I am using kustomize to create a patch for a service. While running it for the first time I run into the following with setting up SecretProvider:
no matches for kind "SecretProviderClass" in version "secrets-store.csi.x-k8s.io/v1"
Any thoughts on why this might be happening?
I have a fully developed set of functions which work fine in the "dev" stage and it's now time for me deploy to production. Unfortunately every time I try to deploy it goes for a long time but after printing "Checking Stack update progress" it fails with a 404 error:
An error occurred: SentinelLambdaFunction - Function not found: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:837955377040:function:xyz-services-prod-sentinel (Service: AWSLambda; Status Code: 404; Error Code: ResourceNotFoundException; Request ID: 38f86b7a-99cd-11e8-af06-fffd92e40dc5).
This error is non-sensical to me as this function does exist and executing precisely the same full deployment to "dev" results in no error. Note that in both environment/stage, we are deploying 10 functions with a fully deployment.
I tried removing the function which was being complained about first, with the hope that I could re-include it on a second deployment but then it simply complained about a different function not existing.
I also thought maybe the "--force" parameter might push this deployment into place but it has had no impact on the error I get.
The cycle time for each attempt is very long so I'd be very grateful if anyone could help to point me in the right direction on this.
Below is a screenshot of the output when run in "verbose" mode:
In attempt to get around the error I thought maybe I'd have a better chance if I went into CloudFormation and explicitly deleted the template for prod. I attempted to do this from the GUI and got the following:
This actually has further convinced me that this removal is important but I'm not sure what to do next.
For me, the solution was:
serverless remove
and then try deploying again.
So the solution to this problem was to ensure that all previous traces of the CloudFront stack was removed. In my case I had manually taken out a few functions from Lambda and the 401 errors I was getting were likely occuring in the removal attempts rather than my assumption that it was related to adding these functions.
Bear in mind you may find yourself -- like I did -- where the first attempt to delete fails. In this case try again and make sure to check off any checkboxes exposed by UI that indicate what had caused the issues the prior attempt.
Once I'd done that I was able to deploy as per normal from the serverless framework.
So I was looking for installing an Oracle 12c database on my Windows 8 laptop, so that I could learn much of SQL(after posting my last question).
I have downloaded all the needed zips. obviously while trying I got error:
[INS-30131] Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed.
Additional Information:
- Framework setup check failed on all the nodes
- Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available
- Action: User Action Not Available
Summary of the failed nodes
- Version of exectask could not be retrieved from any node
- Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available
- Action: User Action Not Available
Well after looking into many posts on SO, I figured out that it needs some hidden User account (C$). I got steps for setting up such a account but unfortunately they are not working for me.
Following the path as: Control Panel>Administrative Tools> Computer Management>Shared.
As mentioned in steps across internet, there is no option for me to create a new account.
Apart from that, I have tried changing my Username and also I have tried using default Administrator account but nothing seems working.
I am pretty sure this is not new so somebody out there must have a solution to this issue. Pls advice...
This is the description of the error, I saw it, but was trying to find an idea how to fix it.
Anyway, I solved it by renaming the volume group and updating accordingly the fstab and the grub.conf.
I need to add a user to my DataBase for IIS AppPool\MyAppPool. I need to execute simple query
I use <sql:SQLString> element in WiX.
I use <iis:WebAppPool> extension to create ApplicationPool.
But Application Pool is created after SQL strings have been executed so I got error "User or group doesn't exist" from SQL Server.
Is it possible to execute SQL strings after ApplicationPool creation? Or maybe it is possible to sequence ExecuteSqlStrings manually?
It is strange, but if I add my own custom action (which calls sqlcmd.exe and executes the query) after ConfigureIIs, everything works fine. But I don't like such a solution, I suppose using and etc. is better solution.
I had the same problem as you, and attempted to schedule ExecuteSqlStrings after ConfigureIIs to no avail. I searched around in some old installers we had made and managed to find one that needed to accomplish the same thing. Instead of scheduling ExecuteSqlStrings, it scheduled InstallSqlData after ConfigureIIs. Tried that instead (1), and now the install works correctly. I don't know the specifics of what's different between InstallSQLData and ExecuteSqlStrings (logically you would think you need to use the latter), but this worked for me and hopefully works for you too.
I have a build process setup to build a managed solution using team build. This solution requires an unmanaged component be registered with the server before we build the solution as we interface with it via COM.
The activity (InvokeProcess) I use to register the ComObject looks something like this
regsvr32.exe /s ComObject.ocx
The activity (InvokeProcess) I use to unregister it looks something like this
regsvr32.exe /u /s ComObject.ocx
I have also added the WriteBuildMessage and WriteBuildError to both InvokeProcess activities using stdOutput and errOutput as the message for each action. I also make sure to set the build message importance to high.
It's my understanding that this should redirect the standard output and error output into these logging activities.
The registrion, build, and unregistrion works just fine as long as I do not set the /maxcpucount argument of MSBuild to anything greater than 1.
Once I set it to something greater than 1, our cleanup script at the end of the process fails with this error message when attempting to delete the file in question.
Access to the path '...\ComObject.ocx' is denied.'
I think what's happening is that the unregister activity is failing to unregister ComObject.ocx from the server because MSBuild isn't done with it when it's running across multiple cpu's. Then when I get down to try and delete it from the build server, it's still registered with the system and will fail with the access denied error.
So how do I get regsvr32 output to the stdOutput and errOutput so that the WriteBuildMessage and writeBuildError activities will properly display it in the build logs. If I call regsvr32 with a file that doesn't exist, I see nothing in the build log.
I hope this is makes sense.
The solution to this problem came from a minor tweak of pantelif's solution. What I did was in the if block that throws an exception, I do a WriteBuildError using this as the message:
String.Format("ErrorMessage: {0}", New System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception( System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() ).ToString() )
This allows me to get the error from regsvr32.exe and write it to the build log.
As for your first question:
I believe it's possible to capture the output, by applying the technique presented by E.Hofman here.
More specifically, if you construct within your 'InvokeProcess' a sequence like presented (pic also from Ewald's post):
& then assign 'WriteBuildMessage' to stamp the 'ErrorMessage', you shall probably end up with getting the output you desire in the generated build log.
I'm trying to learn about using mod-wsgi, and I thought the best way would be for me to write my own simple 'debug' framework. I am NOT looking to use someone else's debug framework at this time.
The problem is, I'm not sure how to get started.
Specifically, I have a script working now where there is a WSGIAlias to my python script:
/testscript -> /home/bill/testscript.py [this works ok]
There are several annoying problems here, namely that if there is any syntax error of any kind, apache returns a 500 server error, and I have to check the server logs, which is annoying.
What I would like to do is to have some kind of framework called, that then encapsulates my script, this way when an error occurs (like a syntax error in testscript.py or any other type of exception), I can catch the exception, and return a nicely formatted HTML file with debugging information.
My question is, how do I 'pass' the script I want to run as an argument to my debug script?
From the command line, it would be easy, I would do something like this:
$ python debug.py myscript.py
How can I do this using WSGI though? Any ideas?