How can I log into a GCP Vertex VM via identity aware proxy using a different username - ssh

I have a GCP Vertex VM with IAP enabled. There is no external IP address (we cannot use external IPs in our organisation). Our team would like to be able to use JupyterLab via the browser and also login with PyCharm SSH remote development tools under the same user account to avoid any permissions conflicts. The reason for this is that some people want JupyterLab some of the time, and PyCharm some of the time without having to switch (we are data scientists XD). Since I cannot login to jupyterlab with my GCP email user account, I would like to be able to login via SSH using the "jupyter" username (which is the default for vertex). However, whenever I login via SSH (via the gcloud ssh command) I am logged in with the gcp email user account no matter what I put in the connection string.
One thing I could do is to add "sudo su juputer" to the .bashrc file, but this seems like a bad hack.


Connecting to a gcloud vm instance via ssh

I cannot connect via ssh to my vm instance on gcloud
I am using gcloud with my own domain as the user
I created a vm instance on Google Cloud Engine
I installed "WordPress Multisite Certified by Bitnami" via Cloud Launcher
The vm is up and running, I can even access a wordpress page.
In the section "VM Instances", I click the button SSH, but cannot connect, the window prompts:
Transferring SSH keys to the VM.
Could not connect, retrying (1/3)...
The log does not contain any errors.
Attempt 1: Gcloud API
In the Windows CMD, I can successfully connect by calling
gcloud compute ssh userid_mydomain_com#MY_INSTANCE_NAME
It generates file in C:\Users\ACCOUNT_NAME.ssh, but the file contains my Windows account name at the end in the format HOST\account_name#host, not my gcloud user name (!
I retried the ssh button, but it still failed.
I then pasted the content from the file into the ssh key field, but it still doesnt work, perhaps due to the wrong user name? I changed the name, but that didnt help.
Attempt 2: PuttyGen
I also tried generating ssh key with PuttyGen as described here and used in the key comment. With or without the newly generated public key in the vm instance configuraton, I can not ssh into the vm.
How can I access my vm on gcloud via the ssh button and via putty?
I can connect to my vm instance using Putty and WinSCP.
I entered the keyfile provided in the Bitnami launchpad and the user name 'bitnami'. The ssh buttons, however, still dont make me enter.
You might not be using the right credentials. However, it's pretty weird the Web Browser Terminal Google offers
you through the SSH button doesn't work.
Please take a look to the documentation below and try to follow the steps, it might help you:
You can connect to a VM instance via many ways:
SSH from Google cloud console
Connect via Cloud shell
Connect via your local terminal with gcloud command with IAP by using --tunnel-through-iap parameter.
gcloud compute ssh userid_mydomain_com#MY_INSTANCE_NAME --tunnel-through-iap

ftp through filezilla to google cloud machine, can't achieve it

before asking this question i looked through google and tried different alternatives none of which were successful for me, sadly. I'm a little above the noob level. What i want is to basicaly host a wordpress site on a google cloud debian machine.
I was doing good installing services through their SSH access until i got to the point where i installed an ftp service and wanted to access it through a remote computer(my own) i only got as far as to:
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Connecting to
Response: fzSftp started
Command: open "root#" 22
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server
I kept on looking and trying new ways until i found the gcloud documentation for ftp but it is not aimed at new ones, so my questions are:
Where do i input the commands for gcloud, on my computer or on the SSH console(Google cloud machine)?
Do i need to use gcloud for ftp remote access or can i do it entirely through my computer and their SSH machine?
Do i really need to add an ssh authorization file to FileZilla or is there a way i can disable that check on my vps so it lets me sign in with just a username and a password?
What i already tried and didn't work for me:
gCloud documentation for ssh and ftp
Google cloud documention for setting up a wordpress site
Many others
Basically what i need in short is to manage to access the vps through ftp so i can continue with my learning.. Been stuck there two days.
To get access to a users public area, ie. public_html
Go to the accounts Cpanel area and under Security > SSH Access you can import a key file.
You can use PuttyGen to make one, you will need both a private and public key.
Past the keys into the box's.
You may get a warning message about the private key, this is ok.
Go to Manage under public key and authorize it.
Make on using the interface in Cpanel and download both Keys.
Then in FileZilla
Host: IP of server
Protocol: SFTP
Logon Type: Key File
Key File: the PPK you made.
(if you asked Cpanel to make the file select the one that does not end in .pub and FileZilla will convert it for you to a .ppk file.
After clicking connect you should be in
If you still have an error make sure the SSH port (22) is open in your filewalls both Google > Networks and WHM > LDF/CSF plugin
Use SSH File Transfer Protocol.
No need to install ftp service.
Use winscp for connecting with sftp.
The recommended way of transferring files to a Unix-based Google Compute Engine VM is via the gcloud compute copy-files command. For this, please install the Google Cloud SDK. Then, run a command such as the following:
gcloud compute copy-files --zone=<Compute Engine zone>/path/to/local/file.txt <Compute Engine instance name>:/path/to/destination/file.txt
If you'd like to use FileZilla, you'll have to configure it for access. The SSH daemon on Compute Engine VMs is set up for key-based authentication. This forum post indicates how this is possible in FileZilla. The catch is that you need to put your public key on the VM, which can be a little tricky. gcloud compute copy-files and gcloud compute ssh take care of this for you, which is why they are the recommended method.

