Customizing snippet/other CS JSON API response fields - google-custom-search

My requirement is to retrieve all email ids from web pages returned by Custom Search JSON API. I am referring the 'snippet' and 'og:description' fields of API reponse and retriving all email ids contained in these fields using regex match.
However in many cases, email ids present in webpages are not there in these fields. Hence, I am unable to get email ids from those webpages.
Is there is anyway to customize these(or any other) fields so that I can get email ids contained in webpages in Custom Search JSON API response.
We can customize snippet and og:description fields by adding/modifying structured data in html code however this can't be done in my case as I don't own the websites returned by Custom Search JSON API.


Is there a json api call to get the tags for an entity in orocrm?

I wish to get the tags for the contact entities in orocrm vi the jsonapi. How do I get the tags as no tag relation is returned in the response?
I have found in the legacy rest api how to add tags. But still no way to retrieve the tags for an entity.

How to get list of wikipedia articles that are in specified category?

If I use this URL to get the Category page
but I only have a header and other categories, how to get the same page as on Wikipedia with a list of articles?
The Wikimedia API does not return the HTML page as it appears when you browse Wikipedia. If you want that page, you need to call it by its common URL, e.g.
If you want to use the API to get at the page titles or page ids listed in a certain category, you need to query for category members.
For your query, you would do something like:
Set cmlimit to get more than the default ten pages. Maximum is 500.
You can then parse the JSON to get at the listed page titles or page ids, e.g. to create links to those pages.
Look at the documentation for an explanation of these and other parameters you may use in your query.
The query uses format=jsonfm (for a readable rendering of the data) as a default. Use format=json for your data query.

Vimeo API filter results

Have to admit that I'm new to using the Vimeo API, but I've searched for an answer here and I can't find documentation on what I'm looking for.
I'm using the Api and familiarizing myself with the endpoints. There are two endpoints that I need to merge in my call. I can make the separate calls successfully, but I haven't found a way to get what I need.
I'm working with the tags endpoint:{tag}/videos
I'm also working with the users endpoint:{user_id}/videos
basically what I need to do is somehow (using parameters?) filter the videos returned by the user endpoint by tag, or vice versa.
The query parameter on user videos ({user_id}/videos) allows you to search based on title, description and tags.
Currently there is no way to filter video queries based on a list of tags, but it's planned for the future!

Specify items per page

I'm trying to query Picasa Web Albums to pull album/photo data (obviously!) however initially I only need to pull the first 4 photos. Is there any way to limit a particular field or specify the items per page?
I've already accomplished something similar with Facebook's Graph API however I'm unable to find anything similar for Picasa. The only items I can find related to limiting the response is specifying which fields, but nothing related to the number of rows.
Use max-results argument. See doc here.

API for searching for specific places by proximity

I would like to return specific places (stores like Target, Macy's, etc.) by location (latitude, longitude).
I have been using the google places api and entering the different stores in the name parameter. The results are inconsistent at best.
Is this the api I should be using to return specific stores by name and proximity? The google places api near by search has only a single name parameter. I would ideally like to search for several specific stores in a single request to the endpoint for performance reasons.
In conclusion
What api should I be using to return specific stores by name and proximity?
The Google Places API is the correct Google API to use; however, as you mentioned it does not support multiple name or keyword parameters. There is an active Places API - Feature Request for this here, please star it if you wish to see it resolved and to be notified of future changes.
Instead of using the name parameter, try using the keyword parameter. The keyword parameter is matched against all available fields, including but not limited to name, type, and address, as well as customer reviews and other third-party content. This can often yield more or better results.
It seems as if the foursquare api does let you search for multiple specific places.
Here is an example url that does the trick:,-118.159335&query=Target Victoria's Secret Macy's &intent=browse&radius=16094&oauth_token=mytoken
So I'm abandoning Google Places and going with FourSquare.