LookupRows in lists in marketing cloud - ssjs

Is there any way we can make a lookup in a List in marketing cloud ?
I am working on login where i need data from different lists in SFMC, I can see every list has a uniue LIST ID + The external key. I am unable to find the way to make a lookup in a list.
Please help.
Is there any way we can make a lookup in a List in marketing cloud ?
I am working on login where i need data from different lists in SFMC, I can see every list has a uniue LIST ID + The external key. I am unable to find the way to make a lookup in a list.
Please help.


Periscopedata - How to see whether a column is used in a dashboard

Our organization hundreds of Periscope daashboard that is generated from a database, named "Animal".
Now, let's suppose there is a table named "Puppy" with column name "is_spotted". Is there an easy way to find out whether "is_spotted" has been used to create a dashboard, without going through every single dashboards?

Sensenet: Documents Sharing

I'm trying to list the shared files in dashboard through #sensenet/query. But I didn't find any documentation about that. I also tried using the #sensenet/query but I can't find any proper query for that.Please help
SharedWidth is a reference field on every content in sensenet, that contains the list of users with whom the content is shared. So you can search by this field the same as by other reference field is sensenet queries.
For example if you want to search for the documents that are shared with the current user, add the following to the query:

Bulk data filters in Tableau

Our organization is in e-commerce and users are looking to change a filter everyday with a different list of items, and none of the users will have their own license, just read-only access. The data is connected through Google Big Query, is there a way to have this bulk filter upload capability without the License owners having to touch the filter each time?
Product ID is the filter
Monday: they have a list of 10,000 ID's they want to check sales for
Tuesday: They have a new list of 4,000 different ID's they want to check sales for.
Without clicking each ID each time, is there a way to just upload a list, csv, google sheet etc.
We thought users can upload a list of Product ids to Google sheets which can map to a BigQuery table. We can use it to join with the sales table and get the relevant data. However this becomes unmanageable when we have more than 1 user as users might step on to others data.
Any suggestions/recommendations are welcome. Our team is pretty new to Tableau as such. Let me know if any additional details are needed.
Have you tried changing the filter type to "Multi Values (custom list)" and then having the report user paste their list into the filter? See below:

ATTASK/WORKFRONT - API - This "is not a top level object"

This sample will give me ALL the GUIDs for HOURS (Yes over 2000 you need to page to get the rest)
field=ID:* (wildcard for all)
If I wanted to do the same thing to SCANS (ScoreCard Answer)
Object=scans (Scorecard Answer)
Field=ID:* (Wildcard All)
I get an error:
{"error":{"class":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException","message":"SCANS is not a top level object and can't be requested directly in internal"}}
I Can do this to pull a ton of project information and I have to parse it all such as produced by this code.
And if I click thru it I can find a ID for a scans and a scoreq and if I take that scans or scoreq and attempt to pull it using the field=ID or
This again tells me:
{"error":{"class":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException","message":"SCANS is not a top level object and can't be requested directly in internal"}}
I can pull just about anything and get a list of ID's and then manually pull those items by ID but the scores/scorecard answers/scorecard questions (Even as the API seems to indicate that I can pull this like anything else does NOT allow me to do so?
Suggestions? I know its all associated with projectIDs and such I just want to get a list of them all and work with the ones that I want on a one - one basis without having to pull the PROJ and then rummage thru to locate all the ID's associated with it (If there are one or many) Is this possible?
Thank you!
I don't think there is any workaround for this..
you have to go via projects only..
I am also searching a method for this...
I had to update scorecard answers and I had to go via projects..

How can I import a sqlserver database into Sharepoint

I have an SQL server data base, and i want to import the data into the Share point, i found a way that i could do it but i think it's not efficient, because i have to create a list manually for each table in the data base, if the data base has a 100 table, should i keep creating 100 lists 100 times for those tables ??, i need i way to import them from automatically, i mean without creating lists each time, is there a way for that?
NOTE: http://www.dotnetcurry.com/showarticle.aspx?ID=794 , this link show hoe to create list each time.
The external content type route seems like the recommended route. If you have already created these there is a possibility you will be able to use some sort of powershell script to create the lists for you. I can't say i've ever used this but if it does what it says it should help you
Scripting External content type lists