Is there a way to allow all users to scp from a specific machine to another specific machine without password?

Currently I have a machine setup to send files it generates via a script to a remote server for file storage, where each user has their own folder on the remote server, which they can then SFTP into to get their files.
Currently, when the machine generating the files copies them over, via SCP, it prompts for a password for the user it's sending to.
What I would like to be able to do is enable the machine to send the files to the individual user accounts without prompting for a password. I've read a few ways to do this by creating ssh keys in each user's accounts. However, due to the volume of users, I was wondering if there was a way to enable machine1 to be able to scp files to any user account on the remote file server without prompting for a password each time?
You can set up host-based authentication on the target host to accept connections from the source host. This will work for any kind of SSH access, not just SCP. If you want to limit users to just SCP, there are ways to do that. see this question for example.
Try something like:
sshpass -p scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no source dest
I have used it on some linux machine. Don't know if it always work (last day i tried on osX and it refused cause it will break ssh security)
BTW you have to install sshpass

rabbitMQ federation ACCESS_REFUSED (guest login fail)

I have set up rabbitMQ federation between two machines A and B, bi-direction,
but have the error
{auth_failure,"ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using authentication mechanism PLAIN. For details see the broker logfile."}
in the log file, it seems the federation amqp need to access through guest/guest credential, this comes to the question here:
rabbitMQ guest login failed
with existing solution to set up test/test here :
Can't access RabbitMQ web management interface after fresh install
I tried to make guest/guest also work from another machine by running :
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / guest "." "." ".*"
but still fail to login via guest/guest on another machine,
in the rabbitMQ management web UI, the user test and guest look all the same:
Can access virtual hosts Has password
administrator / ●
administrator / ●
but why I still can't loging with guest/guest on another machine? (test/test works fine)
You are not listing what version you use, but guesstimating from your post time, I would say the issue is probably because in v 3.3.0 (released in early April 2014) they disabled guest user login remotely (see release notes here), AND it looks like at some point around that time there was a change either in the way federation is supposed to be setup, or simply the yanking of the guest user made it behave differently.
Anyway, to resolve this, make sure you create your upstream with an URI in the following form:
the key is in the your_user:your_users_password string - that was not required before 3.3 (and it still may work without it should you enable the guest user... but I don't care to try that)

Server Refuses SSH key

I purchased shared hosting from Vexxhost.I wanted to host my Rails application with them.I was given cpanel details.I generated SSH keys using the cPanel and converted it to .ppk format.Next, i downloaded the key.But when i try SSH login using Putty, i get the message Server Refused Our Key.Then i'm prompted for the password.When i enter password, message is displayed: Shell access is not available for your account.Contact support.I did contact support, but no reply.Am I doing any mistake in the procedure?
I haven't used cpanel to generate ssh keys, usually I do it at the ubuntu console. Is it possible that the ppk conversion has encoding issues? or it not done right?
Do you have access to a linux box? It would be simpler to test it there.
I have configured a server myself with ssh access, and if user does not have ssh access they are presented with user/pass. So it appears that your ssh credentials are denied, but your password is recognized as accurate. Authentication is happening.
About the issue of shell support. It could be that they enable shell support only if you connect with valid ssh credentials - in which case, you need to contact support.
Or, your account does not have ssh access, and you still need to contact support.
hope it helps