sql query last_messages displays wrong message - sql

i have query like this, but displays wrong last_message.
$users = Message::join('users', function ($join) {
$join->on('messages.from_id', '=', 'users.id')
->orOn('messages.to_id', '=', 'users.id');
->where(function ($q) {
$q->where('messages.from_id', auth()->user()->id)
->orWhere('messages.to_id', auth()->user()->id);
DB::raw('MAX(messages.created_at) max_created_at'),
DB::raw('MAX(messages.body) last_message'),
DB::raw('CASE WHEN(COUNT(messages.is_read) FILTER (WHERE is_read = false
AND messages.from_id != '.auth()->user()->id.') = 0) THEN true ELSE false END is_read'),
DB::raw('COUNT(messages.is_read) FILTER (WHERE is_read = false
AND messages.from_id != '.auth()->user()->id.') count_unread')
->orderBy('max_created_at', 'desc')
->paginate($request->per_page ?? 20)
when i change
DB::raw('MAX(messages.body) last_message'),
DB::raw('messages.body ORDER BY messages.created_at DESC LIMIT 1 last_message'),
display error messages like this, syntax error at or near "last_message". How to fix this?

You want to alias the column, not the statement. Try to change it to:
messages.body last_message ORDER BY messages.created_at DESC LIMIT 1

So you need first order the records based on some column and then return the first record of that list.
$cart_data = ScCart::orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->first();
$cart_data = ScCart::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first();
This will work for first and last record created in that table.


SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions in typeorm query

I have a query that I want get rows with unique item_id and sort them according to timestamp.
But I get this error everytime from this code
const boxPreviewActivities = await this.activityLogEntryRepository
.where("activityLogEntry.activity = 'BOX_PREVIEW'")
.andWhere('activityLogEntry.projectId = :projectId', { projectId })
.andWhere('activityLogEntry.userSub = :userSub', { userSub: user?.sub })
.andWhere((qb) => {
const subQuery = qb
"DISTINCT activityLogEntry.originalData ::jsonb -> 'source' ->> 'item_id'"
.from(ActivityLogEntryEntity, 'activityLogEntry')
.where("activityLogEntry.activity = 'BOX_DELETE'")
return `activityLogEntry.originalData ::jsonb -> 'source' ->> 'item_id' NOT IN (${subQuery})`;
"activityLogEntry.originalData ::jsonb -> 'source' ->> 'item_id' ",
.orderBy('activityLogEntry.timestamp', 'DESC')
return boxPreviewActivities;
** ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions
QueryFailedError: SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions**
if I add this two order functions at the and, I dont get error but my query not sorting according to timestamp, instead sort only with item_id. Actually I only want to sort according to timestamp. How can I refactor my query to make it working ?
"activityLogEntry.originalData ::jsonb -> 'source' ->> 'item_id'",
.addOrderBy('activityLogEntry.timestamp', 'DESC')

Add new column count in Laravel controller

I am trying to add a new column total_count that contains the count of all rows in sample for pagination.
Is there a way to select count(*) as total_count in $sample itself instead of $total_count = $sample->count()
$var1 = $request->xyz;
$var2 = $request->abc;
$take = $request->take;
$skip = $request->skip;
$sample = DB::table('table_name')
->where('column_name1', $var1)
->where('column_name2', $var2)
$total_count = $sample->count();
$encrypted = AESEncrypt($sample);
return json_encode($encrypted);
OR can I write something like this
$sample = DB::table('table_name')
->select('table_name.*', DB::raw('COUNT(column_name) as total_count'))
->where('column_name1', $var1)
->where('column_name2', $var2)
You directly call
at the end of your query like:
$sample = DB::table('table_name')
->where('column_name1', $var1)
->where('column_name2', $var2)
Laravel itself handles all count pages etc.
You can use below code for total count of your table. If you need special where case then you should it too.
Or you can use
You can read more in here

How count by the first letters in Laravel Query Builder?

