(prodcategory, ("1102")))
is this correct and efficient?
can I use multiple IFs and ARRAY_CONCAT in the same Query?
IF (REGEXP_CONTAINS(prodTitle, r'(?i)ecksofa'),ARRAY_CONCAT(prodcategory, ("1102")))
IF (REGEXP_CONTAINS(prodTitle, r'(?i)blablan'),ARRAY_CONCAT(prodcategory, ("1103")))
Guess your purpose is like below for single IF (corrected your expression a little bit):
IF (REGEXP_CONTAINS(prodTitle, r'(?i)ecksofa'),
ARRAY_CONCAT(prodcategory, ["1102"]),
In order to chain multiple IF and concat the output array, I would use SQL like below:
IF (REGEXP_CONTAINS(prodTitle, r'(?i)ecksofa'), ["1102"], []),
IF (REGEXP_CONTAINS(prodTitle, r'(?i)blablan'), ["1103"], []),
To be more efficient, it is better to replace
REGEXP_CONTAINS(prodTitle, r'(?i)ecksofa')
STRPOS(LOWER(prodTitle), 'ecksofa') != 0

Problem with filter in django orm by json field

Could someone help me with django orm filter
I am trying to filter data by some key in json filed (Postgres, jsonb field)
Field in postgres table contains something like
{ "pet": "dog", "name": "my_lovely_dog" }
I build filter like:
cond = {"field_name__pet": some_variable}
qs = qs.filter(**cond)
But when I watch result sql query I see something like:
Select * from "table_name" where ("table"."my_field" -> pet) = '"dog"'
How I can do it correctly? Why django use "" inside ''? And why django not put key from json in ""?
Thank you
The way to resolve this issue is:
I use field__contains = {"dog":"dogs_name"} and it work
Thank you

Codeigniter database queries with multiple LIKE parameters

How can I perform a query with multiple LIKE parameters?
For example, I have this string to search through:
"I like searching very much"
This is the code I currently use:
$searTerm = "like"
$this->db->or_like('list.description', $SearchTerm,'both');
But i want to search with 2 or 3 parameters. like this:
$searTerm = "like"
$searTerm1 = "much"
How can i perform this to get the same result?
You can simply repeat the like parameters on the active record. In your example you would do something like this:
$this->db->or_like('list.description', $searchTerm1);
$this->db->or_like('list.description', $searchTerm2);
$this->db->or_like('list.description', $searchTerm3);
This will just join each or_like with an AND in the WHERE clause.
Firstly, you need to define the array with like variables then, its very important to put the or_like statement above the where clause in order to make multiple 'OR' statements for like 'AND' the where clause.
Here is example:
$this->db->or_like(array('column_name1' => $k, 'column_name2' => $k))
$this->db->where($whereColumn, $whereValue)
You can use like group
$this->db->group_start()->like('column_name1', $value)
->like('column_name2', $value)

Django select only rows with duplicate field values

suppose we have a model in django defined as follows:
class Literal:
name = models.CharField(...)
Name field is not unique, and thus can have duplicate values. I need to accomplish the following task:
Select all rows from the model that have at least one duplicate value of the name field.
I know how to do it using plain SQL (may be not the best solution):
select * from literal where name IN (
select name from literal group by name having count((name)) > 1
So, is it possible to select this using django ORM? Or better SQL solution?
from django.db.models import Count
This is as close as you can get with Django. The problem is that this will return a ValuesQuerySet with only name and count. However, you can then use this to construct a regular QuerySet by feeding it back into another query:
dupes = Literal.objects.values('name')
Literal.objects.filter(name__in=[item['name'] for item in dupes])
This was rejected as an edit. So here it is as a better answer
dups = (
This will return a ValuesQuerySet with all of the duplicate names. However, you can then use this to construct a regular QuerySet by feeding it back into another query. The django ORM is smart enough to combine these into a single query:
The extra call to .values('name') after the annotate call looks a little strange. Without this, the subquery fails. The extra values tricks the ORM into only selecting the name column for the subquery.
try using aggregation
In case you use PostgreSQL, you can do something like this:
from django.contrib.postgres.aggregates import ArrayAgg
from django.db.models import Func, Value
duplicate_ids = (Literal.objects.values('name')
.annotate(c=Func('ids', Value(1), function='array_length'))
.annotate(ids=Func('ids', function='unnest'))
.values_list('ids', flat=True))
It results in this rather simple SQL query:
SELECT unnest(ARRAY_AGG("app_literal"."id")) AS "ids"
FROM "app_literal"
GROUP BY "app_literal"."name"
HAVING array_length(ARRAY_AGG("app_literal"."id"), 1) > 1
Ok, so for some reason none of the above worked for, it always returned <MultilingualQuerySet []>. I use the following, much easier to understand but not so elegant solution:
dupes = []
uniques = []
dupes_query = MyModel.objects.values_list('field', flat=True)
for dupe in set(dupes_query):
if not dupe in uniques:
If you want to result only names list but not objects, you can use the following query
repeated_names = Literal.objects.values('name').annotate(Count('id')).order_by().filter(id__count__gt=1).values_list('name', flat='true')

Activerecord Where with a hash value

I have a City model with a cached_info field which is a serialized hash.
{:population=>20000, :more_stuff =>....}
If I make the following query in Activerecord.
City.where('cached_info[:population] > 300').count
I get back...
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax;
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '[:population] > 300)' at line 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `places` WHERE `places`.`type` = 'City' AND (cached_info[:population] > 3)
Anybody have a workaround for this?
There's no easy way to query within a serialised Hash via ActiveRecord and SQL, unless you use a LIKE in your query (but this can't do comparisons like > and <).
Based on your use case you should really rethink your data model and normalise these fields into proper models/columns.
As Jits said, LIKE/ILIKE would work, e.g.:
City.where('cached_info LIKE ?', '%name: Louisiana%')
If you're using PostgreSQL with JSONB fields to store your hashes, you can drop down to SQL in the where and use something like this:
City.where("cast(cached_info ->> 'population' as int) > ?", 300)
The ->> is a Postgres JSONB access operator -- check out this article.