Open source reverse proxy with SSL certificates in persistent storage for cluster configuration - reverse-proxy

I am wondering if anyone knows of an open source reverse proxy that is able to read CA files in persistent storage - in a swarm. I would like to build a reverse proxy in the swarm so if one manager fails the other can carry on. I was developing with the traefik - docker swarm - ceph solution but then I realised that traefik comm.ed. does not support clusters, you need enterprise licence for that. I am looking now at HAproxy but before I start learning a new tool I thought I would better ask the community.
would love any feedback,
thank you


kubernetes traffic with own certificates

I have a kubernetes cluster in a corporate environment, where all HTTPS traffic is man-in-the-middled and the certificates are replaced with the company owns. Right now, all the applications running on the cluster get the Company's certificates injected by rebuilding the Docker image or by mounting them from a secret and adding them to the local store. This is painful and makes it harder to just use public helm charts and docker images without modifying them.
For example, I'm running jenkins on the cluster, which tries to install plugins from This would normally fail in my case with a SSL exception, unless I add the certficates to the Jenkins keystore.
I was wondering if there's a way to set this up at the cluster level,
So that there's some component that deals with this and the applications can then access the internet normally, without being aware of the whole certificate situation?
My thoughts were:
A cluster proxy pod, that all the applications then use.
Some ambassador container on each pod, that the apps connect to
I would imagine I'm not the only one in this situation but couldn't find a generic solution for this.
You could have a look at istio. It's a service mesh that uses sidecar proxies to (beside other things) take over responsibility for encrypting traffic between applications.
The proxies use the concept of mutual TLS (mTLS), where all connections inside the mesh are encrypted out-of-the-box. The applications them-self don't have to bother with certificates and can send messages in plain text.
Istio also provides a mechanism to migrate to mTLS, so you can include your applications into the mesh one by one, switch to mTLS and disable your own certification overhead.
You can set everything up with your own PKI so you're still using your companies certificates. Also you get a bunch of other features like enhanced observability, canary deployments, on the fly token based authentication/authorization and more.

How should I deploy Traefik in my environment?

I have a set of applications that we're currently transitioning into a more "cloud-native" architecture. We're beginning by moving them into containers (Docker on Windows), and as part of this, we're hoping to use a load-balancing proxy to handle traffic to the containers.
Having looked at several options, we're hoping to use Traefik as a load-balancing proxy in this iteration of our architecture. It may or may not be important to note that all traffic through Traefik in this setup will be internal; it will not be serving any external traffic. I am also working in a self-hosted situation; because of contractual concerns, cloud providers such as AWS and Azure are not currently available to me.
My question, now, is how Traefik might best be deployed. I can see at least two options:
First, Traefik could be deployed on separate "load-balancer" hosts. I could use round-robin DNS for these hosts, and pass traffic through them.
Second, Traefik could be deployed on each of my application hosts. In this setup, Traefik would be more of a "side-car", and applications on each host would use the local Traefik instance as a proxy to the other hosts' services.
An issue I see is that in neither of these setups is true high availability achieved. In either case, a Traefik instance crashing would result in unavailability for at least some services. In the first case, round-robin DNS and short TTL might mitigate this?
Is lack of high-availability avoidable? Is there an alternative way to architect this solution? Does Traefik itself offer guidance on how this solution should be structured?

Kubernetes API for provisioning pods-as-a-service?

