I have everything set up properly, my fonts that I am trying to link are in /assets/fonts/ and my react-native-config.js file is in the root directory. It looks like this...
module.exports = {
project: {
I've also tried it looking like this...
module.exports = {
assets: ['./assets/fonts']
I've followed the directions here and here as well as a gazillion other sites I closed out of. What the hell am I doing wrong-- I've done this before and never gotten this error, which looks like this...
Error: Cannot find module '/Users/nicklanese/Documents/GitHub/TomAppDirectory/TomApp_iOS/react-native.config.js'
Require stack:
- /Users/nicklanese/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/react-native-asset/lib/cli.js
ls /Users/nicklanese/Documents/GitHub/TomAppDirectory/TomApp_iOS/react-native.config.js
I have everything set up properly, my fonts that I am trying to link are in /assets/fonts/ and my react-native-config.js file is in the root directory. It looks like this...
Looks like you have wrong filename "react-native-config.js" instead of "react-native.config.js"
I have defined wdio.conf.js file (main file) and environment specific dev-chrome.conf.js file.
I can't get get cucumber to recognize my step definitions folder.
This is my structure:
And this is what I have in dev-chrome.config.js file:
const wdioConfig = require('../../../../../wdio.conf.js');
const commands = require('../../../../../src/commands/commands');
wdioConfig.config.cucumberOpts = [{
// other stuff here
// Or search a (sub)folder for JS files with a wildcard
// works since version 1.1 of the wdio-cucumber-framework
// other stuff here
exports.config = wdioConfig.config;
I am getting an error:
"Step "When I add the product to a cart" is not defined. You can ignore this error by setting cucumberOpts.ignoreUndefinedDefinitions as true."
When I have same path for step definitions defined on main wdio.conf.js file then it works.
My main wdio.conf.js file is located in the root folder of the project.
Do you know how could I make it work in the environment specific conf.js file?
I am using #wdio/cucumber-framework": "^5.13.2"
As per the below example config, the cucumberopts should be an object and I think you are trying to set it as an array.
Maybe you should follow this example which will help to understand config setup.
I've been looking through the vuelayers documentation and have found little info on to use the vl-style-icon module, which is quite important if you want to create icons on your vuelayer map.
I'm pretty sure I have proper syntax when it comes to using it but marker.png won't load in through it. I've tried accessing it as just a normal image and it works fine so it is to my assumption that it's something with my syntax.
Here is my code:
<vl-map :load-tiles-while-animating="true" :load-tiles-while-interacting="true" style="height: 400px">
<vl-view :zoom.sync="zoom" :center.sync="center" :rotation.sync="rotation" projection="EPSG:4326"></vl-view>
<vl-feature v-for="crime in crimePoints" :key="crime.id">
<vl-geom-point :coordinates="crime.coords"></vl-geom-point>
<vl-style-icon src="./marker.png" :scale="0.4" :anchor="[0.5, 1]"></vl-style-icon>
vl-style-box and vl-style-icon are the main points here. I have also checked to see if the points come up without vl-style-box and they do. What could be wrong with my code?
You can try like this:
<vl-style-icon :src="require('./marker.png')" :scale="0.4" :anchor="[0.5, 1]"></vl-style-icon>
If you used Vue CLI to create your vue project include this in your vue.config.js file. First section tells webpack to parse url attribute on custom tags other than what is already configured (Source).
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
config.module.rule('vue').use('vue-loader').tap(options => {
options.transformAssetUrls = {
'vl-style-icon': 'src',
return options;
Run the following command to verify the correct vue-loader configuration is there
vue inspect > output.js
My problem:
I have a zip file that contains a firmware update for my company's device
I want to be able to access it using react-native-fs with the code below
export function readAssetFile(name) {
if(Platform.OS === 'ios') {
return RNFS.readFile(`${RNFS.MainBundlePath}/assets/data/${name}`);
} else {
return RNFS.readFileAssets(`raw/${name}`, 'base64');
My project structure looks like:
The android branch works, because I added a build step in my .gradle to copy firmwarefile.zip into ProjectDir/android/app/src/main/assets/raw. So I can call readAssetFile('firmwarefile.zip'), and it returns the data.
On iOS, all the image files (Image1.png, Image2.png) are included in MyProject.app/assets/data/ without me having to do anything, but the zip file that sits beside them is not.
Looking into the actual packager code (from the metro project), it seems (based on metro/src/defaults.js) that zip files aren't included by default by the packager, but the packager can be configured to include other file types. But I can't find any documentation for how I'd go about doing that configuring.
Sorry for what feels like a really simple question, but I've been trying to get this zip included in my bundle for ~4 hours now. I'm resorting to manually putting in console.logs and error-throws to trace things inside metro to try and find where I should be sending in my config.
React-native: 0.55.3
Metro: 0.30.2
This is a hack, but it gets it done:
Convert your zip binary to a base64 string
Stick it in a .js file, a la module.exports = "<your base64 data goes here>"
In your file that needs the zip file, use import myZipFileAsBase64 from './hacky-base64-file.js';
Here's a quick script to make your base64 files:
var fs = require('fs');
function prepareZip(file, outJs) {
const b64 = fs.readFileSync(file, 'base64');
fs.writeFileSync(outJs, `module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(b64)};`);
prepareZip('./data/myFirmware.zip', './hacky-base64-file.js');
Project structure:
Webpack is building the app into the public folder
At the same time I have some static assets located there, like:
What I want:
I want to run my express app with the webpack-dev-middleware for the dev purposes
I want that all the requests for the static assets (which are not processed by webpack) were served from the public folder
How I tried to do that:
first attempt
app.use(require('webpack-dev-middleware')(compiler, {
stats: { colors: true }
app.use('/', feathers.static(app.get('public'))); // express.static
This works good, until you have index.html in the public folder. If you have it there - the static one would be served, NOT the one which is the actual version according to the webpack-dev-middleware.
second attempt
Then I thought - probably I must use express.static only for the production case, I removed it. Now I was not able to open /assets/font-awesome-4.7.0/css/font-awesome.css
third attempt (hack which works right now)
Finally I made it work, but I'm not satisfied with the current solution. I manually put all the assets directory into the webpack realm by extending the webpack config with this:
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
{ from: 'public/assets/', to: 'assets' },
{ from: 'node_modules/bootstrap/dist/', to: 'vendor/bootstrap/dist' }
however this method assumes that one need to point every static file which he wants to be served by webpack-dev-middleware
Any thoughts are appreciated.
I have app.js that looks like:
var noflo = require("noflo");
var graph = noflo.graph.createGraph("PrintValueGraph");
graph.addNode("output", "Print");
var network = noflo.createNetwork(graph);
And I have a Print.coffee script in the same dir, that has the same code as Output.coffee on the noflo-core folder.
I get the error: no process defined for inbound node output.
Do u have any idea, what the problem is?
You must declare the Print component in the package.json
"noflo": {
"components": {
"Print": "./Print.coffee"
Components need to be registered in the package.json (or component.json for the browser) for the NoFlo ComponentLoader to find them.
See example: https://github.com/c-base/ingress-table/blob/master/package.json#L41
There is also the grunt-noflo-manifest package that can automate this for you.
The convention is to keep your components in a components/ subdirectory inside your project.