DataTable Runtime values update without destroy Table and change row Bg color - html-table

I'm using Datatables, and I'd like to alter the background color of the updated grid to either green or red without erasing the table.


Changing textbox background color in ssrs based on another textbox background color

I have a tablix which has two columns Projects and Sale, I'm trying color the background of the textbox for Totals for Sales columns as Red if any one of the rows has their background color as Red. Is this possible using SSRS expressions ?

How to remove sort direction gray background on JFace table

I am performing sort on JFace table columns, and using the sort directions SWT.UP and SWT.DOWN to indicate the directions of sort, but gray background is getting displayed on the empty part of the column where there is no data, how do I remove that?. If that is not possible how can we place images of up arrow or down arrow on table header?

How to remove extra lines in the table cell of Jface table

Im using OneDrawLabelProvider to display multiline text in Jface table, but all the rows are of same height even for the ones which does not have multiline, how do I remove remove extra lines for the cells that does not have multilines?
You can't. JFace / SWT tables always have rows of the same height.
Eclipse Nebula NatTable does support different row heights.

How to set the size of DataGridView

The DataGridView fetches the data from a MySQL server but it does not fill the entire box in size.
Ideally I would like to manually set the table size to fit the box at least width-wise because the rest will fill up once the database is populated more.
Set the property AutoSizeColumnsMode to be Fill. That'll ensure your columns stretch to 100% within your DataGridView. The columns will stretch/shrink when you resize your grid (if your grid is anchored to your form).
Look at the Fill Weights for the Columns.
Specifically, change the AutoSizeMode to Fill.
If trying to expand more than one column, adjust the FillWeight percentage.

Adding small scroll icon when a new row is been added to table view

Is there any way to show an icon in a table view when a new row is been added?
Keep track of which items are new externally to the table view. Then for each of your table cells, check to see if the item is new. If it is new, then set an image view on your custom table cell to be unhidden, and you should be good.
What you will need then:
A model for each of your items you are displaying in your table, with an "isNewItem" property
A custom cell view with you icon