Currently I have an app (myapp) that deploys as a Java web app running on top of a "raw" (Ubuntu) VM. In production there are essentially 5 - 10 VMs running at any given time, all load balanced behind an nginx load balancer. Each VM is managed by Chef, which injects the correct env vars and provides the app with runtime arguments that make sense for production. So again: load balancing via nginx and configuration via Chef.
I am now interested in containerizing my future workloads, and porting this app over to Docker/Kubernetes. I'm trying to see what features Kubernetes offers that could replace my app's dependency on nginx and Chef.
So my concerns:
Does Kube-Proxy (or any other Kubernetes tools) provide subdomains or otherwise-loadbalanced URLs that could load balance to any number of pod replicas. In other words, if I "push" my newly-containerized app/image to Kubernetes API, is there a way for Kubernetes to make image available as, say, 10 pod replicas all load balanced behind If not what integration between Kubernetes and networking software (DNS/DHCP) is available?
Does Kubernetes (say, perhas via etc?) offer any sort of key-value basec configuration? It would be nice to send a command to Kubernetes API and give it labels like myapp:nonprod or myapp:prod and have Kubernetes "inject" the correct KV pairs into the running containers. For instance perhaps in the "nonprod" environment, the app connects to a MySQL database named, but in prod it connects to an RDS cluster. Or something.
Does Kubernetes offer service registry like features that could replace Consul/ZooKeeper?
1) DNS subdomains in Kubernetes:
Additionally, each Service loadbalancer gets a static IP address, so you can also program other DNS names if you want to target that IP address.
2) Key/Value pairs
At creation time you can inject arbitrary key/value environment variables and then use those in your scripts/config. e.g. you could connect to ${DB_HOST}
Though for your concrete example, we suggest using Namespaces ( you can have a "prod" namespace and a "dev" namespace, and the DNS names of services resolve within those namespaces (e.g. and
3) Yes, this is what the DNS and Service object provide (

Remote Docker Host Authentication

Hi I'm currently working on a side project. In this project I'll have a central server that will need to connect to several remote docker daemons. My problem is with authentication.
Given that the project will be hosted on Digitalocean, my first thought suggested that I'll accept only connections from the private networking interface. The problem is that that interface is accessible by all other servers in the same datacenter.
Second thought is to allow only requests from the central server using the DOCKER_HOST config, the problem is that if I understand correctly the if the private IP of the centeral server get known, the IP can be spoofed.
Third thought is to enable TLS ( ), I've never dealt with those things before and the tutorial is unclear for me, I lack the knowledge of the terminologies and it's being used heavily.
So basically the problem is that I have a central client and multiple remote docker hosts, what is the best way to connect to them? Thank you.
EDIT: I managed to solve the problem using HTTP authentication by running nginx as a proxy in front of the docker daemon.
My understand is you are trying to build a docker cluster, which can manage all nodes from one single central server.
this is very likely docker's Docker Swarm project, from their doc, they give some simple idea how this is work:
open a TCP port on each node for communication with the swarm manager
install Docker on each node
create and manage TLS certificates to secure your swarm
Sorry this should post as a comment but I do not have enough rep to do that.

Openshift .kubeconfig file and certificate authentication

I have been messing around with openshift and reading as much documentation as i can. Yet, the authentication performed by default(using admin .kubeconfig) puzzles me.
1)Are client-certificate-data and client-key-data the same as the admin certificate and key? I ask this because the contents of the certificate/key files are not the same as in .kubeconfig.
2).kubeconfig (AFAIK) is used to authenticate agains a kubernetes master. Yet, in OpenShift we are authentication against OpenShift master (right?). Why using .kubeconfig?
Kinds regards and thank you for your patience.
OpenShift builds on top of Kubernetes - it exposes both the OpenShift APIs (builds, deployments, images, projects) and the Kubernetes APIs (pods, replication controllers, services). A client connecting to OpenShift will use both sets of APIs. OpenShift can run on top of an existing Kubernetes cluster, in which case it will proxy API calls to the Kubernetes master and then apply security policy on top (via the OpenShift policy engine which may eventually become part of Kube).
So, the client is really an extension of Kubectl that offers some additional functionality, and it can use .kubeconfig to be consistent with a Kubectl setup. You can talk to an OpenShift cluster via kubectl, so vice versa seems fair.
The client-certificate-data and key-data are base64 encoded versions of the files on disk. They should be the same once you decode them. We do that so the .kubeconfig can be shipped around as one unit, but you can also set it up to reference files on disk.