Access Denied for LinkedIn's adAnalyticsV2 Finder Analytics API - api

I am trying to connect to the LinkedIn adAnalyticsV2 Finder Analytics API.
Please may someone explain what I could possibly be doing wrong, or provide a link to the documentation that could point me in the right direction.
Thank you in advance!
Postman Parameters
I have followed the documentation, which I don't fully understand, and have created the requested App and having been granted the correct permission by the account admin.
I have entered the Bearer Token and have received the below error.
I have searched for documentation that explains possible errors but cannot seem to find anything.

This error could be caused by either missing scopes in your app's settings or you forgot to add the scopes in the OAuth configuration of Postman. Make sure your app has the permissions and your access token was created with the correct scopes. See this article for more information.
Hope this helps!


Google Action Account linking debugging URL returning 500

I’ve followed this tutorial but when I go and grab by debugging URL which happens to be and paste it into a new window I get Error 500 but no explanation.
I also tried from an incognito window. It does ask for my email and password but then returns the same error.
I’ve used Implicit Grant Type and I don’t have Add quick account linking enabled please ket me know if that’s not right?
When I try the CURL URL I get the message {“status”:{“code”:401,“errorType”:“unauthorized”,“errorDetails”:“Authentication parameters missing”}}
UPDATE - now when I try the basic Talk to Allergology action on the simulator I don’t even get the debug info anymore, but the message “Sorry this action is not available in simulation” :frowning:
Could you please help?
I've managed to work out what I need to do by following this answer How to authenticate user with just a Google account on Actions on Google?
In my case - Configure your project (in the cloud console) so that the Calendar API is enabled and that the OAuth2 client is correctly configured.
I also switched from Implicit Grant Type to Authorisation Code.
My app is almost working, I am now having other issues, but at some point the Access Token was coming through with the request.

Adobe Sign access token invalid_request

I'm having trouble with Adobe Sign's OAuth authentication -- every time I try to get my access token with my Client ID and redirect URI, I get this message:
Unable to authorize access because the client configuration is invalid: invalid_request
This is the request that I have been making (with the proper substitution for REDIRECT and CLIENTID): redirect_uri=REDIRECT& response_type=code& client_id=CLIENTID& scope=user_login:self+agreement_send:account
I am fairly new to OAuth and don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Could someone please explain the issues that could result in this error message?
I was having the same problem. I solved it by including the correct shard in the URL after "secure." and before ".echosign". You identify your shard by looking at the URL where you created your application.
I found this information here.
Hope this helps.
Is OK to have spaces in that https request?
If you still have a problems with this.
I think your URL is not correct.
I using this one
for adobe widget.
Adobe require same url for OAuth
Check your domain, and try. You can create widget just to see your domain
This comment might get helpful for others who are facing issue in Adobe Sign access token invalid_request.
Developer Guide on Sign API:
For the Outh process and the link to be used in user's browser:
If any one using sandbox,
Please ensure the correct environment identifier and shard.
After pasting URL in browser and allowing the access to your API and getting code. Please use endpoint URL to get access token as below:
for developer account:
for sandbox account:

OneDrive API scopes

I have an application that used SkyDrive API. After SkyDrive was replaced I upgraded my code to use OneDrive API.
Looking my application in the dev page ( I could notice that the scopes I used with SkyDrive ("wl.offline_access", "wl.signin", "wl.basic", "wl.skydrive", "wl.skydrive_update") and the scopes I used with OneDrive ("onedrive.readwrite", "onedrive.appfolder", "wl.offline_access") were there.
Everything was working until last month, even with all these scopes. But now I'm not being able to upload files. I'm receiving a Bad Request error (Code 400).
I discovered that adding the ""onedrive.readonly" scope fix the upload but I don't know why. I also know that an application with only the OneDrive scopes ("onedrive.readwrite", "onedrive.appfolder", "wl.offline_access") also works.
Does anybody knows what's going on?
Check if the oAuth token has Files.ReadWrite capability using
If not present, when you are logging in the user, give the scope while obtaining code as
files.readwrite.all offline_access

Access tokens with Graph Api stopped working even after upgrading to API 2.0

my app was pulling feeds to my site for over a year, and recently stopped working late this month(23/03/2015).
I debugged the application, and still don't know why my access token is reported malformed. Here is a sample of a token which to me perplexes me as at the end there is a # tag in it, something I don't expect with QueryString access tokens:
Looking at my application on Facebook(app), it is clear that I should expect access tokens on request from Query String.
Something is definitely wrong, as this access token reports a malformed access token. This is a recent bug that has just cropped up so I think.
Any body know about this problem? I can't access my feeds from my facebook profile using this access token to expose to my web based application.
Any help or suggestions are welcome.
Kind regards
Martin Okello.
Probably, you were using the read_stream permission which is no longer granted to apps. You should try to regenerated an Access Token with the new user_posts permission and use this Access Token instead.

Shopify: Can you call the OAUTH2 permission URL without requesting additional permissions?

The Shopify documentation states:
Requesting access to a shop with no additional permissions beyond the basics:
However when you actually try this, you are redirected to your login-finalize URL with an error, "invalid scope".<redacted><redacted>
It seems that the documentation contradicts the implementation here, so my question is: How can I call the OAUTH2 permission URL without requesting additional permissions beyond the basics?
Afraid not. Need one scope at a minimum. I just use the read_products as my 'default' scope.
You can see full info here.