I want to make a count by the first letters... I have this column
I would like to count each OE rows and each GICS rows
I'm working with this query
$data4 = DB::table('incidencias')
->select(DB::raw('grupo_asig as grupo_asig'), DB::raw('count(*) as number'))
->whereNotIn('grupo_asig', [''])
->orderBy('number', 'desc')
Use CASE WHEN and count the field like OE and ASIG
$data4 = DB::table('incidencias')
->select(DB::raw("(CASE WHEN grupo_asig LIKE 'OE%' THEN 'OE'
WHEN grupo_asig LIKE 'GICS%' THEN 'GICS'
END) AS grupo_asig_type"),
DB::raw('COUNT(*) as number'))
->whereNotIn('grupo_asig', [''])
->orderBy('number', 'desc')
You should try to use the [LIKE][1] function then and add it to your query:
->where('grupo_asig', 'like', 'OE%')
->where('grupo_asig', 'like', 'GICS%')
I tried a lot around and came to this solution and made a SQL fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/06a39b/8
Does it help you?
You could use Collections. No real need to change your query much.
$data4 = DB::table('incidencias')
->selectRaw('count(*) as number'))
->whereNotIn('grupo_asig', [''])
// ->orderBy('number', 'desc') Unless you use this array somewhere, it's not needed.
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
// php >= 7.4.0
$oe_count = $data4->filter(fn($data) => Str::startsWith($data->grupo, 'OE '))->count();
$gigs_count = $data4->filter(fn($data) => Str::startsWith($data->grupo, 'GIGS '))->count();
// php < 7.4.0
$oe_count = $data4->filter(function ($data) {
return Str::startsWith($data->grupo, 'OE ');
$gigs_count = $data4->filter(function ($data) {
return Str::startsWith($data->grupo, 'GIGS ');
Starting with Laravel 6, you can also use cursor() instead of get() in your query to return a LazyCollection. It's faster for this scenario.
I would suggest using a query for that:
refer to this answer
LEFT(grupo_asig, 1) AS first_letter,
COUNT(*) AS total
FROM incidencias
GROUP BY first_letter

Laravel/SQL: where column Equals NOT and NULL

LARAVEL 5.4 (but probably it's a more general SQL question)
Hello! I have a table with a structure:
Suppose it's my model 'Table'.
I want a query which:
uses (receives) variables :
$id of array ['id', 'string', integer]
where string is '<' or '>'
$status_not_bad = bool;
(if true - include all rows where 'status' !== 'bad' AND 'status' IS NULL);
for example, we are given:
$id = [['id', '>', 0]];
$status_not_bad = true;
Table::thisquery() ... ->get();
"get rows where status is not bad and id > 0" returns rows 1 and 3.
but if we given:
$id = [['id', '<', 3]];
$status_not_bad = true;
Table::thisquery() ... ->get();
"get rows where status is not bad and id < 3" returns row 1
(it should be same query which return those results using those variables).
Probably you end with something like this:
if ($status_not_bad) {
$nStatus = 'bad';
} else {
$nStatus = 'good';
Table::thisquery()->where('status', '<>', $nStatus)
->where($id[0], $id[1], $id[2])
But it would be a good idea to check $id keys first.
Since row id = 3 you need <= in your where statement to have that row included in the result set
$id = ['id', '<=', 3];
So, I this works:
$chain = Sample::when($status_not_bad, function($query){
return $query->where('status', '<>', 'bad')

Laravel 5 Eloquent where and or in Clauses

i try to get results from table with multiple where and/or clauses.
My SQL statement is:
WHERE m__Id = 46
t_Id = 2
(Cab = 2 OR Cab = 4)
How i can get this with Laravel Eloquent?
My Code in Laravel is:
$BType = CabRes::where('m_Id', '=', '46')
->where('t_Id', '=', '2')
->where('Cab', '2')
->orWhere('Cab', '=', '4')
Using advanced wheres:
CabRes::where('m__Id', 46)
->where('t_Id', 2)
->where(function($q) {
$q->where('Cab', 2)
->orWhere('Cab', 4);
Or, even better, using whereIn():
CabRes::where('m__Id', 46)
->where('t_Id', 2)
->whereIn('Cab', $cabIds)
Also, if you have a variable,
CabRes::where('m_Id', 46)
->where('t_Id', 2)
->where(function($q) use ($variable){
$q->where('Cab', 2)
->orWhere('Cab', $variable);
When we use multiple and (where) condition with last (where + or where) the where condition fails most of the time. for that we can use the nested where function with parameters passing in that.
$feedsql = DB::table('feeds as t1')
->leftjoin('groups as t2', 't1.groups_id', '=', 't2.id')
->where('t2.status', 1)
->whereRaw("t1.published_on <= NOW()")
>whereIn('t1.groupid', $group_ids)
->where(function($q)use ($userid) {
$q->where('t2.contact_users_id', $userid)
->orWhere('t1.users_id', $userid);
->orderBy('t1.published_on', 'desc')->get();
The above query validate all where condition then finally checks
where t2.status=1 and
(where t2.contact_users_id='$userid' or where t1.users_id='$userid')