Update the keycloak account temporary password from our own website once super admin creates a user account - vue.js

Here I'm using keycloak for the user management of my website. I want to send a password reset email once the keycloak super admin creates a user account. The email reset password link should route to my own website reset password page (Not to keycloak reset password page).
I'm done with up to here.
The issue is when sending the password reset request, expected following values...
session_code: xxxx
client_id: client-id
tab_id: xxxxxxxx
How can I get session_code and tab_id to create a reset password request from my own website?
I tried with decoding the key that comes with the email link. but couldn't find a way.


How to add primary email to every users in github enterprise via keycloak?

I have github enterprise configured. I use keycloak for authentication.
Sign up/ login flow is like this,
Users click sign in with SAML from github enterprise.
Then they are redirected to keycloak login page.
Where they can choose github.com for signup.
After successful authentication from github.com users are redirected to github
Now a new user has been created in keycloak with username as of github.com username and email as of github.com email.
But in github enterprise, user's username is created by parsing the first part before the # of email id and user's email id is not getting updated in github enterprise user account even though github enterprise is receiving email id from keycloak.
Users get the following notification, saying them to add one email address.
If an user don't add their email, they don't get email for events like organization invitation, password reset.
This not what i want. I also not what the users to manually add email id to their account.
I want get github enterprise user's username and email to be the same as of keycloak.
How can i achieve this ?
We have extracted saml response from keycloak to ghe by inspecting the /consume request in browser network. When SAML response is decoded (using samltool.io), we identified that keycloak is not sending email attribute to ghe.
Github used the following attributes for updating profile information. So keycloak needs to send attribute in variable specified in this field.
We have found that there is some builtin "Mappers" available in client which can be used for sending some specified predetermined attributes to client applications.
Select your client -> Mappers -> Add builtin. Select the required mappers and click Add.
Open x500 Email and set "SAML Attribute Name" to the variable same as the variable name set on github. Provide some Property and Friendly Name.
Now you will get email address in user's account.

Keycloak: Disable redirect to account page after password reset and show message

I am using Keycloak and I want to enable Forgot password flow. I have enabled Forgot password in login and configured SMTP to send email.
What I get out of the box from keycloak is the following
-> Click on Forgot password link -> Enter username or email -> User receives an Email with reset link -> Click on the link -> Reset password, then submit -> User is logged in then The user is redirected to account page.
What I want to acheive is the following
-> Click on Forgot password link -> Enter username or email -> User receives an Email with reset link -> Click on the link -> Reset password, then submit -> Display a message saying "Your password has been updated." and do not login the user. stay on that page.
The reason for this is, for my use-case, the user shouldn't access the account page on Keycloak.
In the authentication flow of reset credentials, I can only configure up to reset credentials.
Is there any way I can disable this action of logging in the user automatically after password reset, then redirecting to account page?
I have looked into several questions, but I cannot find an answer on how this can be achieved.
PS: I am using Keycloak docker image with a custom theme. If this can be configured using custom theme options, I have the chance to do it.
Thank you in advance.
Go to your keaycloak admin console, Authentication and desable "Update Profile"
Hopo it helps :)
We faced similar issue during keycloak usage and solved it via implementing custom Action Token and Action token handler (docs). Also check out original keycloak reset credentials action token sources:
Try to play around AbstractActionTokenHander.startFreshAuthenticationSession() there several attributes that define Keycloak behaviour during reset flow like:
authSession.setAuthNote(AuthenticationManager.END_AFTER_REQUIRED_ACTIONS, "true");
authSession.setAuthNote(AuthenticationManager.SET_REDIRECT_URI_AFTER_REQUIRED_ACTIONS, "true");
authSession.setAuthNote(AuthenticationManager.END_AFTER_REQUIRED_ACTIONS, "true");
If you're using your own client for the login page, the specified redirect, or the client default (Base URL) will direct where the user is sent after the password reset.
We did see that when using an admin-directed password reset, this behavior would occur (user sent to Keycloak account page). So, we simply adjusted the Base URL value for the account client so that it points to the home page of our primarily application.
Then, after the account client is used to reset the password, the default redirect is to our home page.

How to cancel a password reset in AWS Cognito?

I use AWS Cognito as the authentication provider in a React application. I noticed an issue with the Reset Password flow:
Imagine I forget my password and request a password reset. Cognito sends me an email with a security code. Then, I remember the password and don't want to change it any more. I can't because even if I log in with the correct password, it still sends me to the Set New Password page. It seems like a security concern because anyone can force other users to reset their password as long as they know their email address.
Is that by design in Cognito or is it a bug in my use of Cognito?
You will want to verify how the forgot password/authentication flow have been implemented within your app. The Reset Password page should not send the NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED MFA challenge, nor change the user's status to need a new password in the user pool.
The ForgotPassword API call generates the reset code for the user, whereas the ConfirmForgotPassword API call accepts the code and allows the user to change the password. These API calls do not change the user's status for resetting their password, or create the NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED MFA challenge.
For completeness, there is no way to cancel the password reset code once it's been sent out. The code is valid for 24 hours, although sending another code will invalidate the first.

On successful password reset user stays on success status page

On successfull reset of the password from the forgot password email link, user stays at the success status screen.
On successfull password reset, I would like to redirect the user to the fusion auth login page or to my application. One way I am thinking is to write some custom javascript to automatically redirect the user but the challenge is we have 3 applications under a tenant and theme templates are specific to the tenant, how would be I able to differentiate the redirect url?

Is it possible to intercept the username and password when user submit the login form?

In Lotus Domino, when user submits the login form, we need to intercept user's username and password and relogin him/her to Domino with another username and password, according to his/her input username and password.
Is it possible?
You will need a custom login and Access it with a URL: /names.nsf?login&Redirectto=/myDb.nsf/loginredirect?OpenForm
In the loginredirect user would be logged in with the username he enters. You will have to RELOG in with the another user. see http://dominounlimited.blogspot.co.il/2008/07/automated-login-to-domino-by-http-post.html
It is possible to do this in domino but it requires you to write a DSAPI filter, which can be complicated. DSAPI filter allowes you to validate the password and go around dominos password validation.
A easier solutions is to have another authentication server which logs in the user to domino, this will involve letting the authentication server doing a POST of the login form to domino and then give the session cookie to the user.