Copy data from Synapse instance to another instance - azure-synapse

Is there a way to copy data from all tables in a Synapse instance to another?
Considered Data Migration Assistant, but it doesn't allow to select Synapse as Source.
Also, I am considering to use Copy activity in a pipeline, but the number of tables is not small.

Copy Data Tool can be used to copy data from Synapse to Synapse.

You create a Synapse or ADF pipeline to achieve same.
Step1: Use Lookup activity or Script activity with a dataset Synapse SQL database table. Select Query option there and write query to get list all table names.
Step2: Use ForEach activity to iterate each table name.
Step3: Inside ForEach activity, use Copy activity. In the copy activity you can use parameterized datasets which dynamically to points to tables in Synapse SQL.


Azure Data Factory Copy Activity for JSON to Table in Azure SQL DB

I have a copy activity that takes a bunch of JSON files and merges them into a singe JSON.
I would now like to copy the merged single JSON to Azure SQL DB. Is that possible?
Ok, it appears to be working however the output in SQL is just countryCode and CompanyId
However, I need to retrieve all the financial information in the JSON as well
Azure Data Factory Copy Activity for JSON to Table in Azure SQL DB
I repro'd the same and below are the steps.
Two json files are taken as source.
Those files are merged into single file using copy activity.
Then Merged Json data is taken as source dataset in another copy activity.
In sink, dataset for Azure SQL db is created and Auto create table option is selected.
In sink dataset, edit checkbox is selected and sink table name is given.
Once the pipeline is run, data is copied to table.

Bulk copy multiple csv files from Blob Container to Azure SQL Database

MS Azure:
Blob Container, multiple csv files saved in a folder. This is my source.
Azure Sql Database. This is my target
Use Azure Data Factory and build a pipeline to "copy" all files from the container and store them in their respective tables in the Azure Sql database by automatically creating those tables.
How do I do that? I tried following this but I just end up having tables incorrectly created in the database, where table is created with a single column having same name as the table name.
I believe I followed the instructions from that link pretty must as they are.
My CSV file is as follows, one column contains the table name.
The previous steps will not be repeated,it is the same as the link.
At Step3 inside the Foreach activity, we should add a Lookup activity to query the table name from the source dataset.
We can declare a String type variable tableName pervious, then set the value via expression #activity('Lookup1').output.firstRow.tableName.
At sink setting of the Copy activity, we can key in #variables('tableName').
ADF will auto create the table for us.
The debug result is as follows:

ADF Copy into SQL table without creating source file

I have a scenario to copy output of GET Metadata activity into a SQL table. Can I do this directly without using Databricks notebook?
You can make use of look up activity.
GetMetadata -> Lookup
And write insert SQL statement in Query, or use stored procedure.

U-SQL job to query multiple tables with dynamic names

Our challenge is the following one :
in an Azure SQL database, we have multiple tables with the following table names : table_num where num is just an integer. These tables are created dynamically so the number of tables can vary. (from table_1, table_2 to table_N) All tables have the same columns.
As part of a U-SQL script file, we would like to execute the same query on all of these tables and generate an output csv file with the combined results of all these queries.
We tried several things :
U-SQL does not allow looping so we were thinking creating a View in our Azure SQL database that would combine all the tables using a cursor of some sort. Then, the U-SQL file would query this View (using external source). However, a View in Azure SQL database can only be created via a function and a function cannot execute dynamic SQL or even call a stored procedure...
We did not find a way to call a stored procedure of the external data source directly from U-SQL
we dont want to update our U-SQL job each time a new table is added...
Is there a way to do that in U-SQL through a custom extractor for instance? Any other ideas?
One solution I can think of is to use Azure Data Factory (v2) to assist in this.
You could create a pipeline with the following activities:
Lookup activity configured to execute the stored procedure
For Each activity that uses the output of the lookup activity as a source
As a child item use a U-Sql Activity that executes your U-Sql script which writes the output of a single table (the item of the For Each activity) to blob or datalake
Add a Copy Activity that merges the blobs from step 2.1 to one final blob.
If you have little or no experience working with ADF v2 do mind that it takes some time to get to know it but once you do, you won't regret it. Having a GUI to create the pipeline is a nice bonus.
Edit: as #wBob mentions another (far easier) solution is to somehow create a single table with all rows since all dynamically generated table have the same schema. You can create a stored procedure for populating this table for example.

Transform Data using Stored Procedure in Azure Data Factory

I'm trying to write a pipeline using Azure Data Factory v2. The data comes from Azure Table Storage, which I then need to transform by retrieving more data from Azure SQL and then need to send to another SQL Database for Insertion.
What I have in mind is to use:
Lookup from Table Storage -> For Each Row -> Execute SP -> Append Data to Lookup Output -> Execute SP to insert in another SQL.
I am not sure if I what I want to achieve is doable with Data Factory or if i'm even approaching this from the right angle.
I don't understand what you mean with the step "Append data to Lookup Output". You cannot add data to the result of a lookup activity.
What you can do is store that output in a table at the first Azure SQL, and perform another Lookup to grab all the data.
Hope this helped!